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Thermal Stress Analysis of Fused-Cast AZS Refractories during

Production: Part I, Industrial Study

Steven L. Cockcroft and J. Keith Brimacombe
The Centre for Metallurgical Process Engineering, The University of British Columbia.
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada VGT- 124

Dennis G. Walrod* and Thomas A. Myles*

The Carborundum Company, Monofrax-S Plant, Falconer, New York 14733

A study has been conducted to understand and prevent and can range in severity from a few millimeters depth to pene-
the formation of cracks in alumina-zirconia-silica (AZS) tration of the entire block thickness. A photograph of a typical
refractory blocks during solidification processing. A funda- transverse crack on the surface of a longitudinally sectioned
mental approach has been taken, centered on the develop- casting is presented in Fig. 1. In service, these cracks can lead
ment of a three-dimensional mathematical model to predict to spalling, causing structural collapse, and also provide a
heat flow and stress generation in fused-cast AZS refractory larger surface area for chemical attack by molten glass and
blocks. In the first part of a two-part study, the “voidless” vapors, thus reducing the overall erosion/corrosion resistance.
casting process has been carefully examined in an industrial Depending on customer willingness to accept a cracked prod-
setting. From a survey of the distribution, frequency of uct, the blocks may have to be scrapped and recycled at consid-
occurrence, and fracture surface morphology of cracks, an erable cost. Thus, from the standpoint of production costs alone.
attempt was made to link the crack types found in the study there is a considerable incentive to determine the origin(s) of
to process variables. In-mold temperature data collected for these cracks and to eliminate them.
a single casting throughout the normal cooling period have A fundamental approach to solving the crack problem has
been used to validate the heat-flow model which is described been taken, centered on the development of a three-dimensional
in Part 11. The stress analysis, cause of the different cracks, mathematical model to predict heat flow and stress generation
and remedial action are also presented in Part 11. during casting. Because our knowledge of the process was so
rudimentary, a comprehensive analysis of the industrial process
I. Introduction was undertaken as the initial step. The overall study is described
in two parts. Part I presents the results of the study conducted at
D URING solidification processing, fused-cast ceramic com-
ponents are subject to a variety of defects which are similar
in many respects to those found in metal castings. Historically,
a production facility. The development of a three-dimensional
mathematical model to predict heat flow and thermo-elastic
stress is then presented in Part 11, together with recommenda-
these defects have been tolerated, because the components have tions for improving the mold design and preliminary test results
performed adequately in traditional applications and there has with the redesigned mold. Before describing the study, it is
not been a superior cost-effective alternative product. More worthwhile to review briefly the major features of the casting
recently, however, there has been a move toward the control process.
and elimination of these defects, particularly for those applica-
tions that demand high erosion/corrosion and thermal shock
The various fused-casting processes that have been devel-
oped have evolved largely on the basis of trial-and-error optimi-
zation. As a result, our understanding of the processes at a
fundamental level is rudimentary and difficult to apply in
design and optimization. In the metallurgical casting industry,
on the other hand, the trend recently has been to a knowledge-
intensive approach utilizing computer-based mathematical
models for process analysis and design to achieve cast product
quality. Equally. the benefits of a more rigorous analysis of the
fused-casting process could be considerable.
The purpose of the present study was to develop a more com-
plete understanding of the cracking problems that arise in the
manufacture of aluminum-zirconia-silica (AZS) fused-cast
refractory blocks. Castings of this grade of refractory suffer
from cracks which occur during the solidification process. The
cracks appear in a variety of shapes, locations, and orientations

M. A. Stett--contribuling editor

Fig. 1. Photograph of transverse fracture on the surface of a longitu-

pinuscript No. 194637. Received April 26, 1993: approved September 30.1993. dinally sectioned 1220 mm X 254 mm X 457 mm (48 in. X 10 in. X
Member, American Ceramic Society. 18 in.) AZS casting.

I506 Journal of the American Ceramic Sociew-Cockcroji et al. Vol. 77, No. 6

11. Fused-Cast Refractory Process indicated major regions of tensile and compressive stress linked
to an expansion on cooling associated with the y-a transforma-
The molding and casting procedures for the production of tion in steel.'" The results of their investigation are particularly
fused-cast AZS refractories are analogous in many respects to noteworthy in view of the similar contraction/expansion behav-
those followed in typical iron/steel foundries. Refractory com- ior of AZS shown in Fig. 3." In AZS, this behavior can be
ponents, which primarily contain 47%-57% Al,O,, 3 3 % 4 1 o/o attributed to the tetragonal-to-monoclinic transformation
ZrOz and 10%-15% SiO,, are manufactured by first melting the occurring in zirconia.IXOn cooling, the martensitic transforma-
raw materials in an electric-arc furnace and then pouring the tion to monoclinic ZrO, results in an expansion of AZS of
resulting liquid into sand molds. The basic molding lay-up for a roughly 0.8% by volume, which is similar in magnitude to that
1220 mm X 254 mm X 457 mm (48 in. X 10 in. X 18 in.) caused by the y- transformation occumng in steel-around
casting with end-pour is illustrated schematically in Fig. 2. 0.9% by volume."
Depending on the particular component and casting technique. As well as the magnitude and distribution of stress. Thomas
the casting may be repositioned under the furnace and poured tv a/." I" emphasized the importance of large thermal strains
again after an hour or so in order to fill shrinkage voids ("void- acting on zones of low ductility as a mechanism of defect for-
less" or "reduced void" casting technique) before it is left lo mation. Fused-cast AZS solidifies into a complex fine-grained
cool for a period of time ranging from several days to weeks. composite of crystalline alumina and zirconia in a glassy sili-
In the existing technology. the mold is constructed from a ceous matrix." The thermomechanical behavior of this mateyial
rigid bonded silica form which is placed into a mild steel bin, or
obviously will be complex and dependent on the as-cast struc-
flask, and then surrounded with loose sand (often referred to as
ture. Chan and Nicolson'" have examined the influence of the
annealing sand). Graphite boards, or "chills," are sometimes
glassy matrix on crack propagation and have found an increase
strapped to the exterior of the bonded sand form adjacent to the
in the fracture toughness in AZS as the glassy phase begins to
major face to prevent bulging during solidification. The bonded
soften at about 400°C followed by a maximum at about 650°C.
sand form is assembled from sections and is held together with
glue. At temperatures above 650°C. the fracture toughness rapidly
decreases as the glassy phase loses strength, becoming more
liquidlike. This glassy phase likely will have a significant bear-
111. Literature Review ing on the ductility of AZS refractory and thus its capacity to
Ceramic materials, in general, exhibit a high degree of sus- tolerate thermal stresses.
ceptibility to thermal shock failure, owing to their low thermal
conductivity and low strain-to-failure. For example, refractory IV. Industrial Study
linings in high-temperature industrial furnaces often fail as a
result of stresses which arise during thermal cycling.'-' A math- The principal objectives of the industrial study were four-
ematical model to predict the temperature distribution in solidi- fold: firstly, to develop an understanding of the distribution and
fying electrocast AZS refractories has been developed by frequency of the cracking problem: secondly, to attempt to
GottardLx Although sophisticated in their treatment of aspects establish links between the crack type(s) and process variables;
of the heat flow analysis, their model is limited to only two thirdly, to characterize the morphology of the fracture sur-
dimensions and yields little insight into the mechanism for face(s); and fourthly, to collect temperature data which could be
crack formation in AZS during manufacture. Likewise, metallic used to validate the heat-flow mathematical model.
materials can also suffer from defects that are related to thermal ( I ) Survey of Fused-Cast Blocks
stresses generated during thermal processing.""
The "voidless" casting technique, shown schematically in
The role of various factors such as thermal history. stress
Fig. 2, was selected for the study, owing to its high susceptibil-
generation, and loss of ductility in the formation of cracks in
ity to crack formation. Moreover, at the industrial facility
static cast steel ingots has been examined recently by Thomas
involved in the study, this casting format is utilized for a variety
e/a/."-" Foremost in their study was the development of a
of different block sizes and compositions and hence provides a
mathematical model to predict stress generation during thermal
good opportunity to examine the role of different parameters on
processing. Numerical analysis of the process with the model
cracking (see Table I for the typical composition of different
AZS products). A total of 1233 castings were surveyed in the
study, ranging in size from 203 to 355 mm (8 to 14 in.) in thick-
ness, from 355 to 610 mm (14 to 24 in.) in width, and from
762 to 1828 mm (30 to 72 in.) in height. The experimental
procedure for the basic survey was straightforward and

0.012 , I
I i I I

8% a *
8 8.8 +

0.006 8

0.004 i 8 *+

Fig. 2. Mold/flasking lay-up for 1220 m m X 2S4 m m X 457 mm

(48 in. X 10 in. X 18 in.) AZS casting. The dimensions are
millimeters(inches). Fig. 3. Thermal linear expansion/contraction behavior of AZS-CS3."
June 1994 Thermal Stress Analysis of Fused-Cast AZS Refractories during Production: Part I , lndustriul Study I507
involved visually inspecting each block to record the total num- basis of location and orientation, three basic crack types were
ber of defects, as well as the orientation and location of each identified. Referring to Fig. 4, they are the type-A transverse
crack. crack, which occurs exclusively on the broad or major face; the
type-B longitudinal crack, which is found in the middle of the
11. Examination of Crack Surfaces major face; and the type-E transverse crack (“edge-tear”),
which forms on the edge at the intersection of the vertical faces.
In addition to a visual inspection, a series of drill core sam- The vertical distribution of the type-A defects was recorded and
ples were taken of several of the cracks found in the study to is presented in Table 11. From these data it is apparent that 72%
conduct a more detailed examination of the fracture surface. of the cracks were found to lie in a zone which encompasses
A total of five drill cores 110 mm (4.5 in.) in diameter and about the middle third of the casting. The probability of crack
254 mm (10 in.) in length (the block thickness) containing formation then decreases in the lower portion of the block until,
defects were removed. The cores then were thermally shocked within 254 mm ( 10 in.) of the base, it appears to increase. rising
to expose the fracture surface for viewing and sectioned into from 4% up to 18%. As well as observing an increase in proba-
samples 25.4 mm (1 in.) in length suitable for analysis with the bility, it was also noted that the crack shape changed from pre-
SEM. Thermal shock separation was achieved by heating the dominantly transverse in profile at midheight to curved or
entire sample to 300°C and then water-quenching it. In all “smile-shaped” near the base. From these observations, it is
cases, the original defect served as the fracture initiation site. likely that there may be two type-A cracks with different mech-
This procedure was also repeated for a drill core that did not anisms for formation-type-A1 found in the middle third of the
contain any defects, to provide a cold fracture standard. block and type-A2 found near the base.
The frequency of occurrence of each crack type as well as
111. Instrumented Mold type-A/B and type-A/E combinations is presented in Table 111.
The type-E cracks were found to be the most common,
To complete the industrial study, a detailed examination of a occurring in 55% of the blocks examined, followed by type-A
1220 mm X 254 mm X 457 mm (48 in. X 10 in. X 18 in.) in 23% and type-B in 20% of the blocks. Of these, the type-A

“voidless” casting sequence was completed. This examination defects tended to be the most severe both in terms of length and
entailed instrumenting the mold with thermocouples, which depth and often occurred more than once within the same block.
were placed at key locations with the objective of obtaining a Combinations of different crack types also were observed. For

representative sample of the temperature distribution within the
mold. To simplify the installation of the thermocouples, the
mold was kept free of graphite chills, which are often used for 483(19) 279(11)
the reasons indicated above. A total of 60 thermocouples, 12
type-B (platinum4% rhodium vs platinum-30% rhodium) and
48 type-K (nickel-chromium vs nickel-aluminum) were used.
The assembly method essentially involved placing groups of
either four or six thermocouples at varying heights between
additions of annealing sand.
The voltage data from the casting sequence were collected on
a data logger, which was programmed to sample and record the
data periodically throughout the first pour, repour, and subse-
quent cooling over a period of approximately 9 days. In order to
reduce the volume of data collected, the scan rate was periodi-

cally decreased. To permit a comparison between the model
predictions and the plant data, the initial pour temperature and
ambient air temperature were measured and recorded for later
input to the model. The pour temperature was measured with a
hand-held, single-color, optical pyrometer which was aimed at
the pour stream as it issued from the furnace.
Once the casting was fully cooled, the refractory was then 1219(48)
carefully removed from the mold, checked for external cracks,
and sectioned to reveal the extent of the cracking internally.

V. Results and Discussion

(1) Type and Frequency of Cracks b-+ b-4
The major impetus for the first part of the industrial study 457(18) 254(10)
was to understand the stress distribution qualitatively from the
disposition of the actual defects; this information then could Fig.4. Schematic illustration of cracks found in 1220 mm X 254
mm X 457 m m (48 in. X 10 in. X 18 in.) “voidless” casting. The
serve as a guide to the mathematical stress analysis. On the dimensions are millimeters(inches).

Table I. Typical Product Composition* Table 11. Vertical Distribution of Type-A Defects
Typical chemical analysis (9%) AZS-CS3 AZS-CS4 AZS-CSS (Sample Population of 1233 Blocks)*
ZrOz 33.0 36.4 38.0 Frequency
47.8 45.8 Distance from block base (mm (in.)) distribution.
A1,0, 49.7 no. foundhotal no. (% )
SiOz 15.3 14.0 12.9
BD, 0.2 0.2 0.2 0-254( 10) 18
NazO 1.1 1.1 1.1 254( 10)-504(20) 4
FeA 0.1 0.1 0.1 504(20)-762(30) 7
TiOz 0.1 0.1 0 762(30)-1016(40) 25
Other 0.5 0.3 0.4 1016(40)-1270(50) 47
*Courtesy of The Carborundum Company, Monofrax-S Planl. Falconer, NY. *Courtesy of The Carborundum Company, Monofrax-S Plant, Falconer. NY.
I508 Journal of the American CeramicSociety-Cockcrofr et al. Vol. 77.No. 6

Table 111. Frequency of Crack Occurrence solidification process. In Fig. 5, area A is likely the inside of a
(Sample Population of 1233 Blocks)* trapped gas bubble and not an actual fracture feature.
Frequency of occurrence. Focusing on the more troubling type-A and B cracks, the
Defect no. found/\ample no. ('74 1 SEM photographs of the type-A crack surfaces in general show
a smooth, less angular fracture morphology near the block sur-

TYpe-A 23
TYpe-B 20 face, typical of that shown in Fig. 6, which changes to a struc-
Type-E 55 ture indicative of the surface of shrinkage cavities toward the
Types-A and B 4 interior of the block. In contrast, for the type-B crack, the domi-
Types-A and E 14 nant mode of failure appears to be brittle, and only small
*Courte\y of The Carborunduin Company, Monofmx-S Plant. Falconer, NY. regions exhibiting a smooth morphology are evident (see Fig.
7). These results suggest that the type-B defect is formed later
in the solidification process at a temperature below that at
which the type-A cracks are generated. Additional support for
example, type-A and B cracks were found to be coincident in this hypothesis is that, at points where type-A and B cracks
4 9 of blocks examined, and type-A and E in 14%. intersect, the type-B cracks are routinely observed to be discon-
(2) Influence of Process Parameters on Crack Formation tinuous across the type-A crack, indicating that the former were
the last to occur.
Having characterized the scope of the cracking problem, a
preliminary examination then was made of the influence of (4) Industrial Trial with Instrumented Mold
several process parameters, including block dimensions, pour- ( A ) Initid Conditions: The pour stream temperature.
stream composition. and pour rate, on cracking frequency measured during mold filling, was found to range between
(unfortunately, pour tempcrature could not be included in the 1870" and 1880°C. An average value of 1875°C (standard devi-
list of parameters examined at the time of the study). The main ation 7.0"C) serves as an estimate of the initial pour tempera-
thrust was to provide a means of assessing links among the ture. The accuracy of the pyrometer has not been formally
various crack types and process parameters. assessed. and the emissivity of AZS was assumed to be equal to
The results of this aspect of the study yielded some intercst- unity. The temperature of the pour stream during the repour,
ing results. the most notable of which is the sensitivity of the carried out I h 43 min after the initial pour, was also measured
type-A defect frequency to zirconia content. These results, pre- and found to be 1870°C. Only one measurement was taken.
sented in Table IV, suggest a decrease in the type-A crack fre- The ambient air temperature was measured over the course of
quency from 26% to 239h as the zirconia content of the the casting sequence and was found to range from a low of
refractory is increased from 33 to 38 wt% ZrO,. At a glance, 17.8"C to a high of 26.8"C with an average value of 22.2"C
these results appear to downplay the role of the tetragonal-to- (standard deviation of 2.8"C). During the pour, an air tempera-
monoclinic phase transformation in the generation of stress. ture of 24.5"C was recorded and serves as the initial tempera-
However, it is important to note in Table I that the ZrO, content ture of the mold and surrounding air.
does not change independently and that there may also be sig- ( B ) In-Mold Temperature Responses: Once collected and
nificant change in thc Na,O-to-SiO, ratio, which is known to stored, the thermocouple voltage data were processed to yield
influence the mechanical properties of glass.' Thus. the in-mold temperature responses. From a close inspection of all
mechanical characteristics of the glassy phase may be changing of the data collected, a few key observations have been made:
with ZrO, content, altering the capacity of the refractory to tol- ( I ) In general, the temperature responses show an initial
erate thermal stresses. Unfortunately. this has not been con- rapid increase associated with the arrival of the heat pulse from
firmed quantitatively. the hot refractory block, followed by a relatively slow decline in
temperature as the entire mold cools (refer to Fig. 8 which
(3) Morphology of Crack Surface
The third part of the industrial study focused on the charac-
terization of crack surface morphology. A series of SEM photo-
micrographs were taken of the fracture surfaces obtained from
the drill core samples. Virtually all of the fracture surfaccs
examined in the study exhibited both smooth regions and
regions of sharply defincd angular morphology. The former are
believed to be associated with the presence of molten and/or
viscous material at the time of crack formation, whereas the lat-
ter are more typical of brittle failure. This was the case even in
the photomicrograph of the low-temperature standard (refer to
areas A and B, Fig. 5). Clearly some of the brittle fracture sur-
faces may be attributed to the fact that the core samples con-
laining the actual cracks had to be thermally shocked open (as
described earlier, this procedure was carried out below 400°C.
the onset of viscous deformation in the glassy phase'"). In addi-
tion. the presence of the smooth surfaces may be linked to inter-
section of the fracture with casting porosity. formed early in the

Table IV. Variation in Crack Type-A Frequency with Pour

Stream ZrO, Content (Sample Population of 1233 Blocks)*
Frequency of occurrence.
Pour strcam ZrOI f ?4 ) no. found/total no.. type-A (74)

33.0 26
36.4 24
39.5 23
*Courtesy of The Carborundum Company. Monofrax-S Plant. Falconer. NY. 'Aver- Fig. 5. Photomicrograph of cold-fracture surface of AZS taken with
age 35.8 wt% ZrO.: standard deviation 159. an SEM at a magnification of 80 X .
June 1994 Thermul Stress Anulysis of Fused-Cusr AZS Refractories during Production: Purr I . Industrial Study I so9

0 4 8 12 16 20 24

Fig. 8. In-mold temperature response from thermocouples adjacent

to the major face located 705 mm (27.8 in.) above the base of the
refractory. Note: distances are measured from the refractory/mold

Fig. 6. Photomicrograph of type-A fracture at a location near the sur-

face of the block taken with an SEM at a magnification of 30 X .


0 4 6 12 16 20 24

Fig. 9. In-mold temperature response from thermocouples adjacent

to the major and minor faces located 705 mm (27.8 in.) above the base
of the refractory. S I mm (2.0 in.) from the refractory/mold interface\.

(305 mm (12 in.) minor face, 254 mm (10 in.) major face) sug-
gests that the opposite behavior would be expected, as there is a
lower resistance to heat flow adjacent to the major face. How-
ever, plotting the variation in temperature with distance from
the major face at various elapsed times (Fig. 10) reveals that the
heat pulse has not reached the exterior surface at the time when
the temperatures begin to differ. Thus, the difference in temper-
ature cannot be attributed to annealing sand thickness. It is con-
ceivable that a larger gap could open up between the refractory
and the mold adjacent to the minor face, thus reducing the sup-
ply of heat to the mold, which would result in a lower mold tem-
Fig. 7. Photomicrograph of type-B fracture at a location near the sur- perature. Alternately, the lower mold temperature could be tied
face of the block taken with an SEM at a magnification of 80 X . to closer proximity of the center of the minor face to a block
(3) Comparing the in-mold temperature response of ther-
serves to illustrate the typical response observed up to 24 h). As mocuples 51 mm ( 2 in.) from the major face at heights of 70
would be anticipated, the rate of increase in temperature and mm (2.7 in.), 705 mm (27.8 in.), and 1657 mm (65 in.) above
peak temperature attained are both inversely related to distance the base of the refractory in Fig. 1 1 suggests that the effect of
from the refactoryhold interface. the repour on the temperature response is minor. At slightly
(2) Turning to Fig. 9, within 2 h the in-mold temperature over 2 h elapsed time there is a perceptible increase in the slope
adjacent to the broad, or major, face is significantly hotter than of the temperature response adjacent to the header. This is con-
the equivalent position adjacent to the narrow, or minor, face sistent with the arrival of the heat pulse from the repour at 1 h
(the thermocouples are located 50.8 mm (2.0 in.) from each 43 min elapsed time.
face). The temperature difference increases to a maximum (4) From a comparison of in-mold temperatures obtained
value of 100°C at approximately 4 h. A comparison of the rela- with thermocouples located at varying distances from the base,
tive thickness of annealing sand adjacent to each of the faces it is apparent that there is little or no axial temperature gradient
1510 Journal of the American Ceramic Society-Cockcroft et al. Vol. 77, No. 6

\ 740 I
0-l 1
0 2 4 6 8
Distance From Eroad-Fw
l2 t
exterior ol casting
0 50&nrn(20in)

1016mm(4Oin) 1524mrn(80in)
Vettical DislanceAbwe Retractory Base

Fig. 10. Variation in mold temperature with distance from major face Fig. 12. Temperature 5 I mm (2 in.) from major face at various dis-
at 2. 4, and 8 h elapsed time. I181 mm (47 in.) above the base of the tances from the base of the refractory at 15 h elapsed time.



% m


0 4 8 12 16 20 24
Elapsed Time (hn)

Fig. 11. In-mold temperature response from thermocouples located

51 m m ( 2 in.) from the major face. Note: distances are measured from
the base of the refractory. Fig. 13. Schematic illustration of the results of the autopsy performed
on the instrumented “voidless“ block. AZS refractory. Note: units are

in a zone at midheight in the mold. The extent of this zone has

been established by plotting the temperature 5 I mm (2 in.) from
the major face as a function of vertical distance from the base of VI. Summary and Conclusions
the refractory at 15 h elapsed time. The results, presented in A comprehensive industrial study of cracking in “voidless”
Fig. 12, indicate that the region extends over about the middle fused-cast AZS refractories involving a survey of 1233 cast
two-thirds of the refractory (below about 762 mm (30 in.) and blocks, an examination of fracture surface morphology. the
above about 1397 mm (55 in.) axial heat flow becomes a factor. instrumentation of a mold with 60 thermocouples, and the com-
(C) Refiucrory Autopsy: The results of the casting plete autopsy of a refractory block have been completed. The
autopsy are presented schematically in Fig. 13. Most obvious major findings may be summarized as follows:
were three large type-A transverse cracks observed in a zone at ( I ) Four basic crack types have been identified type-Al
roughly midheight of the cast block. Two of these cracks are transverse cracks, occurring in a zone centered around mid-
classified as “show-through” (appearing on opposite sides). The height on the major face of the block: type-A2 transverse
third, revealed by sectioning the block, does not intersect the cracks, forming near the base of the block on the major face;
surface and hence would have been missed by normal inspec- type-B longitudinal cracks, found in the middle of the major
tion practices. Figure 13 also shows that there was a fourth face; and type-E transverse-edge cracks, appearing at the verti-
type-A crack located near the base of the refractory. In contrast cal edge (intersection of the major and minor faces).
to the other three type-A cracks, the lower crack is limited to the (2) Of the process parameters examined in the study, only
surface of one face only and is significantly different in shape, ZrO, concentration appears to have a small influence on crack-
consistent with the findings of the survey. Also found on the test ing. It was found that the higher ZrO, grades of AZS were less
casting were four transverse, type-E, edge cracks, as shown in susceptible to the formation of type-A1 and A2 defects. This
Fig. 13. It should be noted that type-B longitudinal cracks were behavior may be related to the difference in the NazO-to-SiO,
not observed in this casting. ratio through its influence on the mechanical characteristics of
June 1994 Thermal Stress Analysis of Fused-Cast AZS Refractories during Production: Part I , Industrial Study 1511

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question is also addressed in Part I1 of this paper. of Panel Cracks in Steels Ingots: A State-of-the-Art Review. Part 1. Hot Ductility
In conclusion, the sum of the information collected in the of Steel,” Trans. lron Steel Soc. AIME. 7,l-20 (1986).
industrial study has led to a greater understanding of the state of “B. G. Thomas. J. K. Brimacombe. and I. V. Samarasekera, “The Formation
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formation of the various defects found in AZS fused-cast “B. G. Thomas, 1. V. Samarasekera and J. K. Brimacombe. “Mathematical
refractories. What is required as well is an understanding of the Model of Thermal Processing of Steel Ingots: Part 1. Heat Flow Model.” Metull.
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I6B. G. Thomas, I. V. Samarasekera. and J. K. Brimacombe, “Mathematical
Model of Thermal Processing of Steel Ingots: Part 11. Stress Model,” Mefull.
Acknowledgments The authors wish to thank The Carborundum Com- Trans. B , 18, 1 3 1 4 7 (1987).
pany for the support of research expenses, the support of SLC, and for the provi- ”Unpublished report, Harrop Industries, Columbus, OH, Dec. 10. 1987.
sion of valuable data. ‘*C. A. Andersson and T. K. Gupta. “Phase Stability and Transformation
Toughening in Zirconia”; pp. 184-201 in Advances in Ceramics, Vol. 3. Science
References and Technology of Zirconia. Edited by A. H. Heuer and L. W. Hobbs. American
IW. D. Kingery, “Temperature Dependence of Conductivity for Single Phase Ceramic Society. Columbus, OH, 1981.
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‘V.S. Kienow and H. W. Hennicke, “Modulus of Elasticity and Deformation mal Cycling Resistance of Fusion-Cast Refractories,” Am. Cerurn. Sor. Boll.. 57
of Refractories,” Tonind.-Zfg.Keram. Rundsrh.. 90 [ 121 575-77 (1966). 121 2 2 6 3 0 (1978). 0

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