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Indonesia Rank 37

GHG Emissions (tCO2- Renewable Energy (% of TPES): Energy Use (TPES in GJ per Climate Policy Score
35 100% historic values, targets and 2⁰C 450 capita): historic values,
eq/capita, including based on evalution by
LULUCF): historic values, compatible benchmarks. targets and 2⁰C compatible national experts.
90% 400
30 targets and 2⁰C compatible benchmarks. 100
benchmarks. 80% 350 90
25 70%
300 80
20 60% 70
50% 60
15 200 50
30% 150 40
100 30
5 20
10% 50
0 0% 0 0
1990 2015 2030 2010 2015 2030 1990 2015 2030 National International
target & target & target & Policy Policy
2⁰C 2⁰C 2⁰C
pathway pathway pathway

Key Indicators 2015

Development in per cent (1990 level = 100)

150 Population 600 GHG Emissions (incl. LULUCF)

Population [million] 257,60
100 400 GDP per capita (PPP) [US$] 10173,91
50 200 CO2 per capita (excl. LULUCF) [t] 1,72
CO2 per GDP (PPP) [t/1000US$]* 0,40
0 0
TPES per GDP (PPP) [MJ/US$] 3,60
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
CO2 per TPES [t/TJ]* 46,83
Share of Renewable Energy of TPES 33,39%
400 GDP (PPP) 300 Energy Supply
200 GHG = Greenhouse Gases
200 TPES= total primary energy supply
100 PPP= purchasing power parity in prices of 2005
0 0 LULUCF = Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Source: IEA (2017)

Indicators Weighting Score Rank

GHG per Capita - current level (including LULUCF) 10% 55,42 39
GHG per Capita - current trend (excluding LULUCF) 10% 3,34 59
GHG per Capita - compared to a well-below-two-degrees benchmark 10% 63,62 26
GHG 2030 Target - compared to a well-below-two-degrees benchmark 10% 89,15 10
Share of Renewable Energy in Energy Use (TPES) - current level (including hydro) 5% 29,41 18
Renewable Energy - current trend (excl. hydro) 5% 17,11 50
Renewable Energy Development (excluding hydro) - compared to a well-below-two-degrees benchmark 5% 15,87 35
Renewable Energy 2030 Target (incuding hydro) - compared to a well-below-two-degrees benchmark 5% 56,81 19
Energy Use (TPES) per Capita - current level 5% 95,33 7
Energy Use (TPES) per capita - current trend 5% 35,54 44
Energy Use (TPES) per Capita - compared to a well-below-two-degrees benchmark 5% 86,22 10
Energy Use 2030 Target - compared to a well below two-degrees-benchmark 5% 61,06 38
National Policy 10% 33,05 34
International Policy 10% 46,15 32

Copyright Germanwatch 2017

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