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CONTENTS ae a a TANGINT INDIA: 1. Harappan/Indus Cvilzaon 2. Vaio Qh 2S AM. Mahsirapoda Pes 3, Religious Movements” Maury, Qe ee ee tecisk tesagee ose ae Bere tome tne ore esr a Ne nl tps rete sa a a ees ei ee Be eee sate re re ne a eer Sh ee os ee Seep neta wie ke Pane aa eye er eee ees tae! came hese Balik Cormeen Conse Sanson a oa conte | 2 Wetton ws TANCENEWORLD:Mecptin Citizen Esptin ise Fee Go Gene aay an elie me TIMEDINAL WORLD“ Matcra Baap Cena, Cosa th Gein Mer Cine Neer fem Sey Nose Moke ME MGOET HERD Raccene Keema Fe es alien tail trons Tats For eros Unica sy Unter of Comey Fant Weld War Rusin Revolution Chinese Revolution, Turkish Revelation, | ‘World Depression of 1923-34 Fascsmin tay, Nazism in Germany, Mian fn Japan Second Word Wer. IN. MISCELLANEOUS - Important Dats, Association of paces, Abbreviated or Alternative Names, Important Bates 3. Gevgraphy 158 The Solar System, Continents and O’eans, Biosphere, Lithosphere, Fiydrosphere Atmosphere Latitudes and Longitudes,Ditterentheat 2nesot the earth, Longtudes and time zones, International Date Line, Motion of the ‘earth, Effet ofthetted axis on day and night the Atmosphere (composition and layer ofthe Atmosphere), Weather and Climate, Atmospheric Pressure, Tntemal Structure ofthe earth, Rocks, Earthquakes and Volcanoes, Various Landforms (Mountains, Plateaus, Plains, Grasslands, Landforms created by the river system, Landforms created by glacier, Landforms created by the actonof wind, Landforms crested by theacions of Groundwater), The indian ‘Sub continent: Postion, exent and” physical features, Climatic diversity in the Indian Sub-continent, Soil resoures of the Indian sub-continent Agriculture in India, Land use pattem of Inia, Water resources and thir Ublization in India, Multipurpose river valley projets, Transport in india Indiacar gun Ste na capitals Poplin na a Site Wife antares an arp in ttn ian ‘nd power pct an satis» nl Col ned 0 ‘Aga Coogphy the nan stones Counties wh reat ‘egy Keer ae i Neder he met Cou sn a ah paces and dust Tos iad wth Same pian inst oss Fanon (Wd) Changed ome Cetin ah area, Continents highest an lowest ity Tie eps cea Highest “mountain peaks (world), Geographical epithets Important boundary ines, ‘ites an thi hanelnds Ghcery Indie Poy ond Constittion meme 1 volun of Indian Corton, 2 Contant Aserbly and Malig the Constuton Dif Sores fhe indian Carton 4 Important Arts ofthe Consttation& Iporart Amedinent fhe Cotsen ‘© Some Special features of the Indian Constitution. 7. Federal and Unitary: feature ot the Lian Union § The preamble 9 Lape of Parancuncy 10. eegrton and Merge finan Sates The Union and Teron 12. Reorganization of States 18 Citizenship 14. Fundamental Rights SS Dinstve Prngpi of Ske Ty 16. Fundamental Dats 17 Procedure of Amending the Coston 18, Exrctive ofthe Union 1 TheParamentofTnla2. nective ofthe Sates 21 Special Ponto 12 Panchayats 24 Municaiies24, The Supreme Cour 2 Ths High our 2 ner Sate Council 27. Fnane Commision 28 Paneing Commission Nail Dvelopneat Coun, Nabil eration Coun 3 ne State Relstins 32 Emergency Provisions $3, Pblc Service Cosmisons 3H. Heton 3, Deliritaton Comision of India 36. The Oil Languages 2 National Spal 38. Glasar of Costtutonal Terms Indian Economy eas! 1 Righlght of indian Bomomy2 Eamon and Eamomis3,Chaaceistics orca Economy 4 Agsculte & Land Development 5, Nanal Income & Panag? Unemployment Tae & Commerce New Enos Paley 10 Indian Franca Sytem IL Tan cal System 12. Banking in India 15 Tax System It Inds 15 Foreign Trade 16. Misclangous Facts 17 Giosary of Feonomic and Financial Terms 18. Some Noteworthy Fass ‘Append Highigh of Economic Survey 0118, #Appendin-2S0d0 Economicane Case Census 201 Physics = 401-450 1. Unit 2. Motion 3. Work, Energy and. Power 4. Gravitation 8. Pressure 6. Floatation 7. Surface Tension 8. Vices 9. Elasticity 10, Simple Harmonic orion 11. Wave 12. Sound Wave 13, Heat 14 Light 15. Static Electricity 16. Cursent Hectrcity 17. Magnetism 18. Atomic & Nuclear Physics 19. Electronics 20. Scentfc Instruments 21. Inventions 2. Important Discoveries Relating to Physics 23. Varios Unis of Measurement Weight 4. Conversion ‘of Units from one System to another Sytem, a

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