First Semester Final Examination Schedule 2018/2019

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First semester final examination schedule 2018/2019

Corse code Corse name Date Group Room Invigilators

Corse code Corse name Date Group Room Invigilators
1 Basic Electricity and Mon (25/06/2011) one B23R7 Bekamti E and Lamma Y
EEng 2031 Electrical Machines 8:00 – 11: 00 Local Time two B23R8 Bilisa B and Ararso D
three B23R9 Tuli A and Buli T

2 Tues (26/06/2011) one B23R7 Bekamti E and Gadisa M

PLST 2091 Introductory Soil 8:00 – 11:00 Local Time two B23R8 Lami B and Kasahun L
three B23R9 Leta B and Fuad A
3 wen (27/06/2011) one B23R7 AlamiyeG and Gamachis D
BEng 2151 Work shop technology -I 8:00 – 11:00 Local Time two B23R8 Debalash H and Jiru A
three B23R9 Bediluand Bilisa B
4 Thu (28/06/2011) one B23R7 Ambaye T and Abito N
Math 2035 Numerical Methods 8:00 -11: 00 Local Time two B23R8 Ararso Dand Ebawak S
three B23R9 Tashale Hand Fikadu M
5 Fri (29/06/2011) one B23R7 Adugna D and Fantaye E
BEng 2082 GIS and Remote Sensing 8:00 – 11:00 Local Time two B23R8 Tolasa and Kebana B
three B23R9 JIRU A and Negara M
6 Mon (2/07/2011) one B23R7 Negara M and Lamma Y
Math 2034 Applied Maths III 8:00 – 11:00 Local Time two B23R8 Buli T and Adugna D
three B23R9 Leta B and Fuad A
7 Tue (3/07/2011) one B23R7 Thahayi Band Adugna D
MEng 0242 AutoCAD 8:00 – 11:00 Local Time two B23R8 Tashale Hand Tolassa D
three B23R9 AlamiyeG and Abito N
8 Engineering Materials Wen (04/07/2011) one B23R7 Biranu G
BEng 2072 8:00 – 11:00 Local Time two B23R8 Kasahun
three B23R9 Jiru

Note: Group one: A-F

Group Two: G-Melkamu Final schedule
Group three: Metadel -y
3rd year
First semester final examination schedule 2018/2019
1 Transport & Handling of Bio- Mon (25/06/2011) one B23R4 AlamiyeG. and Ababe D
BEng 3162 3:00-6:00 Local Time
Materials two B23R5 Ayantu T and Abito N
2 BEng 3135 Ergonomics engineering Tue (26/06/2011) one B23R4
3:00 – 6:00Local Time two B23R5
3 Wens (27/06/2011) one B23R4 Jiru and Ebawak S
BEng 3131 Theory of Machines 3:00 - 6:00 Local Time two B23R5 Buli T and Kebana B
4 BEng 3161 Agricultural Processing Eng. I Thru(28/06/2011) one B23R4 Tuli
No Corse code Corse name 3:00- 6:00 Local Time two Date B23R5
Group Ambaye
Room Invigilators
5 Fri (29/06/2011) one B23R4 Negara M and Tolasa D
1 BEng 3183 Biomass and Bio-fuels 3:00 – 6:00 Local TimeMontwo
(25/06/2011) one B23R1 Biranu GandELami B
B23R5 Bedilu and Fantaye
6 BEng 4114 Irrigation Engineering II Mon (2/07/2011) 8:00-11:00
one local time two
B23R4 B23R2 Fikadu Mand KashunL
Kasahun L and Bilisa B
BEng 3104 Groundwater Hydrology 3:00 -6:00 Local Time three B23R3 Fuad A and Fantaye E
two B23R5 Debalo N and Lamma Y
2 BEng 4122 Irrigation Structures Tue (26/06/2011) one B23R1
7 BEng 3182 Farm Power Unit Tue(03/07/2011) one local time
8:00-11:00 B23R4
two B23R2
3:00 – 6:00 Local Time two B23R5
three B23R3
8 3 BEng 3182 Surface water hydrology and Wen (04/07/2011) wensone (27/06/2011) B23R4
one ambaye Leta B and Buli T
BEng 4293 Maintenance of agricultural machineries
hydrology 3:00 – 6:00 Local Time8:00-11:00
two local time B23R5
two Adugna Tsahayiand Abito N

Note: group one: A-K

Group two: M-Y


First semester final examination schedule 2018/2019

three B23R3 Ararso Dand Lami B
BEng 4123 Contract Specification and Quantity Survey Thru (28/06/2011) one B23R3
8:00-11:00 local time two B23R2
three B23R1
5 BEng 3192 Selection and mgt of farm machinery Fri (29/06/2011) one B23R1 Bekamti E and Gamachis D
8:00-11:00 local time two B23R2 DebaloN and Ayantu T
three B23R3 Ababe D and Ebawak S
6 Mon (2/07/2011) one B23R1 TsahayiB and Debalo N
BEng 4212 Soil and Water Conservation Eng. II 8:00-11:00 local time two B23R2 Alamiye G and Tolassa D
three B23R3 JiruA and Biranu G
7 Tues (3/07/2011) one B23R3
BEng 4121 Building Structures 8:00-11:00 local time two B23R2
three B23R1
8 Wens (4/07/2011) one B23R1 Negara M
BEng 4215 Drainage Engineering 8:00-11:00 local time two B23R2 Bedilu
three B23R3 Kebana
NOTE: group one: A -F

Group two: G - L

Group three: M - Z
First semester final examination schedule 2019
No Corse code Corse name Date Local Time Group Room Invigilators
1 One B23R4 Abebe D. &Alamiye G.
Mon(25/06/2011) 3:00-6:00
Introduction to computer and Two B23R5 Ayantu T &Abito N.
ChEg2051 programming
Three B23R6 Damelash H. &Bekamti E.

2 B23R4 Jiru&Ebawak S.
Wen(27/06/2011) 3:00-6:00
Chemical Engineering Two B23R5 Buli T. &Kebena B.
Thermodynamics I
Three B23R6 Tsahay B. &Gemechis D.

3 One B23R4 Negera M &Tolesa D.

Fri (29/06/2011) 3:00-6:00 Two B23R5 Bedilu&Fentaye E.
Chem2061 Applied Inorganic Chemistry
Three B23R6 Leta B &Fuad A.

4 One B23R7 Negera M. & Lama y

Mon(02/07/2011) 8:00-11:00
Two B23R8 Buli T&Adugna D
Math 331 Applied Mathematics III
Three B23R9 Lata B &Fuad A

NB:Group One=WU1000355- WU1000939, Two = WU1000997- WU1001446, Three = WU1001465-WU1001929

Chemical Engineering 2nd year
No Corse code Corse name Date Local Time Group Room Invigilators
B23R1 Biranu G&Lami B.
Mon(25/06/2011) 8:00-11:00
B23R2 Fikadu M&Kasahun L.
1 ChEg3111 Mechanical Unit Operation Two
B23R3 Fuad A &Fentaye E.

One B23R1 Bekamti E &Gemechis D

Fri (29/06/2011) 8:00-11:00
B23R2 Debelo N&Ayantu T.
2 ChEg3113 Thermal Unit Operation Two
B23R3 Abebe D &Ebawak S.

NB: Group; One =WU001128 - WU001442, Two = WU001452-WU001717, Three = WU001722- WU002128
Chemical Engineering 3rd year

No Corse code Corse name Date Local Time Group Room Invigilators
1 Production and Project One B23R7 Bekamti E& Lama Y
ChEg5211 Mon(25/06/2011) 8:00-11:00 Two B23R8 Bilisa B &Ararso D.
Three B23R9 Tuli A &Buli T.
2 One B23R7 Alamiye G &GemechisD.
ChEg5193 Plant Design and Economics Wed(27/06/2011) 8:00-11:00 Two B23R8 Demelash H &Jiru A.
Three B23R9 Bedilu&Bilisa B.
3 One B23R7 Adugna D. &Fentay E.
Computer Aided Process Design
chEg5192 Fri (29/06/2011) 8:00-11:00 Two B23R8 Tolesa D&Kebena B.
and Simulation
Three B23R9 Jiru A &Negera M
NB: Group One = EngR/0013/14 -EngR/042/14, Two = EngR/0431/14-EnfR/0707/14, Three = EngR/0713/14-EngR/1034/14

Chemical Engineering 5th year

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