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ESM-EZM Viewer data collection software; Process values, output in text-excel format, and
access to remote device parameters can be used in many applications in the industry. ESM-
EZM Viewer uses Modbus RTU communication protocol. EMKO Elektronik uses RS-232
Modbus RTU protocol system, which is standard in Process Control, Process Display, Timer &
Counter series, to connect ESM-EZM VIEWER with 32 units Device connection, data logging
and parameter setting are possible.

ESM-EZM Viewer Features

- View 32 devices on the same screen

- Ability to select data types to track
- Comport setting between COM1 ... COM9
- Modbus RTU protocol
- Visual warning in case of alarm
- Real-time Process-Time graph
- Access to device program parameters
- Compatibility with Windows operating systems
- Choice of English and Turkish language
- Adjustable data reading frequency
- Pausing or stopping data collection
- Create files in excel yada text format in definable period
- Save and re-upload device parameters (upload-download)
- Display process, output, alarm and status information of devices

System requirements
And Software Installation

Minimum system requirements for the use of ESM-EZM Viewer;

- Windows 95/98, Windows NT, Windows XP
- Monitor: SVGA graphics card (800x600) pixels
- Free disk space: 16Mbyte, Drive: CD-ROM
The serial number and Activation number are required for the operation of the installed
program. The ESM-EZM Viewer, a licensed software, provides security and follow-up numbers
to the user with the program.

ESM / EZM Viewer software error messages related to communication can occur;
1) PC software version does not support device version software.
2) The device is not responding.
- If the device ID number is incorrect,
- If there is a connection problem, (cable)
- If incorrect communication parameters are set.
3) Max 32 devices
- More than 32 devices are connected to the ESM-EZM Viewer.
4) First, make comport settings.
- After connecting the device to PC, comport settings must be made.

Use of software
And Data collection;

Comport settings must be made the first time the program is run. When Comport settings are
being made, the values entered in the ESM / EZM Viewer for Baud Rate, Partiy and Stop Bit
must be exactly the same as the communication parameter values on the devices to be
communicated. Once the comport settings have been made, the system will automatically use
the same settings. The software is made ready for operation by entering the Serial Number and
Activation Number. In the ESM / EZM Viewer screen, we can not see the devices. Click on FILE
/ New (Ctrl + N) to open the 'Add Device' page.;
In the ESM-XX50 and ESM-XX00 series devices
The value in the: of the EZM-XX50 series devices is entered.

Note: By default, the IDs on our devices are 1. If more than one device is connected in the
created RS-485 communication network, the ID numbers of the devices to be connected must
be different from each other. Whenever a new device is added to the RS-485 communication
network, the ID of the device must first be changed ( ) to
give the device a different ID number than the devices on the network and then connected to
the network. After the device is connected to the network, it should be added with FILE / New
CRTL + N in the ESM / EZM Viewer software and the ID given to the device must be entered
in the Slave ID field.
Serial communication configuration parameters for ESM-XX50 / ESM-XX00 series
°C °C °C
°F °F °F
O2 O2 O2
O3 O3 O3


Communication Access Address (Device ID is assigned a value from 1 to 247,

then this value is written in the "Slave ID" section in the Add device window in
SET the Viewer.
Communication communication speed (Recommended value 0003 = 9600 baud

Communication Parity Selection (Recommended value 0000 = no parity control)


Communication Stop Bit Selection (Recommended value 0000 = 1 stop bit is


Serial communication configuration parameters for EZM-XX50 series devices

Communication Access Address (Device ID is assigned a value from 1 to 247,

then this value is written in the "Slave ID" section in the Add device window in
the Viewer.
Modbus Protocol Type Selection (000001- MODBUS RTU communication

Communication Parity Selection

(000000 - no parity)

Communication Communication Speed ( Recommended value '' 000003 '')

                                           (The device communicates at a baud rate of 9600)

To collect data, right click on the relevant device on the program screen to
select data collection settings. User; (20-3600 seconds), how often the new
file will be created (1-9999 hours), and the file name (the file where the data
will be saved), data collection frequency (20-3600 seconds). The Save button
specifies the file to which the data will be saved. The file extension can be
changed and saved in excel yada text file format.

User data collection during data collection

It may stop the pacemaker. Data collection is stopped with
the option 'Stop data accumulation' and this data is also
deleted on the graphic screen. The 'data collection
duraxat' option pauses the data accumulation and the
corresponding data is not deleted on the graphic screen,
in which case '(D)' is inserted next to the corresponding ID
in the graph.

For 15 devices when collecting data, this data can be displayed in separate colors on the chart
on the data collection screen. Data can be collected for 32 devices at the same time in the
(Text-excel) The data of 32 devices are saved. ESM-EZM Viewer For ESM-XX50 series
devices, Process value, Set value, If available 2. Sensor value, Process value for ESM-XX00
series devices, Process value for EZM-XX50 series devices, SET1 value, SET2 value and
TOTAL values If the device is operating as a total counter) in the selected format.
Örnek: ESM-4450 V17 ID:1
28.08.2008 17:26:01 63 32 50 HIGH
28.08.2008 17:26:21 59 35 50 HIGH
28.08.2008 17:27:01 57 39 50 HIGH
28.08.2008 17:27:21 56 40 50 HIGH

In ESM / EZM Viewer, data collection charts are 2 different types as ESM-XX00 / ESM-XX50
series and EZM-XX50 series. ESM-XX00 / ESM-XX50 from the Data Collection menu,
Only one of the EZM-XX50 options can be selected according to the connected device series.

Cihaz Sayısı & Veri Okuma


Device Quantity Minimum Logging Data collection time is 20 seconds minimum and this
Süresi time increases 20 seconds. When a value below this
For 1-2 20sn period is written, the program will automatically use
For 3-4 40sn the minimum time corresponding to the number of
For 4-5 60sn devices. If a value is entered above the specified
For 6-7 80sn minimum value, logging will be executed from this
For 8-9 100sn value.
For 10-11 120sn
For 12-13 140sn
For 14-15 160sn
For 16-17 180sn

Sample; Minimum data collection time for 4 devices 40 s

Entered time: 30s (The software does not take into account the entered time and logs in
intervals of 40s because it is below the minimum rate)
Inputting time: 60 sec (Since the software is on minimum software, the software logs in
intervals of 60 seconds)

Data Collection Screen (Graphic Screen)
Due to the limit values entered on the data collection screen, the desired temperature range
can be brought to the graphic display. In addition, the Zoom in-zoom out feature allows you to
drill down into the process curves in the graphic.

Auto Start Feature

Auto-Start is an auto-start feature. The ESM-EZM Viewer saves the data in the event of a
power interruption during data logging, starts automatically after a certain period of time after
the computer is turned on again, and continues data logging. There is no need to make a new
setting for data recording.

To use the Auto Start feature ,clickon 'Open ' in the Start/Programs/Start menu and the
Startup window open sand the shortcut of the ESM-EZM Viewer's exe file is copied.At this
point,the program will automatically start itself and continue from where it was logged.

In the example chart above, the power cut (TIME 16:56:58) and 2 minutes later
(TIME 16:59:24), ESM-EZM Viewer continues to process datalogging.

Visual Alarm

To activate the visual alarm feature in ESM / EZM Viewer,

Right click on the device and select 'Alarm Settings'. Low alarm with high alarm values
Alarms are activated by marking the corresponding active boxes. In the event of an alarm,

RS-232 and RS-485

  Communication Tiers

In RS-232 communication;1 unit can be connected to the ESM-EZM VIEWER and a

maximum of 12 meters for 9600 baud should be selected as the connection distance.

In RS-485 communication;32 devices can be connected to ESM-EZM VIEWER and as

connection distance
There can be a maximum of 1000 meters at 9600 baud. Cable length should be reduced
as communication speed increases. Twisted pair cable should be used as
communication connection cable.

RS-485 Terminal Definitions RS-232 Terminal Definitions

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 D- 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 RX

2 D+ 2 TX
7 8 9 10 11 12 7 8 9 10 11 12
3 3 GND

Socket type for 48x48mm, 96x48mm, 48x96mm device sizes

RS-485 Terminal Tanımları RS-232 Terminal Definitions

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 +5Vdc 1

D+ 2 TX 2

D- 3 RX 3

4 GND 4
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Socket type for 72x72mm, 96x96mm device dimensions

PC connection via RS-232
PC (Personal Computer) 9 Pin DCON connection

1 2 3 4 5 6 2
7 8 9 10 11 12 4

In RS-232 communication type, distance is very important, cable length should be maximum
12 meters for 9600 baud and this system can connect 1 device to computer.

RS-485 Converter-PC connection

RS-232 PC
RS-232 -->
Converter D+ D-

1 2 3 4 5 6 D-
7 8 9 10 11 12

A maximum of 32 terminals can be connected to

SLAVE-2 the RS-485 line. ID values are entered as
communication access addresses (1 ... 247) to the
1 2 3 4 5 6 D-
devices. With these values entered into the
7 8 9 10 11 12
devices, new devices can be added to the ESM /
EZM Viewer.
Twisted pair cable should be used for
communication connections.
The termination resistance should be 120 W.
1 2 3 4 5 6 D-
D+ 9600 Communication Speed Cable length can be
7 8 9 10 11 12
Rt max. 1000 m. Cable length should be reduced as
the communication speed increases.

USB-PC connection with RS-485

RS232-USB cable The RS485-USB converter requires driver software to communicate with
the PC, and this software comes with the converter. After installing the software on the PC, the
COMPORT settings are made automatically. In order for ESM / EZM Viewer to communicate
with the device, the created PORT number needs to be known.

RS-485 --> USB
Konvertör Çıkış
D+ Rt D-


1 2 3 4 5 6 D-
7 8 9 10 11 12





Right click on the desktop / My Computer icon, the properties tab is selected.
In the System Properties / Device Manager, the COM number must match the Port number in
the Settings / Comport Settings in ESM / EZM Viewer.

RS232-USB Converter

The RS232-USB converter is inserted

into the PC and the software Cd that was
received with the converter while in the
"Found New Hardware Wizard" is placed
on the computer and moved forward with
the arrow keys.
The point to note here is the loading of
Şekil-1 the software that corresponds to the
operating system you are using, which is
shown in Figure 3. For example; A user
with an operating system XP must select
the USB-PORT software with XP
extension that is appropriate for the

Şekil-3 Şekil-4


Tel:+ 90 224 2611900 Faks :+90 224 2611912

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