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Name: Jaleesa Mattox

Lesson Plan
Target Age Group: 4-5 years old
Theme: Christmas
Title of Activity: Wrapping your gifts
Curricular Area: Back table/ art
Date to Use Activity: 12-15-18

Developmental Goals Learning Objectives Materials Required

Cognitive - Realizing how to Given the items to wrap their - Christmas bulbs
wrap your own gift gifts the children will need to - Tissue paper
Fine motor skills - making wrap up their gifts and finish - Scissors
hands to wrap the gift their christmas gift. - Ribbon
Social - talking with the - Christmas bags
children about christmas - Name tags
Physical - wrapping the gifts

" Grap a stick and start with the first student, we are going to start your gifts, now grap a stick
and get your friend."

1.) Get all the materials ready before the children start.
2.) Pick a stick.
3.) Have that child start the project.
4.) Have the students write their name tags out.
5.) Have the students wrap their bulb in tissue paper, put it in the christmas bag and tie it shut
with their name tag and ribbon.
6.) Have the students pick another stick and have that friend come back and start the same

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