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Volume 15 Reports 417

Number 5

events that lead to the stimulation of mitosis, Key words: lens epithelium, ultrastructure, rabbit,
e.g., a derepression of the genome, remains to be mitosis, migration, organ culture, defined medium,
elucidated. papaverine, cyclic AMP, ribosomes, cell surface,
In the present study the central lens epithelial mitochondria.
cells cultured in KEI-4-insulin showed an increase
in the size and number of mitochondria at seven REFERENCES
hours of culture. In this respect, the central lens 1. Harding, C. V., Reddan, J. R., Unakar, N. J.,
epithelial cells of the insulin-treated lens exhibited et al.: The control of cell division in the
a morphology similar to that noted in cells residing ocular lens, Int. Rev. Cytol. 31: 215, 1971.
in the germinative zone in the living animal. In- 2. Reddan, J. R., Unakar, N. J., Harding, C. V.,
creases in mitochondria have also been detected in et al.: Induction of mitosis in the cultured
the traumatized lens prior to the onset of cell rabbit lens initiated by the addition of insulin
division.0 to medium, KEI-4, Exp. Eye Res. 20: 45,
The epithelial cells of lenses exposed to insulin, 1975.
dibutyryl cAMP, and theophylline were elongated 3. Rothstein, H., Worgul, B., Briggs, R., et al.:
in a plane parallel to the overlying lens capsule. Triiodothyronine and thyroxine: Induction of
Theophylline and cyclic AMP also engender a mitosis in adult frogs, Experientia 29: 1292,
morphological change in cultured newt iris cells,7 1973. ;
which mimics that detected during Wolffian lens 4. Reddan, J. R., Harding, C. V., Unakar, N. J.,
regeneration. Moreover, explanted chick lens epi- et al.: Electron microscopy of cultured mam-
thelial cells become markedly elongated if exposed malian lenses, INVEST. OPHTHALMOL. 9: 496,
to insulin.8 Dibutyryl cAMP stimulates cell elonga- 1970.
tion in one-day-old rat lenses and simultaneously 5. Reddan, J. R., Crotty, M. W., and Harding,
accelerates the appearance of lens-specific proteins. C. V.: Characterization of macromolecular
Hormones are known to influence mitosis both synthesis in the epithelium of cultured rabbit
in the mammalian and amphibian lens. Lenticular lenses, Exp. Eye Res. 9: 165, 1970.
mitosis in larval amphibians can be initiated by 6. Unakar, N., Harding, C , Reddan, J., et al.:
thyroid hormones. In addition, thyroxin and Characterization of wound healing in the rab-
growth hormone trigger a central mitotic activa- bit lens. I. Light and electron microscopic ob-
tion in the epithelium of the adult frog lens.3- 9 servations, J. Microscopie 16: 309, 1973.
Studies from Rothstein's laboratory have shown 7. Ortiz, J. R., Yamada, T., and Hsie, A. W.:
that the lens epithelium of the hypophysectomized Induction of the stellate configuration in cul-
frog become amitotic; such lenses fail to undergo tured iris epithelial cells by adenosine and
a mitotic activation even if cell-to-cell relationships compounds related to the adenosine 3': 5'-
are disturbed by a mechanical needle injury.10 In- cyclic monophosphate, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci.
jury related cell division can be reinstated sub- 70: 2286, 1973.
sequent to the administration of somatotropin or 8. Piatigorsky, J., Rothschild, S., and Wollberg,
whole pituitary extract. The effect, if any, of M.: Stimulation by insulin of cell elongation
growth-promoting hormones on the mammalian and microtubule assembly in embryonic chick-
lens in situ remains to be documented. lens epithelia, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 70: 1195,
The isolation of insulin-like substances from 1973.
rabbit serum and from the aqueous humor ob- 9. van Buskirk, R., Worgul, B., Rothstein, H.,
tained from injured or inflamed eyes, which is et al.: Mitotic variations in the lens epithe-
known to contain a potent mitogen,11 is the focus lium of the frog. III. Somatotropin, Gen.
of current studies. The presence of such factor(s) Comp. Endocrinol. 25: 52, 1975.
in the aqueous may be required for wound re- 10. van Buskirk, R., Reddan, J. R., and Rothstein,
lated mitogenesis and for the restoration of tissue H.: Hypophysectomy inhibits wound hyper-
transparency in the traumatized or cataractous plasia in the adult frog lens, Ophthalmol.
lens. Res. (in press).
The technical assistance of Carol Genyea is 11. Weinsieder, A., Reddan, J., and Wilson, D.:
gratefully acknowledged. Aqueous humor in lens repair and cell pro-
liferation, Exp. Eye Res. (in press).

From the Department of Biological Sciences,

Oakland University, Rochester, Mich. This work
was supported by Grant EY-00362 from the Na- X e r o p h t h a l m i a . ANTOINETTE PIRIE.
tional Eye Institute. Submitted for publication
Nov. 10, 1975. Reprint requests: Dr. John R. Some characteristics of children with xeroph-
Reddan, Department of Biological Sciences, Oak- thalmia are described and the difference in age
land University, Rochester, Mich. 48063. A prelim- between those with serious corneal xerophthalmia
inary report of this work was presented at the and those showing milder conjunctival xerophthal-
annual ARVO meeting, Sarasota, Fla. mia is noted. The various public health measures

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418 Reports Investigative Ophthalmology
May 1976

instituted to prevent xerophthalmia are examined. Table I. Classification of ocular signs (from
The particular importance of protein in food given Control of vitamin A deficiency: Priorities for
to severely malnourished children suffering from research and action. W.H.O., U.S.A.I.D. Jakarta
xerophthalmia is stressed and studies on enzyme 1974, in preparation.)
activities which are enhanced in the xerophthalmic
cornea are briefly noted. X1A Conjunctival xerosis
X1B Bitot spot with con- XN Night blindness
Xerophthalmia is caused by lack of vitamin A; junctival xerosis XF Xerophthalmia
the ocular signs start with night blindness and pro- X2 Corneal xerosis fundus
gress through xerosis of the conjunctiva to end X3A Corneal ulceration XS Corneal scars
with perforation of the cornea and irreversible with xerosis
blindness. The stages through which xerophathal- X3B Keratomalacia
mia progresses have recently been reclassified in a Those lesions enclosed within the box are indicative of
form suitable for use both in prevalence surveys clinically active vitamin A deficiency. Those outside the
and in hospital departments (Table I ) . box are either difficult to assess, less specific, or unrelated
to active disease. (1) These signs are descriptive rather
The victims of severe xerophthalmia involving than diagnostic. All signs seen at the time of examination
are recorded. (2) In general, a progression of severity is
the cornea are almost always infants or young reflected in the classification of signs within the box. ( 3 )
The classification can be used in field surveys, in hospitals,
children, the peak age being 2.5 years in Indo- and clinics. ( 4 ) When tabulating the frequency of these
nesian children brought to hospital (Figs. 1, A and signs each child should be included only once, under his
or her most severe sign. (5) Only those Bitot spots ac-
B). The younger the age the greater the likelihood companied by conjunctival xerosis, usually in zero to
five years olds, are indicative of vitamin A deficiency.
of serious xerophthalmia (Fig. 2). A similar re- This xerosis may be hidden by the overlying foam of the
lationship is shown in India and other parts of the Bitot spot, and only revealed when this is rubbed away.
(6) Secondary signs, located outside the box, may often
world. occur in association with, or result from vitamin A de-
ficiency, and should be noted separately.
There is a puzzling discrepancy between the age
relationships of children brought to hospital with
the milder signs of xerophthalmia and of children The connection between xerophthalmia in chil-
showing the same clinical signs but living in the dren in vitamin A was first described by Bloch in
community. Figs. 1, A and B show that the Denmark. During World War I there was insuffi-
peak age for children coming to hospital with XN cient butter to go round and the poor ate margarine.
or XI is also near 2.5 years, but when the prev- Severe xerophthalmia developed in epidemic form
alence of xerophthalmia in the general community among infants in orphanages and in poor families.
has been surveyed, ophthalmologists have found Bloch found that it could be cured by cod liver oil,
in India1 and elsewhere a steady increase in these 10 grams twice a day, without change of diet and
milder signs with age of children; in India it was suggested that the oil supplied the traces of "fat-
1.5 per cent in the age group 12 to 24 months and soluble A bodies" needed for growth and well
16.0 per cent in the age group 48 to 60 months.1 being. Curiously, xerophthalmia in Denmark van-
This marked difference in age between children ished when the German U-boat blockade was
coming to hospital with either mild or serious stepped up so that ingredients for the manufacture
xerophthalmia and children found with the mild of margarine could no longer be imported. Butter
form in the community may be connected with the was then rationed and the price stabilized so that
fact that the hospital children are not only de- everyone got their share. The last case reported in
ficient in retinol but are as well almost always London was in 1938; it is therefore not so long
severely malnourished and, have, or have recently since xerophthalmia disappeared from western
had, recurrent infections. The children who are in Europe.
the hospital are a separate group and, as Fig. 2 But in India and Southeast Asia it is still ram-
shows, are most highly at risk from severe blinding pant. The Indian Government estimates that
xerophthalmia at a very early age. It is impossible 10,000 children become blind each year from
to follow severe cases in prevalence studies in the xerophthalmia, whereas in Britain there are at any
community. Here they appear few and far be- one time about 2,000 children blind from all
tween1 but they congregate at hospitals. causes (none from xerophthalmia). In Indonesia,
Laboratory animals, deficient from weaning ten Doesschate found that xerophthalmia was the
solely in vitamin A and its precursor /? carotene, prime cause of blindness in young children. Any
develop the full sequence of the signs of xeroph- natural or man-made disaster can precipitate an
thalmia ending with perforation of the cornea and epidemic. It seems now to be a much more serious
shriveling of the eye. Thus we can be as certain problem in Bangladesh than it was before the
that xerophthalmia can be caused by vitamin A turmoil of war.
deficiency alone as we are for example, that beri- These are the parts of the world where serious
beri is solely due to deficiency of thiamine. In the xerophthalmia is most obviously a scourge but it
laboratory the eye signs are cured by dosage with is also endemic in Lebanon, Thailand, Brazil,
vitamin A alone unless severe ulceration of the El Salvador, and parts of Africa. Poverty is the
cornea has already set in. basis of this global distribution. But poverty is

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Volume 15 Reports 419
Number 5

made worse by disease and lack of understanding

of the finer points of nutrition (not confined to xo xi
O-O X2 X3 X4
poverty-stricken people) and, in the worst hit
countries by the use of rice as the staple food. Rice
is food; if all else fails, rice will still fill the belly.
Many of the worst hit areas are not deserts but,
for at least part of the year, lush green tropics or
semitropics full of edible wild plants or easily
cultivated green vegetables which could provide
ample /8-carotene quite cheaply. Unfortunately
green vegetables are no longer considered valuable
food either by the rich or poor. India, for example
eats less of them than any other country listed by
FAO. Indeed, green vegetables are often considered
harmful for young children. This may have its
basis in the fact that they are often grown under
unsanitary conditions and need careful handling
and cooking. But in season they are cheap, both Fig. 1, A. Xerophthalmia according to age. Boys.
wild and cultivated species used to be popular and
should again be encouraged, particularly for young
children. About one ounce of fresh, dark-green so X—X XO XI
leafy vegetable a day will provide ample ^-caro- O-O X2 X3 X4
tene for a young child. 40
Where poverty has become less grinding, and is
accompanied by efficient health care and nutrition
education in schools, xerophthalmia has vanished.
It is no longer present in Singapore and has been
much reduced in Sri Lanka and possibly also in 20
North Vietnam.
The worldwide distribution of xerophthalmia and
the terrible consequence of child blindness has stim-
ulated the Governments of the countries concerned,
the World Health Organization, and UNICEF,
together with nongovernmental agencies in many
countries to undertake preventive measures. The
most ambitious schemes are those now in opera- Fig. 1, B. Xerophthalmia according to age. Girls.
tion in parts of India, Bangladesh, and Indonesia (From J. ten Doesschate, Causes of blindness in
and around Surabaya. Thesis, Jakarta, Indonesia,
where capsules containing 200,000 IU of retinol,
as 110 mg. of retinol palmitate, are being dis-
tributed every six months to children between one
and five years of age. The capsules are given 100
orally and it is hoped that this dose will keep the BOYS
level of vitamin A in the blood and liver well O-O GIRLS

above deficiency level for six months.2 There has 80

been a good deal of controversy about these
schemes, both as to whether the serum vitamin A
level stays up for as long as six months3 and also 60
whether distribution is reliable and reaches those
in real need. These points are not yet settled but
a- 40
pilot surveys in India, Indonesia, and Bangladesh
have shown that the prevalence of mild signs of
xerophthalmia, i.e., conjunctival xerophthalmia, 20
diminish after distribution of the capsules. So far
there is no evidence that serious xerophthalmia has
Another method, about to be put into practice in 3

Guatemala is food fortification. Sugar, which is pro- YEARS

duced centrally, is to have vitamin A added, Fig. 2. Percentage of each age group of xeroph-
without increase in price to the consumer, just thalmia patients with serious xerophthalmia X2,
as, in Britain margarine is fortified with vitamin X3, and X4. (J. ten Doesschate, 1968.)

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420 Reports Investigative Ophthalmology
May 1976

A. The problem in other countries has been to was at the Center or on return home. Corneal
find a suitable, generally consumed food which is xerosis (X2) cleared and initial vitamin A did not
centrally produced. improve the curative effect of the food alone.
Finally, there is the method of nutrition educa- Children with more serious xerophthalmia X3A,
tion which may be used separately or in conjunc- X3B were almost invariably given initial doses of
tion with the other methods described. For pre- vitamin A, so that no comparison of the effect of
vention of xerophthalmia the message will vary ac- food alone with that of food plus vitamin A was
cording to the local foods and diet. In Indonesia possible for this group of children. The results
red palm oil is abundant but not appreciated. seemed as good as those achieved by inpatient
There are also dark green leafy vegetables. In treatment but treatment was less costly.
Southern India locally available dark green leafy There are, therefore, three public health
vegetables and leaves free for the picking should methods in use for prevention and cure of xeroph-
be stressed. The basis of education is that the thalmia, two based on provision of extra vitamin
parent, who stays at the nutrition Center with the A and one based on provision of food rich in P-
child, should participate in buying and cooking carotene and protein, with addition of vitamin A
the necessary, nutritious food and then share where considered medically advisable. The first
the meal. All food recommended must be easily two methods reach hundreds of thousands of
available locally and within the means of the children, the third can, by its nature, reach only
family when the child returns home. All pots and thousands directly. The first method—distribution
pans, stoves etc. at the Center must be similar to of large doses of vitamin A has, in pilot studies,
those the parents are familiar with. been shown to diminish the prevalence of conjunc-
Such a Nutrition Rehabilitation Center to care tival signs of xerophthalmia, but so far has not
for children showing signs of xerophthalmia has been shown to diminish the number of children
been set up at the Government Erskine Hospital brought to hospitals with severe corneal xeroph-
Madurai, Southern India under the direction of thalmia. This group of children is manifestly
Professor G. Venkataswamy. About 1,000 children different from those who develop mild signs. They
have been cared for in 2.5 years. Among children are more severely malnourished and more likely to
admitted for treatment of xerophthalmia, 67 per have intestinal or respiratory infections.
cent of those most carefully followed-up and docu- It is clear that we do not yet know all the
mented were less than 60 per cent of their normal factors that cause the rapid worsening of xeroph-
weight for age on admission (Grade III malnutri- thalmia with involvement of the cornea and its
tion on the Gomez scale). Some had kwashiorkor sudden perforation resulting in permanent blind-
and showed the edema of protein deficiency; more ness. Two approaches are being made. The first
usually they were marasmic. Such malnourished concerns the importance of protein for the con-
children also had other diseases, the most usual version of /8-carotene to retinol in the gut, and
being intestinal infections leading to diarrhea, the absorption, storage, and ultimate use of retinol
which can cause decreased absorption of vitamin A by the tissues.
and carotene. Or they might have fever caused by The details of the relationship are now be-
respiratory infection or viral disease which increases coming clearer. Arroyave4 showed that vitamin A
usage of vitamin A by the body and may pre- provoked no response in vitamin A-deficient chil-
cipitate severe xerophthalmia in a child teetering dren who were also deficient in protein unless milk
on the edge of deficiency. were given as well. However, giving vitamin A-
The treatment at Madurai consists in (1) food deficient children some skim milk, which is devoid
rich in ^-carotene from the dark green leafy vege- of vitamin A, increased the level of vitamin A in
tables and in protein from groundnut flour, which their blood.4 This increase of serum vitamin A
is given to all children and their parents—rice when the children were given protein suggested
and oil supply the calories—(2) general medical that the decreased vitamin A in their blood was
treatment, and (3) initial dosage with vitamin A secondary to a decrease in a postulated protein car-
of those showing severe xerophthalmia. Change in rier.
weight was recorded as well as change in the The concept of retinol-binding protein (RBP)
ocular condition. Under this regimen, the children and of pre-albumin, the transport proteins for
gained weight but their "catch up" growth was not vitamin A in the serum, is now familiar from the
as fast as if they had been given eggs and milk fascinating work of De Witt Goodman and of
and other too expensive but excellent sources of Vahlquist and their associates. This has illuminated
protein and vitamin A. Those given vitamin A the relationships between protein and vitamin A
as well as the standard diet with ample j3-carotene, and may well lead to changes in the treatment of
protein, and calories grew no faster than the xerophthalmia. In rats, deficient only in vitamin
others. A, the RBP level in the blood falls and that in
Xerophthalmia X1A, X1B was arrested and the liver rises. When vitamin A is given to
almost invariably cleared either while the child such animals the RBP level in the blood

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Volume 15 Reports 421
Number 5

starts to rise within 1.5 hours of the dose. There tiple fragments of the same nature as those pro-
is a direct relation between the level of duced by collagenase isolated from other rat tis-
retinol, RBP, and pre-albumin in the blood. But sues and there is also neutral proteinase activity
if children who are deficient in vitamin A and also using azocasein as substrate. The activity in cul-
malnourished were given vitamin A parenterally ture medium from normal corneas is less than the
the level of RBP in their blood did not increase activity shown by culture medium of xerophthal-
for 24 hours.5 In contrast, when protein alone mic corneas.10
without vitamin A was given to children with One of the characteristics of the ulcerating
kwashiorkor or marasmus the levels of RPB, pre- cornea of the xerophthalmic rat, shared by that of
albumin, and vitamin A all increased." "These the xerophthalmic child,11 is the massive influx of
findings suggest that the low levels of vitamin A cells which precede the main capillary invasion. It
in kwashiorkor largely reflect a functional impair- is possible that these cells play a part in the de-
ment in the hepatic release of vitamin A rather struction of the cornea. Local therapy of injured
than vitamin A deficiency per se. Hepatic release corneas with collagenase inhibitors has had some
of vitamin A is apparently impaired because of success.0 If such local therapy of the xerophthalmic
defective production of plasma transport proteins cornea is contemplated much more needs to be
for retinol because of a limited supply of sub- known of the enzymes present in the tissue.
strate for protein synthesis. When substrate is They say there are more ways than one of
provided by dietary calories and proteins, the skinning a cat; the work described in this paper
hepatic production of plasma proteins increases, suggest that there are more ways than one in which
plasma RBP and pre-albumin rise and hence to endeavor to mitigate the ravages of xerophthal-
plasma vitamin A concentration increases."0 mia. After twenty years in Indonesia, Johanna ten
The toxicity of excess vitamin A is well known, Doesschate concluded "It cannot be repeated often
and even the dose of 200,000 IU by mouth dis- enough that the treatment of xerophthalmia should
tributed to preschool children caused vomiting, take into account all of its component factors."
diarrhea, and malaise in 4 per cent of them.1
This toxicity may be due to free retinol. Dingle, From the Nuffield Laboratory of Ophthalmology,
Fell, and Goodman7 found that free retinol was University of Oxford, Oxford, England. Submitted
toxic to tissue cultures but that the RBP-retinol for publication Nov. 18, 1975.
compound was not, and recently, excess retinol
palmitate given to normal rats has been found Key words: xerophthalmia, vitamin A deficiency,
cornea, epidemiology.
to depress the level of RPB in the blood, possibly
by inhibiting its synthesis in the liver.8 Thus it
seems possible that although a large dose of vita-
min A to a child who is not seriously protein de- 1. Swaminathan, M. C , Susheela, T. P., and
ficient is a useful boost to the liver store; such Thimmayamma, B. V. S.: Field prophylactic
a dose to a child who is seriously protein deficient trial with a single annual oral massive dose of
vitamin A, Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 23: 119, 1970.
may not be helpful.
2. Srikantia, S. C , and Reddy, V.: Effect of a
One of the chracteristics of serious xerophthal- single massive dose of vitamin A on serum
mia is the rapidity with which it goes from bad and liver levels of the vitamin, Am. J. Nutr.
to worse, to end with perforation of the cornea. 23: 114, 1970.
Brown, Slansky, and Berman9 (whose work has 3. Pereira, S. M., and Begum, A.: Retention of a
recently been reviewed by Lemp9) have shown, by single oral massive dose of vitamin A, Clin.
culture of the tissue, that both animal and human Sci. Mol. Med. 45: 233, 1973.
corneas contain collagenase and develop a more 4. Arroyave, C , Wilson, D., Contreras, C, et
active one after injury. It is possible that the same al.: Alterations in serum concentrations of
enzyme or enzymes are responsible for the rapid vitamin A associated with hypoproteinemia,
J. Pediatr. 62: 920, 1963.
dissolution of the xerophthalmic cornea. This possi- 5. Smith, F. R., Suskind, R., Thanangkul, O., et
bility has been examined in the rat.10 Unfortu- al.: Plasma vitamin A, retinol-binding protein
nately, rat collagenase isolated from cultures of rat and prealbumin concentration in PCM. Ill,
uterus or skin, digests collagen to multiple prod- Response to varying dietary treatments, Am.
ucts, unlike the enzyme from other mammals J. Nutr. 28: 732, 1975.
which digests collagen to two characteristic prod- 6. Smith, F. R., Goodman, D. S., Zaklama, M. S.,
ucts only. The small amount of tissue available et al.: Serum vitamin A, retinol-binding pro-
from a rat cornea has made it impossible to at- tein and pre-albumin in PCM, a functional
tempt separation of collagenase from other en- defect in hepatic release, Am. J. Clin. Nutr.
26: 973, 1973.
zymes so that it is only possible to speak of a
7. Dingle, J. T., Fell, H. B., and Goodman, D.
collagenolytic system in the tissue. At least two S.: The effect of retinol and of retinol-binding
enzyme activities have been found in cultures of protein on embryonic skeletal tissue in organ
normal rat cornea. Collagen is digested to mul- culture, J. Cell Sci. 11: 393, 1972.

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422 Reports Investigative Ophthalmology
May 1976

8. Mallia, A. K., Smith, J. E., and Goodman, crossed with the Charles River albino mice
D. S.: Metabolism of retinol-binding pro- (Charles River Breeding Laboratory, Wilmington,
tein and vitamin A during hypervitaminosis A Mass.) and a cataractous strain was developed
in the rat, J. Lipid Res. 16: 180, 1975. as described previously.3 The normal mice used
9. Lemp, M. A.: Annual review of cornea and in the study were the Charles River albino mice.
sclera, Arch. Ophthalmol. 92: 158, 1974.
10. Pirie, A., Werb, Z., and Burleigh, M. C : The 14C-leucine uptake and incorporation stud-
Collagenase and other proteinases in the ies were accomplished by incubating mouse lens
cornea of the retinol deficient rat, Br. J. Nutr. in 5.0 ml. of medium, the composition of which
34: 297, 1975. was described by Epstein and Kinoshita.5 Isotope
11. Kuming, B. S., and Politzer, W. M.: Xeroph- procedures used were similar to those previously
thalmia and protein malnutrition, Br. J. Oph- described.6- 7 The data are reported for an incu-
thalmol. 51: 648, 1967. bation period of three hours. Incubation periods
for two and four hours were also run to show
that the uptake and incorporation processes were
linear. Trichloroacetic acid was used to precipitate
Lens growth in the Nakano mouse. HENRY
the protein and the filtrate assayed for the
N. FUKUI, H. OBAZAWA, AND J. H. KINO- amount of 14C-leucine taken up in the lens.
SHITA. The precipitate was washed with alcohol, dried
with ether, weighed, dissolved in Hyamine, and
The growth curve of the lens of the Nakano counted.
mouse was compared to that of the normal mouse.
There was no obvious difference for the first two Results. The effect of age on the changes in
weeks of age. After this period the growth of the dry weight and wet weight of the lenses of
the normal lens continued while that of Nakano the Nakano and normal mice are shown in Fig.
mouse lens slowed abruptly and eventually ceased. 1, A and B. The normal lens increases in size
Studies with labeled leucine, however, showed that rather dramatically during the first two weeks of
even after the appearance of the "pin-head" age. The rate of growth, as judged by the increase
opacity the protein synthesis, although depressed, in dry weight, can be estimated as about 60
continued. These findings combined with previous micrograms per lens per day. After two weeks
histological observations suggest that new fiber of age the growth rate slowly tapers off but with
formation is probably unaffected in the early stages age the lens continues to increase in size. In
of the Nakano cataract. The apparent cessation of contrast to the normal lens the Nakano mouse
lens growth is probably associated with the ex- lens presents a different growth curve. Up to two
tensive liquefaction that is observed to occur at weeks the growth rate of the Nakano mouse lens
the posterior nuclear region.1 is about that of the normal mouse lens. After this
period, however, the growth rate of the Nakano
Changes in many parameters occur during the mouse lens abruptly falls off, and beginning at
development of a cataract in the Nakano mouse about 21 days of age it reaches a plateau. Thus,
strain. The first sign of a cataract in these mice at the time when the "pin-head" opacity appears
is the appearance of a small nuclear opacity the lens appears to cease growing.
("pin-head" opacity) observed in the lens about The lens growth curves derived from the wet
three weeks after birth. The opacity is accom- weight data resemble the curves from the dry
panied by marked alteration in the lens in regard weight results except for the subtle differences
to morphology1' 2 and many biochemical param- in the Nakano mouse lens. The growth curve of
eters.3 Most striking is the sudden increase in the wet weight of the normal lens more or less
lens hydration which appears to be caused by superimposes upon the growth curve of dry
an influx of sodium ions. A partial deficiency in weights. This indicates that the dry weight to
the lens Na-K ATPase, possibly caused by the wet weight ratio does not appear to change ap-
presence of an endogenous inhibitor of the en- preciably throughout the age period studied.
zyme, may be responsible for the defect in the In the Nakano mouse lens the curve for the
cation pump mechanism that leads to the initial dry weight reaches a plateau after three weeks
osmotic change.3- 4 of age. The growth curve from the wet weight
This report concerns an observation made in data appears to parallel that of the dry weights
the development of this type of cataract namely except that a slow but progressive increase is
the apparent cessation of growth of the lens. observed after the three-week period. This means
Seeking an explanation of this phenomenon a study that an increase in hydration begins at three
was made on the uptake and incorporation into weeks and progresses slowly. This is consistent
lens proteins of the amino acid, leucine. with the findings previously reported that the
Material and methods. The hereditary cataract- osmotic change occurs just about the time when
ous strain of Nakano mice originated from an the "pin-head" opacity appears in the Nakano
inbred strain from Japan. These mutants were mouse strain.3

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