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Engineering Practice

Engineering & Construction (E&C): Modeling

Integration Enables Optimized Execution
As E&C companies strive to develop Building Information Modeling (BIM) 6
for the owners and operators of CPI facilities, strong efficiency gains benefit
Stephen Wyss
Bechtel Corp.
I %

Truly transformational change •\

is upon the engineering and
construction (E&C) indus­
try, and some consider the
*^ w
trends that are occurring today to be
enabling the most significant evolu­
tion in history. Cumbersome doc­
ument-based project execution is
transitioning to robust, data-centric
execution, as innovators seize op­
portunities in emerging technologies
1 ii
and ongoing expansion in cloud-
based environments. E&C contrac­ 1 A tirr.
tors that embrace, define and drive »
change will flourish, while those that i :

dawdle will find themselves in the I

AT* t ■
undesirable position of reacting to I
change. Several contemporary stud­
ies [7] document how E&C industry BEuJi
productivity has lagged over recent
FIGURE 1. Great efficiencies arise when construction staff can access materials- and project-related
decades relative to other industries, information via a model viewer
and identify the catalysts that are
driving this change. Collaboration is tools (devices and platforms) and advanced capabilities to rede­
a dominant theme in the path to in­ from cloud-based data sources, to fine the traditional relationships
creased productivity. facilitate operation and maintenance and responsibilities that exist be­
Opportunities for productivity-en­ of the facility. tween engineering, procurement,
hancing collaboration are presenting This article distinguishes the regu­ construction and commissioning
themselves in many spheres — reg­ latory, organizational and contractual functions
ulatory, organizational and contrac­ aspects of project management and • Contractual collaboration entails
tual. Of these, one of the contractualthe trends that are driving the path parties altering execution and re­
paths stands out — the path to BIM to 6D, and offers recommendations lationships to facilitate information
6D (For more on BIM 6D models, for how E&Cs can use this path to exchange and share risk so as to
see the sidebar on p. 59). implement paradigm-shifting work minimize information-sharing bar­
Once E&Cs evolve their processesprocess changes that can signifi­ riers and to be more nimble in
as part of this data-centric paradigm cantly enhance productivity. implementing executional variation
shift, they will be able to deliver a • Regulatory collaboration entails
BIM 6D model to the owner upon proactive public and private part­ The drive toward a 6D model
construction completion, populated nerships (P3), with parties workingApproximately two decades ago,
with relevant building component in­ together to create and facilitate owner and operators throughout the
formation, such as product data and conducive environments chemical process industries (CPI)
details, maintenance and operation • Organizational collaboration in­ began requiring a 3D model as a
manuals, cut-sheet specifications, volves E&C entities seizing inter­ deliverable from E&Cs whenever a
photos, warranty data, web links to nal productivity-enhancing op­ capital project was handed over for
product online sources, manufac­ portunities relating to innovative operation. In the near future, E&C
turer information and contacts, and software tools and cloud-based contractors can expect to find own­
more. Data will be accessible via environments, and using these ers and operators requiring delivery
of a 6D model as the key deliverable
with the facility at handover. Why is
While a 3D model has historically
enabled owner/operator personnel ' .n Sr”
to maintain and update a centralized
engineering database of the facility,
the delivered facility still came with
volumes of documents and manu­ r i
als produced from a document­ i
centric execution process, and all
of those support materials needed
to be managed through a central­
ized control and storage organiza­ #
tion. Owner/operator maintenance
and operations personnel needed
to access key plant information from
within this document storage and or­ I
ganization system, whether via hard­
copy documents and manuals, or
via an electronic data management FIGURE 2. With greater centralization and integration ot all project-related data and information, con­
system (EDMS) — a cumbersome struction personnel can easily check the most up-to-date material test reports from a tablet
process in either case.
By contrast, a 6D model producedor a list of parts for an instrument, sophisticated design-authoring soft­
using a data-centric execution pro­ a 6D model with fully developed at­ ware tools. These allow the model
cess centralizes and streamlines tributes at the object level — the to evolve as E&Cs design the facil­
information access for all stakehold­ operator’s pump or the technician’s ity. Parties not involved in the design
ers, because it is object-centered, instrument — enables that individualprocess, but who have an interest
not document-centered. Whereas in to visualize the object (a pump or in monitoring the design evolution
a document-centric environment, an instrument, in the example above, (such as the procurement staff, con­
operator or technician might need toor any other object) via a model struction staff and others), are able
chain through multiple documents toviewer, and directly access linked to monitor this evolution via the use
find the information sought, whether information from the object through of model viewers (Figure 1).1
it was a maintenance log of a pump associated attributes. Model viewers display the 3D
1. Examples of model viewers include In­ model much the same as the de­
tergraph's Smart Rant Review, Autodesk's Model viewers sign-authoring software, but do so
Navisworks, and CAXperts Universal Plant During the design phase of a facil­ from a static file that is created on a
Viewer ity, 3D models are constructed usingregular basis (generally daily, with the MOBI^

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For details visit


using computer modeling of facili­
ties for more than four decades, al­
though the first models were not
created using software that mim­
u. icked a design process, but instead
I- r consisted of data input from scaled
plastic models. The primary benefits
from 3D models have historically
H 'V 1
been the ability to both produce
drawings from the model and per­
form clash-checks.
As a result, the 3D model scope
f* has historically been limited to inclu­
sion of only those disciplines and
objects where the time involved to
input model data and associated
value was outweighed by detriments
FIGURE 3. The BIM 6D approach leverages a data-ccntric paradigm shift that allows engineers to move with manual drawings,
from reliance on disconnected documents, software and databases, toward an approach based on cen­
tralized objects, tools and data. These engineers check design specifications from a central location
the inability to identify
clashing attributes and extract data.
file compiled overnight). Model view­this information via numerated links Electrical bulk materials are a good
ers are also able to display object, orin the model viewer without the needexample. Most E&Cs will model me­
component, and attribute informa­ to exit the model viewer and access dium- and high-voltage cable and
tion associated with that object, to the EDMS system. associated raceway, but leave low-
the extent that attributes are defined Conversely, if the model viewer voltage wire and cable and small-di­
and data are associated. can be accessed via a cloud-linked ameter conduit out of the model. In
Model viewers allow remote tablet (Figure 2), this enables the op­this scenario, the E&Cs will generally
staff to view the objects in the fa­ erator or technician to access the install the low-voltage wiring in the
cility and drill down to the object same information standing directly infield, and document it using as-built
sought — say, the pump or instru­ front of the object — the pump or drawings. There are similarities in in­
ment above — in much the same instrument — and to troubleshoot strumentation, although most piping
way they would do so physically. on the spot, pulling up necessary and civil/structural materials do end
If they know the generic descrip­ information, such as inspection re­ up getting modeled.
tion of the item, say “deminer­ cords, materials certifications and The trend is toward modeling
alized water storage pump,” or so on, without having to run back to more, not less, but until such time
“hydrogen gas bulk-feed pressure a centralized work station, or worse as owner and operators require the
regulator,” or have an identifier of yet, to a document-control office. vast majority of objects in the model,
the item, such as “WD-MT-OOI” Aside from the reduced time neededE&Cs will still define model scope
or “PG-PCV-001," then using the to access the information, the im­ based on executional value obtained
model viewer query functionality, proved timeliness associated with from modeling objects that are di­
they can drill down to and visualize making a decision to take an object rectly related to construction execu­
the object virtually in the model in off line or out of service, particularly tion. The E&C firm uses the model
its adjoining environment, without when shutdown or safety consider­ primarily for engineering personnel
actually being required to do a site ations are involved, allows for better-to communicate to construction per­
inspection. Alternately, if they know informed decisionmaking. sonnel about how to build the facility,
the area of the facility but are not and to document the physical facility,
certain of the item sought, they can 6D model rectifies E&C issues inclusive of materials. If the construc­
open the model viewer, drill down Today’s modeling tools provide a tion craft knows what to do without
to the area sought, and then navi­ strong platform for E&C compa­ having it articulated in the model, for
gate in the model to find the item nies who successfully transition to example, how to route minor wiring,
sought, just as if they had to do the a data-centric execution process to or how frequently wiring may need
same physically in the facility. deliver a 6D model. But there are cable ties, then there is no value to
If the object has a fully developed two huge challenges these contrac­ the E&C to expend resources to in­
set of attributes — such as specifi­ tors face: (1) model scope, and (2) clude such detail in the model. If the
cations, design data, manufacturer model integration. The greater the owner/operator states a level of de­
name, manufacturer part number, challenge, the greater to opportunitytail to be in the model that exceeds
manufacturer inspection records, — and in both of these challenges liewhat the E&C sees as value-added,
constructor installation records, opportunities that present E&Cs withthen the E&C will add it. But not un­
maintenance records — with direct the opportunity to lead and define less required to do so.
links into an EDMS system that con­change, instead of being left in the While it is unlikely 6D models will
tains associated records, the opera­ dust to react to it. ever contain actual modeling of
tor or technician can directly access Model scope. E&Cs have been every minute object in the facility —
down to the last screw and washer UNDERSTANDING BIM
— we can expect that 6D models
uilding information modeling (BIM) is a process involving the generation and manage­
will eventually model most objects,
and when it comes to items such
as minor hardware, to have those
items still fully detailed in reference
B ment of digital representations of physical and functional characteristics of places.
BIM files often (but not always) involve proprietary formats and data, and they are typi­
cally used to support decisionmaking regarding a building or other built asset.
BIM "dimensions” are defined generically as:
data in the model. This includes a • 3D. This virtual model of the facility uses a variety of authoring tools and contains a graphi­
list of installation parts that goes with cal user interface with data-capturing techniques
a minor component such as a • 4D. This is a 3D model that has been integrated with a time element — specifically the
conduit fitting. project schedule. This lets users view the model over time as the facility will be erected,
Model integration. Model integra­ and helps to identify conflicts in work areas
tion creates the biggest challenge, • 5D. This is a 4D model that is integrated with cost or resource (quantity) data, enabling
and the greatest opportunity for E&C users to monitor cash flow, staffing requirements and other material-related requirements
productivity enhancement awaits • 6D. This model contains all of the information needed for commissioning, startup, hando­
there. Even where an E&C provides ver, operation, maintenance and management of the facility
the engineering for the entire facility, • HAZID/HAZOP,
7D. This model's objects are identified according to risk level, including risk assessments,
startup, operation and more
every facility employs a significant • nD. This model incorporates and defines supplemental dimensions, as needed: for in­
amount of complex equipment con­ stance. in adverse climates objects can be associated with weather-related elements ■
tracted from specialized suppliers.
Many of these components and sys­
tems experience a comprehensive ties — including materials suppli­ tion — force the design process to
design evolution with a free-standing ers, service suppliers, joint venturebe iterative, with the core design
3D model of their own. These mod­ partners and more — that facilitateconstantly being impacted by up­
els will need to be compatible with integration of external data, includ­dated supplier data as the equip­
the model that is produced by the ing model data where applicable, ment design evolves in parallel
E&C, and eventually integrated into so as to deliver a consolidated 6D much the same as the facility design
a final 6D model for delivery to the model evolves. As noted above, such major
owner/operator. This may sound quite daunting. equipment includes fired heaters,
Such equipment includes fired The first issue above - model ca­ large compressors, pumps, turbines
heaters, heat-recovery steam gen­ pacity — will be resolved via ongo­ and more.
erators (HRSGs), complex compres­ing advances in technological pro­ In a document-centric design pro­
sors, turbines and more. Meanwhile,cessors. The second issue — the cess, these suppliers communicate
when the E&C subcontracts a por­ legal status of data — needs time, towith the E&C via document submit­
tion of the design to a subcontractor,allow the legal community to catch tals. Information is exchanged at key
or the project is structured as a joint up with technology; in the meantime,project milestones, at which point
venture, models developed by the E&Cs should consult legal counsel the supplier's designs and draw­
different contractual parties will needto carefully protect themselves in ings achieve a certain level of design
to be compatible and integrated withthis relatively uncharted area. The maturity, and communicate a large
the prevailing 6D model, as well. third issue — improved collaborationamount of information in a block,
between contractual parties — is despite the fact that much of the in­
Integration-related challenges where the potential exists for E&Cs formation may have matured some
When it comes to integrating modelsto transform the stodgy, historical, time ago. These submittals often re­
from disparate sources, E&Cs face iterative design process into a more quire the E&C to adjust the design
the following three challenges: robust, accelerated design process. upon receipt of the supplier draw­
• The 6D data infrastructure must E&Cs that are able to establish ings, and possibly add comments
be capable of addressing, storing, collaborative design processes with for the supplier on certain unaccept­
and linking all of the requisite datatheir suppliers, subcontractors, able aspects of the design.
at the object level, without loading and joint-venture partners will be Not only does this cumbersome
up the compiled model with data able to significantly reduce de­ document-submittal process delay
that are beyond the reasonable sign-related costs and shorten the finalization of the E&C design, but
ability of the modeling software to project schedules. if the submittal results in comments
process and display back to the supplier, then the sup­
• All parties need to establish pro­ Reduce iterative model design plier’s design experiences a similar
cesses and protocols related to Design authoring 3D model softwareiterative impact, which may further
archiving of data to protect them­ allows E&C disciplines such as civil, impact the core E&C design. Most
selves from the current undefined structural, architectural, piping, elec­iterative design changes are small —
legal status of data until such time trical and instrumentation systems but they can significantly impact the
as the legal community catches upto evolve the design piping, design drawings, and
with related emerging technology However, current-state document­ have cascading impacts on struc­
and the law becomes settled centric processes relating to pivotal tural steel and even civil engineering
• E&Cs need to establish collabora­ equipment — primarily mechanical requirements, sometimes causing
tive processes with external par- equipment and some instrumenta- foundation shifts, which might then


impact related underground electri­ happens efficiently each time an Similarly, using this newer ap­
cal and piping facilities. exchange and update occurs. In proach, construction personnel will
As E&Cs transition to data-centric such a process, the E&C can iden­ have increased access to data and
execution, a more-streamlined pro­ tify issues with the evolving sup­ delivery information to plan work,
cess whereby the contractual partiesplier design early, and communi­ create work packages and confirm
— the E&C and its major equipment cate issues back to the supplier via construction readiness. Commis­
suppliers — exchange information model-attached comments. sioning and startup teams probably
via regular model exchanges will ac­ Not only does this significantly benefit the most, in that documents
celerate information exchange. This reduce document-related iteration, that they would otherwise need to
newer approach offers the potential but it transforms the design reviews compile into hand-over packages
to completely eliminate the cumber­ from a cumbersome, milestone- are all available at the object level,
some document-submittal process, based document-review process facilitating system startup
and supports the delivery of a 6D to an accelerated data-review pro­ and handover.
model (Figure 3). cess, as the object design matures.
Affected parties have done what In such a scenario, the responsible Closing thoughts
they can to optimize the existing, E&C procurement personnel are The discussion above has focused
cumbersome document-submittal charged with monitoring and expe­ on the benefits of model integration
process — identifying drawings and diting supplier progress, and they — enabling improved collaboration
data to be submitted, and attempt­ can query the model for a set of — between E&Cs and their major
ing to break up submittals in logical data defined as a single submittal, equipment suppliers, not only as a
groups of information. But for large, and ascertain if the supplier de­ path to BIM 6D, but to significantly
complex equipment, the number of sign is progressing to support the increase both the design productivity
drawings and documents can reach schedule dates. of the E&C and its major equipment
into the hundreds, and there can be Similarly, E&C engineering staff suppliers. There will be similar ben­
dozens of individual submittals of can simply execute a similar query efits with minor suppliers that have
groups of drawings, each of which once a set of supplier objects has submittal requirements. And experi­
has the potential to necessitate re­ achieved a level of design maturity ence gained in integrating models
petitive submittal. such that approval is required, and will facilitate model integration from
And these document-submittal can query the status of the objects subcontractors and joint-venture
processes have required E&Cs to in the model, with the status being partners, leading to the delivery of
create entire bureaucracies (for in­ communicated back to the supplier a 6D model to owner/operators.
stance, dedicated document-control via the next model exchange. Such aClearly, in addition to delivering a 6D
organizations) that manage these seamless model-exchange process model to the owner/operator, E&Cs
submittals. Document control teams accelerates the exchange of critical have the opportunity to realize signif­
receive supplier documents into the information, and completely elimi­ icant productivity enhancements as
document-control systems, whether nates the burdensome document- they improve their work processes to
this is an EDMS or a hardcopy sys­ submittal process. Engineering deliver a BIM 6D model. ■
tem. For instance, documents are hours are significantly reduced, the Edited by Suzanne Shelley
issued out to the responsible engi­ schedule is accelerated, the docu­
neers, with routing around to all im­ ment-control hours are significantly References
pacted parties, and then received reduced, and the infrastructure for a 1. World Economic Forum, Shaping the Future ol Construc­
back for incorporation of comments 6D model is enabled. tion: A Breakthrough in Mindset and Technology, May
2016: McKinsey Global Initiative, Remventing Construe
and transmittal back to the supplier tion: A Ftoute to Higher Productivity, February 2017.
— a laborious, error-prone and time- Further benefits of a 6D model
consuming process. This article discusses the benefits ofAuthor
Envision a more streamlined pro­ a 6D model to the owner and opera­ Stephen Wyss is a materials

cess where the equipment supplier tor of a capital-intensive CPI project. manager with Bechtel Corp.
(12011 Sunset Hills Road. Reston,
exchanges model updates with the The same benefits accrue to non­ Virginia, 20190: Email: sewyss®
E&C company on a regular basis design E&C personnel as they ex­ He has more than
— at least once each week — and ecute their duties, to the extent the 40 years of experience working
the E&C integrates each model up­ information is available in the model with engineering, procurement
and construction contractors, in-
date into the E&C model. The sup­ at any given time. Procurement spe­ c urling tei res at B i k&Veatch.
plier’s model objects are assigned cialists, expeditors, quality-related ' Pritchard. CF Braun, and Inter­
attributes for submittal references personnel, logistics experts and graph. His current duties entail coordinating materials-
related aspects of engineering, procurement, suppliers,
(inclusive of required submittal warehousing personnel can access and construction, for both bulk materials and major
dates), supplier design maturity, the model viewer and query individ­ equipment on large industrial capital projects including
and E&C approval status, and the ual objects or groups of objects to process plants, power plants, mining facilities, and rail
supplier re-integrates data from seek information or status updates, facilities. His project experience has generally been in
emerging economies with logistical challenges includ­
the E&C back into its core model, and such information can be easily ing the Middle East, India, Africa, and South America. A
including acceptance status and accessed by purchase order num­ registered mechanical engineer in Texas and California,
critical design comments affect­ ber, work package or any attribute he holds a J.D. degree from Loyola Law School (Los
Angeles) and an A.B. degree in architecture from the
ing the supplier design. All of this group assigned. University of California at Berkeley.

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