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visual type : nsr group ; name : 0430_Start

client backup info.

mminfo -c <client name> savesets will bedisplayed.

mminfo -s amrndhs009 -c amrndhs007 -av -q

'savetime>11/16/07,savetime<11/19/07' -ot>/tmp/amrndhs007.rep

mminfo -s amrndhs009 -q ssid=2000573330 -r nsavetime

nsrinfo -t 1195266969 amrndhs007

nsrinfo -t 1195266969 amrndhs007 >/tmp/amrndhs007.nsrinfo

nsrinfo -s amrndhs009 -t 1195266969 amrndhs007


for recovery to check for requested restore file we use this command:
nsrinfo <server name> | grep -i <file/folder name>

nwrecover -s nlsun98 -c nlnas018 -d &

command to har reset a drive:

usr/local/bin/pbrun nsrjb -HEv -j nlsun838-jba -f /dev/rmt/drv02

command to clean the drive:

nsrjb -HH -vvv -j nlsun838-jba -f /dev/rmt/drv02

command to check the saveset entry in deamon.log:

bash-2.05$ more /nsr/logs/daemon.log | grep groamrctx273 | sort -nr

Commant to slect and open a particular networker server in windows

winworkr -s gsun841(netwoker server)

Command to label tapes:

nsrjb -Lv -b backups841 -S 26

Commdnd label without mount:

nsrjb -s amrndhs057 -j jb_ndh-f -Lv -b Default -S 18-20

Command to check the successful backup for last 7 days.

bash-3.00$ mminfo -avot -c MOPPGPAPWLIPTY -t "7 days ago"

Command for Tape scanning:

scanner -iv -c mopmedraaquat1 /dev/rmt/0cbn & //tape mounted in 0cbn

Command to invetory of tape in slot:

nsrjb -lnv -s slot drive

Command to invetory of media:

nsrjb -iiv

the command used to add the drive..

jbedit -s argbkpprd1 -j LTO4JB -a -f "rd=argsapbkup:/dev/rmt0.1" -E 506

CMD to check logs:

/usr/sbin/nsr_render_log daemon.raw |grep -i wiss
CMD to checl volume details:
sudo /usr/sbin/mminfo -avot -q "volume=LTO3.5050" -r

sudo /usr/sbin/mmlocate -n SAP.INCR.0977

CMD to get the barcode of the volume:

sudo /usr/sbin/mminfo -avot -q "volume=SAP.INCR.0977" -r barcode

MOUNT: mount TPA199 0,2,10,19 readonly

Extend the retention period to 3 years. use the below command

nsrmm -S ssid [ -w browse-time ] [ -e retention-time ]

To get the clone id

/usr/sbin/mminfo -avot -q "ssid=125513036" -r ssid,cloneid
To extend the retention
/usr/sbin/nsrmm -e "09/27/12" �S ssid/cloneid
To make media not recyclable
/usr/sbin/nsrmm -o notrecyclable �S ssid/cloneid
To check whether the retention is changed
$ /usr/sbin/mminfo -r "name, savetime, ssbrowse, ssretent, ssid, cloneid, volume"
-q "ssid=125513036"

To get the clone id

0$ /usr/sbin/mminfo -avot -q "ssid=125513036" -r ssid,cloneid

ssid clone id
125513036 1283140938
125513036 1283248444
To extend the retention
bash-3.00$ /usr/sbin/nsrmm -e "09/27/12" -S 125513036/1283140938
bash-3.00$ /usr/sbin/nsrmm -e "09/27/12" -S 125513036/1283248444
To make media not recyclable
bash-3.00$ /usr/sbin/nsrmm -o notrecyclable -S 125513036/1283140938
Mark save set copy 125513036/1283140938 as not recyclable? y
bash-3.00$ /usr/sbin/nsrmm -o notrecyclable -S 125513036/1283248444
Mark save set copy 125513036/1283248444 as not recyclable? Y
To check whether the retention is changed
bash-3.00$ /usr/sbin/mminfo -r "name, savetime, ssbrowse, ssretent, ssid, cloneid,
volume" -q "ssid=125513036"

recover [-d destination] -s server -S ssid[/cloneid]

to get the sudo acess of the root!

bash-3.00$ /usr/local/bin/sudo su -

Script to recycle the tapes:

for x in $(cat /tmp/tape);do /usr/sbin/nsrmm -o recyclable -y $x;done

Command to check the backup info:

/usr/sbin/mminfo -avot -t 11/25/2012 -c argmanprddb5 -r "name,group,savetime(24)"

mminfo -avot -r
etent,cloneid" -q "client=abc,name=C:\,voluem=xyz"
This conversation is being saved in your Outlook Inbox folder.
Punjabi, Ashutosh 1:35 AM
cd /nsr/logs
tail -f daemon.raw

for HP unix we can use the path you have seen here

but for the RHEL and solaris..


Command to find the start time and end time of the Backup:

/usr/sbin/mminfo -avot -c vccase03 -r "name,sscreate(24),sscomp(24),client" -t "7

days ago"

lz2fg0 - networker credential

Command to get the sudo access:

/usr/local/bin/sudo vi /nsr/tmp/data

command to maketape recylable:

nsrmm -o recyclable -y <volname>

mminfo -avot -q "savetime > 11/05/2012 00:00:00, savetime < 11/05/2012 23:59:59" -X

Drive cinfiguration for networker:

To reconfigure drives in SILO

jbedit -a -j <jukebox name> -f /dev/rmt/0cbn -S <drive id(eg 0,1,10,3)>

To reconfigure drive in SCSI Jukebox

jbedit -a -j <jukebox name> -f /dev/rmt/0cbn -E <drive Element address>

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