Richard Sebastian: Curriculum Vitae

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Richard Sebastian, Ph.D.

1240 Westminster Ave | Richmond, Virginia 23227 | (804) 840-5357 |

Areas of Interest
• Design and development of distance learning and e-learning curricula
• Educational application of digital, mobile, and pervasive games
• Building collaborative learning environments using social media
• Effective integration of technology into teaching and learning

Ph.D., Instructional Technology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, 2008
B.A., English, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, 1991


National Institute for Literacy Professional Development Discussant

Invited to serve as a guest moderator during a three-week discussion of social media tool
use in adult and continuing education during the summer of 2010. Led a small group
discussion on Ning and YouTube during the second week in which participants explored
both tools before creating their own media projects with guidance from the group.

PluggedIn VA project (2008-2010)
Principal Investigator and Project Manager for PlugGED In, an innovative GED-technology
curriculum developed with funding from Governor Kaineʼs Productivity Investment Fund
(PIF), the Virginia Department of Education, and the Chancellorʼs e-Learning
Enhancement & Development (CEED) grant. Served with then Secretary of Technology
Aneesh Chopra as a member of the initial planning team and, once funded, oversaw all
aspects of the curriculum development, implementation, and evaluation of this innovative
project to ensure its success.

National Adult English Language Learning Professional Development Network (2010)

Serving as a technology consultant during the development of World Educationʼs grant
proposal to the Office of Vocational and Adult Education to create a national professional
development network for ELL instructors.

Policy2Performance (2010)
Advising the Virginia Department of Education as part of the federal Policy2Performance
project. Virginia is one of eight states selected by the Office of Vocational and Adult
Education to research and develop policies that would increase the success rate of non-
traditional adult education students in postsecondary education and training.

The GED Podcast (2009)

Currently completing production of a pilot series of professionally recorded podcasts on
the GED tests to be shared with interested adult education students and teachers through
iTunesU and the VALRC and eLearnVA web sites. Helped write podcast scripts, identified
and recruited voice talent, recorded audio content, and edited and assembled the final
podcast episodes.
Sebastian, R.

Summit on Adult Education in the New Digital World (2009)

Lead the development and organization of an educational summit that brought leading
educational policy-makers, researchers, and practitioners from across the country to
Virginia Commonwealth University to discuss the future of technology integration in the
field of Adult Basic Education. Offered a parallel virtual summit using video streaming,
Twitter, and an online discussion forum. Archives of the discussions and information about
the summit can be found at

Virginia Adult Education Certification program (2009)

Designed and developed a 2.5-hour instructor training, Teaching and Learning with
Technology, for the Virginia Adult Education Certification program, funded by the Virginia
Department of Education. This certification program is a new requirement for all Adult and
Continuing Education instructors.

M.Ed. in Adult Learning, Teaching & Learning with Technology Strand (2009)
Lead the development and instruction of two new courses, Theory & Practice of eLearning
Integration into Adult Learning Environments and Design Challenges in Using Educational
Technology for Adult Learning, a three-course Teaching with Technology strand for the
Virginia Commonwealth University School of Educationʼs graduate program in Adult

Distance Education Reporting in the NRS Web-based Data System Policy

Guidelines (2009)
Led the development and production of the policy guidelines for reporting distance
education hours to the National Reporting Systemʼs (NRS) Web-based data system. The
policy included establishing guidelines for reporting distance studentsʼ contact and proxy
learning hours, vetting and approving appropriate web-based learning programs, and
establishing processes for the appropriate creation and oversight of local distance
education programs throughout the state.

My GED Success Story Video contest (2009)

Proposed and launched a contest that challenged recent GED graduates in Virginia to
produce short videos that conveyed their experiences preparing for and earning their GED
credential. Wrote, filmed, and edited a promotional video for the contest and promoted the
contest through numerous print and web-based channels. Posted the submitted videos to
the Commonwealth of Virginiaʼs YouTube channel.

Virginia Government YouTube channel video content (2008)

Partnered with members of the Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VITA) to create
and share video content relating to Adult Basic Education on the Commonwealth of
Virginiaʼs YouTube channel.

GED On Demand (2007)

Spearheaded statewide project, in coordination with Aneesh Chopra, then the Secretary of
Technology of Virginia, and local cable companies, to provide powerful GED and ESOL
broadcast content to digital cable subscribers across the state of Virginia.

eLearnVA (2006)

Sebastian, R.

Manage all aspects of eLearn Virginia, a statewide distance education program that
provides web-based GED and workplace instruction to adult Virginians. Research, identify,
and recommend emergent technologies and promote instructional practices to improve
online educational services for eLearnVA students.

Professional Experience
Instructional Technology Specialist (2005-present)
Virginia Commonwealth Universityʼs Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center Richmond,

• Provide leadership and guidance to the field of adult education field in Virginia in the
area of technology integration by developing policy, trainings, and other initiatives
• Direct and manage technology-related projects for the Virginia Literacy Institute,
Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center, and the Virginia Department of Education
• Develop, coordinate, and deliver trainings to adult education administrators and

Educational Technology Office Graduate Assistant (2003-2005)

Educational Technology Office, Ruffner Hall, Curry School of Education, Charlottesville,
• Trained Curry School of Education faculty and students in various software and
hardware applications
• Assisted with migration of Curry Admissions Office to electronic application system
• Identified effective ways for faculty to incorporate instructional technologies into
existing curricula
• Built and maintained faculty web sites and database applications
• Researched new technologies to determine their applicability to faculty and staff

Instructor (2002-2003)
Henrico County Jail East Educational Services, Barhamsville, VA
• Instructed Pre-GED, literacy and ESOL classes to inmates
• Administered and monitored student assessment of students
• Designed and implemented an improved curriculum in response to students
educational needs
• Successfully increased the implementation of technology into ABE and GED

Instructor (2001-2002)
Henrico County Adult Education Center, Highland Springs, VA
• Taught evening Accelerated GED classes to adults
• Instructed semester-long computer classes in Excel, Word, FrontPage and other
software applications
• Coordinated with the Department of Social Services to instruct the Learning,
Employment & Training (LEAP), a grant-funded employment and education class for
low-income mothers on public assistance
• Responsible for gathering and inputting class and student data for federal NRS funding

Sebastian, R.

Workplace Instructor (1998-2001)

Philip Morrisʼs Employee Development Center (EDC), Richmond, VA
• Created, updated, and revised training manuals and course curricula
• Developed and taught a series of introductory and intermediate technology courses
• Instructed the Math & Measurement training courses for hourly employees in employee
advancement program
• Trained new staff members and students on educational software and supervised a
small staff of professional teachers
• Coordinated teacher schedules and quarterly class offerings
• Maintained computer lab, updated lab software, and set-up presentation equipment for
workshops and classroom demonstrations

Sebastian, R., Leander, K., Henry, L., & Alvey, T. (2010). Symposium: Designing and
Evaluating an Integrative GED/Technology Program that Prepares Adults for the
21st Century Workplace. 2010 AERA Annual Meeting: Understanding Complex Ecologies
in a Changing World. Denver, CO.

Sebastian, R. (2010). Creating a Career Pathway to Tech Sector Employment and

Education. Virginia State Workforce Investment Board Council. Richmond, VA

Allen, L., Fuller, B., Gent, K., & Sebastian, R. (2009). PlugGED In: A Contextualized
GED Curriculum to Prepare Learners for the 21St Century Workplace. 2009 HIRE
Education Conference. Hot Springs, VA.

*Sebastian, R. (2009). PlugGED In: Creating a Career Pathway to Tech Sector

Employment and Education. Effective Transitions Conference. Providence, RI.

Sebastian, R. & Stamper, R. (2009). GED 2.0: Innovative Initiatives in Adult Basic
Education. Governorʼs Conference on Education. Richmond, VA.

*Gibson, B. & Sebastian, R. (2009). PlugGED In: A Contextualized GED Curriculum to

Prepare Learners for the 21st Century Workplace. Commission on Adult Basic Education
(COABE) Conference. Louisville, KY.

Sebastian, R. (2008). Web-based Tools for Adult Education Professional Development

and Communication. Virginia Adult & Continuing Education (VAACE) conference.
Williamsburg, Virginia.

Sebastian, R. & Stamper, R. (2008). Web-based Tools for Adult Education Professional
Development and Communication. Virginia Institute for Lifelong Learning (VAILL). Radford
University. Radford, VA.

*Crum, T. & Sebastian, R. (2008). Take advantage of educational programming available

on-demand through cable and the Internet. Commission on Adult Basic Education
(COABE). St. Louis, MO.

Sebastian, R.

*Sebastian, R. (2007). eLEARN Virginia: A new e-learning program for adult Virginians in
need of GED and Workplace Education. Association for the Advancement of Computing in
Education (AACE). Ed-Media 2007 World Conference on Educational Multimedia,
Hypermedia, & Telecommunications. Vancouver, British Columbia.

*Sebastian, Richard (2006). Development of Social Problem-solving Networks in the

Interactive Web-based Game The Beast. Association for the Advancement of Computing
in Education (AACE). Proceedings, E-Learn 2006 World Conference on E-Learning in
Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education. Honolulu, HI.

*Sebastian, Richard (2005). Development of Social Problem-solving Networks in the

Interactive Web-based Game The Beast (Proposed Research). Fifth Educational
Multimedia Congress, Universidad de Barcelona. Barcelona, Spain.

Sebastian, R. (2009). PlugGED In. Progress: A Publication of the Virginia Adult Learning
Resource Center. Winter/Spring 2009. Vol. 21, No. 2.

Sebastian, R. (2009). Teaching & Learning with Technology in Adult Basic Education:
Technology Integration. Virginia Adult Education Certification Program. Virginia Adult
Learning Resource Center. Richmond, VA.

Sebastian, R. (2009). Teaching & Learning with Technology in ESOL Education:

Technology Integration. Virginia Adult Education Certification Program. Virginia Adult
Learning Resource Center. Richmond, VA.

Sebastian, R. (2008). Using Personal Weblogs to Teach Writing in the GED Classroom.
(Doctoral dissertation, University of Virginia, 2008). Dissertation Abstracts International,
69, 2884.

*Sebastian, R. (2007). eLEARN Virginia: A new e-learning program for adult Virginians in
need of GED and Workplace Education. Proceedings. Association for the Advancement of
Computing in Education (AACE). Ed-Media 2007 World Conference on Educational
Multimedia, Hypermedia, & Telecommunications. Vancouver, British Columbia.

*Sebastian, R. & Kinzie, M. (2006). Development of Social Problem-solving Networks in

the Interactive Web-based Game The Beast. Proceedings. Association for the
Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). E-Learn 2006 World Conference on E-
Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education. Honolulu, HI.

Sebastian, R., video for The Airplane by One Ring Zero (2005). Addendum DVD. B&W, 16
mm film & digital video. 2 min.

Hammond, T. & Sebastian, R. (2005). Digital Image and Video Editing Software. Teaching
with digital images: Acquire, analyze, create, communicate. Editors: Bull, G.L., & Bell, L.
Published by the International Society for Technology in Education.


Sebastian, R.

Sebastian, R. (2009). Learning is Social. So is the Web: Exploring Social Media Tools for
the ABE Classroom. 2009 Virginia Association for Adult & Continuing Education (VAACE)
conference. Roanoke, VA.

Sebastian, R. (2009). Teaching & Learning with Technology in Adult Basic Education:
Technology Integration. Virginia Adult Education Certification Program Train-the-Trainer.
Richmond, VA.

Sebastian, R. (2009). Teaching & Learning with Technology in ESOL Education:

Technology Integration Virginia Adult Education Certification Program ESOL Train-the-
Trainer. Fairfax, VA.

Sebastian, R. (2009). Web-based visual literacy tools for the classroom: exploring image
editing & video broadcasting tools. West Virginia Department of Education TSIP training.
Morgantown, WV.

Sebastian, Richard (2007). An Overview of Distance Learning in Adult Education. Regional

Commission of Adult Basic Education. Williamsburg, VA.

Sebastian, Richard & Guard, J. (2007). Blogs, Wikis, & Podcasts. 2007 Literacy Fair,
Southside Virginia Community College. Keysville, VA.

Sebastian, R. (2004). Digital Storytelling in the Classroom. International Leadership for

Educational Technology (ILET) Visiting Scholor Program. Grupo de Investigacion
Enseanza y Aprendizaje Multimedia (GREAM), Universidad de Barcelona. Barecelona,

Fanning, E., Sebastian, R., & Warren, K. (2003). Digital Storytelling Workshop. Center for
Multicultural & Human Services (CMHS). Falls Church, VA.

Distance Learning Center: eLearnVA (2009-2010): Awarded $205,000 by the Virginia
Department of Education, Office of Adult Education & Literacy to manage and run
eLearnVA, a statewide online GED distance education program.

The Governorʼs Productivity Investment Fund (PIF): Awarded $127,000 to develop and
evaluate the PlugGED In curriculum.

Chancellorʼs e-Learning Enhancement Development (CEED) Grant: Southwest Virginia

Community College awarded a $50,000 CEED grant to fund Southwest Virginia
Community Collegeʼs implementation of the PlugGED In curriculum.

Distance Learning Center (2008-2009): Awarded over $185,000 by the Virginia

Department of Education, Office of Adult Education & Literacy to manage and run a
statewide online GED distance education program.

Sebastian, R.

Distance Learning Center: eLearnVA (2007-2008): Awarded approximately $125,000 by

the Virginia Department of Education, Office of Adult Education & Literacy to manage and
run eLearnVA, a statewide online GED distance education program.

University courses taught

Theory & Practice of eLearning Integration into Adult Learning Environments
Department of Teaching and Learning
School of Education
Virginia Commonwealth University

This class is the introductory course of a three-course Teaching with Technology strand in
Virginia Commonwealth University School of Educationʼs graduate program in Adult
Learning. This hybrid course gives students the opportunity to apply current educational
theory, as well as new theories such as Connectivism, to the design and delivery of
eLearning for adult learners in a variety of educational contexts. Students gain experience
being online learners and facilitators, and develop a strong philosophy of practice to bring
to their design, delivery, assessment, and evaluation of their own eLearning products.

Digital Media Development

Curry School of Education, University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA

This class provided undergraduate and graduate students with a hands-on introduction to
current methods of producing various forms of digital multimedia, including digital photo
editing, digital video production, podcasting, and web design. Each class included
introductory lectures, hands-on assignments, class discussion, and supervised lab time.

Educational Game Design

Curry School of Education, University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA

Building on instructional design, video production, and computer-based development skills,

this course explored various aspects of educational game design, including the
fundamentals of game design and game evaluation. During the course, students had the
opportunity to apply these concepts in the design of their own educational game.

Software Applications
Curry School of Education, University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA

This graduate-level course introduced students to various software and hardware

applications and their effective use in an educational context, fostered discussion on best
uses of technology in education, and allowed students to produce an electronic portfolio
demonstrating their technical competencies to current or future employers.
Teaching with Technology: Special Education
Curry School of Education, University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA

Sebastian, R.

This course provided an introduction to effective, standards-based methods of integrating

technology into the classroom, focusing on the Special Education content area. Students
learned how to evaluate and use basic hardware and software applications, identify best
practices, and effectively integrate these tools into lesson plans. Students developed an
electronic portfolio of their class work.

Awards & Recognition

• GameJam Game Design Contest winner (2009) Innovations in eLearning conference,
George Mason University, Fairfax, VA. Part of a four-person design team. The game
prototype was a political game called Permanent Campaign. One of the three judges
was game designer Will Wright, creator of Sim City, The Sims, and Spore.
• Visiting Scholar (2004). International Leadership for Educational Technology (ILET),
Universidad de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.
• Finalist, Kookaburra (2004), Adrenaline Film Project, Virginia Film Festival,
Charlottesville, VA.
• *Film selection The Airplane (2004), Vinegar Hill Film Festival, Charlottesville, VA.

Community Service

Richmond Daily Beast
A web portal that provides comprehensive news, information, resources, and original
content about dogs, cats, and general animal welfare in the Richmond metro area.

Friends of Northside Dog Park
Leading a group of community members in establishing a dog park in the Northside
Richmond. Serve as co-chair of the Friends of Northside Dog Park (FNDP) steering
committee. Coordinate meetings with the FNDP members and representatives of the
Richmond City Recreation & Parks Department. Created Ning site and fundraising and
public awareness campaigns.

Virginia S.T.A.R. advisory board

Serve as a member of the VA S.T.A.R. advisory board. VA S.T.A.R. is an innovative
program that provides opportunities for students to gain skills refurbishing retired
government-owned computers. Once refurbished, these machines are donated to needy
educational programs in the Commonwealth.

Bandits Adoption & Rescue of K-9s (B.A.R.K.)
Serve as a volunteer for this large, local dog adoption shelter located in Hanover, VA

HandsOn Greater Richmond
A local volunteer organization that connects individuals, families, teams, and corporate
groups to meaningful volunteer opportunities in the Greater Richmond region. I have
worked on short-term projects for ElderHomes, Friends School, The Conrad Center, and
St. Josephʼs villa.

Sebastian, R.

• Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT)
• American Educational Research Association (AERA)
• Commission on Adult Basic Education (COABE)
• Social Media Club-RVA
• Virginia Association for Adult and Continuing Education (VAACE)

Technology Skills
• Learning/content management system experience, including Blackboard 9
• Web design (including HTML hand coding and CSS)
• Basic PHP/MySQL programming
• Familiarity with graphic design and image editing software
• Digital video production and editing
• Digital audio production and editing
• Video streaming compression and delivery


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