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Fra: Nguyen Huu Duc

Augustine took off the old man, took on Christ himself.

Every saint has a unique style of life, a unique way of life. God is
constantly being transformed throughout the whole person,
transformed by the Lord, who becomes exactly like God through the
virtues he has lived. As Saint Paul apostles: "Put on Christ". Augustine
took off the old man, took on Christ himself. His life was completely

Who is the Augustine?

Read the biography of the saint.Everyone is not surprised, surprised.
Surprised that a human seems to be damaged. Unexpectedly,
unexpectedly, Europe-wide has changed rapidly, no one can foresee.
Eskimo was born in 354 in Thagaste, a small village in Africa. His father
was a pagan, noble, noble. His mother is Monica. Au-elite is a smart,
intelligent child, so his parents are very hopeful of him. They decided to
send their children to study together. But in the Carthaginian city,
Europe is attracted to the despicable, the perverted, the heretical
ideologues, who follow the hereditary tale of Manihi against the
Church. Her mother, Monica, is very sad, she cries. She asked her to
pray because after falling in love, Ecuador fell into a state of loneliness,
extreme feelings. The despair, despair of Europe, God has answered her
praying Monica Monica for her son. God intervenes and touches the
heart of Europe with a bible verse: "Do not live according to flesh and
lust, but clothe yourself with Christ." The biblical phrase did upset the
Etrinians. investigate, study the doctrine under the guidance of Bishop
Ambrosio. Eucharist received baptism on the night of the resurrection
in 387 by Bishop Ambrosio himself, at the time he was 33 years old.
St. Augustine returned to Africa after his mother witnessed her son
being baptized as the Son of God and son of the Church. St. Augustine
has lived, repented, repented in a religious order.Hippo. His zeal,
wisdom, wisdom, and holiness have made the African Church evolve.
The saint wrote a lot and left many valuable and well-known books on
theology, theology and biblical exegesis. Throughout his life as Bishop,
St. Augustine lived humble, gentle and practiced a sincere fraternity for
the priests under his authority.

A life,a human
St. Augustine has been completely transformed by God. From a
spoiled, depraved young man, it seems to have been removed from
society. The saint has clothed himself with the heart of Christ. The saint
has made a radical repentance, repentance, repentance as Peter
denied him three times, the Lord looked at Peter, Peter looked at the
Lord, he forgave Peter the sin he had committed. The Gentiles,
converted by their earnest prayers and by the tears of Monica,Elohim
met the Lord, changed his lifestyle, stripped off the old man and put on
Christ. Eurasia has become completely new man. Eskimos have redone
their humanity from the beginning. The moment Bishop Ambrosio gave
baptism, empowered him to become his hour of salvation. It is now the
time of Christ's glorification through the death and resurrection of the
Eskimo returned to the Lord in 430 at the age of 76. He was received by
the Lord in heaven, forever with the saints and angels, and praised by
the Lord.
Saint Augustine intercede for me so that I always know to return to
God.Please give me peace and salvation to always bear witness to the
risen Lord.Give me the grace of a saint so that you will only serve me
and trust in God.

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