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Dear Respondents,

I am Mark Anthony M. Obcemea, a Fourth Year Student from Manuel S. Enverga

University Foundation, taking up Bachelor of Elementary Education. I am currently on my
undergraduate thesis entitled “EVALUATION OF CANVAS BY INSTRUCTURE AS A
LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” as part of my requirements of my degree. In
connection with this, I am requesting for your time to answer this questionnaire.
Your cooperation will help my study for its fruitful result.
Rest assured that your response will be treated with outmost confidentiality.
Thank you very much.



Students’ Questionnaire

Part I: Demographic Profile of the Respondents.

Direction: Please put a check () on the boxes provided.

Age: 18 – 22 23 – 27 28+

Gender: Male Female

Section: A B C

Part IIA: Evaluation of Canvas by Instructure as a Learning Management System.

Direction: Please put a check () on the boxes provided.

1. Have you used Canvas by Instructure before?


2. What other Learning Management System have you used?

Moodle Schoology DoceboLMS Others None

3. What device do you prefer using Canvas by Instructure?

P.C/Laptop Iphone Android Phone Ipad Android Tablets

4. What browser do you prefer in Using Canvas?

Mozilla Firefox Internet Explorer Google Chrome Others

5. How often do you use Canvas by Instructure in a given week?

More than 5 hours

3-4 hours

Fewer than 3 hours


Part IIB: Canvas Features Evaluation

Direction: Please put a check () on the blank rate the following statements based on your
experience with the following Canvas Features.

4 – Very Satisfied 3 – Satisfied 2 – Somewhat Satisfied 1 – Not at all

Select one response 4 3 2 1

1. Retrieve documents

2. Read Announcements

3. Check Grades (Quizzes)

4. Check Grades (Assignments)

5. Check Grades(Examinations)

6. Participate in Discussion Boards

7. Review graded assignment feedback

8. Use journal features

9. Use of portfolios

10. Send Communications (Message to Professors)

11. Send Communications( Message to other Students)

12. Use Canvas mobile apps

13. Use Modules

14. Use Conferences

Part IIC: Evaluation in Main tools in Canvas by Instructure.

Direction: Please put a check () on the blank and rate the following statements based on
your experience using the following Canvas by Instructure Tools.

4 – Very Useful 3 – Useful 2 – Somewhat Useful 1 – Not at all

Select one response 4 3 2 1

1. Announcements

2. Calendar

3. Chat

4. Collaborations

5. Courses

6. Discussions

7. Files
8. Grades

9. Inbox

10. Modules

11. Profile

12. Syllabus
Part III: Evaluation in Canvas Accessibility, Adaptability, Usability and Security.
Direction: Please put a check () on the blank and rate the following statements based on
your experience.

4 – Very Satisfied 3 – Satisfied 2 – Somewhat Satisfied 3 – Not at all

A. Canvas Accessibility 4 3 2 1
1. Logging in/out in Canvas
2. Canvas Content
3. Canvas Loading Time
4. Canvas Documentation
5. Canvas Navigation

B. Canvas Adaptability 4 3 2 1
1. Provides different Learning Experience
2. Provides Data Analytics
3. Provides New Features
4. Provides Integration
5. Provides Customization/ Personalization

C. Canvas Usability 4 3 2 1
1. Canvas information are organized and well
2. Navigation on different features are easy and glitch
3. Can be used even if the user don’t have technical
4. Canvas Interface is easy to master
5. Canvas have flexible features and functions

D. Canvas Security 4 3 2 1
1. Secured data and Information
2. Protocol and Session Security
3. Data Backup and Recovery
4. User Authentication
5. Automatic Updates
Part IV: Evaluation on student’s acceptance in Using Canvas by Instructure.
Direction: Please put a check () on the blank and rate the following statements

4 –Strongly Agree 3 – Agree 2 – Disagree 1 – Strongly Disagree

Select one Response 4 3 2 1

1. I have enjoyed using Canvas by Instructure.

2. I feel comfortable using Canvas by Instructure.

3. It makes me feel connected to my instructors.

4. It makes me feel connected to other students.

5. I would like to use Canvas by Instructure in the

future at the College of Education in Manuel S.
Enverga University Foundation.
Part V: Students Insights
Direction: Please write your answer on the space provided.

1. What do you like most about Canvas by Instructure?

2. What do you like least about Canvas by Instructure?

3. Please list any other comment/feedback or suggestions on using Canvas by


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