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Volume 28, Number 5 March 3, 2019 www.Eastmont.


Week of Prayer for North American Missions

March 3 - 10

Eastmont Goal: $15,000

A Look Inside ……...

From Your RA Adventure Puerto Rico Super Summer
Pastor Weekend Mission Trip Page 3
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From Your Pastor Children’s Ministry
Mike Northcutt - Jeremy Lynch -

We need loving adults during 10:30 am service.

“Jesus and me” is essential. “Jesus and We” is disciple
making. Let me explain. 4th Sunday Bed Babies - 1 volunteer
All Sundays - 2 volunteers @ 8:10 service
I only met Billy Graham once. This funny story was told
at a banquet. He and some friends were once robbed while Special Needs Buddy - 9:20 or 10:30 - 2 volunteers
traveling. However, the robber did not demand any money Sunday Morning Teacher/Coordinator Meetings
from Billy Graham. It was so puzzling that a conversation Breakfast @ 8 AM, Room 313. This is a vital Team Meeting
followed. that builds unity and provides insight into our growth. Our
Billy Graham: “Why didn’t you take any of my posses- upcoming meetings: April 7, May 5
RA Adventure Weekend - March 22-23 at Shocco Springs
Robber: “Well…. I recognized you, Mr. Graham and we
Baptists have to stick together.” for dads and lads. Cost is $32 per person which covers
lodging, 2 meals, and activities.
We at Eastmont have been blessed to have never had any
major breaks in our fellowship. There have been some Bible Drill - Sundays @ 4:00 pm in Fellowship Hall and
bruises along the way, but we have “stuck together.” What finishes at 6:00pm. On March 24th at 4:30pm our kids will
is the secret? (It is not because we are Baptist) It is be- meet their Secret Encouragers.
cause we believe that “Jesus and Me” is as important as
“Jesus and We.” We’ve remained focused on Jesus as a Church Drill - Wednesday, April 3 at Eastmont Baptist
community. 6:15pm in the Fellowship Hall
Several years ago I sat under an olive tree outside Jerusa- Associational Drill - Sunday, April 7 at Eastern Hills Baptist
lem. Our tour group was about to share holy communion. Church. Registration at 1:30 pm drills at 2:00 pm.
As we sang the hymn “At the Cross” I heard someone
singing in a foreign language. “Who is the linguist?” I Timothy Time - Sunday Evenings, begins at 4:45pm on the
turned around and was surprised to see a Japanese tour basketball courts and finishes at 6:00pm.
group had joined in behind us. Different language, differ- State Pinewood Derby - 10am Saturday, May 4th
ent culture, different land but brought together by Christ.
“Jesus and We” is powerful. 5th & 6th Grade Mission Trip - May 30-June 2
Our simple formula for discipleship emphasizes three uses VBS: The Incredible Race - June 10-14
of time. 1) Time with God 2) Time with God’s people and
3) Time in ministry to others (John Maxwell’s idea).
Your time alone with God is essential. All else hinges on
College & Career Ministry
that. That is the “Jesus and Me.” However, time with other Gene Kim -
believers is crucial. That’s the “Jesus and We.”
Each Sunday we open our doors and whoever shows up is Puerto Rico Mission Trip
welcome. They come in all shapes and sizes, colors and March 8-16. Please pray for us as we share the Gospel
ages. All people matter to God. Over a six week period with college students in Mayaguez.
God has allowed us to have events for every age group: Mosaic
Family Conference, Sr. Adult Banquet (and Elvis),
Student D Now, College Conference and Children’s Will be on the last Sunday night of each month. Meets at
musical. Our Men’s Ministry and Women’s Ministry are Cloverdale Baptist at 8pm. Next meeting March 31.
leading in a few days. “Jesus and We” is powerful. Home Groups
Dietrich Bonhoeffer said, “Never take fellowship for Every Thursday at 7pm at the Kim’s house (4023 John-
granted.” This Lutheran pastor resisted Hitler. He was stown Dr). Study will be Letters to the Church by Francis
arrested, was isolated, imprisoned and executed at the age Chan.
of thirty-six. His faithfulness encouraged others to stay
strong. (Jesus and We)
You can have friendship without Jesus, but you cannot
have fellowship. The apostle John writes, “That which we Guatemala Information Meeting
have seen and heard we declare unto you, so that you may Will be on March 24 at 4pm. Anyone interested in going
have fellowship with us; and our fellowship is with the to serve in Guatemala this year (Nov. 23-30) should
Father and His son Jesus Christ.” (John 1:3) attend.
I’m glad we have “stuck” together all these years through Eastmont Missions Yard Sale
Jesus Christ.
Dropoffs begin March 31. Donate your gently used
items to benefit missions. Sorters, folders, and loaders
needed throughout the week. Actual yard sale is Satur-
day April 6.
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Student Ministry Music & Worship Ministries
Cleve Mallory - Lance Maddox—

TIMEOUT MESSAGE SERIES It’s a great time to be involved in the Music and Wor-
Wednesdays at 6:15 p.m., Cleve is leading our students in ship Ministry at EBC. We are preparing for The Mont-
a message series through Revelation 2-3. The series is gomery Passion Play and there is still time to be a part.
titled THE SEVEN. "He who has an ear let him hear what Contact the Music and Worship Office if you are inter-
the Spirit says to the churches..." ested in being involved through drama, choir or orches-
Friday and Saturday, March 1-2, several of our female SPECIAL GUESTS
students (grades 7-12) will attend this statewide event in The Amen Choir will be singing for us March 24 in the
Birmingham. Join as we pray for them this weekend. 8:10 service.
June 23-29, 2019, the student ministry will be in St. Louis, Our Student Choir rehearses every Sunday at 4PM in
Missouri, partnering with Street Reach, an inner-city gos- the choir suite. Join us as we serve our Lord through
pel ministry. The cost is $300 per person. Registration music.
and more detailed information is officially open online at Student Choir Tour is June 16-20! We will be engaging in
the church website. worship and missions with the Baldwin Baptist Associa-
SUPER SUMMER ALABAMA tion in Gulf Shores, Alabama. To register see Lance or
July 8-12 is SSAL at Samford University. This is a disciple- check the EBC website.
ship/ leadership development camp for students who FOREVER YOUNG CHOIR
have completed grades 8-12. Registration is officially Senior adults practice Tuesdays at 9:00 in the Choir
open through the church website. When registering, Suite. Upcoming rehearsals: 3/5, 3/12, 3/19
please carefully read the section concerning the steps for
a student to be qualified to attend SSAL.
Welcome to Eastmont
Senior Adult Ministry Blayne Battaglia (2/17/19)
Billy Dickey - Profession of Faith & Baptism
Molly Ryan Robinson (2/17/19)
Senior Adult Lock-In Profession of Faith & Baptism
March 5, 2019
9am – 9pm Fellowship Hall DeSean Bullock (2/17/19)
Lunch – Pizza; Supper – Homemade Soup and Grilled Statement of Faith
Cheese Sandwiches. Cost is $10.00 per person
Please call the church office to sign up. Miscellaneous
Senior Adult Singing Thank you notes received by the church are displayed on
March 12, 2019 the bulletin board outside the church office.
10:00 am – 1:00 pm Worship Center / Fellowship Hall Postings for Eastmont Events
Sponsored by Alabama State Board of Missions Please use the bulletin boards for your flyers / info
Cost: $10.00 includes box lunch - $5:00 no lunch sheets, or long connecting hallway behind the designated
Music led by Frank Jones tables and/or through Sunday School Announcements.
*Must be registered to attend. Senior Adult Ministry will Individual information can be left at welcome centers.
pay $5 for singing. Call Ashley in the office to register. Please don’t post to walls or glass. In new building,
Forever Young please place flyers/information sheets on bakers rack or
Tuesday, March 19 10:00 am in room 205. tables only. Thank you
Our special guest will be Bobby DuBois, Associate New Website
Executive Director Alabama Baptist State Board of If you haven’t done so already, check out our
Missions. Covered dish lunch to follow. new and improved website at!
Senior Adult Trip
September 2-7, 2019. Western Caribbean Cruise.$520 Sympathy to...
per person based on double occupancy. 6 days and 5
nights. $60 deposit due at sign up. Contact Cheryl for • The family of Juanita Butler who passed away on
additional information. February 18, 2019.

Page 3
The Encourager Periodicals Postage
Eastmont Baptist Church Paid
Montgomery, AL
4505 Atlanta Highway
Montgomery, Alabama 36109
The Encourager USPS No. 018-816 is published and mailed
bi-weekly by Eastmont Baptist Church, 4405 Atlanta Highway,
Montgomery, AL 36109. Postmaster: Send address changes to
Encourager, 4405 Atlanta Highway, Montgomery, AL 36109.


March 6, 2019
Sunday, March 3 Sunday, March 10 Baked Chicken, Green Beans, Mac & Cheese, Salad, Dessert & Drink
8:10 AM Worship Service 8:10 AM Worship Service $5/Adult $2/Children (Max. $15/family)
9:20 AM LifeGroups 9:20 AM LifeGroups
10:30 AM Worship Service 10:30 AM Worship Service March 13, 2019
5:00 PM Discipleship 5:00 PM Discipleship Hamburgers, Baked Beans, French Fries, Salad, Dessert & Drink
$5/Adult $2/Children (Max. $15/family)
Wednesday, March 6 Wednesday, March 13
5:00 PM Wednesday Night Meal 5:00 PM Wednesday Night Meal WEEKLY GIVING
6:00 PM Adult Choir 6:00 PM Adult Choir
Orchestra Practice Orchestra Practice February 10, 2019 February 17, 2019
6:15 PM Timeout (youth) 6:15 PM Timeout (youth) General Budget General Budget
Mission Groups Mission Groups $33,649.71 $24,197.88
Prayer Meeting Prayer Meeting Emergency Fund Emergency Fund
$1,655.00 $1,345.00
Thursday, March 7 Thursday, March 14
10:00 AM Bible Study 10:00 AM Bible Study

BUILDING LOCK UP February 17, 2019 February 24, 2019

Preschool……………….…...68 Preschool……………….…...68
March 3, 2019 March 10, 2019 Children……………….……..58 Children……………….……..58
Dallas Vick & Steve Ragsdale Kent Harwell & Kent Johnson
Students…………….……….75 Students…………….……….73
Adults……………….………490 Adults……………….………529
Total………………….……..691 Total………………….……..728
March 3, 2019 March 10, 2019
Brandon Burns - 221-5833 Brian Gjesvold - 514-0363

Office: (334) 277-6300 Fax: (334) 277-6322 Careline: (334) 277-6384 Prayer Room: (334) 277-8876
Email: Website: Facebook: Twitter: @eastmontbaptist

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