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Computers and Structures 87 (2009) 284–302

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Performance evaluation of metaheuristic search techniques in the optimum

design of real size pin jointed structures
O. Hasançebi a, S. Çarbasß b, E. Doğan b, F. Erdal b, M.P. Saka b,*
Middle East Technical University, Civil Engineering Department, 06531 Ankara, Turkey
Middle East Technical University, Engineering Sciences Department, 06531 Ankara, Turkey

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In recent years a number of metaheuristic search techniques have been widely used in developing struc-
Received 14 May 2008 tural optimization algorithms. Amongst these techniques are genetic algorithms, simulated annealing,
Accepted 6 January 2009 evolution strategies, particle swarm optimizer, tabu search, ant colony optimization and harmony search.
Available online 6 February 2009
The primary goal of this paper is to objectively evaluate the performance of abovementioned seven tech-
niques in optimum design of pin jointed structures. First, a verification of the algorithms used to imple-
Keywords: ment the techniques is carried out using a benchmark problem from the literature. Next, the techniques
Structural optimization
compiled in an unbiased coding platform are evaluated and compared in terms of their solution accura-
Metaheuristic techniques
Combinatorial optimization
cies as well as convergence rates and reliabilities using four real size design examples formulated accord-
Pin jointed structures ing to the design limitations imposed by ASD-AISC (Allowable Stress Design Code of American Institute of
Steel Institution). The results reveal that simulated annealing and evolution strategies are the most pow-
erful techniques, and harmony search and simple genetic algorithm methods can be characterized by
slow convergence rates and unreliable search performance in large-scale problems.
Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction reinforced concrete frame. Some mathematical programming tech-

niques, such as branch and bound method and integer program-
Structural optimization provides tools for structural designers ming do allow design variables having discrete values. SODA [2]
to determine the optimum topology or the optimum geometry is one of the early commercial structural optimization software
and/or optimum cross-sectional dimensions for the members of a for practical building design. This software considered the design
structure. This may be the prime reason why numerous research requirements from Canadian Code of Standard Practice for Struc-
studies have been conducted in this topic in last three decades. Ini- tural Steel Design (CAN/CSA-S16-01 Limit States Design of Steel
tially mathematical programming techniques are used in the Structures) and obtained optimum steel sections for the members
development of optimum structural design algorithms [1]. One of of a steel frame from available set of steel sections. Comprehensive
the basic assumptions in mathematical programming techniques review of the methods for discrete structural optimization prob-
is that the design variables are assumed to have continuous values. lems is given in Arora [3]. The algorithms that are based on math-
With this assumption the early optimum structural design algo- ematical programming techniques are deterministic. They need an
rithms yielded values for the optimum cross-sectional areas of initial design point to initiate the search for the optimum solution
structural members that are neither available in the practice nor and require gradient computations in the exploration process. In
are economical to produce. The reality of the practice is that there some cases, the objective function and constraints in the design
are certain steel sections produced by steel mills that are available problem may have irregular peaks for which the gradient search
for a designer to choose from in the case of steel structures and might become difficult [4,5]. However, these techniques are fairly
there are practically accepted dimensions for the beams and col- rapid and well established, and there are a number of commercial
umns among which the selection can be carried out in a reinforced structural optimization packages that make use of these
concrete structure due to architectural reasons. Hence, the struc- algorithms.
tural designer finds himself/herself in a restricted area where only Recently another group of optimization techniques have
discrete values are available when it comes to make a decision emerged that do not require gradient computations. These novel
what sections he/she has to select for the members of a steel or and innovative metaheuristic search algorithms make use of ideas
inspired from the nature. The basic idea behind these techniques is
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +90 312 210 2382; fax: +90 312 210 4462. to simulate natural phenomena, such as survival of the fittest,
E-mail address: (M.P. Saka). immune system, swarm intelligence and the cooling process of

0045-7949/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
O. Hasançebi et al. / Computers and Structures 87 (2009) 284–302 285

molten metals through annealing into a numerical algorithm [5– characterized by slow convergence rates and unreliable search effi-
13]. These methods are non-traditional stochastic search and opti- ciency in large-scale problems.
mization methods, and they are very suitable and effective in find-
ing the solution of combinatorial optimization problems. They do 2. Discrete optimum design problem of steel trusses
not require the gradient information of the objective function
and constraints and they use probabilistic transition rules not For a pin jointed steel structure consisting of Nm members that
deterministic ones. The optimum structural design algorithms that are grouped into Nd design variables, formulation of the optimum
are based on these techniques are robust and quite effective in design problem according to Allowable Stress Design Code (ASD-
finding the solution of discrete programming problems. There are AISC) [24] yields the following discrete programming problem.
large numbers of such metaheuristic techniques available in the Find a vector of integer values I Eq. (1) corresponding to the se-
literature nowadays. A detailed review of these algorithms as well quence numbers of steel sections in a given profile list
as their applications in the optimum structural design is carried
out in Saka [14]. All of these algorithms employ random number IT ¼ ½I1 ; I2 ; . . . ; INd  ð1Þ
call, and incorporate a set of parameters that require to be adjusted to generate a vector of cross-sectional areas A for Nm members of
prior to their use. Their performance differs depending on the the truss Eq. (2)
problem under consideration and also predefined values of these
parameters. AT ¼ ½A1 ; A2 ; . . . ; ANm  ð2Þ
There are a number of publications in the literature where com-
such that A minimizes the objective function
parison of metaheuristic techniques algorithms is carried out, such
as Keane [15], Manoharana and Shanmuganathan [16], etc. How- X

ever, only a selected few of these techniques have been included W¼ qm Lm Am ð3Þ
in each of these studies, and thus an overall comparison has not
been pursued. The literature lacks more comprehensive studies and satisfies the following constraints:
where many metaheuristic techniques are assessed as a whole in
a chosen problem area. This has led to the motivation of the cur- gm ¼  1 6 0; m ¼ 1; . . . ; N m ð4Þ
ðrm Þall
rent study.
In the paper, the performances of seven optimum structural de-
sign algorithms based on simulated annealing [17], evolution strat- sm ¼  1 6 0; m ¼ 1; . . . ; N m ð5Þ
egies [18], particle swarm optimizer [19], tabu search method [20],
ðkm Þall
ant colony optimization [21], harmony search method [22] and
simple genetic algorithm [23] are evaluated and compared in opti-
dj; k ¼  1 6 0; j ¼ 1; . . . ; N j ð6Þ
mum design of pin jointed structures. The computational steps of ðdj;k Þall
these techniques are outlined in Section 3 in sufficient detail. It
where W is the weight of the truss structure; Lm, qm are the length
is important to highlight that there is no a unique formulation or
and unit weight of member m, respectively; Nj is the total number
a standardized algorithm used to implement any metaheuristic
of joints; the functions gm, sm and dj,k are referred to as constraints
search technique; rather each technique has numerous different
being bounds on stresses, slenderness ratios and displacements,
variants, extensions and modifications in the literature. It is well
respectively; rm and (rm)all are the computed and allowable axial
known that the performance of a technique may vary to a great ex-
stresses for the mth truss member, respectively; km and (km)all are
tent depending on the algorithm used to formulate it. Here, both
the slenderness ratio and its upper limit for mth member, respec-
generality and performance criteria have been taken into account
tively; finally dj,k and (dj,k)all are the displacements computed in
when selecting a particular algorithm for each technique. A stan-
the kth direction of joint j and its permissible value, respectively.
dard test problem (25-member truss) chosen from the literature
In ASD-AISC [24] design code provisions, the maximum slender-
is studied to verify the effectiveness of the algorithms chosen.
ness ratio is limited to 300 for tension members, and it is recom-
Although it is not the goal of the paper, improvements of some
mended to be 200 for compression members. Hence, the
techniques are also achieved, which are clearly documented in
slenderness related design constraints can be formulated as
their computational steps to give the complete details of the algo-
rithms employed. Numerical performances of the techniques com-
puterized in an unbiased coding platform are tested and identified K m Lm
using four real size design examples formulated according to the km ¼ 6 300 ðfor tension membersÞ
provisions of ASD-AISC (Allowable Stress Design Code of American ð7Þ
K m Lm
Institute of Steel Institution) specification. These examples are as km ¼ 6 200 ðfor compression membersÞ
follows: a 113-member plane truss bridge with 43 design variables
and 202 constraints, a 354-member braced truss dome with 22 de- where Km is the effective length factor of mth member (Km = 1 for all
sign variables and 425 constraints, a 582-member space truss truss members), and rm is its minimum radii of gyration.
tower with 32 design variables and 523 constraints, and a 960- The allowable tensile stresses for tension members are calcu-
member double layer grid with 251 design variables and 751 con- lated as in Eq. (8).
straints. All the structures are sized for minimum weight with each
of the seven techniques, and a comparison is carried out in terms of ðrt Þall ¼ 0:60F y
accuracy of the optimum solutions attained by the techniques (i.e., ðrt Þall ¼ 0:50F u
solution accuracy) as well as their convergence rates and reliabili-
ties observed in a number of runs. The results indicate that simu- where Fy and Fu stand for the yield and ultimate tensile strengths,
lated annealing and evolution strategies show the best and the smaller of the two formulas is considered to be the upper
performance in terms of minimum weights located, and display a level of axial stress for a tension member.
high convergence reliability producing near-optimum solutions The allowable stress limits for compression members are calcu-
in the majority of the runs. On the other hand, harmony search lated depending on two possible failure modes of the members
and simple genetic algorithm exhibit a substandard performance known as elastic and inelastic buckling, Eqs. (9)–(11).
286 O. Hasançebi et al. / Computers and Structures 87 (2009) 284–302

2p 2 E straightforward constrained-to-unconstrained transformation
Cc ¼ ð9Þ applications (i.e., penalty functions) to more sophisticate ap-
proaches, such as repair algorithms and multi-objective methods.
h 2
i Amongst all of these approaches, the two most common ones are
1  ðK m L2C
m =r m Þ
2 Fy the death penalty and penalty function implementations.
ðrc Þall ¼ c
; km < C c ðinelastic bucklingÞ In the literature, the dead penalty approach has been employed
þ 3ðK m8CLmc =rm Þ  ðK m L8C
m =rm Þ
c in conjunction with all metaheuristic methods. In this approach, an
ð10Þ initial design or design population is generated such that it consists
of only feasible solution(s). Whenever an infeasible solution is
12p2 E sampled, it is automatically disregarded, and the search is directed
ðrc Þall ¼ ; km P C c ðelastic bucklingÞ ð11Þ
23ðK m Lm =r m Þ2 to feasible regions of the design space. Although straightforward,
this approach has two notable drawbacks. Firstly, for problems
In Eqs. (9)–(11), E is the modulus of elasticity, and Cc is referred to whose design spaces are heavily controlled by constraints, the at-
as the critical slenderness ratio parameter. For a member with tempt to generate feasible designs may lead to a computationally
km < Cc, it is assumed that the member buckles inelastically, and expensive solution algorithm. Secondly, a search over feasible re-
its allowable compression stress is computed according to Eq. gions is usually less efficient than over both feasible and infeasible
(10). Otherwise (km P C c ), elastic buckling of the member takes regions, because the latter makes it possible to approach the opti-
place, in which case the allowable compression stress is computed mum from any direction [26].
as to Eq. (11). Considering the aforementioned shortcomings of the death
penalty, and the fact that penalty function approach is easier to
3. Metaheuristic search techniques in optimization implement and also efficient with a proper parameterization, con-
straints are dealt with a penalty function implementation for all
The solution of the optimum design problem given in Eqs. (1)– metaheuristic methods discussed in the present study. Specifically,
(6) necessitates selection of set of appropriate steel sections for a constrained (penalty integrated) objective function is defined to
each member groups (design variables) of the structure from the evaluate infeasible design(s) in proportion to the sum of the con-
standard steel sections list. This selection should be carried out straint violation, as formulated in Eq. (12).
such that with the selected set of steel profiles the response of " Nj
the structure remains within the limitations imposed by the design X
Nm X
Nm X X
/¼W 1þa gm þ sm þ dj;k ð12Þ
code and it has the minimum weight. This is a combinatorial opti- m¼1 m¼1 j¼1 k¼1
mization problem that requires exhaustive search and effort to
determine the optimum combination which is computationally In Eq. (12), / is the constrained objective function, and a is referred
expensive and in some cases may even not be practically possible. to as the penalty coefficient, used to tune the intensity of penaliza-
Metaheuristic search techniques are developed to make this search tion as a whole. It has been shown in Hasançebi [27] that a dynamic
within computationally acceptable time period. These techniques or adaptive implementation of the penalty coefficient generally
set up black-box procedures that simulate natural phenomena. In leads to a more efficient search process. Nonetheless, this parame-
this study, seven optimum design algorithms are developed for ter is set to an appropriate static value of a = 1 for all stochastic
the solution of the discrete programming problem given with methods discussed here in order to evaluate different methods
Eqs. (1)–(6) that are based on simulated annealing (SA), evolution objectively, since some methods do not permit a change in the level
strategies (ESs), particle swarm optimizer (PSO), tabu search meth- of penalization between designs sampled at different times during
od (TS), ant colony optimization (ACO), harmony search method optimization process.
(HS) and genetic algorithms (GAs). Before initiating the design pro- In a more traditional penalty approach of the form / = W + pen-
cess, a set of steel sections selected from the available section list alty, weight and penalty are considered as two separate and unre-
are collected in a design pool and these sections are sorted in lated terms in evaluating the objective function value of a design. It
descending order. The sequence number of these sections varies follows that for each problem considered one should adjust the
between 1 to total number of sections (Ns) included in the design penalty parameter to make certain that penalty and weight are
pool. This sequence number is treated as design variable. For comparable to each other in order to avoid severe or light penali-
example, if there are 272 steel sections in the design pool and zation. Eq. (12) offers a great advantage in this context. Unlike
15-member groups in the truss to be designed then the abovemen- the traditional approach, penalty term is coupled with the weight
tioned algorithms select randomly an integer number which has a in Eq. (12). As a consequence of this, penalty is assigned in conjunc-
value between 1 and 272 for each member group. Once this selec- tion with the design weight, which in turn makes a pre-adjustment
tion is carried out for each group, the cross-sectional properties of of penalty coefficient unnecessary to achieve required compatibil-
each steel section become available from the design pool. The ity between weight and penalty.
structure is then analyzed under the external loads with these sec-
tions to find out whether its response is within the limitations im- 3.2. Simulated annealing
posed by the design code. If some of the constraints are not
satisfied, then a penalty is applied to these constraints in order The rationale behind simulated annealing (SA) extends to the
to force the solution to satisfy the design limitations. The same annealing process of physical systems applied in thermodynamics.
type of penalty function is used in all these design algorithms that In this process, a physical system initially at a high-energy state is
is explained in the next section. gradually cooled down until its minimum energy level is reached.
The idea that this process can be simulated to solve optimization
3.1. Penalty function method based constraint handling problems was pioneered independently by Kirkpatrick et al. [17]
and Cerny [28], establishing a direct analogy between minimizing
A comprehensive overview of practically all constraint handling the energy level of a physical system and lowering the cost of an
approaches used in conjunction with metaheuristic optimization objective function. The SA algorithm employed in the current study
methods is presented in an excellent review article by Coello is based on the work of Bennage and Dhingra [29]. The basic steps
[25]. In general, these approaches extend from some relatively involved in this algorithm are outlined below [29].
O. Hasançebi et al. / Computers and Structures 87 (2009) 284–302 287

Step 1. Cooling schedule: The first step is the setting of an  t Þðk1Þ and ðP
In Eq. (17), ðP  p Þðk1Þ represent the theoretical and prac-
appropriate cooling schedule. After choosing suitable values for tical (operational) average acceptance probabilities at the (k1)th
starting acceptance probability (Ps), final acceptance probability cooling cycle, respectively. Accordingly, the acceptance probabili-
(Pf), and the number of cooling cycles (Nc), the cooling schedule ties of poor candidates at the kth cooling cycle are modified based
parameters are calculated as follows: on the value of / observed in the preceding cycle. The upper and
 1=Nc 1 lower bounds on the correction factor are enforced to facilitate a
1 1 lnðP s Þ steady change in the value of the parameter in a controlled manner,
Ts ¼  ; Tf ¼  ; g¼ ð13Þ
lnðPs Þ lnðP f Þ lnðP f Þ otherwise immediate fluctuations would occur.
In Eq. (13), Ts, Tf and g are referred to as starting temperature, final In general, the degree of inferiority of a design would be unlim-
temperature, and the cooling factor, respectively. The starting tem- ited. The sampling of such designs is always a threat to a successful
perature is assigned as the current temperature, i.e., T = Ts. implementation of the algorithm, since it drives the Boltzmann
Step 2. Initial design: The next step is the generation of an ini- parameter to unnecessarily high values, hindering the search to fo-
tial design. The initial design is generated randomly such that each cus on favourable design regions. To protect the algorithm against
design variable represents the sequence number of the steel sec- such designs, and thus to ensure an efficient implementation of
tion selected from the profile list. This design is assigned as the Boltzmann parameter, we consider a transformation of D/ values
current design of the optimization process. The analysis of the for the update of Boltzmann parameter using the sigmoid function
structure is performed with the standard steel sections selected given in Eq. (18),
in the current design and the force and deformation responses D/
are obtained under the applied loads. The objective function value D/tra ¼ tanh 0:35  ð18Þ
of the current design (/c) is calculated from Eq. (12).
Step 3. Generating candidate designs: A number of candidate where D/tra represents the transformed value of D/. Hence, no
designs are generated in the vicinity of the current design. This is matter how big the value of D/ is, Eq. (18) maps it into a value be-
performed as follows: (i) a design variable is selected, (ii) the se- tween [0, 1]. The Boltzmann parameter is then manipulated as the
lected variable (Ii) is given a small perturbation in a predefined working average of the transformed values of D/, i.e. K = (D/tra)ave.
neighbourhood Eq. (14), and (iii) finally, a candidate design is gen- Step 5. Iterations of a cooling cycle: A single iteration of a cool-
erated by assuming the perturbed value (I0i ) of the variable, while ing cycle is referred to the case where all design variables are se-
keeping all others same as in the current design. It follows that a lected once and perturbed to generate candidate designs.
candidate design differs from the current one in terms of one de- Generally, a cooling cycle is iterated a certain number of times in
sign variable only. It is important to note that each design variable the same manner to ensure that objective function is reduced to
is selected only once in a random order to originate a candidate de- a reasonably low value associated with the temperature of the
sign. Hence, the total number of candidate designs generated in a cooling cycle. Having selected the iterations of the starting and fi-
single iteration of a cooling cycle is equal to the number of design nal cooling cycles (is and if), the iteration of a cooling cycle (ic) is
variables. determined by a linear interpolation between is and if as follows:
I0i ¼ Ii  zi ð14Þ T  Tf
ic ¼ if þ ðif  is Þ ð19Þ
Tf  Ts
In Eq. (14), zi refers to the amount of perturbation applied to the ith
design variable, and is sampled randomly within an integer neigh- Step 6. Reducing temperature: When the iterations of a cool-
bourhood [1, nw], where nw indicates the width of the neighbourhood. ing cycle are completed, the temperature is reduced by the ratio
Step 4. Evaluating a candidate design and Metropolis test: of the cooling factor g, and the temperature of the next cooling cy-
Each time when a candidate is generated, its objective function cle is set.
(/a) is computed according to Eq. (12) and is set to compete with
the current design. If the candidate provides a better solution T kþ1 ¼ T k  g ð20Þ
(i.e., D/ ¼ /a  /c 6 0), it is automatically accepted and replaces k k+1
In Eq. (20), T and T represent the temperatures at the k and
the current design. Otherwise, the so-called Metropolis test is re-
(k+1)th cooling cycles respectively.
sorted to determine the winner, in which the probability of accep-
Step 7. Termination criterion: The steps 3 through 6 are re-
tance of a poor candidate design P is assigned as follows:
peated until the whole cooling cycles are implemented.
P ¼ expðD/=KTÞ ð15Þ
3.3. Evolution strategies
where K is referred to Boltzman parameter, and is manipulated as
the working average of D/ values. Hence, whenever a non-improv- Evolution strategies (ESs) is conceived as one of the three main-
ing candidate is sampled, this parameter needs to be updated. streams of evolution algorithms (EAs). In fact, the term ‘‘evolution-
It might be expected that the acceptance probability for an ary algorithms” is used to refer to a cluster of techniques
average poor candidate would follow the theoretical curve identi- employing a crude simulation of natural evolution to evolve a pop-
fied by the function exp(1/T), since K = D/ave. In practice, how- ulation of individuals (designs) toward the optimum over succes-
ever, it assumes much higher values than does the theory sive generations. Although ESs were originally developed by
indicate when acceptance probabilities of poor candidates are cal- Rechenberg [18,30] and Schwefel [31] to work in continuous de-
culated directly from Eq. (15). A reformulation of Eq. (15) has been sign spaces, they have been extended to deal with discrete optimi-
considered in the present study to surmount this drawback, where zation problems in different studies in the literature. Some of these
a correction factor (0:9 6 u 6 1:1) is introduced as formulated in extensions have been scrutinized and compared in Hasançebi [32]
Eqs. (16) and (17). for discrete structural optimization problems. In addition, the
method based on Rudolph’s [33] extension has been reformulated
P ¼ u  expðD/=KTÞ ð16Þ
therein to yield a more powerful discrete search algorithm with
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiðk1Þ ESs. The essence of the method lies in the point that design vari-
u¼ 3 
P t =Pp ; 0:9 6 u 6 1:1 ð17Þ ables are mutated by random numbers sampled according to geo-
metric distribution in the form of
288 O. Hasançebi et al. / Computers and Structures 87 (2009) 284–302

1 1 expectation 0 and standard deviation 1; c and s are the learning rate
PðzÞ ¼ 1 ; z 2 f0; 1; 2; . . .g ð21Þ
wþ1 wþ1 and ffiwi, which are usually set to recommended val-
parameters ofppffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
pffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffi
ues of c ¼ 1= 2 Nd and 1= N d , respectively where Nd stands for
where z represents a geometrically distributed integer random the number of design variables. Accordingly, mutation probability
number and w is the mean (expectation) of this distribution. The parameter p is first mutated using a logistic normal distribution
ES algorithm employed in the present study is based on this refor- Eq. (24), which ensures that the mutated value of p always remains
mulation of the technique, which is briefly discussed below. within a range (0, 1). A random number r is then generated between
Step 1. Initial population: Initial population consists of l num- the range [0, 1] for each design variable Ii and its associated wi
ber of parent individuals. Each individual (J) incorporates two sets 0
parameter. If r > p , neither Ii nor wi is mutated. Otherwise, wi is mu-
of additional components (p and w) known as strategy parameters, tated according to a lognormal distribution based variation Eq. (25).
apart from the vector of design variables I. Both strategy parame- Finally, two geometrically distributed integer random numbers
ters are self-adaptive by nature, and are employed by the individ- (zi,1, zi,2) are sampled using the distribution parameter w0i , and Ii is
ual for establishing a problem-specific search scheme in an mutated by the difference of them, Eq. (26).
automated manner. Step 5. Selection: Selection is implemented next to determine
J ¼ JðI; p; wÞ ð22Þ the survivors out of parent and offspring populations. The (l, k)-
selection strategy is applied here, where the parents are all left
In Eq. (22), p is the mutation probability parameter, which is used to
to die out, and the best l offspring having the lowest objective
tune the overall mutability of the individual. The vector w repre-
function scores are selected deterministically out of k offspring.
sents the whole set of wi(i = 1, . . . , Nd)parameters, such that each de-
The selected (surviving) individuals become the parents of the next
sign variable in an individual is coupled with a different wi to
change online the shape and flatness of the geometric distribution
Step 6. Termination: The steps 2 through 4 are implemented
used to mutate it. A random initialization of population is imple-
over a predefined number Ngen of generations.
mented for the design vectors, and the strategy parameters are as-
signed to appropriate values initially (p(0), wi ) based on numerical
experimentation. 3.4. Genetic algorithms
Step 2. Evaluation of population: The initial population is
measured (evaluated) next, where each parent individual is given The most well known stream of EAs are genetic algorithms
a fitness score in conjunction with Eq. (12). (GAs), which have found vast amount of applications in a wide
Step 3. Recombination: After evaluated, the parent population spectrum of diverse engineering disciplines, including structural
undergoes recombination and mutation operators to yield the off- optimization. Today, many variations and extensions of the tech-
spring population. Recombination provides a trade of design infor- nique have been proposed in the literature for applications to dis-
mation between the l parents to generate k new (offspring) crete and continuous variable problems. In the present study,
individuals. Recombination can be applied not only to design vec- however, a genetic algorithm with standard components referred
tors, but also to the strategy parameters of the individuals in a vari- to as simple genetic algorithm (SGA) has been tested due to its gen-
ety of different schemes. In the present study, a global discrete erality and wide acceptability. The fundamentals of this algorithm
recombination operator is utilized for design variables, whereas are outlined below [23].
strategy parameters are recombined using intermediate scheme. Step 1. Initial population: In SGA, a design variable is not rep-
Given that s represents an arbitrary component of an individual, resented by its actual design value; instead it is encoded as a bin-
i.e., s e {I, p, w}, the recombined s can be formulated as follows: ary string of finite length. A coded design variable consists of zeros
( and ones, such as 001001, and is referred to as a substring in GA
sai or sbj : global discrete terminology. If there are Nd design variables in all, then Nd such
s0i ¼ i
sai þ ðsbi  sai Þ=2 : intermediate substrings are joined together to form a complete string (chromo-
some or individual) that represents a potential design to a problem
In Eq. (23), sa and sb refer to the s component of two parent individ- at hand. Initial population incorporates a predefined number of
uals which are chosen randomly from the parent population, and sai individuals (l, population size) that are constructed through a ran-
and sbi represent typical elements of sa and sb. In global discrete dom initialization of binary strings.
recombination, sai is chosen from the two parents under equal prob- Step 2. Encoding: For each individual decoding is carried out to
ability such that the first parent is held unchanged, whereas the map all substrings to some integer values representing the se-
second parent is chosen a new for each element of i. In intermediate quence numbers of standard steel sections in a given profile list.
recombination scheme, both parents are kept fixed for all elements Multi-parameter mapping scheme is often used for this purpose
of i and their arithmetic means are calculated. Eq. (27).
Step 4. Mutation: Mutation is conceived as the main operator  
of ESs, and is applied to each offspring subsequent to recombina- Imax  Imin
Ii ¼ Imin þ ı X ð27Þ
tion, resulting in a new set of design variables and strategy param- 2 1
eters for the offspring. A complete formulation of mutation
pertaining to this particular ES algorithm of interest is given in In Eq. (27), l is the length of the substring (total number of zeros and
Eqs. (24)–(26). ones in the substring); Imin and Imax are the sequence numbers cor-
 1 responding to the first and last standard steel sections in the profile
1  p cNð0;1Þ list, respectively; and X is the binary coding value of the substring
p0 ¼ 1 þ e ð24Þ
p calculated according to the conversion from base two numbers to
base ten numbers (e.g., X = (100101) = 25 + 22 + 20 = 37).
w0i ¼ wi  esNi ð0;1Þ P 1:0 if r 6 p0 2 ½0; 1 ð25Þ Step 3. Evaluation and fitness: Once an individual is decoded,
analysis is carried out to obtain its structural response under exter-
I0i ¼ I0i þ zi;1 ðw0i Þ  zi;2 ðw0i Þ ð26Þ nal loads, and an objective function value is assigned to it in
conjunction with Eq. (12). After all the individuals are evaluated
In Eqs. (24)–(26), p and w0i are the mutated values of their respected in this manner, each individual is assigned a fitness score, which
parameters; N(0, 1) is a normally distributed random variable with indicates the merit of the individual with respect to overall popu-
O. Hasançebi et al. / Computers and Structures 87 (2009) 284–302 289

lation. In the present study, an inverse transformation function Eq. randomly in the search space of an objective function. Each particle
(28) is used to calculate the fitness score fk of an individual k such in the swarm represents a candidate solution of the optimum de-
that the objective function value /k of the individual is propor- sign problem. The particles fly through the search space and their
tioned to the maximum / (/max) in the population. positions are updated using the current position, a velocity vector
and a time step. The steps of the algorithm are outlined in the fol-
fk ¼ ð28Þ lowing as given in [35,36]:
Step 1. Initializing particles: A swarm consists of a predefined
The individuals’ finesses calculated from Eq. (28) need to be number of particles referred to as swarm size (l). Each particle (P)
scaled to eliminate the dominance of highly fit individuals during incorporates two sets of components; a position (design) vector I
selection process. Eq. (29) shows the fitness scaling function used and a velocity vector v Eq. (31). The position vector I retains the
for this purpose. values (positions) of design variables, while the velocity vector v
  is used to vary these positions during the search. Each particle in
ðsc  1Þ ðfmax  sc fave Þ the swarm is constructed by a random initialization such that all
fk0 ¼ fk fave þ fave ð29Þ
ðfmax  fave Þ ðfmax  fave Þ ð0Þ ð0Þ
initial positions Ii and velocities v i are assigned from Eqs. (32)
and (33):
In Eq. (29), fmax, fmin and fave are the maximum, minimum and aver-
age fitnesses in the population, respectively; sc is a real-valued scal- P ¼ ðI; v Þ; I ¼ ½I1 ; I2 ; . . . ; INd ; v ¼ ½v 1 ; v 2 ; . . . ; v N d
ing factor (typically taken as 2.0); and fk0 is the scaled fitness score of ð0Þ
Ii ¼ Imin þ rðImax  Imin Þ; i ¼ 1; . . . ; N d ð32Þ
the kth individual. By virtue of fitness scaling, the ratio of maximum
Imin þ rðImax  Imin Þ
scaled fitness to average scaled fitness is set to a value around sc. v ð0Þ
i ¼ ; i ¼ 1; . . . ; N d ð33Þ
Step 4. Selection and reproduction: Selection is carried out
next, where individuals of high fitness scores are selected and where r is a random number sampled between 0 and 1; Dt is the
reproduced, while the least fit ones are eliminated to create an time step; and Imin and Imax are the sequence numbers of the first
intermediate population called mating pool. Theoretically, the and last standard steel sections in the profile list, respectively.
number of copies (reproductive trials) which an individual is rep- Step 2. Evaluating particles: All the particles are analyzed with
resented with in the mating pool is determined in accordance with the values of design variables that they represent, and their objec-
fitness proportionate selection scheme Eq. (30). tive function values are calculated in conjunction with Eq. (12).
Step 3. Updating the particle’s best and the global best: A par-
fk0 ticle’s best position (the best design with minimum objective func-
gk ¼ ð30Þ
tion) thus far is referred to as particle’s best and is stored
0 separately for each particle in a vector B. On the other hand, the
In Eq. (30), fave denotes the average scaled fitness of the population;
best feasible position located by any particle since the beginning
and gk represents the number of reproductive trials allocated to an
of the process is called the global best position, and it is stored in
individual. Eq. (30) is not directly used due to possible round-off er-
a vector G. At the current iteration k, both the particles’ bests
rors; instead its algorithmic realization is conducted by the roulette
and the global best are updated Eq. (34).
wheel selection approach. In this approach, firstly the individuals
h i h i
take up slots on a simulated roulette wheel in connection to their ðkÞ ðkÞ ðkÞ
BðkÞ ¼ B1 ; . . . Bi . . . ; BNd
ðkÞ ðkÞ ðkÞ
GðkÞ ¼ G1 ; . . . Gi . . . GNd ð34Þ
scaled fitnesses. The roulette is then spun l times to select and
reproduce the individuals for mating pool. Step 4. Updating a particle’s velocity vector: The velocity vec-
Step 5. Crossover: The selected and reproduced individuals are tor of each particle is updated considering the particle’s current po-
mated randomly to form l/2 pairs, and crossover is separately sition, the particle’s best position and global best position, as
implemented between each pair according to a preset probability follows:
value called crossover probability pc. When applied to a pair, cross- ! !
ðkÞ ðkÞ ðkÞ ðkÞ
over swaps the genetic information between the mating (parent) Gi  Ii Bi  Ii
individuals to produce two new child individuals. A number of dif-
v ðkþ1Þ
¼ wv i þ c1 r1 þ c2 r2 ð35Þ
Dt Dt
ferent strategies have been devised to implement this task. In the
present study, a two-point crossover approach is used, where mat- where r1 and r2 are random numbers between 0 and 1; w is the
ing individuals are cut at two randomly selected crossover sites, inertia of the particle which controls the exploration properties of
and a design exchange is facilitated by swapping either the inner the algorithm; and c1 and c2 are the trust parameters, indicating
portion falling between the crossover sites or the two outer how much confidence the particle has in itself (cognitive) and in
portions. the swarm (social), respectively. It is important to mention that r1
Step 6. Mutation: Mutation is applied on the genes of child and r2 in Eq. (35) are generated anew for each component of the
individuals by randomly altering a gene of 1 to 0 or vice versa velocity vector. Otherwise, as the iterations progress the lack of
based on a specified gene-wise mutation probability pm, which is directional diversity between cognitive and social vectors causes
usually kept less than 0.01. the algorithm to conduct a fruitless line search in the design space,
Step 7. Termination: The child (new) population replaces the which is clearly demonstrated in Wilke et al. [37].
parent one and the steps 2 through 6 are repeated until a maxi- Eq. (35) performs very well on small-scale problems as well as
mum number of generations Ngen is reached. on problems with continuous design variables. However, when ap-
plied to large-scale discrete structural optimization problems, the
3.5. Particle swarm optimizer performance of the algorithm has been observed to degenerate sig-
nificantly. Rounding off the real-valued terms of the velocity vec-
Particle swarm optimizer (PSO) is based on the social behaviour tors to nearest integer values in discrete implementations results
of animals such as fish schooling, insect swarming and birds flock- in development of zero velocity vectors, once the swarm ap-
ing. This behaviour is concerned with grouping by social forces that proaches the global best position as a whole. Since the particles
depend on both the memory of each individual as well as the cannot fly any more under this circumstance, the search gets stuck
knowledge gained by the swarm [19,34]. The procedure involves in a very poor design point. A reformulation of Eq. (35) is therefore
a number of particles which represent the swarm being initialized considered in the present study, where an additional velocity term
290 O. Hasançebi et al. / Computers and Structures 87 (2009) 284–302

is defined and added to the former equation as in Eqs. (36) and (37) design variables to ensure the feasibility of the initial design. The
to give each particle a random move in certain directions in the initial design is considered as the current solution.
close neighbourhood of its current position. Step 2. Generating candidates: A design variable (Ii) is selected,
ðkÞ ðkÞ
! ðkÞ ðkÞ
! pffiffiffiffiffiffi and a number of candidate solutions are created in the neighbour-
ðkþ1Þ ðkÞ Gi  Ii Bi  Ii Ns hood of the current solution by perturbing this variable within a
v i ¼ wv i þ c1 r 1 þ c2 r2 þ hi r 3
Dt Dt Dt predefined neighbouring width nw Eq. (39).
I0i ¼ Ii  zi ; zi ¼ 1; . . . ; nw ð39Þ
8 1
< 1 if r 6 2Nd
> In Eq. (39), zi stands for the perturbation applied to the ith design
 i ¼ 0 if r > 1 ð37Þ variable, and I0i represents its perturbed value. The design variable
: 2N d
is perturbed for all values within nw, i.e. zi = 1, . . . , nw. It follows that
nw also determines the number of candidates generated in the
In Eqs. (36) and (37), r3 is a random number between 0 and 1; Ns is neighbourhood, which is equal to 2nw, unless the variable is very
hi is 0–1 heavi-
the number of steel sections in the profile list; and  close to or on the boundary.
side function implemented by sampling a random number r be- Step 3. Evaluation of candidates: All the candidates are ana-
tween 0 and 1. Probabilistically, Eq. (36) implies that in every two lysed and evaluated, and objective function values are assigned
iterations only one design variable in a particle is changed to a with respect to Eq. (12). The candidate having the lowest objective
new position with random velocity term. The reformulated equa- function is recognized as the best candidate with its associated I

tion has been observed to eliminate the aforementioned drawback value being the successful move.
and greatly improve the efficiency of the technique. Step 4. Checking tabu status: Next, it is checked whether the
Step 5. Updating a particle’s position vector: The position vec- move leading to the best candidate is forbidden by tabu list or
tor of each particle is then updated with the updated velocity vec- not. If it is not, the candidate design is replaced with current solu-
tor Eq. (38). tion, and the move is accepted and recorded in the tabu list. Other-
ðkþ1Þ ðkÞ ðkþ1Þ
wise, the aspiration criterion is checked.
Ii ¼ Ii þ v i Dt ð38Þ Step 5. Checking aspiration criterion: If a forbidden candidate
Step 6. Termination: The steps 2 through 5 are repeated in the satisfies the aspiration criterion, it replaces the current solution
same way for a predefined number of iterations Nite. and tabu list is updated. Otherwise, the candidate is rejected and
the search is carried on with the current solution.
3.6. Tabu search Step 6. A single iteration: A single iteration of the algorithm is
completed, when all design variables are selected only once in a
Tabu search (TS) is another metaheuristic method, which was random order and the steps 2 through 5 are repeated for each of
first developed by Glover [20]. The method implements a simple them.
yet an efficient iterative based local search strategy for solving Step 7. Termination: The above procedure is implemented in
combinatorial optimization problems. At each step a number of the same way for a predefined number of iterations Nite.
candidate solutions are sampled in the close vicinity of the current
design by perturbing a single design variable called a move. The 3.7. Ant colony optimization
best candidate is chosen and replaced with the current design even
if it offers a non-improving solution, and the move leading to this Ant colony optimization (ACO) technique is inspired from the
candidate is recognized as a successful move. To protect the search way that ant colonies find the shortest route between the food
against cycling within the same subset of solutions, information source and their nest. Ants being completely blind individuals
regarding most recently visited solutions is collected in a list re- can successfully discover as a colony the shortest path between
ferred to as tabu list. It is actually a set of restricted moves the their nest and the food source. They manage this through their
search is prohibited to be transmitted to. Only a predefined num- characteristic of employing a volatile substance called phero-
ber of very last successful moves (called tabu size, tsize) are re- mones. When searching food, the ants deposit pheromones on
corded in the tabu list, not the complete solutions to avoid a the ground, which is used by other ants in the colony as a guide
computationally expensive algorithm. A candidate is allowed to re- to find the food sources. When there is a chance of selection for
place the current design provided that its move is not in tabu list; an ant between two paths, it selects the one where the concentra-
otherwise the search is proceeded with the current solution. None- tion of pheromone is greater. Since the shorter trail will be rein-
theless, since only moves are stored in a tabu list, it is always pos- forced more than the long one after a while, a great majority of
sible that tabu list may inhibit a solution that has not been visited ants in the colony will travel on this route. Ant colony optimization
beforehand. An aspiration criterion is introduced to interrogate was developed by Colorni et al. [38] and Dorigo [39] and used in
this possibility. It is actually a test whose satisfaction indicates that the solution of traveling salesman. In the following, the computa-
search is not cycling, rather moving to a new point in the design tional steps of the technique are outlined based on the works of
space. The best solution is the most commonly used aspiration cri- Camp et al. [40].
terion, which is satisfied if the candidate sampled is the best feasi- Step 1. Initialization of pheromones (Trails): Given that a pro-
ble solution obtained so far during the search. In such a case, tabu file list with Ns steel sections is used, each design variable can as-
restriction to this move is momentarily overruled, and the search is sume Ns number of different values (paths). The term ‘‘path” is
directed to this forbidden solution. used synonymously with standard steel section for a variable in
Step 1. Initial design: Usually, the initial design is constructed ACO to implicate the choice of an ant. Each path is characterized
randomly. However, in some cases (observed in some numerical by a pheromone level, indicating the suitability of the path (dis-
problems) when the process is initiated from an infeasible design crete section) for the variable. If there are a total of Nd design vari-
point, it may take unacceptably long time for the algorithm to ables, the pheromone levels deposited in all paths for these
reach a feasible design point. Under this circumstance the initial variables are stored in a matrix called a trail matrix T, Eq. (40). It
design is constructed such that the sequence number of strongest is a Ns  Nd matrix with a typical element Tji indicating pheromone
standard steel section (Imax) in the profile list is assigned to all the level in the jth path for the ith design variable. Consequently, each
O. Hasançebi et al. / Computers and Structures 87 (2009) 284–302 291

column vector in T represents the entire set of pheromones accu- for all the ants in the colony. In the present study, a formulation
mulated in all Ns paths for a design variable. of Eq. (43) is considered such that instead of using a static value
for n, a dynamical local update parameter 
nji is introduced to reduce
the pheromone level on a path dynamically based on its selection
probability Eqs. (44) and (45).

T new
ji ¼ nji  T old
ji ð44Þ

ð40Þ nji ¼ 1  ð1  nmin Þpffiffiffiffiffi

pji ð45Þ

The idea behind Eq. (45) is to operate a higher local update value for
paths with low selection probabilities so as to minimize the reduc-
tion of pheromone level on these paths when they are selected. The
equation yields a minimum predefined value of  nji ¼ nmin for a path
with pji = 1.0, and this value is progressively increased when the
The trail matrix is initialized such that all the elements of the matrix selection probability of a path decreases. Especially for those paths
are assigned an initial value of T ji ¼ 1=W min , where Wmin is the whose selection probabilities are well below 0.01, the function pro-
minimum weight of the structure resulting from assigning the duces values close to  nji ffi 1:0, implying that almost no pheromone
smallest steel section (indicated by sequence number Imin) to all reduction is applied to those paths.
members of the structure. Step 4. Evaluation of colony: The structure is analyzed for the
Step 2. Selection probabilities: Once the trail matrix is con- designs characterized by l ants, and an objective function value is
structed, the selection probabilities of the paths are calculated next assigned to each ant in conjunction with Eq. (12). The ants evalu-
using Eq. (41). ated are ranked by their objective function values, and the elitist
ant is updated. Elitist ant is the best feasible ant located so far since
½T ji   ½v j b the beginning of the process.
pji ¼ PN ð41Þ
b Step 5. Global pheromone update: A global pheromone update
k¼1 ½T ki   ½v k 

scheme is implemented next to add pheromones to the paths se-

In Eq. (41), pji indicates the selection probability of jth path for the lected by the ants. In the original AC algorithm developed by Dor-
ith design variable. This probability is a function of the ratio of the igo [39], this scheme is formulated in Eq. (46).
path’s pheromone level (Tji) to the sum of all others’ for the ith de- l
sign variable. It follows that those paths with higher pheromone T new
ji ¼ ð1  er Þ  T old
ji þ ðDT ji Þk ð46Þ
levels probabilistically have a greater chance for being selected. k¼1
The visibility coefficient for the jth section (vj) in this equation is de- In Eq. (46), er is a constant referred to as evaporation rate, and
fined as follows: (DTji)k defined in Eq. (47) is the amount of pheromone added to
1 path ji by the kth ant in the colony, where /k represents the objec-
vj ¼ ð42Þ tive function value of this ant.

where Aj represents cross-sectional area of the jth section. As seen 1=/k ; if the path ij selected by kth ant
ðDT ji Þk ¼ ð47Þ
from Eq. (42), the visibility is inversely proportional to the cross- 0; otherwise
sectional area, increasing selection probabilities of paths with small In fact, Eq. (46) consists of two terms; an evaporation term and an
sections to some extent in order to bias the search towards these accumulation term. The evaporation term is applied to all the paths
paths. Finally, b is a constant parameter used to adjust the relative Tji to simulate the nature such that in nature the pheromone is sub-
importance between the visibility and the trail. ject to evaporation over time. This term helps prevent an early con-
Step 3. Constructing a colony of ants: An ant colony consists of vergence of the algorithm by implementing a positive form of
a predefined number of ants (l, colony size), each of which repre- forgetting [41]. The second term accounts for the accumulation of
sents a potential solution to a problem of interest. Each ant within pheromones on selected paths. Paths that are not selected by an
the colony is constructed probabilistically based on paths’ selection ant receive no pheromone update.
probabilities for each design variable. Selection process is carried A number of extensions of the original global pheromone up-
out such that each design variable is selected by all ants before pro- date scheme have been proposed in the literature. One of such
ceeding to the other. Whenever a choice is performed by an ant for extensions, called the ranked ant system, was formulated by Camp
a design variable, the intensity of pheromone on the selected path et al. [40], where the elitist ant and a selected number of kr top
(Tji) is somewhat lowered using the following local update ranked ants in an iteration are used for pheromone update to bias
equation: the search towards favourable regions Eq. (48).
T new ¼ n  T old ð43Þ " #
ji ji X
T new
ji ¼ ð1  er Þ  T old þ
ji þ er kr DT ji þ ðkr  r k ÞðDT ji Þk ð48Þ
where n is the local update parameter assigned to a suitable value k¼1
between 0 and 1. The path probabilities are recalculated (updated)
accordingly, and the forthcoming ant makes its choice under up- In Eq. (48), DT þ
ij refers to the pheromone accumulation due to the
dated values. As anticipated, the rationale behind local update is elitist ant, and rk is the rank of the ant (between 1 and kr).
to encourage the subsequent ants to choose different sections, Step 6. Pheromone scaling: The concept of pheromone scaling
and thus to produce dissimilar solutions for a more exhaustive is not involved in the original ACO algorithm; rather it is a new
search. Since pheromone levels and probabilities at any time de- component of the algorithm developed by the authors. Numerical
pend on earlier selections made, when an ant makes its own choice experiments have clearly indicated that pheromones are concen-
becomes important. An order of selection is determined anew for all trated on only a small group of paths for a design variable, while
l ants at random prior to selection of each variable. The construc- the other paths go towards zero selection probabilities due to the
tion of colony is completed when all design variables are selected effect of pheromone evaporation. This phenomenon is referred to
292 O. Hasançebi et al. / Computers and Structures 87 (2009) 284–302

as pheromone concentration by the authors, and results in entrap- in GAs and ESs, to a swarm in PSO, and to a colony in ACO methods.
ment of the search in a poor local optimum since the search cannot It incorporates a specified number of solutions referred to as har-
be directed to other regions of the design space. The local update mony size (l). Each solution (harmony vector, Ii) consists of Nd de-
parameter was implemented with low values as a remedy to over- sign variables, and is represented in a separate row of the matrix;
come this problem, yet it did not seem to make it any better. The consequently the size of H is l  N d .
group of paths where the pheromone is concentrated is still main- 2 3
I11 I12
/ðI1 Þ . . . I1Nd
tained; only a cycling of pheromone is observed within the paths of 6 2 7
the same group. When the local update parameter was kept too 6I I2 . . . IN d 7
2 2 2
H¼6 1 7 /ðI Þ ð52Þ
low, the process turned into a completely random search due to 6 7
4... ... ... ...5 ...
a strict policy against favoring any path, suffering a convergence l l l
I1 I2 . . . INd /ðIl Þ
problem. Consequently, the pheromone scaling approach has been
developed to surmount the problem. Step 2. Evaluation of harmony memory matrix: l solutions
After the paths are modified using global update scheme, they are then analyzed, and their objective function values are calcu-
are ranked by their pheromone levels for each variable. A selected lated in conjunction with Eq. (12). The solutions evaluated are
number (np) of top ranked paths is identified for each design vari- sorted in the matrix in the increasing order of objective function
able such that np is a function of total number of paths available values, that is /(I1) 6 /(I2) 6    6 /(Il).
(standard steel sections, Ns), and is calculated from Eq. (49). Step 3. Improvizing a new harmony: A new harmony
pffiffiffiffiffiffi I0 ¼ ½I01 ; I02 ; . . . ; I0Nd  is improvised (generated) by selecting each de-
np ¼ Ns ð49Þ
sign variable from either harmony memory or the entire discrete
The sum of pheromone accumulated in the np top ranked ants set. The probability that a design variable is selected from the har-
for each variable is calculated and proportioned to the total pher- mony memory is controlled by a parameter called harmony mem-
omone in all paths of the variable Eq. (50). ory considering rate (hmcr). To execute this probability, a random
, number ri is generated between 0 and 1 for each variable Ii. If ri is
pcr i ¼ T ji T ji ð50Þ smaller than or equal to hmcr, the variable is chosen from harmony
j¼1 j¼1 memory in which case it is assigned any value from the ith column
of the H, representing the value set of variable in l solutions of the
The ratio pcri is referred to as pheromone concentration rate of the matrix Eq. (53). Otherwise (if ri > hmcr), a random value is assigned
variable i. If the ratio appears to be equal to or greater than 0.95, the to the variable from the entire discrete set.
variable is deemed pheromone concentrated. Once pcr value is cal-
culated for each variable, pheromone scaling is carried out to yield a l
I0i 2 fI1i ; I2i ; . . . ; Ii g if ri 6 hmcr
more homogeneous pheromone distribution amongst the paths of a I0i ¼ ð53Þ
I0i 2 f1; . . . ; Ns g if ri > hmcr
variable so that paths with zero selection probabilities regain a
chance of selection. At each iteration scaling is applied to a single
If a design variable attains its value from harmony memory, it is
variable only; the one with the highest pcr value amongst all pher-
checked whether this value should be pitch-adjusted or not. In pitch
omone concentrated variables. Scaling applied to multiple variables
adjustment, the value of a design variable is altered to its very
simultaneously has been observed to impair convergence character-
upper or lower neighbouring value obtained by adding ±1 to its cur-
istics of the algorithm. During scaling, the half of the average pher-
rent value. Similar to hmcr parameter, it is operated with a probabil-
omone (Ti)ave of a variable is added to each path of the variable, as
ity known as pitch adjustment rate (par), Eq. (54). If not activated by
formulated in Eq. (51).
par, the value of the variable does not change.
ðT i Þav e X
I0i  1 if r i 6 par
T scaled
ji ¼ T ji þ ; ðT i Þav e ¼ T ji =Ns ð51Þ I00i ¼ ð54Þ
2 j¼1 I0i if r i > par

In Eq. (51), T scaled represents the scaled value of the path ji, and (Ti)ave Step 4. Update of harmony matrix: After generating the new
is obtained by dividing the total pheromone accumulated in the harmony vector, its objective function value is calculated. If this
variable by the path number. value is better (lower) than that of the worst harmony vector in
Step 7. Termination: The steps 2 through 6 define a single iter- the harmony memory, it is then included in the matrix while the
ation of the algorithm. The process is repeated for a predefined worst one is discarded out of the matrix. The updated harmony
number of iterations Nite . memory matrix is then sorted in ascending order of the objective
function value.
3.8. Harmony search algorithm Step 5. Termination: The steps 3 and 4 are repeated until a pre-
assigned maximum number of cycles Ncyc is reached.
Another recently developed metaheuristic algorithm is the har-
mony search (HS) method originated by Lee and Geem [22]. The 4. Numerical examples
method is based on natural musical performance processes that
occur when a musician searches for a better state of harmony. The solution algorithms presented above for the metaheuristic
The resemblance, for example between jazz improvisation that techniques are computerized in seven design and optimization
seeks to find musically pleasing harmony and the optimization is softwares that are all compiled in Borland Delphi source code.
that the optimum design process seeks to find the optimum solu- The softwares are automated to interact with SAP2000 v7.4 struc-
tion as determined by the objective function. The pitch of each mu- tural analysis program for generating and screening the structural
sical instrument determines the aesthetic quality just as the models of the problems under consideration as well as carrying out
objective function is determined by the set of values assigned to a displacement based finite element analysis for each solution
each design variable. sampled during optimization process. They use the same inte-
Step 1. Initialization of harmony memory matrix: A harmony grated programming unit for defining optimum design problem
memory matrix H is generated and initialized first, Eq. (52). Con- (i.e., objective function, design variables, design set, constraints,
ceptually, a harmony memory matrix is similar to a population penalization, etc.), which in turn provides an ideal and unbiased
O. Hasançebi et al. / Computers and Structures 87 (2009) 284–302 293

Table 1
The optimum designs located with metaheuristic search techniques for 25-member truss problem.

Size variable Truss members PSO HS SA ESs AC SGA TS

1 1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
2 2–5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.4
3 6–9 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4
4 10, 11 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
5 12, 13 2.1 2.1 2.1 1.9 1.9 2.0 1.8
6 14–17 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 1.0 1.0 0.9
7 18–21 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.6 0.6
8 22–25 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4
Weight (lb) 484.85 484.85 484.85 485.05 485.05 485.38 485.57
Number of analysis 1600 2100 6624 4350 10050 9050 1626
Computation time (s) 216 284 894 586 1357 1221 219

platform for an objective evaluation of performances of metaheu- formed using serial computers with Intel Quad Core Q9300
ristic search techniques. 2.5 GHz LGA775 processor. For all design examples the results ob-
In the first part of numerical examples, a benchmark problem tained from these runs are shown in comparison tables in four
(25-member truss) chosen from the literature is studied to verify rows. The values of the best (lightest), worst (heaviest) and average
the effectiveness of the abovementioned solution algorithms em- designs obtained with the techniques are reflected in the first, sec-
ployed for the techniques, as well as to check our implementations ond and third rows, respectively, and the last row shows average
with those of others in the literature. The optimum solutions lo- computation time taken by each optimizer. It is underlined that
cated by the algorithms and the number of structural analyses re- all the designs included in the comparison tables are fully feasible,
quired to obtain these solutions are reported in Table 1. In the i.e., they satisfy all the specified problem constraints. For all the
second part, four design examples, namely a 113-member plane examples the design history graphs shown in Figs. 3, 6, 8 and 10
truss bridge with 43 design variables, a 354-member braced truss are plotted, demonstrating the improvement of the feasible best
dome with 22 design variables, a 582-member space truss tower design in the search process with all the techniques. These graphs
with 32 design variables and a 960-member double layer grid with are produced by averaging the results of five runs for each tech-
251 design variables are used to test and compare the numerical nique for identifying and comparing the convergence rates of the
performances of the techniques in optimum design of real size techniques towards the optimum. The number of structural analy-
pin jointed structures according to ASD-AISC [24] design code pro- sis performed (the number of design points sampled) is shown in
visions. The parameterizations of the techniques listed in Table 2 the horizontal axis of these graphs, whereas the vertical axis repre-
are performed in line with their recommended settings in sents the variation of the best feasible design weight obtained thus
preceding studies as well as extensive numerical experimentations far during the search. The number of structural analysis is taken as
conducted in the present study. However, we note that metaheu-
ristic techniques are known for their sensitivity to implementation
details and algorithmic outlines. Hence, it is almost impractical to
fully tune each technique to yield its best performance for all de-
sign examples considered here. Each design example is indepen-
dently solved five times with each technique, resulting in a
different final design in each run due to stochastic nature of these 100 inch
techniques. The same random number seed value is used in each
run for all the design algorithms so that each optimizer has the 2
same type of random number series. The computations are per- 8
75 inch
2 6
4 5
Table 2 7
10 12 100 inch
The parameter data set.
6 4
Method Values of parameter set 13 11
15 23 18
SA Ps = 0.50, Pf = 103, is = 1, Y
if = (5, 11, 7, 3)*, nw = (10, 5, 10, 5), 14 5
Nc = (315, 300, 315, 200) 22 19 24
ESs l = 10, k = 50, p(0) = 0.25, 7
ð0Þ 17
wi = (15,6,15,6) 20
Ngen = (1000, 1000, 1000, 2000) 21 25 16
SGA l = 50, pc = 0.90, pm = 0.005,
sc = 2.0, N_{gen} = (1000, 1000, 1000, 2000) 10 8
PSO l = 50, Dt = 1.0, c1 = 1.5, c2 = 1.5,
w = 0.5, Nite = (1000,1000,1000,2000) 200 inch
TS nw = 2, tsize = (64, 33, 48, 376) 200 inch
Nite = (300, 600, 400, 130)
ACO l = 50, b = 0.2, er = 0.5, kr = 25, 9
nmin = (0.90, 0.80, 0.90, 0.80)
Nite = (1000, 1000, 1000, 2000)
HS l = 50, hmcr = 0.90, par = 0.30, kr = 25
Ncyc = (50,000, 50,000, 50,000, 100,000)
The values in parentheses indicate the different values of the parameter used in
the four design examples in the order that the examples appeared in the paper. Fig. 1. 25-member truss (benchmark problem).
294 O. Hasançebi et al. / Computers and Structures 87 (2009) 284–302

Fig. 2. 113-member plane truss bridge.

50,000 for the first three design examples to make sure that all the Three independent runs are carried out with each of the seven
metaheuristic techniques are given the equal opportunity to grasp metaheuristic techniques. All the algorithms are automated to ter-
the global optimum, and that it is not a restraint for not being able minate when no improvement is achieved in the weight of the best
to reach the global optimum. For the last design example (960- design over the last 5000 structural analyses. A comparison of opti-
member double layer grid), it has been increased up to 100,000 mum solutions located by the techniques as well as the number of
owing to the fact that a very high number of design variables structural analyses carried out to locate them are tabulated in Ta-
(251 variables in all) is defined for this example. In all the design ble 1. All the techniques perform very well locating an optimum
examples, the following material properties of the steel are used: within a close range of 484.85–485.57 lb, albeit the number of
modulus of elasticity (E) = 29,000 ksi (203893.6 MPa) and yield structural analyses required to obtain these solutions vary consid-
stress (Fy) = 36 ksi (253.1 MPa). erably between 1600 and 10,050. In the literature, a plenty of dif-
ferent solutions of the problem ranging between 484.50 and
4.1. Benchmark problem 546.01 lb are reported with different numerical techniques. Some
of them are as follows: 546.01 lb by Rajeev and Krishnamoorty
The standard 25-member truss shown in Fig. 1 has been fre- [42] with GAs, 493.80 lb by Erbatur et al. [43] with GAs,
quently used in the literature for testing and comparing various 490.87 lb by Ponteresso and Fox [44] with GAs, 485.05 lb by Cao
optimization techniques. Two versions of the problem are available [45] with GAs, 484.85 lb by Camp and Bichon [46] with ACO and
with discrete and continuous design variables. The differences be- 484.85 lb by Camp [47] with Big Bang–Big Crunch (BB–BC) meth-
tween them do not only extent to type of design variables em- od. A lighter design weight of 481.3 lb is reported with SA in Ben-
ployed, but also to loading and constraints imposed on the nage and Dhingra [29], yet the authors note that this design
problem. Here, the discrete version of the problem is studied owing slightly violates the displacement limitations such that joint 2 de-
to discrete implementation nature of metaheuristic search tech- flects 0.3514 in. in y-direction.
niques. The 25 truss members grouped in 8 independent design
variables are selected from a discrete set of 30 ready sections. A 4.2. Design examples
stress limitation of 40 ksi is imposed on members both in tension
and compression, and maximum displacements of joints 1 and 2 4.2.1. 113-Member plane truss bridge
are limited to 0.35 in. in x- and y-directions. Further details of Fig. 2 shows the geometry of a 113-member, three-span bridge
the design data are readily available in the literature. with a total length of 560 ft (170.69 m). The bridge is to be opti-
mized for minimum weight with the cross-sectional areas of the
members being the design variables. The 113 truss members are
450000 grouped into 43 independent design variables considering the
symmetry of the bridge about centerline plus the design require-
ment that upper and lower chord members change in every two
400000 panels. The grouping of members is shown in Fig. 2. A single design
PSO loading is considered such that traffic loads combined with dead
loads of the floor system have resulted in an equivalent point load
Best Feasible Design (lb)

of 80 kips (355.86 kN) at each panel point on the upper chord. A
discrete set of 137 economical standard steel sections selected
from W-shape profile list based on area and radii of gyration prop-
300000 SGA erties is used to size the variables. The lower and upper bounds on
size variables are taken as 6.16 in.2 (39.74 cm2) and 215.0 in.2
(1387.09 cm2), respectively. The stress and stability limitations of
250000 the members are calculated according to the provisions of ASD-
AISC [24]. In addition, the displacements of all nodes in any direc-
tion are restricted to a maximum value of 2.88 in. (7.31 cm), which
200000 is equal to 1/1000 of the middle span of the bridge.
The 113-member plane truss bridge is separately designed five
times by each of seven optimum design algorithms explained
150000 above. The best, the worst and the average minimum weights ob-
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000
tained by each technique are given in Table 3. It is apparent from
Number of Analysis
the table that the ESs method produced the lightest truss that
Fig. 3. The design history graph obtained with metaheuristic techniques for 113- has the minimum weight of 182208.8 lb. This design is tabulated
member plane truss bridge. in Table 4 with section designations attained for each member
O. Hasançebi et al. / Computers and Structures 87 (2009) 284–302 295

Table 3
The minimum weights (lb) obtained with metaheuristic techniques for 113-member plane truss bridge.

Designs of five different runs SA ESs PSO TS ACO HS SGA

Best run 182451.1 182208.8 185876.6 195762.7 194116.9 207124.6 211226.7
Worst run 184145.6 192068.1 190735.1 197166.5 201604.2 216104.7 221254.7
Average run 183543.6 185995.6 187898.1 196704.4 197556.7 212551.9 215856.2
Computation time (min) 200 196 198 202 204 196 201

group, and is considered to be the optimum solution of the prob- design variables (Fig. 4), which are selected from a database of 37
lem reached in the present study. The next lightest design has been circular hollow sections in ASD-AISC [24] steel profile list. For de-
obtained by SA that has the minimum weight of 182451.1 lb. It can sign purpose, the dome is subjected to following three load cases
be noticed that the difference between the two is only 242.3 lb, considering various combinations of dead (D), snow (S) and wind
which is not very much compared to the overall weight. The third (W) loads calculated according to the provisions of ASCE 7-98
lightest design was attained by PSO algorithm, which is 3667.8 lb [48]: (i) D + S, (ii) D + S + W (with negative internal pressure),
heavier than the design obtained by the ESs method. Simple genet- and (iii) D + S + W (with positive internal pressure). It is important
ic algorithm (SGA) achieved the heaviest design, which is to notice that the load cases resulting from unbalanced snow loads
211226.7 lb while HS method accomplished the second heaviest are disregarded in the study to avoid excessive computational bur-
design that is 207124.6 lb. The final design obtained by SGA is den. The illustrations of the three load cases are shown in Fig. 5. It
16% heavier than the one obtained by ESs method. The design his- has been assumed that dead and snow loads act on the projected
tory graph is shown in Fig. 3. It is observed from this graph that ESs area, while wind load acts on the curved surface area. Sandwich
method is the fastest approach amongst all, and located a design type aluminum cladding material is used, resulting in an assumed
within a vicinity of its optimum solution after sampling approxi- dead load pressure of 200 N/m2 including the frame elements used
mately 10,000 solutions only. Surprisingly, SA emerged to be the for the girts. The design snow load ps (in kN/m2) is computed using
second fastest method for this example, and produced better re- the following equation in ASCE 7-98 [48]:
sults than ESs (on average) starting from 30,000 structural analy-
ps ¼ 0:7C s C e C t Ipg ð55Þ
ses. On the other hand, PSO method showed a steady
convergence towards a near-optimum throughout the process. Fol- where Cs is the roof slope factor, Ce is the exposure coefficient, Ct is
lowing an initial phase of rapid progress the convergence rates of the temperature factor, I is the importance factor, and pg is the
HS, ACO and TS methods reduced considerably, resulting in stagna- ground snow load. These factors are calculated and/or chosen as fol-
tion of the search in non-optimum solutions. Among all the meta- lows: Cs = 1.0, Ce = 0.9, Ct = 1.0, I = 1.1 and pg = 1.1975 kN/m2
heuristic algorithms, SGA displayed a substandard performance (25.0 lb/ft2), resulting in a design snow pressure of ps = 830 N/m2
throughout the design cycles in this particular design problem. (17.325 lb/ft2). To compute the wind design load, first the velocity
pressure is computed using the following equation in ASCE 7-98
4.2.2. 354-Member braced dome truss [48]:
Fig. 4 shows plan, elevation and 3-D views of a braced dome qh ¼ 0:613K z K zt K d V 2 I ð56Þ
truss with 40 m (131.23 ft) diameter designed for covering the
top of an auditorium at an elevation of 10 m (32.8 ft). The dome where qh (in N/m ) is the velocity pressure evaluated at mean roof
has a height of 8.28 m (27.17 ft), and consists of 127 joints and height, Kz is the velocity exposure coefficient, Kzt is the topographic
354 members. The 354 members are grouped into 22 independent factor, Kd is the wind directionality factor, V (in m/s) is the basic

Table 4
The optimum design obtained with ESs for 113-member plane truss bridge.

Size variable Ready section Area, cm2 (in2) Size variable Ready section Area, cm2 (in2)
1 W10X39 74.19 (11.5) 23 W8X21 39.74 (6.16)
2 W12X72 136.13 (21.1) 24 W14X68 129.03 (20.0)
3 W8X21 39.74 (6.16) 25 W10X45 85.81 (13.3)
4 W8X21 39.74 (6.16) 26 W12X79 149.68 (23.2)
5 W10X39 74.19 (11.5) 27 W8X21 39.74 (6.16)
6 W8X21 39.74 (6.16) 28 W8X35 66.45 (10.3)
7 W8X21 39.74 (6.16) 29 W12X53 100.65 (15.6)
8 W12X65 123.23 (19.1) 30 W10X49 92.90 (14.4)
9 W10X45 85.81 (13.3) 31 W10X49 92.90 (14.4)
10 W8X35 66.45 (10.3) 32 W12X40 74.13 (11.8)
11 W8X31 58.90 (9.13) 33 W14X90 170.97 (26.5)
12 W14X99 187.84 (29.1) 34 W10X88 167.10 (25.9)
13 W10X49 92.90 (14.4) 35 W12X53 100.65 (15.6)
14 W10X49 92.90 (14.4) 36 W10X88 167.10 (25.9)
15 W10X49 92.90 (14.4) 37 W8X21 39.74 (6.16)
16 W14X159 301.30 (46.7) 38 W6X25 47.36 (7.34)
17 W12X65 123.23 (19.1) 39 W8X40 75.50 (11.7)
18 W14X176 334.19 (51.8) 40 W14X90 170.97 (26.5)
19 W10X49 92.90 (14.4) 41 W12X87 165.16 (25.6)
20 W12X79 149.68 (23.2) 42 W8X21 39.74 (6.16)
21 W10X49 92.90 (14.4) 43 W10X100 189.68 (29.4)
22 W14X120 227.74 (35.3)
Weight 82648.16 kg (182208.8 lb)
296 O. Hasançebi et al. / Computers and Structures 87 (2009) 284–302

a) 3D view
4 3
7 6

10 9
12 13
18 19

22 21

40 m (131.24 ft)
b) top view
8.28 m
( 27.165 ft ) 7.59 m
( 24.901 ft )
6.735 m
( 22.096 ft ) 5.52 m
( 18.215 ft )
4.025 m
( 13.205 ft ) 2.175 m 8.28 m
( 7.136 ft ) (2.17 ft )

c) side view
Fig. 4. 354-member braced truss dome (a) 3D view (b) top view and (c) side view.

wind speed, and I is the importance factor. These factors are as- internal pressure coefficient. The first term in this equation consid-
signed to following values for the dome: Kz = 1.07 for a mean roof ers the effect of external pressure, while the effect of internal pres-
height of 14.14 m (46.4 ft), Kd = 0.85, Kzt = 1.087, I = 1.15, and sure is accounted for by the second term. To calculate external wind
V = 40 m/s (90 mph), resulting in a velocity pressure of 1115 pressure, the dome is divided into three parts; a windward quarter,
N/m2. Next, the design wind pressure is computed considering a a centre half and a leeward quarter as recommended by ASCE 7-98
combined effect of internal and external pressures acting on the [48]. The external pressure coefficient Cp is then calculated for each
roof, as follows: part considering rise-to-span ratio of the dome, as follows:
Cp = 0.0105 for windward quarter, Cp = 0.907 for centre half and
pw ¼ qh GC p  qh ðGC pi Þ ð57Þ
Cp = 0.5 for leeward quarter. On the other hand, GCpi is taken as
where pw is the design wind pressure, G is the gust effect factor (ta- –0.18 and +0.18 in the second and third load cases over the entire
ken as 0.85), Cp is the external pressure coefficient, and (GCpi) is the internal surface to take into account the suction and uplift effects
O. Hasançebi et al. / Computers and Structures 87 (2009) 284–302 297

0.200 kN/m2 Table 6

D The optimum design obtained with SA for 354-member braced truss dome.
0.830 kN/m2 Size variable Ready section Area, cm2 (in2)
1 P2 6.90 (1.07)
8.28 m
(27.16 ft) 2 P3 14.39 (2.23)
3 P4 20.45 (3.17)
Load Case 1 4 P3.5 17.29 (2.68)
40 m (131.23 ft) 5 P3 14.39 (2.23)
6 P3 14.39 (2.23)
0.200 kN/m2 7 P3 14.39 (2.23)
D 8 P2.5 10.97 (1.70)
S 9 P3 14.39 (2.23)
1.060 kN/m2 0.830 kN/m2 10 P3 14.39 (2.23)
11 P2.5 10.97 (1.70)
0.211 kN/m2 0.674 kN/m2 12 P2.5 10.97 (1.70)
8.28 m
(27.16 ft)
13 P2.5 10.97 (1.70)
14 P2.5 10.97 (1.70)
Load Case 2 15 P2.5 10.97 (1.70)
10 m 10 m 16 P2.5 10.97 (1.70)
20 m (65.62 ft)
(32.81 ft) (32.81 ft) 17 PX2 9.55 (1.48)
18 PX2 9.55 (1.48)
0.200 kN/m2 19 P2 6.90 (1.07)
20 P2 6.90 (1.07)
S 21 P2 6.90 (1.07)
0.659 kN/m2 0.830 kN/m2
22 P2 6.90 (1.07)
0.191 kN/m2 0.273 kN/m2 Weight 14760.8 kg (32542.3 lb)
8.28 m
(27.16 ft)

Load Case 3 70000

10 m 20 m (65.62 ft) 10 m
(32.81 ft) (32.81 ft)

Best Feasible Design (lb)

55000 TS

50000 SGA




0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000
10 m 20 m (65.62 ft) 10 m Number of Analysis
(32.81 ft) (32.81 ft)

Fig. 6. The design history graph obtained with metaheuristic techniques for 354-
Fig. 5. The three load cases considered for 354-member braced truss dome. member braced truss dome.

of the internal pressure, respectively. The net pressure acting on dif- The minimum weights obtained by each technique for 354-
ferent parts of the dome is obtained by combining internal and member braced dome is given in Table 5. For this structure, SA
external wind pressures as per Eq. (57) (see Fig. 5). The stress and technique gives the least weight, which is 32542.3 lb. This design
stability limitations of the members are calculated according to is tabulated in Table 6 with pipe section designations attained
the provisions of ASD-AISC [24]. The displacements of all nodes for each member group, and is considered to be the optimum solu-
are limited to 11.1 cm (4.37 in.) in any direction. tion of the problem reached in the present study. The final designs

Table 5
The minimum weights (lb) obtained with metaheuristic techniques for 354-member braced truss dome.

Designs of five different runs SA ESs PSO ACO TS HS SGA

Best run 32542.3 32664.4 32664.4 33866.6 35370.1 35394.6 36641.4
Worst run 32542.3 32664.4 34752.4 34791.4 35912.3 37448.8 40425.2
Average run 32542.3 32664.4 33165.8 34403.8 35680.2 36173.2 38109.2
Computation time (min) 603 600 596 601 608 612 604
298 O. Hasançebi et al. / Computers and Structures 87 (2009) 284–302


30 29

27 26

24 23
12 x 4 m (13.12 ft )
48 m (157.44 ft )
21 20

18 17

16 15


11 10

8 7
8 x 4 m (13.12 ft)
32 m (104.96 ft)
5 4
a) 3D view

3 2

b) side view

20 m
( 65.62 ft )

( 19.68 ft
12 m
( 39.37 ft )

19.02 m
( 62.34 ft )

c) top view
Fig. 7. 582-member space truss tower (a) 3D view (b) top view and (c) side view.

achieved by ESs and PSO methods are both 32664.4 lb, and are only are more prone to performance variations based on stochastic
0.3% different from the one located by SA. Hence, we may conclude behaviour. However, this cannot be generalized since the same
that SA, ESs, PSO techniques have exhibited the identical perfor- performance is not observed in the other design examples. The de-
mance, yet ACO, TS, HS and SGA methods achieved 4%, 8.7%, sign history graph is shown in Fig. 6. Again, ESs has appeared the
8.8%, 12.6% heavier designs, respectively. Noticeable is that SGA fastest approach by attaining designs that are in the vicinity of
once more has given the heaviest design. Another interesting point the final design within 10,000 cycles, indicating the relative effec-
is that SA and ESs techniques reached the same final designs in all tiveness of this algorithm. Unlike previous example, SA method
the five runs owing to the fact that displacement constraints were displayed a slow and steady progress towards the optimum resem-
inactive for this example. This indicates the consistent behavior of bling the behaviour characterized by PSO. TS method showed a
these methods in obtaining the solution of this particular design very rapid progress in the early stages, yet no improvement of
problem. The other methods do not exhibit similar behavior. They the best design has been recorded at all after 10,000 generations.
O. Hasançebi et al. / Computers and Structures 87 (2009) 284–302 299

Table 7
The minimum weights (lb) obtained with metaheuristic techniques for 582-member space truss tower.

Designs of five different runs PSO ESs SA TS ACO HS SGA

Best run 363795.7 364205.5 365199.1 368472.1 370087.3 377483.2 384583.8
Worst run 370159.1 371948.9 368281.5 383693.4 374298.7 381972.2 406845.4
Average run 365124.9 367058.7 367350.6 371810.9 372180.5 379570.3 397520.5
Computation time (min) 559 562 566 564 564 562 566

Table 8
The optimum design obtained with PSO for 582-member space truss tower.

Size Variable Ready Section Area, cm2 (in2) Size Variable Ready Section Area, cm2 (in2)
1 W8X21 39.74 (6.16) 17 W8X21 39.74 (6.16)
2 W12X79 149.68 (23.2) 18 W16X67 127.10 (19.7)
3 W8X24 45.68 (7.08) 19 W8X24 45.68 (7.08)
4 W10X60 113.55 (17.6) 20 W8X21 39.74 (6.16)
5 W8X24 45.68 (7.08) 21 W8X40 75.48 (11.7)
6 W8X21 39.74 (6.16) 22 W8X24 45.68 (7.08)
7 W8X48 90.97 (14.1) 23 W8X21 39.74 (6.16)
8 W8X24 45.68 (7.08) 24 W10X22 41.87 (6.49)
9 W8X21 39.74 (6.16) 25 W8X24 45.68 (7.08)
10 W10X45 85.81 (13.3) 26 W8X21 39.74 (6.16)
11 W8X24 45.68 (7.08) 27 W8X21 39.74 (6.16)
12 W10X68 129.03 (20) 28 W8X24 45.68 (7.08)
13 W14X74 140.65 (21.8) 29 W8X21 39.74 (6.16)
14 W8X48 90.97 (14.1) 30 W8X21 39.74 (6.16)
15 W18X76 143.87 (22.3) 31 W8X24 45.68 (7.08)
16 W8X31 55.90 (9.13) 32 W8X24 45.68 (7.08)
Weight 165014.6 kg (363795.7 lb)

The rate of convergence of ACO technique has downgraded with observations are pretty much the same and compatible with those
increasing number of design cycles. Finally, HS and SGA ap- in the previous example except that PSO comes out to be a much
proaches exhibited almost a similar behaviour throughout the faster method in this example.
search identified by a slow convergence to substandard solutions
although the former had a slightly higher convergence rate. 4.2.4. 960-Member double layer grid
The last design example shown in Fig. 9 is a double layer grid
4.2.3. 582-Member space truss tower consisting of 263 joints and 960 members. The objective is to size
The third design example is an 80 m long, 582-member truss the double layer for minimum weight with cross-sectional areas of
tower shown in Fig. 7. The tower is optimized for minimum weight the members being the design variables. The symmetry of the
with the cross-sectional areas of the members being the design structure around x- and y-axes is employed to group the 960
variables. The symmetry of the tower around x- and y-axes is con-
sidered to group the 582 members into 32 independent size vari-
ables. A single load case is considered such that it consists of 600000
lateral loads of 5.0 kN (1.12 kips) applied in both x- and y-directions
and a vertical load of 30 kN (6.74 kips) applied in the z-direc-
tion at all nodes of the tower. A discrete set of 137 economical
standard steel sections selected from W-shape profile list based SA
on area and radii of gyration properties is used to size the variables. TS
The lower and upper bounds on size variables are taken as 6.16 in.2
Best Feasible Design (lb)

(39.74 cm2) and 215.0 in.2 (1387.09 cm2), respectively. The stress
500000 HS
and stability limitations of the members are imposed according
to the provisions of ASD-AISC [24]. In addition, the displacements SGA
of all nodes are limited to 8.0 cm (3.15 in.) in any direction.
The final designs obtained by each metaheuristic technique are 450000
given in Table 7. PSO has obtained the lightest design in this prob-
lem, which is 363795.7 lb. This design is tabulated in Table 8 with
section designations attained for each member group, and is con-
sidered to be the optimum solution of the problem reached in 400000
the present study. ESs technique gives the second good answer,
which is 364205.5 lb; only 0.1% heavier than the previous. The
other minimum weights obtained by SA, TS, ACO, HS and SGA are
0.4%, 1.2%, 1.7%, 3.8% and 5.7% heavier than the one attained by 350000
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000
PSO, respectively. Excluding the one found by SGA, the differences
Number of Analysis
among the minimum weights obtained by the stochastic search
techniques are not as large as the ones achieved in the previous de- Fig. 8. The design history graph obtained with metaheuristic techniques for 582-
sign examples. The design history graph is shown in Fig. 8. The member space truss tower.
300 O. Hasançebi et al. / Computers and Structures 87 (2009) 284–302

a ) 3D view
2.5 m
(8.2 ft)

8 x 3.25 m ( 10.66 ft )
26 m (85.3 ft)

2.5 m
(8.2 ft)

2.75 m 2.25 m
(9.02 ft) (7.38 ft)

10 x 3.25 m (10.66 ft) = 32.5 m (106.63 ft)

2.75 m 2.75 m
(9.02 ft) (9.02
b ) Top view ft)

Fig. 9. 960-member double layer grid.

members into 251 independent size variables. They are selected dance with the provisions of ASD-AISC [24]. In addition, the dis-
from a database of 28 circular hollow sections in ASD-AISC [24] placements of all nodes are restricted to a maximum value of
steel profile list. The lower and upper bounds on size variables 4.16 in. (10.57 cm) in any direction.
are taken as 1.07 in.2 (6.90 cm2) and 21.3 in.2 (137.42 cm2), respec- 960-Member double layer grid is the largest design example
tively. The structure is subjected to a single load case resulting considered in this study. The final designs obtained by the each
from snow load only. It is calculated according to ASCE7-98 [48] technique for the double layer grid is given in Table 9. The lightest
manual by selecting the following parameter values: Cs = 1.0, structure is obtained by SA method, which is 53656.7 lb. Due to the
Ce = 0.9, Ct = 1.0, I = 1.0 and pg = 1.1975 kN/m2 (25.0 lb/ft2), result- large number of member groups the cross-sectional designations
ing in a design snow pressure of 754 N/m2 (15.75 lb/ft2). The stress of this design are not given in the paper. ESs approach found the
and stability limitations of the members are calculated in accor- minimum weight of the double layer grid as 54631 lb, which is

Table 9
The minimum weights (lb) obtained with metaheuristic techniques for 960-member double layer grid.

Designs of five different runs SA ESs PSO TS ACO SGA HS

Best run 53656.7 54631.0 55057.1 55821.1 65161.2 71294.2 88479.9
Worst run 54792.4 57089.1 57906.8 58369.4 67258.0 81742.0 95719.0
Average run 54219.2 55558.8 56250.0 56901.9 66220.3 75060.7 87456.3
Computation time (min) 565 558 557 567 691 566 558
O. Hasançebi et al. / Computers and Structures 87 (2009) 284–302 301

200000 the application of the seven different metaheuristic techniques

considered in this study. A summary of the results obtained is
reproduced in Table 10. The numbers in each cell of the table show
175000 ESs the order of the algorithm in finding the minimum weights; 1
PSO being the lightest and 7 being the heaviest. Remembering the fact
that in the design example of 582-member space tower the differ-
ences among the minimum weights attained by SA, ESs and PSO
Best Feasible Design (lb)

ACO were close to each other, it may be deduced that amongst all the
SGA metaheuristic search techniques considered here, SA and ESs
methods are the most powerful ones. ESs approach exhibited a ra-
125000 HS
pid and linear convergence towards the optimum in the early
stages of the optimization process. On the other hand, SA showed
a slower and gradual convergence in the course of optimization
100000 process, yet it generally obtained a slightly better result than did
ESs due to the improved local search characteristics of the former.
Both methods located near-optimum solutions in the majority of
75000 the runs, indicating their high convergence reliabilities. Another
promising method turned out to be PSO. It has exhibited a prob-
lem-dependent varying convergence rate. It is of consequence to
50000 mention that the reformulated velocity update function Eq. (36)
0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 seemed to enhance the performance of the technique to a great ex-
Number of Analysis tent. Experiments performed with non-reformulated velocity func-
tion resulted in very poor local optimum due to exhausted search
Fig. 10. The design history graph obtained with metaheuristic techniques for 960- ability resulting from zero velocity vectors. TS and ACO techniques
member double layer grid.
displayed a mediocre performance in all the examples. They both
demonstrated almost a linear convergence behaviour in the early
stages and located a local optimum not very far from the global
Table 10 one. However, thereafter they could not manage to direct the
Performance evaluation of metaheuristic techniques in the design examples search to other regions where better design points lie, resulting
considered. in a non-improving curve in the case of TS, and a barely improving
Design Examples SA ESs PSO TS ACO HS SGA curve in the case of ACO. It is worth mentioning that the phero-
113-member plane bridge truss 2 1 3 4 5 6 7
mone scaling incorporated into the ACO algorithm resulted in a
354-member braced truss dome 1 2 3 5 4 6 7 significant gain in the performance of this technique. The heaviest
582-member space truss tower 3 2 1 4 5 6 7 designs were achieved by the SGA and HS methods. They are both
960-member double layer grid 1 2 3 4 5 7 6 characterized by slow convergence rates and unreliable search per-
formance. Despite the inadequate performance of HS for large-
scale problems, the authors have observed that HS might be a very
efficient optimizer for small-scale problems. Hence, an improve-
1.8% heavier than the previous one. The other minimum weights ment of the technique seems to be necessary for large-scale design
obtained by PSO, TS, ACO, SGA and HS methods are 2.6%, 4%, 21%, optimization. Finally, it is noted that the results and observations
33% and 65% heavier, respectively than the minimum weight derived here for genetic algorithms are valid only for SGA variant
achieved by SA. In this design example HS method has attained of the technique. It is highly possible that recent and improved
the heaviest design. The design history graph is shown in Fig. 10. variants of GAs would produce better results than does SGA.
ESs and TS appeared to be the fastest methods in this design exam-
ple. PSO, the second fastest method of the previous example, fell
below even SA in terms of its convergence rate, yet it approached
a near-optimum solution beyond halfway through the process.
This paper is partially based on research supported by the Sci-
SGA displayed its routine slow convergence performance, and gave
entific Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK Research Grant No:
a signal that it might tend to produce better results if more design
108M070) and the Middle East Technical University Research
cycles were processed. HS, on the other hand, displayed an unac-
Funding (BAP-2008-03-03-02), which are gratefully acknowledged.
ceptable performance indicating no sign of convergence to any rea-
sonable solution within design cycles of manageable size.
5. Conclusions
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