D. Practice B Read The Following Text and Then Practice The Techniques Illustrated Above

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Practice B

Read the following text and then practice the techniques illustrated above.


The growth of the car industry parallels the development of modern capitalism It began in
France and Germany, but took off in the United States. The There Henry Ford adapted the
moving production line from the Chicago meat industry to motor manufacturing, thus inventing
mass production. In the 1920s Alfred Sloan's management theories helped General Motors to
become the world's dominant car company. After the Second World War the car makers
focused on the styling of their products to encourage more frequent model changes From the
1970s there was criticism of the industry due to the inefficiency of most vehicles, which used
petrol wastefully. At the same time, trades unions became increasingly militant in defence of
their members' jobs Today the industry owns some of the most famous brands in the world.
However, many car makers are currently threatened by increased competition and saturated

a. Find synonyms for the words underlined.

 The growth of the car industry parallels the development of modern capitalism.
The rise of the automobile industry matches the progress of contemporary capitalism.
 It began in France and German, but took off in the united state.
It starts in France and German, but end up in the united state.
 The Henry ford adapted the moving production line from the Chicago meat industry to
motor manufacturing,
There Henry Ford picked up the moving output line from the Chicago meat industry
to machine manufacturing, so inventing mass production.

b) Change the words class of the underlined words, and then re-write the sentences.
 In the 1920s Alfred Sloan’s management theories helped General Motors to become the
world’s dominant car company.
In the 1920s, with help from the managerial theories of Alfred Sloan, General Motors
dominated the world’s car companies.
 After the Second World War the car makers focused on the styling of their products to
encourage more frequent model changes.
The car makers focusing on styled of the products after the Second World War to
encourage more frequent model changes.
 From the 1970s there was criticism of the industry due to the inefficiency of the most
vehicles, which used petrol wastefully.
From the 1970s the industry was criticized due to the inefficacious of the most
vehicles wasting the used of petrol.
c) Change the word order of the following sentences (other changes may be needed)
 At the same time, traded unions became increasingly militant in defence of their
members’ jobs
At the same time increasingly militant trades unions defended their members’ jobs.
 Today the industry owns some of the most famous brands in the world.
Today some of the most famous brands in the world own by the industry.
 However, many car makers are currently threatened by increased competition and
saturated markets.
However, increasing competition and saturated markets are currently threatened by
many car makers.

Paraphrasing :

The rise of the automobile industry matches the progress of contemporary capitalism. It starts
in France and German, but end up in the united state. There Henry Ford picked up the moving
output line from the Chicago meat industry to machine manufacturing, so inventing mass
production. In the 1920s, with help from the managerial theories of Alfred Sloan, General
Motors dominated the world’s car companies. The car makers focusing in styled of the
products after the Second World War to encourage more frequent model changes. From
the 1970s the industry was criticized due to the inefficacious of the most vehicles wasting the
used of petrol. At the same time increasingly militant trades unions defended their members’
jobs. Today some of the most famous brands in the world own by the industry. However,
increasing competition and saturated markets are currently threatened by many car makers.
E. Practice C

Use the same techniques to paraptirase the following test


More than three million shipwrecks are believed to lie on the seabed, the result of storms and
accidents during thousands of years of sea-borne trading. These wrecks offer marine
archeeologists valuable information about the culhure, technology and trade patterns of ancient
civilisations, but the vast majority has been too deep to research Scuba divers can only operate
down to 50 metres, which limits operations to wrecks near the coast, which have often been
damaged by storms or plant growth. A few deep sea siteps (such as the Titanic) have been
explored by manned submarines, but this kind of equipment has been too expensive for less
famous subjects However, this situation has been changed by the introduction of a new kind
of mini submarine the automatic underwater vehicle(AUV) This cheap, small craft is free
moving and does not need an expensive mother-ship to control it. Now a team of American
archacologists are planning to use an AUV to explore an area of sea north of Egypt which was
the approach to a major trading port 4,000 years ago.

a). Find synonyms for the words underlned

 More than three million shipwrecks are believed to lie on the seabed, the result of storms
and accidents during thousand of years sea-birne tranding.

 In addition three million shipwrecks are be convidenced to lie on the seabed, the result
of storms and tragedy for the thousand of years sea-birne tranding.

 These wrecks offer marine archeeologists valuable information about the culture,
technology and trade patterns of ancient civilisations, but the vast majority has been too
deep to research Scuba divers can only operate down to 50 metres, which limits operations
to wrecks near the coast, which have often been damaged by storms or plant growth

 these wrecks proffering marine archeologiats valuable information about the culture,
technology and trade patterns of all civilisations, but the limities majority has been too
inside to research. Scuba divers can only operate down to 50 meters, which limits
operations to shipwreck near the beach, which have frequently been broken by storms
of plant growth.

 A few deep sea steps (such as the Titanic) have been explored by manned submarines, but
this kind of equipment has been too expensive for less famous subjects.

 A few inside sea steps (such as the Titanic) have been investigate by crew boat, but this
type of equipment has been to expensive for less infamous subjects.
b). Change the word class of the underlined words and then re-write the sentences.

 A few deep sea sites (such as the Titanic) have been explored by manned submarines,
but this kind of equipment has been too expensive for less famous subjects.

 Manned submarines have explore several deep-sea sites (such as the Titanic) with
expensive equipment for lesser-known subjects

 However, this situation has been changed by the introduction of a new kind of mini
submarine the automatic underwater vehicle(AUV)

 the situation changed with the rise of new types of mini-submarine is underwater
vehicle automatically (AUV).

 This cheap, small craft is free moving and does not need an expensive mother-ship to
control it.
 this submarine is small, cheap craft, free moving and does not need an expensiv
mother-ship to control it.

c). Change the word order of the following sentences (other changes may be needed).

 Now a team of American archacologists are planning to use an AUV to explore an area
of sea north of Egypt which was the approach to a major trading port 4,000 years ago.

 the plan is the team of American archaeologists will use AUV to explore the north
sea region of Egypt which is an approach to the main trading port 4000 years ago

 However, this situation has been changed by the introduction of a new kind of mini
submarine the automatic underwater vehicle(AUV). This cheap, small craft is free
moving and does not need an expensive mother-ship to control it.

 The introduction of a new kind of mini submarine the automatic underwater vehicle
(AUV) is changes in the situation free moving and does not need an expensive
mother-ship to control it by small craft.

 Now a team of American archacologists are planning to use an AUV to explore an area
of sea north of Egypt which was the approach to a major trading port 4,000 years ago.

 Now the using of an AUV to explore an area north of Egypt planned by a team of
American archeologists which are extent to a major trading port 4,000 years ago.
d). Combine all these techniques to paraphrase the following text.

In addition three million shipwrecks are be convidenced to lie on the seabed, the result
of storms and tragedy for the thousand of years sea-birne tranding. these wrecks proffering
marine archeologiats valuable information about the culture, technology and trade patterns of
all civilisations, but the limities majority has been too inside to research. Scuba divers can only
operate down to 50 meters, which limits operations to shipwreck near the beach, which have
frequently been broken by storms of plant growth. the damage by storms or plant growth is a
scuba divers only operating down to 50 meters, because limits operations to wreach nearing the
coast. A few inside sea steps (such as the Titanic) have been investigate by crew boat, but this
type of equipment has been to expensive for less infamous subjects. The introduction of a new
kind of mini submarine the automatic underwater vehicle (AUV) is changes in the situation free
moving and does not need an expensive mother-ship to control it by small craft.
Beginning with treasure hunter Brock Lovett (Bill Paxton) searching the Titanic wreck
for the fabled necklace named the Heart of the Ocean, the Titanic movie features actual footage
of the wreckage. After recovering a safe that was thought to belong to first class passenger
Caledon ‘Cal’ Hockley, played by Billy Zane, Lovett hopes to find the Heart of the Ocean
contained within. He finds nothing but soggy bank statements and a sketch of a naked woman
wearing the necklace, and Lovett believes that he has hit a dead end.

A woman by the name of Rose Calvert (Gloria Stuart) sees Lovett on the news and
contacts him. Lovett is uninterested in what she has to say at first, but becomes intrigued when
she tells him that she is the woman in the drawing. After being flown in to tell her story, we
learn that Rose Calvert was once Rose DeWitt Bukater and was a first class passenger on the
Titanic. She beings telling her experience on the doomed vessel.

The movie begins with drifter Jack Dawson (Leonardo DiCaprio) winning third class
tickets for the Titanic in a poker game. Him and his friend Fabrizio catch the ship just as it is
leaving. It also shows first class passenger Rose DeWitt Bukater (Kate Winslett), her mother
Ruth (Frances Fisher) and her fiance Cal Hockley. Rose is on the way to Philadelphia to marry
Hockley, an arrangement made by her mother to protect her status of wealth. Unhappy with this
decision, Rose attempts to commit suicide by throwing herself from the Titanic.

She is confronted by Dawson who convinces her to come up from the railing. Rose
invites Jack to dinner as a thanks, and after Jack spirits her away to a third class evening of
dancing. Rose decides to decide her own future and asks Jack, who is an acclaimed artist to
draw her nude wearing only the Heart of the Ocean.

The two then find their way to the cargo hold and find a rich man’s car waiting for them.
They proceed to make love in the back seat before the ship hits an iceberg.

As people begin boarding lifeboats, Jack is arrested and locked in the master at arms’
office. Instead of boarding a lifeboat, Rose goes back to help Jack and the two must fight for
survival. Jack and Rose’s fiancé Cal finally convince her to board a lifeboat, and Cal assures
her that he has made arrangements to get both men off of the boat safely.

Cal double cross Jack and Rose decides to go back for him yet again despite her being
urged to stay on the lifeboat. Rose finds Jack and Cal chases them into the flooded first-class
dining room with a pistol. Once they escape Cal, he returns to the deck and boards a lifeboat
after pretending to look after an abandoned child.

Rose and Jack go down with the ship and Jack helps her onto a door that can support
the weight of one person. While Jack is in the freezing water, they exchange loving words, and
Jack dies of hypothermia. Once aboard the Carpathia, Rose gives her name as Rose Dawson.
She sees Cal one more time frantically looking for her but hides her face in a blanket just as he
looks in her direction. Rose then proceeds to do everything that her and Jack promised to do
together, and lives her life.

Back on Lovett’s ship, Rose walks to the side, produces the Heart of the Ocean and
tosses it overboard. In the last scene, Rose is met by Jack on the grand staircase of the Titanic,
they kiss and are applauded by those who were lost in the disaster. It isn’t known whether or
not she is dreaming or if she dies (Jack told her she would die in her bed as an old woman), and
James Cameron leaves this up to the viewer to decide.


Two people fall in love on a boat. It sinks and she did not love him enough to share her plank
of wood.

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