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Truenamer Revision

Delete the bulleted information on page 195. Replace this information with the fol-
• To speak a truename aloud using an utterance of the lexicon of the evolving mind,
you must succeed on a Truespeak check with a DC equal to 10 + utterance level +
(2 × maximum utterance level known*).
• To speak a truename aloud using an utterance of the lexicon of the crafted tool,
you must succeed on a Truespeak check with a DC equal to 15 + utterance level +
(2 × maximum utterance level known*).
• To speak a truename aloud using an utterance of the lexicon of the perfected map,
you must succeed on a Truespeak check with a DC equal to 20 + utterance level +
(2 × maximum utterance level known*).
*For that lexicon
Refer to the table below for the exact DCs at each level of Truenamer. Change all refer-
ences to the Truespeak DCs to match those described above.
Truenamer Lexicon of the Evolved Mind (DC by Level)
1 2 3 4 5 6

1 13 — — — — —

2 13 — — — — —

3 15 16 — — — —

4 15 16 — — — —

5 15 16 — — — —

6 17 18 19 — — —

7 17 18 19 — — —

8 17 18 19 — — —

9 17 18 19 — — —

10 19 20 21 22 — —

11 19 20 21 22 — —

12 19 20 21 22 — —

13 19 20 21 22 — —

14 21 22 23 24 25 —

15 21 22 23 24 25 —

16 21 22 23 24 25 —

17 21 22 23 24 25 —

18 23 24 25 26 27 28

19 23 24 25 26 27 28

20 23 24 25 26 27 28
Truenamer Lexicon of the Crafted Tool (DC by Level)
1 2 3 4 5

1 — — — — —

2 — — — — —

3 — — — — —

4 18 — — — —

5 18 — — — —

6 18 — — — —

7 20 21 — — —

8 20 21 — — —

9 20 21 — — —

10 20 21 — — —

11 22 23 24 — —

12 22 23 24 — —

13 22 23 24 — —

14 22 23 24 — —

15 24 25 26 27 —

16 24 25 26 27 —

17 24 25 26 27 —

18 24 25 26 27 —

19 26 27 28 29 30

20 26 27 28 29 30
Truenamer Lexicon of the Perfected Map (DC by Level)
1 2 3 4

1 — — — —

2 — — — —

3 — — — —

4 — — — —

5 — — — —

6 — — — —

7 — — — —

8 23 — — —

9 23 — — —

10 23 — — —

11 23 — — —

12 25 26 — —

13 25 26 — —

14 25 26 — —

15 25 26 — —

16 27 28 29 —

17 27 28 29 —

18 27 28 29 —

19 27 28 29 —

20 29 30 31 32
Additional Rule Information
Replace the Truespeak skill with Truename Training:
New Feat: Truename Training
You have learned the art of truenaming.
Prerequisites: Int 13, ability to speak at least four languages.
Benefit: You gain a base Truespeak bonus equal to 4 + 1/2 your HD (rounded down).
When making Truespeak checks, add your Intelligence modifier to your base True-
speak bonus.
Special: Truenamers gain this feat as a bonus feat at 1st level, even if they do not fulfill
the prerequisites.

Your Own Personal Truename (page 195)

You gain a +6 competence bonus when speaking your own personal truename.

Truename Research (page 196)

Delete the second paragraph of this section and replace it with the following: “Per-
sonal truenames are harder to say (+3 DC on the Truespeak check), but they enable a
truenamer to deliver more devastating utterances. If a truenamer knows the personal
truename of a creature and uses his utterance against it the save DCs of an utterance
that incorporates the creature’s personal truename increases by 2, and the utterance
automatically overcomes spell resistance, if any. Personal truenames are also a neces-
sary component in many truename spells that arcane and divine spellcasters with the
Truename Training feat employ.” Change all references to Truename Research to match
those described above.

Discovering a Personal Truename (page 197)

The Knowledge check DC for all creatures is 15 + the creature’s HD. A creature with
a base Truespeak bonus of 5 or greater gains a +2 bonus on Knowledge checks related
to Truename Research.

Utter Defensively (page 232)

Replace this paragraph with the following: “If you’re worried about attacks of oppor-
tunity, you can “utter defensively” by accepting a –3 penalty on your Truespeak check.
In exchange, the utterance no longer provokes attacks of opportunity.

Spell Resistance (page 232)

Replace the last sentence of this section with the following: “In addition, when
speaking an utterance, you can voluntarily increase the DC of the Truespeak check by
up to 5. The truenamer gains a bonus equal to this increase on caster level checks to
overcome spell resistance.”
Effective Spell Level (page 233)
Replace the last sentence of this section with the following: “ For every spell level
you increase the utterance by, increase the DC of you Truespeak check by 2.”

The Law of Resistance (page 233)

Replace the last two sentences with the following: “However, the universe tends to
resist being manipulated with Truespeak repeatedly in a short period of time, so each
time you successfully speak the same utterance in a day, the DC of your Truespeak
check for that utterance is increased by 3. If you fail a Truespeak check, however, the
DC does not increase on your next attempt of that utterance.”

Feat and Prestige Class Prerequisites

For feats and prestige classes, replace Truespeak skill rank prerequisites with “HD
[Truespeak rank prerequisite – 3], Truename Training.”

Truespeak DCs for Non-Utterance Abilities

For non-utterance abilities (such as recitation feats or the acolyte of the ego’s mor-
phic cadence ability), the Truespeak DC is 15 + the target’s HD. All other modifiers ap-
ply as normal. This system does not apply to truename spells.

Truename Spells
The Truespeak component of truename spells requires a successful Truespeak
check against a DC of 10 + (2 × spell level).

Truename Magic Items (page 262)

Omit the Wondrous Item entry.

Potions (page 262)

The creator or team of creators do not make a Truespeak check when they create a
truename potion. Replace everything in this entry past the second sentence with the fol-
lowing: “There is a chance that truename potions with not work exactly as intended,
however. 10% of the time, the reverse of the intended utterance is invoked; for example,
there is a 10% chance that a potion of minor word of nurturing would instead cause a
reverse minor word of nurturing, dealing 1d6 points of damage.”

Spell Trigger or Spell Completion Items (page 262)

Replace the text in this entry with the following: “Scrolls, staves, and wands require
the user to make a Truespeak check against a DC appropriate for the stored utterance
level and effective truenamer level (see the tables above), or the user’s HD, whichever
is greater. For example, a wand of lesser word of nurturing with an effective truenamer
level of 3rd would require a Truespeak check with a DC of 16, but if the user had 10 HD,
the DC would be 20. Failing this check does not consume a charge or consume a scroll.
Because most of the information for the check is contained in a spell trigger item, the
user gains a +4 circumstance bonus on checks to activate these items. Spell completion
items contain basic information as to the utterance’s speaking, so a user gains a +2 cir-
cumstance bonus on checks to activate thee items. Spell trigger and spell completion
items can be made with a specific personal truename, in which case the item is useless
against any creature beside the creature whose personal truename is contained within,
ad the DC to activate these items is increased by 3; however, the normal benefits of
successfully speaking a personal truename are conferred.”

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