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Material selection assignment

Material selection assignment

1.1 To correctly determine the material properties required to satisfy a particular component
1.2 To be able to clearly and satisfactory communicate in writing engineering reasons for the
material choices made and understanding of future developments.
Learning outcomes to be assessed
(C) Appreciate the differences in the basic mechanical properties of materials and basic strengthening
mechanisms for metals.
(D) Make informed decisions on the selection of materials.
Background information
For the following components to complete your task
 HGV wheel (see Fig. 2 below)

a) You are working on the redesign of your chosen component i.e., HGV wheel, your particular
task is to specify the appropriate material for the new component, however you are working
for a competitor company to the existing manufacturer and the ethos of the redesign is for
weight reduction in all components to improve on performance.
b) In conjunction with the research department, in light of the fact you have specified a novel
material for the manufacture of the component; you are also tasked with devising a testing
schedule in order to ensure safety and performance of the new material before the
components are manufactured.
c) You have been asked by the board how your material selection might differ if you were
producing the same component for
a. A high end small volume product
b. An inexpensive mass produced product where lifespan is less important
c. An increase in load or temperature

All of your findings need to be summarised in a report (use of the material selection template report
and use of diagrams and charts is actively encouraged).

All copied from all sources material should be properly acknowledged

Fig. 1 An example of HGV wheel

Outline requirements
•Weight •Usage (location) •(Environmental conditions) •Any legislation or by-laws
•Sustainability •Safety •Public liability! •How long is in needed for •Cost •When

Functional Requirements
•Load and Temperature of operation

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Material selection assignment

Material selection assignment

•Shock loading
•Failure Mode??

what will we need to calculate (Safety factor!)

selected a material
select production method

•Comment on the materials fitness for purpose
•Comment on cost and recyclability
•Comment on availability and machinability
•Give your opinion on why it is preferred to another potential material
Test Schedule
•Tensile testing
•Corrosion testing
•Wear Testing
•Functional Testing (prototyping after other more basic tests)
•Sequencing of destructive and non destructive testing
•Can we use historical data and standards to reduce testing requirements?
Counting possibilities
•If we had
•More Money
•Heavier loads/higher temperatures
•Show that you appreciate selection depends on performance and cost

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Material selection assignment

Material selection assignment

Assessment Strategy

Task a – 40% Task b – 30% Task c – 20% Overall Presentation – 10%

Element Higher Level

Task a Detailed specification of required properties.
Selection of appropriate material.
Demonstration of coherent selection process
(e.g. Ashby charts).
Presentation of all relevant material properties.
Discussion of how material treatments,
microstructure and composition affect
Discussion of how properties may change in
Justification of selection supported by an
appropriate calculation. (This calculation should
determine the cross section dimension for a
standard component of the selected material.
The standard component is a solid symmetrical
cross section bar, It should be tested in
tension/compression or bending. The standard
component and loading should approximate to
your designed component and its loading.)
Task b Presentation of justification for appropriate
testing techniques, comment on how test
results may influence selection. Critical
appraisal of test regulations and standards.
Evidence of how test relates to in service use.
Consideration given to environment and service
conditions in developing test schedule. Testing
Schedule developed in a logical manner
Task c Detailed assessment of the variation in required
Justified selection of alternative materials, and
/or alternative processing methods.
Presentation Clear concise professional report, diagrams
and figures clearly labelled, sections and
subsections used effectively. Title Page,
Contents, Summary, references and
appendices all present and effective. Highest
marks will be awarded to professional

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