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How products become quickly obsolete?

Alternatives to minimize these fails

Small The companies, when making the small One solution could be to make the
changes in changes in the electronic devices, are society knows that they don’t need
devices proposing to the society to buy the new to consume every time the
devices with new designs (color, size, etc.) and companies create a new device,
people buy that new device no matter the because it will affect all society’s
previous one they had in use, thus, generating health provoking sickness.
more e-waste (thus, people throw away the
previous one).
Hardware The hardware failures happens because the The solution could be that the
failures companies reduce the operating time of the companies make the electronic
devices to be damaged faster, thus allowing devices to last more time, so it will no
people to find another electronic device with provoke the consumerism and the
which they can use until it is also damaged, contamination of our natural
this is a new strategy of the companies to win resources.
more money, but it can be said that this
generates a great environmental pollution,
affecting society.

New The new technology that the companies The companies will create new
technology create, is damaging our society, first, because technology, with more efficient
in the creation process the companies put services, but at the time, with
more toxic substances to the electronic ecological materials that will not
devices, so, when people throw away this affect in a massive way our
product, it will affect in a massive way our environment.
environment. Second, the society, always
going to choose the new devices, and
probably is going to throw away the previous
device (it doesn’t matter if it still function).
Disposable When the companies make the disposable The companies could make
technology technology, it means that they are design for technology designed to last and with
dump, because they are create to be thrown more recyclable resources, so when
away, provoking e waste. they got damaged, they can be
Can’t change The problem is that the companies can´t That the companies change the toxic
components change the components because they prefer components, and use the ones that
to stay with the old components, that with the are not too toxic for our environment
product of it, it gives many monetary or to innovate the old ones,
resources becoming better for the society.
Software When the electronic device request you to The companies could create the
upgrades actualize the new software, sometimes it fails devices with a permanent software,
and damage you electronic device, so you that wouldn´t need actualizations, so
would need to buy another one, generating it will not be damged.
consumerism and e waste.

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