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This series, specially commissioned by the Economic History Society,

provides a guide to the current interpretations of the key themes of
economic and social history in which advances have recently been made or
in which there has been significant debate.

Originally entitled 'Studies in Economic History', in 1974 the series had its
scope extended to include topics in social history, and the new series titles,
'Studies in Economic and Social History', signalises this development.

The series gives readers access to the best work done, helps them to draw
their own conclusions in major fields of study, and by means of the critical
bibliography in each book guides them in the selection of further reading.
The aim is to provide a springboard to further work rather than a set of
pre-packaged conclusions or short-cuts.


The Economic History Society, which numbers around 3000 members,

publishes the Economic History Review four times a year (free to members)
and holds an annual conference. Enquiries about membership should be
addressed to the Assistant Secretary, Economic History Society, PO Box
70, Kingswood, Bristol BS15 5FB. Full-time students may join at special

Edited/or the Economic History Society by LA. Clarkson


B. W.E. Alford British Economic Perfonnance since 1945

B.W.E. Alford Depression and Recovery? British Economic Growth, 1918-1939
JL. Anderson Explaining Long-Tenn Economic Change
Michael Anderson Approaches to the History of the Western Family,1500-1914
R. D. Anderson Universities and Elites in Britain since 1800
Dudley Baines Emigration from Europe, 1815-1930
P J. Cain Economic Foundation of British Overseas Expansion,1815-1914
S.D. Chapman The Cotton Industry in the Industrial Revolution
Neil Charlesworth British Rule and the Indian Economy, 1800-1914
LA. Clarkson Proto-Industrialization: The First Phase of Industrialization?
D.C. Coleman Industry in Tudor and Stuart England
Michael Collins Banks and Industrial Finance in Britain, 1800-1939
PL. Cottrell British Overseas Investment in the Nineteenth Century
M A. Crowther Social Policy iR Britain, 1914-1939
Ian M. Drummond The Gold Standard and the International Monetary System, 1900-1939
Alan Dyer Decline and Growth in English Towns, 1400-1640
ME FalkusThe Industrialisation of Russia, 1700-1914
JR. Harris The British Iron Industry, 1700-1850
John Hatcher Plague, Population and the English Economy, 1348-1530
J.R. Hay The Origins of the Liberal Welfare Refonns, 1906-1914
Colin Heywood The Development of the French Economy, 1750-1914
R.H. Hilton The Decline of Serfdom in Medieval England
RA. Houston The Population History of Britain and Ireland, 1500-1750
EL. Jones The Development of English Agriculture, 1815-1973
W J. Macpherson The Economic Development of Japan, c. 1868-1941
Donald N. McCloskey Econometric History
Hugh McLeod Religion and the Worlcing Class in Nineteenth Century Britain
J. D. Marshall The Old Poor Law, 1795-1834, Second Edition
Alan S. Milward The Economic Effects of the Two World Wars on Britain
G.E. Mingay Enclosure and the Small Fanner in the Age of the Industrial Revolution
RJ. Morris Class and Class Consciousness in the Industrial Revolution, 1780-1850
J. Forbes Munro Britain in Tropical Africa, 1870-1960
Cormac 0 Grada The Great Irish Famine
RB. Outhwaite Dearth, Public Policy and Social Disturbance in England, 1550-1800
RB. Outhwaite Inflation in Tudor and Early Stuart England
RJ. Overy The Nazi Economic Recovery, 1932-1938
P L. Payne British Entrepreneurship in the Nineteenth Century
Roy Porter Disease, Medicine and Sociery in England, 1550-1860
Alastair J. Reid Social Classes and Social Relations in Britain, 1850-1914
Richard Rodger Nineteenth-century Housing, 1780-1914
Michael E. Rose The Relief of Poverty, 1834-1914
Michael Sanderson Education, Economic Change and
Society in England, 1780-1870, Second Edition
SB. Saul The Myth of the Great Depression, 1873-18%
Joan Thirsk England's Agricultural Regions and Agrarian History, 1500-1750
Michael Turner Enclosures in Britain, 1750-1830
JR. Ward Poverty and Progress in the Caribbean, 1800-1960
Robert Woods The Population of Britain in the Nineteenth Century


The Industrialisation of Russia,
Prepared for
The Economic History Society by
Lecturer in Economic History
in the London School of Economics
and Political Science

© The Economic History Society 1972

All rights reserved. No reproduction, copy or transmission of

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Any person who does any unauthorised act in relation to this
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claims for damages.

First published 1972 by

Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 2XS
and London
Companies and representatives
throughout the world

ISBN 978-0-333-11649-4 ISBN 978-1-349-00988-6 (eBook)

DOI 10.1007/978-1-349-00988-6

A catalogue record for this book is available

from the British Library.

Reprinted 1984, 1986, 1987,1989, 1993

List of Tables 7
Editor's Preface 9
Bibliographical Note 10
1 Introduction 11
2 The Beginnings of Industrialisation 20
3 Economic Development after Peter the Great 26
4 Industrial Development, 1800-1861 31
5 Outline of Industrial Development, 1861-1913 44
6 The Emancipation of the Serfs and Economic
Development 47
7 Industrial Growth before the 1890s 51
8 The Boom of the 1890s 61
9 Stagnation and Boom, 1900-1913 75
Bibliography 85
Index 91
List qf Tables
1 Per capita national income of selected countries, 1913 12
2 Growth of population of the Russian Empire, 1722-
1913 17
3 Growth of pig-iron production in Russia, 1700-1800 27
4 Enterprises and labour force in selected industries,
1804-60 33
5 Machinery in Russia, 1831-60 34
6 Urban population, 50 provinces of European Russia,
1811-1913 34
7 Growth of certain towns, 1811-1914 35
8 Imports of cotton, 1812-60 38
9 Rate of industrial growth in Russia, 1885-1913 46
10 Average peasant holdings, 1860-90 49
11 Coal production, 1860-1913 51
12 Cotton consumption, 1865-1913 52
13 Pig-iron production, 1860-1913 52
14 Annual average railway construction, 1861-1913 55
15 Tariff levels, 1868 and 1891 58
16 Russian oil production, 1885-1913 60
17 Russian foreign trade, 1861-1913 63
18 Russian industry, 1887 and 1897 65
19 Growth of capital in Russian industrial joint-stock
companies, 1890-1915 72
20 Growth indices of selected industries, 1890-1900 and
1905-13 76
21 Concentration in Russian industry, 1901-14 83
Editor's Preface
SO long as the study of economic history was confined to only a
small group at a few universities, its literature was not prolific
and its few specialists had no great problem in keeping abreast
of the work of their colleagues. Even in the 1930s there were
only two journals devoted exclusively to this field. But the high
quality of the work of the economic historians during the inter-
war period and the post-war growth in the study of the social
sciences sp~rked off an immense expansion in the study of eco-
nomic history after the Second World War. There was a great
expansion of research and many new journals were launched,
some specialising in branches of the subject like transport,
business or agricultural history. Most significandy, economic
history began to be studied as an aspect of history in its own
right in schools. As a consequence, the examining boards began
to offer papers in economic history at all levels, while textbooks
specifically designed for the school market began to be published.
For those engaged in research and writing this period of rapid
expansion of economic history studies has been an exciting,
jf rather breathless one. For the. larger numbers, however,
labouring in the outfield of the schools and colleges of further
education, the excitement of the explosion of research has been
tempered by frustration caused by its vast quantity and, fre-
quently, its controversial character. Nor, it must be admitted,
has the ability or willingness of the academic economic histori-
ans to generalise and summarise marched in step with their
enthusiasm for research.
The greatest problems of interpretation and generalisation
have tended to gather round a handful of principal themes in
economic history. It is, indeed, a tribute to the sound sense of
economic historians that they have continued to dedicate their
energies, however inconclusively, to the solution of these key
problems. The results of this activity, however, much of it
stored away in a wide range of academic journals, have tended
to remain inaccessible to many of those currently interested in
the subject. Recognising the need for guidance through the
burgeoning and confusing literature that has grown around
these basic topics, the Economic History Society decided to
launch this series of small books. The books are intended to
serve as guides to current interpretations in important fields of
economic history in which important advances have recently
been made, or in which there has recently been some significant
debate. Each book aims to survey recent work, to indicate the
full scope of the particular problem as it has been opened up by
recent scholarship, and to dni.w such conclusions as seem
warranted, given the present state of knowledge and under-
standing. The authors will often be at pains to point out where,
in their view, because of a lack of information or inadequate
research, they believe it is premature to attempt to draw firm
conclusions. While authors will not hesitate to review recent
and older work critically, the books are not intended to serve
as vehicles for their own specialist views: the aim is to provide
a balanced summary rather than an exposition of the author's
own viewpoint. Each book will include a descriptive biblio-
In this way the series aims to give all those interested in
economic history at a serious level access to recent scholarship
in some major fields. Above all, the aim is to help the reader to
draw his own conclusions, and to guide him in the selection of
further reading as a means to this end, rather than to present
him with a set of pre-packaged conclusions.

Bibliographical Note
REFERENCES in the text, footnotes and table sources
within square brackets refer to the numbered items in the
Bibliography, followed, where necessary, by the page number,
e.g. ([49] 168).

I Introduction
RUSSIA on the eve of the First World War could scarcely be
regarded as an industrial country. Fanning was still the occupa-
tion of the overwhelming majority of the population. Possibly
two-thirds of those in employment were to be found in agri-
culture, and agriculture contributed almost one-half of the
national income. Large towns existed, but they were few in
number. In 1914 the .urban population was only some 18 per
cent of the total. Foreign trade, too, reflected the agrarian-
based nature of the Russian economy. Finished manufactured
products fonned only some 5'6 per cent of total exports in 1913,
while foodstuffs and agricultural semi-manufactured goods were
in excess of 70 per cent. Imports of manufactures, by contrast,
amounted to 22 per cent of the total. Agricultural productivity
in this agricultural society was extremely low, and, in con-
sequence, per capita incomes were small. Indeed, Russian
national income per head was one of the lowest in Europe. The
estimates in Table 1 (which are no more than rough guides)
clearly demonstrate Russia's relative backwardness. In per capita
terms, the United States was more than six times as wealthy as
Russia in 1913, England about four and a half times, France
three and a half, and Germany three times. Italy had a per
capita income probably double that of Russia, while that of
Austria-Hungary was also substantially higher. For figures com-
parable with Russia it is to nations like Romania and Bulgaria
that we must turn.
Backwardness was reflected too in the low levels of education
among the population. This factor, like so many other elements
of backwardness, was both cause and effect of poor economic
performance. In 1883 some four-fifths of the army recruits from
certain southern districts could neither read nor write, while the
average level of illiteracy in 1913 may still have been as high as
60 or 65 per cent of the total population.
There was much in the manufacturing sector of 1913, too,
(gold roubles*)
United States 682·2 Italy 209·9
Australia 505·3 Austria-Hungary 174·9
Great Britain 446·6 Russia t 101·4
France 354· 7 Bulgaria 97·2
Germany 300·1 Romania 97·2
Belgium 267·2
SOURCE: [49] 168. Note that these estimates are not comparable
with Western calculations, for they omit income generated by the
service sector.
* The rouble was made convertible into gold in 1897 at a rate
equal approximately to 2s. ld. sterling. Before that date the rouble
had fluctuated for long periods, but as a rough guide can be
considered as equivalent to about 2s.
t Territory ofpre-1939 U.S.S.R.
that seems more akin to a backward, primary-producing country,
than to an advanced industrial one. Some 'modem' sectors, for
example chemicals and machine-tools, had developed to only a
very limited extent. Others, like electrical equipment and auto-
mobiles, were scarcely developed at all. Within 'large-scale'
industry, mining was the chief branch of activity, both by
employment and by the value of net product. Among manu-
facturers, food processing, textiles and metallurgy were the lead-
ing groups. Mining, food processing and cotton textiles taken
together accounted for some 60 per cent of the value of net
production of large-scale industrial enterprises. At the same time,
a significant proportion of industrial output (probably at least
one-third) was produced outside factory establishments, in the
urban handicraft workshops and in peasant dwellings. These
forms of industry (known as remeslo and kustar industry) lie
largely outside the scope of official statistics, and much about
their development remains obscure. Yet in 1900 they probably
employed, though often on a part-time basis, at least 5 million
workers, more than double the numbers in factory enterprises.
For all this, Russia possessed by 1913 a substantial industrial
sector. In absolute size, Russia's industrial sector ranked fifth in
the world, after the United States, Germany, Britain and France.
Russia's cotton-spinning industry, measured by the number of
spindles, probably ranked fourth, after Britain, the United States
and Germany. The linen industry occupied third place, behind
Ireland and France. And Russia also had a well-developed heavy
industrial sector. In coal and pig-iron Russian production was
in fifth place, and in steel fourth (above France). Russian out-
put of petroleum was second only to the United States, account-
ing for nearly 18 per cent of world production. On a per
capita basis, of course, Russian production was much less im-
pressive. Indeed, per capita industrial output in the United
States was more than ten times that of Russia. Yet this illustrates
an important point: for a country such as Russia, with a huge
peasant population, per capita figures have only a limited value.
Significant changes may well appear insignificant by virtue of the
large denominator.
Tsarist industrial development has attracted a great deal of
attention from historians, both Western and Soviet. Such studies
are frequently influenced by wider considerations. For Marxist
historians, industrial development has a central role in the
general historical schema, for it is largely through industrial
history that Marx analysed the unfolding of historical stages.
For many non-Marxist scholars, too, industry is seen to play a
critical part in the process of economic growth; thus studies of
Russia frequently cast glances in the direction of this more
general problem. Specifically, the Marxist may ask whether
Russia in 1917 was 'ripe' for a socialist revolution, and he may
seek for the necessary stages of 'industrial capitalism' and 'mono-
poly capitalism' in the preceding phases. The Western historian
may ask whether Russian industrial growth after the Revolution
was a product mainly of the new regime, or whether the Soviet
Government was simply building on existing foundations. Was
Russia, in fact, already launched on a path of industrialisation
by 1914? The historian may seek for evidence of significant
industrial development, possibly a 'take-off', in the earlier period.
It is interesting that historians, both Marxist and non-Marxist,
have concentrated on the development of large-scale industries,
as shown in official statistics, despite the significance of small-
scale manufacturing activity. Thus the term 'industrialisation'
often has overtones of bigness of scale and modernity of organisa-
tion in manufacturing industry; it is not used to mean simply
the development of a secondary sector.
The use of comparative history is often found in studies of
Russian economic history. Gerschenkron has produced valuable
insights into both Russian history and into general European
history by his comparisons of Russian industrialisation with that
found elsewhere. l Soviet historians likewise frequently make inter-
national comparisons, which generally either serve as elabora-
tions of historical stages, or demonstrate Russia's extreme back-
wardness relative to other capitalist countries in 1913. Another
notable characteristic in Soviet studies of Tsarist economic
history is an emphasis on economic crises and depressions. Thus,
the problems of short-tenn capitalist growth - the trade cycle-
rather than its long-run 'self-sustaining' nature have, not alto-
gether surprisingly, attracted most attention.
Different standpoints produce different history, and one should
bear this in mind when studying Russia. Soviet writers, for
instance, are particularly concerned with the origins of economic
phenomena. Lenin laid stress on the growth of the 'capitalist
factory' during the feudal period, so an important place in the
literature is reserved for discussing the origins of a free industrial
labour force, the earliest development of large units of produc-
tion, and the first uses of mechanical techniques. Such an
emphasis is nowadays rather unfashionable among non-Marxist
historians who, especially when concerned with the problem of
long-tenn economic growth, tend to look for significant quantita-
tive changes, for a 'take-off', an industrial 'spurt', and so on.
There has thus been much research by Soviet scholars on
industrial development prior to the Emancipation of the Serfs
in 1861, whereas it is the subsequent period that has attracted
most attention elsewhere. Again, Marxist historians are con-
cerned with the institutional framework within which develop-
ment took place, and this leads to debates which sometimes seem
arid and even pointless to others. When did the capitalist 'manu-
factory' become a capitalist 'factory'? Were the state enterprises
established by Peter the Great feudal or capitalist? Naturally
1 See, for example, Economic Backwardness in Historical Perspective
([29] 5-30), and Lecture Three ([32] 62-96).
enough, historical periodisation is greatly influenced by considera-
tions such as these. Soviet writers in general view the pre-
Emancipation period as one in which the capitalist factory
emerged out of feudalism. After the Emancipation came
'industrial capitalism', culminating, between 1900 and 1914, in
the stage of 'monopoly capitalism'. Most Western writers would
certainly agree that the year 1861 marked a turning-point in
Russian economic history, but they would place less emphasis
on the 'capitalist' development of the economy prior to this. The
decade of the 1890s is generally regarded as a crucial period in
Russian industrialisation because of the rapid rates of industrial
growth then attained. Once again, the emphasis is on magni-
tudes rather than on institutional changes.
These, then, are some of the problems faced by a student of
Russian economic history. There are others of a different nature.
Tsarist statistics present a well-known hazard. The data come
largely from official sources, collected by government departments.
The collection of such material for industry began as far back as
1804, but the numerous defects - inexact and changing classifica-
tions and inaccurate data (government departments frequently
relied until well into the nineteenth century on reports from
provincial governors, who in turn obtained their information from
local police and village priests) - make such statistics of dubious
value. On occasions different government departments were able
to produce quite contrary figures for apparently the same sub-
ject. And despite the voluminous data, spawned by the large
Russian bureaucracy, numerous gaps exist. That most basic of
sources, a population census, was taken only once during the
whole Tsarist period, in 1897. Even this is known to have
omitted entire provinces. In the same year also an industrial
census was taken, providing information for 1887 and 1897, and
further such data were collected in 1900, 1908 and 1912. Much
useful information was provided by these censuses, although their
coverage was far from complete. They left out, for example,
most of the remeslo and kustar enterprises. For few industries
is it possible to obtain adequate long-run output series. Only
from 1890, for example, are there statistics of the physical pro-
duction of cotton textiles; before this date, output has to be
estimated from the consumption of cotton. However, the avail-
able statistics do yield much of value, as long as their weaknesses
are borne in mind. Certainly their quality improved with time,
and from the 1880s it is possible to use official data with much
greater confidence.
Reflecting both the inadequacies of Tsarist statistics and the
need for additional research, many fundamental economic indi-
cators are known only vaguely, if at all. No annual series of
national income estimates exist for the years before the Bolshevik
Revolution, and no satisfactory estimate for any individual year
before 1900. Thus the aggregate performance of the Russian
economy over a long period cannot be assessed in any but the
most tentative terms. Such topics as the behaviour of prices, the
mobility of labour, the development of peasant and urban handi-
crafts, the growth of the internal market, the mobilisation of
indigenous capital and entrepreneurship - these and many.others
require much further investigation.
A subject as vast as the industrialisation of Russia clearly can-
not be treated adequately within the confines of a short pam-
phlet. Many important aspects are treated only sketchily or not
at all, although the Bibliography will introduce interested
students to reading of more depth and on wider subjects. Thus,
there is no discussion of wages, prices, living standards, factory
legislation or entrepreneurship. At the same time, knowledge of
the general political and social background within which Russia
industrialised, which is essential for an understanding of Russian
industrialisation, has been largely taken for granted. But a few
basic influences on Russian development may be briefly outlined.
In the first place it is clear that Russia's population was grow-
ing rapidly from the beginning of the eighteenth century (see
Table 2). This growth was partly due to natural increase but
also to the extension of the Russian Empire into new territories.
Greater population and the absorption of new regions stimulated
growing commercial relations and specialisation. At various times
Russia acquired relatively advanced regions and important new
sources of raw materials. Thus in the second half of the eighteenth
century the Polish provinces, the Ukraine and White Russia were
obtained. During the reign of Peter the Great, Russia had
acquired a maritime outlet on the Baltic, and during the 1770s
the Black Sea was reached. Russia's huge land frontiers and the
Total population
Year (millions)
1722 14·0
1762 19·0
1800 35·5
1860 74·1
1897 126·4
1913 170·1
SOURCE: [13] 79,434,452-4.

conquest and defence of new territories necessitated a vast budget

and a constant preoccupation with military affairs on the part of
the Government. Politics went hand in hand with economics.
During the eighteenth century, Russia emerged from the wings of
Europe to take her place on the centre of the stage as a great
power, and the role of government in the Russian economy and
the impulse for state involvement in economic affairs provided by
political pressures forms a continuing theme in Russian economic
history. To a large extent several characteristic features of
Russian economic backwardness - the persistence of serfdom, the
huge military budget and the predominant influence of the state -
can be traced to Russia's political expansion. The sparsely popu-
lated border regions were vulnerable to attack, while the possi-
bility of peasant flights to remote regions encouraged the stricter
imposition of servile status on the mass of the population both for
fiscal and military reasons.
Russian industry thus developed within a poor agricultural
society in which the overwhelming proportion of the population
were serfs before 1861. 2 Internal demand for the products of
Russian industry was consequently low, while serfdom also made
the recruitment of an industrial labour force difficult. Subsistence
agriculture and largely self-sufficient estates were characteristic of
2 The term 'serf' is used here rather loosely to include not only
those in personal bondage to the Russian gentry, but the almost
equal numbers of state peasants. Thus defined, the serf population
of Russia was about 60 per cent of the total in 1860.
large sections of the Russian economy in 1861. And the
prosperity of the internal market that evolved continued to be
strongly influenced by the state of the harvest and the course of
agricultural prices down to the outbreak of the First World War.
It must not be thought that Tsarist Russia was a country well
endowed with natural resources. The huge raw-materials base of
Soviet industrial power does not indicate the resources avail-
able to the Tsars. Inadequate and expensive communications,
sometimes with regions where hostile races made Russian con-
trol difficult, hampered the exploitation even of known resources.
Not until the 1880s could the coal and iron of the Ukraine be
worked on a large scale, and Siberia remained remote and
largely uncolonised until the very end of the century. Indeed, the
industrialisation of Russia before 1914 means for practical pur-
poses the industrialisation of European Russia, and then of cer:-
tain regions only. The huge variations in the economies, resources
and levels of development that existed among different regions
make generalisations about the performance of the Russian
economy dangerous. If Russia's mineral resources were inadequate
and often inaccessible before the advent of railways, her agri-
culture too was not well endowed by nature. Even the famed
fertile black-soil belt of Great Russia and the steppes of the
Ukraine and south-eastern Volga regions needed the development
of communications before they could be fully exploited, while the
vagaries of the climate meant frequent harvest failures.
Geographical and climatic factors, indeed, perpetuated back-
wardness in Russia. Vast distances between raw materials and
markets meant high transport costs. Russia's Black Sea ports are
far removed from the main population centres, while the
Baltic ports freeze for several months every year. Russia possesses
great river systems, such as the Volga, the Dnieper and the Don,
but the majority of Russia's navigable rivers flow away from the
main centres of economic activity. Thus the Volga flows to the
Caspian Sea, the Dnieper and Don to the Black Sea. Moreover,
in winter much of Russia's network of inland waterways froze,
while during the spring thaw her rudimentary road system be-
came a sea of mud. The long harsh winters, especially in northern
regions, encouraged the widespread development of peasant
handicrafts during the times when agricultural work became im-
possible. Such factors encouraged the continuance of local mar-
kets and small-scale rural manufacturing, and provided an
obstacle to the introduction of modem industry in Russia.
A further general point to be emphasised is the international
environment within which Russia industrialised. England, France
and other Western European nations and regions were consider-
ably more developed than Russia. Russia, although geographically
and culturally remote from the West for a great deal of the period,
could import Western technology and benefit from the contacts
brought by trade and travel. Rostow's concept of a uniform
'traditional' society in nations before their industrial phase is not
very helpful. Even at the opening of the eighteenth century, long
before the industrial revolutions in the West, Russia was signi-
ficantly more backward than these other countries, and
throughout the entire period Russian industrialisation owed much
to foreign technology, to foreign entrepreneurs and artisans, and,
later, to foreign capital. And it was the striving on the part of the
Russian state to emulate the economic strength of its competitors
that led on occasions to significant advances in Russian industrial-

2 The Beginnings oj Industrialisation
HOW far was Russia on the path to industrialisation at the time
of Emancipation in 1861? The major developments, certainly,
occurred after this time. It was only in the last two decades
of the nineteenth century that a significant upturn in the pace
of industrial growth becomes demonstrable, and it was in these
years that much of Russia's industrial base - in particular the
coal and iron of the south and the petroleum of the Caucasus-
was laid. Yet a number of Soviet specialists have stressed the
importance of changes which took place in the industrial sector
prior to 1861. They have applied the term 'industrial revolu-
tion' to the period between the mid-1830s and the Emancipa-
tion, while Yakovlev has even argued for an industrial revolu-
tion in the period 1790-1825. 3 And Soviet historians in general
are increasingly pointing to the eighteenth century as the origin
of 'capitalist manufacture' in the country. Such an emphasis is a
useful corrective to those accounts of Russian industrialisation
which virtually ignore the earlier period, regarding the economy
as 'traditional', and overlooking the significant developments
which in fact took place. For during the years between the acces-
sion of Peter the Great (1682-1725) and the Emancipation,
numerous changes had occurred in Russia's industrial structure,
changes the more impressive in that they occurred within the
institutional framework of a serf society.
In the economic sphere, .as in so much else, the reign of Peter
the Great marked a decisive break in Russian history. The last
twenty-five years of Peter's life saw the growth of a sub-
stantial manufacturing sector which gave employment to several
thousands of industrial workers. Old industries were expanded,
and new ones introduced. Old centres of manufacturing were
extended, new ones created. Foreign commerce grew and its main
3 See, for example, Yakovlev [81]; the article by Yatsunsky in
Rozhkova ([65] 118-220); also Yatsunsky [83], and Strumilin
([19] 390-413).
channel was shifted from the White Sea to the Baltic, from the
ancient port of Archangel to Peter's newly-constructed capital at
St Petersburg.
Certainly, industrial growth during the first quarter of the
eighteenth century was not without earlier foundations. Some
large-scale undertakings had made their appearance in the
previous century. Ironworks had been established, initially by
foreigners, from the 1630s. Here and there 'manorial (votchina~
factories', set up by estate owners and using the labour of their
own serfs, existed. Self-sufficiency remained characteristic of the
Russian village, but some regional specialisation was developing,
and small-scale village handicrafts and peasant cottage industries
were sometimes producing for a wide market. Such specialisation
was found, for instance, in the iron products from the Tula and
:Moscow regions, in linens from Tver and Moscow, leather from
Nizhni-Novgorod, and salt from the Kama and Upper Volga
The industrial structure that emerged during the first quarter
of the eighteenth century was fashioned almost entirely to state
requirements. Peter's frequent wars provided the principal
driving force and, especially in the early years, the state itself
set up and operated numerous enterprises geared to military
needs. Cannon foundries and armaments works were constructed,
iron and copper mining developed, and geological surveys were
initiated to discover mineral resources. Woollen-cloth factories
were set up to provide uniforms for the armies, while sailcloth,
rope and other manufactures were developed to provide equip-
ment for the newly-formed navy.
The majority of these state enterprises were later sold or
leased to private entrepreneurs, particularly after 1720, and the
role of private enterprise in setting up new establishments in-
creased as Peter's reign drew to a close. But the state played a
dominant part even in the development of private works.
Subsidies, tax exemptions, monopolies and other concessions were
employed to encourage Russians to found manufacturing enter-
prises. And the state was far and away the main customer for
the products of the new factories.
From the second decade of the century Peter's industrial
policies were increasingly influenced by 'mercantilism'. With the
object of lessening Russia's dependence on imported manufac-
tures, Peter fostered a variety of industries such as glass, velvets,
brocades and silk, some of these products being manufactured
in Russia for the first time. In addition to the usual subsidies, a
strongly protectionist policy was adopted under the 1724 tariff,
under which a wide range of goods were subjected to duties
ranging from 50 to 75 per cent ad valorem.
Industrial development under Peter thus bears the character
of a 'forced industrialisation'. The achievements were impressive,
although there is controversy over the actual quantitative results
of Peter's industrialisation. At the beginning of the reign there
probably existed some 21 'manufactories', of which 4 were run by
the state. One estimate puts the number of new plants founded
in Peter's reign as 233, but more recent research indicates lower
figures. Zaozorskaya puts the total at 178, of which 40 were
for armaments and iron metallurgy and 15 for non-ferrous
metallurgy; there were also 23 sawmills, 15 woollen-cloth
factories and 13 tanneries. 4 Of these enterprises, nearly half were
established by the state. The composition of Peter's industries
reflected both the state's needs and the extreme backwardness
of the country. Nearly all the new enterprises were founded to
meet the state's demands, a few to serve the luxury demands of
the nobility (a market iL"Clf influenced by Peter's Westemising
policies). A mass market did not exist, for as long as the
country was tied to a regime of serfdom and as long as
agricultural productivity remained low a prosperous domestic
demand could not grow.
Here, then, are some of the threads for an interpretation of
Russian industrial history 'put forward by Gerschenkron. 5 In a
very backward cQuntry substantial industrialisation cannot take
place on the basis of mass demand, private domestic capital and
available entrepreneurial resources. The state, if it desires
industrialisation, has to foster industries. At the same time, ac-
cording to Gerschenkron, it was a characteristic of Russia that
state measures to promote industry produced a further retarding
4 These statistics are quoted by Polyanskii ([15] 139-40); see also
Gerschenkron ([32] 72).
6 See, for example, 'Russia: Patterns and Problems of Economic
Development, 1861-1958' ([29] 119-51).
force, a new dimension of backwardness. In Peter the Great's
time came the strengthening of serfdom, the crushing taxation
on the peasants (a poll tax was introduced in 1716), and
various other adverse factorS which increased the already power-
ful forces in the economy resistant to spontaneous industrial
growth. In the latter part of the nineteenth century, as we shall see,
industrialisation was again pursued at the cost of internal pur-
chasing power, and at the cost, in consequence, of the spontane-
ous development of internal demand.
Among the positive results of Peter's 'forced industrialisation'
were the foundation of important new centres of mining and
metallurgy in the mountain regions of the Urals, the strengthen-
ing of various industries in the Moscow region, particularly tex-
tiles, and the creation of a wholly new centre of manufacturing
in St Petersburg. By the end of Peter's reign a substantial
proportion of cloth for army uniforms was produced by Russian
factories, and dependence on imports over a wide range of
manufactures had been lessened. St Petersburg possessed not only
factories supplying the needs of the army and navy but also
those catering for the demands of Peter's court. In 1700 Russia
had been an importer of iron; by 1716 she was a net exporter,
and later in the century became the world's largest iron
producer. In the Urals some 76 ironworks were in operation
by 1725, and by the end of Peter's reign the annual production
of the Urals works amounted to some 800,000 poods6 of pig-
iron. By this time state enterprises were joined by private con-
cerns, some of them, such as those belonging to the Demidov
family, operating on a very large scale.
Nearly all the private entrepreneurs came from members of
the merchant class, and a number of Marxist historians, such as
Tugan-Baranovsky and Lyashchenko, have taken this as evidence
that Russia by the opening of the eighteenth century had
reached the stage of 'commercial capitalism'. One must not
exaggerate, however, either the availability of capital or the
amounts required by Peter's industries. Some historians have
drawn attention to the chronic shortage of capital in Russia at
the time, and have pointed out that the state played a major

61 pood=approx. 36lh. (16·3 kg.).

part in subsidising even the private establishments. Moreover, the
enterprises themselves were often exceedingly small, employing
only a handful of. workers and little fixed capital. Certain enter-
prises, it is true, were very large. Thus a sailcloth factory in
Moscow employed 1,162 workers, and a state woollen-cloth fac-
tory in Miklayev employed 742, while a private cloth factory
in Shchegolin had a labour force of 730. The largest works
were evidently to be found in the Urals iron industries, and the
mining enterprises in the province of Perm employed some
25,000. But some of the big enterprises were in reality more like
colonies of domestic handicraft workers, working for a single
employer, than large-scale factories. Kulisher, in contrast to
writers such as Tugan-Baranovsky and Liubimirov, has
emphasised the small-scale character of Peter's enterprises.
In any event, the development of industries in the first
quarter of. the eighteenth century imposed severe problems for
the backward Russian economy. The acute shortage of skilled
labour was solved, to some extent, by the introduction of
foreigners. Peter here, as in so many of his industrial policies,
continued the policies of his predecessors but on a considerably
enhanced scale. Returning from his first European visit in 1698,
Peter brought back hundreds of foreign technicians and skilled
artisans, and encouraged foreign entrepreneurs to set up establish-
ments in Russia. Young Russians were sent to Europe to learn
the secrets of Western industrial processes.
A further major problem was the recruiting of labour for the
new enterprises. The grip of serfdom had increased in Russia
during the seventeenth century, and there was no group in
the stratified society that had emerged which could form the
basis of an industrial labour force. Some free labour did exist,
but on an inadequate scale for the new industries. Peter tackled
the problem in part by drafting criminals and beggars to the
factories. At the same time, state peasants were ascribed in large
numbers to enterprises, both state and private. And - a new
departure - merchants were allowed to purchase serfs for indust-
rial labour. The latter concession was generalised in a law of
1721 which permitted merchants to buy whole villages for their
enterprises. Such serfs did not become the property of the pur-
chaser, however, but became the property of. the industrial enter-
prise and would remain with the enterprise if ownership changed
hands. These people became known as 'possessional peasants',
and their conditions and treatment were frequently far worse
than those of agricultural serfs. Possessional factories were
particularly important in the Urals industries, where the prob-
lems of recruiting a labour force were most acute.
Peter thus solved the problems of industrial labour by extend-
ing serfdom to industry. The growth of industry went hand in
hand with the further depression of the status of Russian
peasants and with further rigidities in the social composition of
Russian society. The influence of the state in industrialisation
had consequences which were felt until the time of the Emancipa-
tion and beyond. Market forces could operate to only a limited
extent in obtaining a supply of industrial labour. In numerous
private manufacturing establishments the various government con-
cessions and privileges, as well as the regulations that accom-
panied the establishment of possessional factories, involved the
state bureaucracy in detailed administration and control. The
financing of Peter's industrial and military activities led to
greater and greater burdens on the servile population, and the
poll tax was to remain in force for more than thirty years after
the Emancipation.

3 Economic Development after Peter the Great
PE TER the Great's industrialisation policies have been dis-
cussed in some detail because they bring out important general
factors in Russian economic history. It should be obvious that
Russian society was very different from that in the West, and
its problems were correspondingly distinct. Russia was more back-
ward than her Western neighbours, and only the state could
mobilise the capital and entrepreneurship and provide a market
sufficient for a major increase in the tempo of industrial develop-
ment. Russia's political aspirations necessitated the establishment
of certain industries; the realities of Russian backwardness
dictated an institutional framework (such as the possessional
factory and the strengthening of serfdom) which imposed fur-
ther rigidities on the economy.
Debate has arisen over the fate of Peter's industries in the
years following his death. 7 Older Marxist historians like Pokrov-
sky and Kliuchevsky have argued that after 1725 most of Peter's
industries collapsed, and that the Russian economy entered a
period of stagnation at least until the accession of Catherine II
(1762-96). The main evidence for such a decline was the failure
of numerous enterprises, for by 1760 only a small number of the
original two hundred or so establishments were still in existence.
Recently, however, the view of sharp decline has undergone
revision. Continuity of economic activity after Peter has been
stressed by Kahan and by a number of Soviet historians. Kahan
has argued that the figures of industrial failures are misleading,
for they occurred mainly among the smaller enterprises. More-
over, continuance of operation was sometimes masked by changes
of ownership. In any case, some failures would be expected in
the normal course of business operations, especially as the onset
of peace after 1725 inevitably involved difficulties for the many
firms engaged directly or indirectly in the manufacture of military
7 See the discussion of this problem and the bibliographical
references in Kahan [46].
Some branches of industry continued to make substantial
progress after 1725, particularly the mining and melallurgical
industries of the Urals. According to Strumilin the output of
pig-iron grew steadily after the first quarter of the eighteenth cen-
tury, with the output of private plants outstripping that of state-
owned works. Especially in the reign of Elizabeth (1741--61),
large numbers of Urals works were transferred from state to
private ownership, usually on extremely favourable terms to the
purchasers. By the middle of the eighteenth century, when the
Urals accounted for some 65 per cent of Russian iron output
and 90 per cent of her copper, Russia was by far the world's
major iron producer (see Table 3). A large export trade to
England was developed, and the trade continued to grow in the
second half of the century.
('000 poods)
Tear Output Tear Output
1700 150 1760 3,663
1710 316 1770 5,106
1720 610 1780 6,718
1730 957 1790 7,957
1740 1,530 1800 9,908
1750 2,009
SOURCE: [23] 180, 197,204.

Light industries too made progress after Peter's death, especially

in the Moscow region and in the province of Vladimir. Sub-
stantial centres of small-scale manufacture of linens, leather pro-
ducts, basketwares, wood products, food processing and many
other products developed.
I t is probably best to view the period between the death of
Peter and the accession of Catherine II as one of steady, though
not spectacular, industrial growth. During Catherine's reign,
rather more rapid growth seems to have set in. Alongside
the growth of relatively large industrial enterprises, the ex-
pansion of which is the indicator of industrialisation used by
Soviet historians, went an increase of artisan and kustar manu-
facturing. In general, the larger industries catered for the needs
of the state, the nobility, clergy and government officials. Small-
scale and household manufacture met the needs of the mass of
the population. Certainly, by 1800 the sway of the self-
sufficient estate had lessened significantly, although it had far
from disappeared. Regional specialisation evolved on a consider-
able scale. For example, the village of Pavlov in Nizhni-Nov-
gorod province had 323 metal-fabricating workshops by 1800.
Numerous textile enterprises existed in Ivanovo, Moscow, Saratov
and other centres.
Among the factors underlying the growth of industries, popula-
tion increase was of fundamental importance. Russia's popula-
tion more that doubled between the 1740s and the 1790s, and
population increase and the acquisition of new territories fostered
internal trade and a territorial division of labour. By the end
of the century a quite clear demarcation had arisen between
the industrial areas in the north and around Moscow, and the
agricultural regions to the south. Towns grew, although the urban
population still constituted only a tiny fraction of the total. In
1724 the urban population accounted for only 3 per cent of the
total, according to one estimate. At the end of the century it
still accounted for little more than 4 per cent.
Government policies continued to favour industrial develop-
ment. Internal commercial restrictions were gradually relaxed,
and in 1753 internal customs duties were abolished. Protection
continued at a high level for much of the eighteenth century,
although there were tariff reductions during Catherine's reign.
Monopolies and privileges were bestowed on industrialists by
Peter's immediate successors. Under the Empresses Anna (1730-
40) and Elizabeth, the favoured industrialists were more often
members of the nobility and court favourites rather than the
prosperous merchants of Peter's time. Indeed, there was prob-
ably a relative decline in the role of merchants in Russian
industrialisation as the century progressed. Certainly, labour
recruitment proved an enduring problem for them, especially
when restrictions were placed on the purchase of possessional
peasants. In 1762 merchants were prohibited from buying serfs,
although exceptions seem to have been made subsequently. The
second half of the eighteenth century was the golden age of the
manorial factory operated by serf labour. Especially where land-
owners had ready access to raw materials, as in the manufacture
of wool, linen and paper, they came to control a large share of
total output. In the case of silk, leather and cotton, however,
merchant manufacture predominated. Recent Soviet writers tend
to emphasise the importance of 'capitalist' manufacture in
Catherine's reign, especially in consumer-goods industries. 8 Such
enterprises came increasingly to use hired, as opposed to com-
pulsory, serf labour. This 'voluntary' labour was in fact pro-
vided by serfs who paid theit owners' dues in money or kind
(obrok) rather than by performing labour services (barshchina);
thus, out of their industrial earnings, they could pay their
There also existed by the end of the eighteenth century cer-
tain industrial enterprises controlled by serfs. These were found
in obrok areas, and employees in such enterprises came in the
main from among obrok peasants. The most celebrated cases of
serf entrepreneurship were found among Count Sheremetov's
peasants in the village of Ivanovo in the province of Vladimir,
where a handful of linen-weaving works in the mid-eighteenth
century proved the foundation of a large and important textile
centre in the course of the following century.
It is possible to compile an impressive list of the achievements
of Russian industry during the course of the eighteenth century.
According to Strumilin, the numbers of industrial enterprises had
risen from about 200 at the end of Peter's reign to over 650 by
the 1760s. Employment in these enterprises was estimated at
81,780 and the total value of production at 8·7 million roubles.
At the opening of the nineteenth century there were recorded
rather more than 2,000 enterprises producing goods valued at
18·0 million roubles, while the mining sector accounted for a
further 200 enterprises. In all, the industrial labour force had
risen to about 200,000, of which almost exactly half worked for
wages. Most spectacular was the development of iron pro-
duction. Output in the middle of the eighteenth century was
about 2 million poods of pig-iron; by 1800 it reached 9·9 million
8 See, for example, the chapter by Polyanskii on Russian econ-
omic development, 1725-1800 ([15] 145-73).
It must be emphasised, however, that such developments hardly
alter the picture of Russia as a backward, agrarian country.
Many of the enterprises counted in the statistics as 'industrial
establishments' were minute, employing only a handful of
workers. Indeed, of the estimated 2,300 such establishments at
the beginning of the nineteenth century, only about one-half
employed more than sixteen workers. Even the existence of very
large enterprises indicates more a response to the problems of
organising a serf work-force, especially in remote areas like the
Urals where control was difficult and the flight of workers
always in prospect, than it does a response to' the growth of
capitalist enterprise. Certainly, 'large-scale' did not mean capital-
intensity. Technology remained on an exceedingly low level. In
the Urals, charcoal furnaces and handicraft methods of produc-
tion held sway. Some Soviet historians, it is true, argue that
Russia was not backward in the mid-eighteenth century by
comparison with other European countries: They emphasise, for
example, Russia's lead in iron production. But such a position
is hardly tenable if one takes into account the low levels of pro-
ductivity that existed throughout Russian industry.
Russian industry at the end of the eighteenth century thus
presents a somewhat bewildering patchwork. There were state
enterprises, using the ascribed labour of state peasants; votchinal
enterprises, using serf labour; merchant enterprises, using both
hired labour and possessional peasants, the latter especially sig-
nificant in the Urals; serf enterprises, using hired labour; and, of
course, the myriad small rural and village handicraft manufac-
tures. The development of industries certainly indicates that des-
pite serfdom the economy was by no means stagnant and
inflexible. On one level were the state-run and state-aided enter-
prises, but on another was the spontaneous development of a
few 'capitalist' industries, producing mainly consumer goods. The
problem of labour supply was not so intractable as might be
expected because of the possibility of hiring obrok peasants. And,
despite the prevailing poverty and consequent low level of internal
demand, there was undoubtedly a growth of regional specialisa-
tion and of internal commerce based on the domestic market for
consumer goods.

4 Industrial Development, 1800-1861

AS for the eighteenth century, so for the first half of the nine-
teenth, there has been a reaction against the fonner emphasis
on Russia's backwardness and stagnation. There is general agree-
ment that the first quarter of the century saw only a low level
of economic activity and that industrial progress was sluggish.
These were years of considerable economic difficulties, with the
Napoleonic Wars and their aftermath inevitably disrupting
Russia's economy. Moreover, the period between 1816 and 1821
was one of low tariffs in Russia, and Russia's industries faced
severe competition in these years from the growing industrial
nations of Western Europe.
But the view that Russian industry was in a state of stagna-
tion until the Emancipation of the Serfs has undergone con-
siderable modification as a result of research by Soviet scholars.
The Western historian Florinsky, in his well-known textbook [10],
adheres to the traditional approach, stressing the limited nature
of Russian development before 1860. 9 Strumilin, Yatsunsky,
Rozhkova and others, on the other hand, write of an 'industrial
revolution' taking place in Russia in the thirty years or so prior
to the Emancipation. The evidence supporting an industrial
revolution rests largely on the rapid progress of certain industrial
sectors, the development of completely new industries, the
beginnings of mechanisation in factories, and the marked ac-
celeration in the use of 'free' labour by capitalist enterprises.
The possessional and votchinal establishments showed an absolute
decline during the second quarter of the century, especially from
the 1840s.
It is not difficult to demonstrate a general quickening in the
pace of economic activity, particularly from the 1830s. The
9 Florinsky also denies significant economic progress in the
eighteenth century after 1725. He writes: ' . . . the state of
economic stagnation that set in under Peter I's immediate successors
continued throughout the later part of the century' ([11] 228).
buoyancy of internal trade is shown by the increasing turnover at
the numerous fairs, which provided the main arteries for
domestic commerce in the period. The most important fair was
held annually at Nizhni-Novgorod, where merchants from all
over Russia gathered. In 1863 the turnover at this fair accounted
for about one-quarter of the total of more than 6,000 fairs, so
that the prosperity of Nizhni-Novgorod provides a reasonably
satisfactory indicator of the development of internal trade in
Russia. In 1829 goods to the value of 28·2 million silver
roubles were brought to the Nizhni-Novgorod fair; in 1834 their
value was 39·2 million, and reached 103·3 million in 1859.
Foreign trade, too, showed a sharp increase. Exports rose from
about 63 million silver roubles in 1820 to 181 million at the
time of the Emancipation, while over the corresponding period
imports rose from 70 million silver roubles to 159 million.
Strumilin emphasises the growth in membership of the urban
merchant guilds as an indicator of increased economic activity.
During the period of liberal tariffs after 1816 their numbers
declined significantly, and there was a further falling-off in the
late 1820s. However, between 1830 and 1855 the number of
merchants belonging to guilds more than doubled, the 1850s
witnessing a particularly sharp expansion. The period saw also
improvements in communications. A number of important canals
were constructed in the Baltic provinces at the opening of the
nineteenth century, and by the 1850s steam navigation was
developing rapidly on Russia's inland waterways, above all on
the Volga. And in the 1830s came the beginnings of railway
Associated with the growth of internal trade was a growing
demarcation between the food-deficient areas of the industrial
centre and the Baltic regions in the north, and the food-surplus
regions of the black-earth and southern provinces. The self-
sufficient estates with their manorial 'factories' declined in im-
portance. It was in the less fertile northern regions where
handicraft industries flourished that the obrok system of serf pay-
ments prevailed. By contrast, labour services predominated on
the gentry estates in the grain-producing areas, especially in
the black-earth provinces and in the Ukranian steppes. Thus, in
European Russia the proportion of serfs perfonning labour ser-
vices averaged rather more than 70 per cent in the first half of
the nineteenth century. In the non-black-earth belt of central
Russia, however, nearly 60 per cent of the serfs were on obrok.
The general progress of industry can be seen from official
statistics of the numbers of manufacturing plants and the growth
of the labour force (see Table 4). From the 2,400 or so such

Number of enterprises Number oj workers
Commodity 1804 1830 1860 1804 1830 1860
1. Woollen textiles 157 389 706 28,689 67,241 120,025
2. Cotton textiles 199 538 1,200 8,181 76,228 152,236
3. Linen textiles 285 190 117 23,711 26,845 17,284
4. Silk manufacture 365 234 393 9,161 14,019 14,287
5. Paper 64 111 207 5,957 10,260 12,804
6. Leather 843 1,619 2,515 6,304 10,547 14,151
7. Tallow, soap,
candles, wax 269 1,031 1,827 687 6,252 12,122
8. Sugar 10 57 467 108 1,687 64,763
9. Iron and steel 28 198 693 4,121 19,889 54,832
10. Copper 37 113 161 546 3,103 8,504
SOURCE: [13] 31-2.

establishments in 1804, the number had grown to 5,306 in 1830,

and reached 15,338 in 1860. Correspondingly, the work-force
grew from about 95,000 to 252,253, and finally to 565,100.
Textiles remained the predominant sector in manufacturing in-
dustry, although the overall percentage of workers employed in
textiles declined somewhat as metal-processing and other indus-
tries grew in importance. There appears, too, to have been a
considerable increase in industrial productivity per worker, par-
ticularlyafter 1845, and this, according to Khromov, is associated
with the growth of a voluntary labour force in manufacturing
as well as the adoption of mechanisation. The late 1850s also
produced a sharp increase in the numbers of joint-stock com-
panies. Between 1822 and 1855, 32 such corporations had
been established; from 1856 to 1859 a further 79 were
formed. Some indication of the growth of mechanisation can
T.I.O.R.-B 33
be gleaned from the statistics shown in Table 5, although these
figures include agricultural as well as industrial machinery.
('000 silver roubles)
Machinery Domestic
Tears imports production Total
1831-40 4,111 2,750 6,861
1841-50 11,747 4,860 16,607
1851-60 48,080 36,433 84,513
SOURCE: [16] 27.

The growth of industries and 'the widening of the commercial

nexus was reflected in increased urbanisation. According to
Rashin, the urban population more than doubled in the period
1811-63 and the proportion of town dwellers in the total popu-
lation of European Russia (excluding Poland and Finland) rose
from 6'6 to 10 per cent (see Table 6). Moscow, St Petersburg
Population population %
Tear (millions) (millions) Urban
1811 41·8 2·8 6·6
1838 48·8 4·5 9·3
1863 61·2 6·1 10·0
1885 81·7 10·0 12·2
1897 93-4 12·1 12·9
1913 121·8 18·6 15·3
SOURCE: [58] 98.

and Kiev grew rapidly, although the most spectacular expansion

was that of Odessa, based on the development of the Black Sea
grain trade (see Table 7).
Most of Russia's industrial production outside Poland was con-
centrated in four regions. The Urals continued as the main centre
1811 1863 1897 1914*
St Petersburg 335·6 539·5 1,264'9 2,118'5
Moscow 270·2 462·5 1,038'6 1,762'7
Riga 32·0 17·5 282·2 558·0
Kiev 23·3 68·4 247·7 520·5
Odessa 11·0 119·0 403·8 499·5
Baku 13·9 111·9 232·2
Ekaterinoslav 8·6 19·9 112·8 211-1
SOURCE: [58] 93.

*Population on 1 January 1914.

of mining and metallurgy. In the so-called 'Central Industrial
Region' the provinces of Moscow and Vladimir contained im-
portant centres of textile manufacture. To the north, in the St
Petersburg district, were found some of the largest metal-pro-
cessing and cotton-textile plants. These northern industries bene-
fited from the accessibility of imported goods such as coal,
cotton and machinery, and St Petersburg also contained several
large state manufacturing enterprises, including the famous
Alexandrovsk works which produced Russia's earliest steam
engines and railway equipment. According to Tegoborskii's esti-
mate for the mid-1850s, rather more than half of the total value
of the output of Russian manufacturing enterprises was con-
centrated in the provinces of Moscow, St Petersburg, Vladimir
and Penn. In the south also several industrial regions of some
importance developed, based principally on the refining of sugar
from sugar-beet. Beyond Russia proper were a number of manu-
facturing centres in the Polish provinces. Lodz became a major
textile producer, while Warsaw developed important metal-pro-
cessing industries in addition to textiles.
Despite the shortcomings of Tsarist statistics, there can be no
doubt that manufacturing industry grew substantially in the
decades prior to 1861, although the significance and extent of
these achievements can be debated. The causes of the increase
are not fully understood, for despite the large volume of Soviet
literature on the subject, little analysis of the dynamics of the
expansion has been attempted. Certainly, however, industrial
development in the first half of the nineteenth century was not
a product of state initiative or pressure, and the period thus
provides a strong contrast both with eighteenth-century industrial-
isation and with the achievements under Sergei Witte at the
close of the nineteenth century. Many of the leading officials
who served Nicholas I (1825-55) were either lukewarm in their
support of industrial growth, or were actively hostile to it, fear-
ing the social disturbances which might be involved. Count Kan-
krin, the powerful Minister of Finance who dominated economic
policies between the mid-1820s and the early 1840s, was con-
servative by nature and interested primarily in fiscal matters. He
viewed with suspicion proposals for state-sponsored industrial pro-
jects, while the Director of Transport, Tol , opposed the intro-
duction of railways in the 1830s.
In view of the passive role of the state, it is not surprising
that industrial advance during the decades before the Emancipa-
tion was most marked in consumer-goods industries, a feature
which again contrasts with industrialisation under Peter the Great
and Witte. Three general factors underlying the growth of
industries in this period may be singled out. There was, in the
first place, the expansion and increasing commercialisation of
agriculture. The period saw a rapid extension of cultivation
in the south-eastern provinces of New Russia, and exports of
grain, especially wheat, rose sharply. Thus in 1820 the value of
wheat exports amounted to some 7 million silver roubles; in 1840
they stood at 11 million, and in 1860 at over 37 million. The
volume of all grain exports nearly doubled between the decades
1835--45 and 1845-55, while from about 15 per cent of the total
value of exports prior to 1846, grain averaged roughly one-third
between 1846 and 1860. Such growth could not fail to be re-
flected in internal demand for industrial products, while the
development of. the south and south-east as Russia's 'granary'
stimulated territorial specialisation, as we have seen. Further-
more, the encouragement that this division of labour gave to the
growth of obrok rather than labour services among serfs in the
central and northern areas produced a potential labour force
for Russia's manufacturing industries.
A second factor encouraging industrial development during the
period was tariff protection. Import substitution, following the
imposition of high tariffs in 1822, was a feature of many of
those industrial sectors which grew most rapidly in Russia. Pro-
tection of infant industries was not, however, deliberate govern-
ment policy. The main object of high tariffs was to increase state
revenues, and the industrial expansion they sparked off was
largely a by-product of fiscal policy.
The third factor was the spread of industrialisation in Western
Europe. Russian industries could benefit from the improved tech-
niques and machinery developed abroad, while the expanding
demand for foodstuffs and raw materials from the industrialising
nations provided opportunities for Russian exporters., A marked
increase in Russia's grain exports to England followed in the
wake of the repeal of the Com Laws there in 1846. In these
years before 1861 Russia entered increasingly into the growing
international economy, as Strumilin has clearly shown in his
study of the influence of the international trade cycle on Russian
prosperity from the 1830s. 10
Foremost among Russia's expanding industries was cotton tex-
tiles. During the 1830s cotton textiles overtook woollens as the
major employer of industrial labour, and the widespread, peasant-
based linen industry went into decline in the face of competition
from cotton goods. Of the increase in Russia's industrial labour
force between 1825 and 1834, nearly half was accounted for by
cotton textiles.
Calico printing and weaving had made some headway in the
eighteenth century, but in 1820 the scale of operations was still
modest. Spinning had made little progress, and until the 1830s
yarn imports were always larger than imports of raw cotton.
Up to this time Russia's cotton industry was essentially the
weaving and finishing of yarn imported from England, the pro-
cessing being carried on primarily in peasant homes and in small
handicraft workshops. From the 1830s the rate of growth of
cotton textiles quickened, and the proportion of all 'factory'
workers employed by this industry had risen to 32 per cent by
10 Strumilin's study, covering the period 1847-1907, is reprinted
in [19] 414-58; there is an English translation of the first section
(up to 1867) in [68].
1836. From the 1840s cotton spinning developed rapidly, with
much of the yarn produced in mechanised factories. One esti-
mate of the increase in spindles employed in cotton spinning
shows a rise from under 100,000 in 1830 to 1,750,000 in
1863, and by the time of the Emancipation over 90 per cent of
Russia's yarn consumption was produced domestically (see
Table 8). Mechanisation made much slower progress in weaving
and it was not until the 1860s and 1870s that power-looms
were widely adopted.
('000 poods)
Tears Cottonyarn Raw cotton
1812-20 165 55
1821-30 334 87
1831-40 574 235
1841-50 471 821
1851-60 167 2,145
SOURCE: [1] 1527.

The main centres of spinning were in Moscow and 5t Peters-

burg. 5t Petersburg possessed the largest mills, and by 1860 many
of them were organised as joint-stock companies. The major
bleaching and printing factories were situated in the Moscow
region and in the towns of I vanovo and 5huya in the province
of Vladimir. The rise of Ivanovo as an industrial centre has
been traced by Yatsunsky [84J. Here a number of entrepreneurs,
most of them serfs, set up linen-cloth enterprises from the 1740s.
By the end of the century some of these enterprises had been
turned over to the printing of cottons. Calico production then
made rapid strides in the town, and by 1828 there existed over
a hundred separate establishments, most of them, it is true,
operating on a very small scale. Concentration of production
increased, however, and by 1849, when one entrepreneur alone
employed 2,459 workers, the twenty-two largest concerns em-
ployed five-sixths of all the calico workers in I vanovo.
The main stimuli to Russia's cotton industry came from
tariff protection, lower costs of yarn imports from England, and,
after 1842, the greater availability of imported machinery from
England. High tariffs in 1822 and 1826 gave a marked boost
to the industry, and further impetus came in 1830 when a heavy
duty was erected against Polish goods in the aftermath of the
Polish uprising of that year. Tariffs remained high throughout
the 1830s and 1840s, but starting in 1850 they were moderated,
and a substantial downward revision followed in 1857. By this
time, however, the industry was firmly established. Probably of
even more significance than protective tariffs was the encourage-
ment given to the weaving industry by the availability of cheap
yarn imports from England. As the mechanisation of England's
industries resulted in lower costs, the average price per pood of
English yarn imported into Russia fell from 111 roubles in
1821-5 to an average of 82 roubles in the years 1826-30, and
to 59 roubles in 1830-5. Cotton spinning was, of course, hindered
by this price reduction, and although some progress was made
during the 1830s, the main expansion came after 1842 when Eng-
land lifted its ban on the exports of textile machinery. Encour-
agement was also supplied by an increased rate of duty on im-
ported yarn in 1841, and over the next few decades cotton
spinning developed rapidly on the basis of English technology
and equipment. An important part in this process was played
by a German-English entrepreneur, Ludwig Knoop, who set up
and equipped the majority of the large cotton-textile mills in
Russia in this period.
A notable feature of the cotton-textile industry was that from
the outset it was based almost entirely on 'free' labour, that is,
chiefly on the labour of obrok serfs. As early as 1825 some 95
per cent of the labour force was recruited in this manner, com-
pared with an average for Russian industry as a whole of 54
per cent. Soviet historians lay considerable stress on this expan-
sion of hired labour, using it as evidence of the growth of
capitalist forms of enterprise within the 'feudal' structure of pre-
Reform Russia. By 1860, 87 per cent of Russia's industrial
workers were wage-earners. But it should be remembered that
'free' labour was free in only a restricted sense; personal bondage
and obligations of the serf to his master continued, and the
serf could always be recalled from his industrial employment.
A second new industry of importance to develop in the half-
century before 1860 was sugar-beet production. As with cotton
textiles, expansion here was in part the unwitting result of the
1822 tariff, and output became increasingly concentrated in sub-
stantial enterprises in the Ukraine during the 1840s and 1850s.
The first sugar-beet refineries were established in the central
provinces after 1802, but not until 1827 did the industry spread
to the Ukraine. Initially these enterprises operated on a small
scale, mostly as manorial factories using serf labour. After 1840
the adoption of steam-powered machinery led to larger units of
production, and on the eve of the Emancipation mechanised
factories accounted for 85 per cent of total output. The growth
of production was impressive. Between 1844 and 1860 output
grew from about 484,000 poods to 1,300,000 poods of sugar,
while the Ukrainian region possessed 229 refineries by 1852, more
than half the total in Russia at that date. Kiev, largely on the
basis of sugar-beet, developed as a substantial manufacturing
centre, and the industrial labour force there grew from some
1,500 in 1815 to over 32,000 in 1860.
Alongside the new industries, many of the older sectors of
Russian industry made significant progress. Woollens, silk manu-
factures, paper production, and a host of small-scale craft
industries connected· with the processing of hides, wood and
metals, all grew, although the linen industry declined, as
mentioned earlier. In general, however, Russia's consumer-goods
industries flourished, especially from the middle of the 1840s.
Such was not the case with the iron industry, the great growth
sector of the eighteenth century, which stagnated throughout the
first half of the nineteenth century. Pig-iron production stood at
some 12·2 million poods in 1806, whereas the average for the
decades 183~-40 and 1841-50 was only 10·7 and 11·7 million
poods respectively. Thereafter came a period of rapid growth,
with production in 1860 totalling about 18·2 million poods. Yet
over the entire period iron production failed to keep pace with
the growth of population.
The iron industry remained centred in the Urals during this
period, the enterprises there accounting for some three-quarters of
total production. The prolonged stagnation in the Urals in-
dustries was a product .of many factors. At the close of the
eighteenth century the rapid expansion in England's domestic iron
production had closed an important export outlet to Russian
producers. Moreover, the system of forced labour which character-
ised the Urals plants led to low productivity, and labour unrest
was a recurring feature from the second half of the eighteenth
century. The contrast between the 'free' labour of cotton tex-
tiles and the serf labour of iron production, where possessional
enterprises predominated until the Emancipation, was striking.
Lyashchenko considers inefficient labour to be the principal cause
of stagnation in the iron industry during the first half of the
nineteenth century, yet the sparseness of population in the moun-
tainous mining districts would have made the acquisition of a
labour force other than by compulsion difficult and costly.
Certainly, the archaic possessional enterprises with their unwill-
ing labour and rigid bureaucratic control of all aspects of their
operations were inefficient and unproductive. Coke smelting and
the use of steam power were virtually unknown before the
Emancipation; puddling was not introduced until the 1830s, and
even in 1860 only one-half of the iron output was puddled.
The remoteness of the Urals from the main centres of popula-
tion led to high transport costs, and only tariff protection from
the 1820s guarded the Urals industries from ruinous competition
from English iron. In addition, the timber resources close to the
mining centres had been depleted during the rapid period of
growth in the eighteenth century, and, as supplies became more
distant, costs inevitably rose.
Do the developments that occurred in the Russian economy
after the 1830s constitute an industrial revolution? There is evi-
dence enough of a quickening in industrial activity, yet this must
be placed in perspective. The iron industry remained backward
and, until the very end of the period, stagnant. Coal mining
hardly developed at all, and in 1860 only some 18 million poods
were mined. Russia relied on imports for nearly all her
machinery and railway equipment, and the railway network was
only embryonic in 1860. Private banking, too, remained almost
entirely undeveloped. Portal [57] has argued convincingly that the
advances before 1861 cannot be described as revolutionary; he
stresses the narrow range of sectors involved, and the fact that
mechanisation made little progress except in cotton textiles and
sugar-beet. Cotton textiles were, indeed, with their 'free' labour
force, the only 'modern' industry of the type developing in
Western Europe. Yet in the Moscow district at the time of the
Emancipation, some 350,000 cotton workers were employed on
the putting-out system, while only 80,000 were employed in
factories. It should be remembered that throughout the first half
of the nineteenth century, despite the progress of Russian in-
dustry, Russia fell relatively further behind her main competitors,
as was clearly seen during the Crimean War (1854-6).
The statistics of industrial workers and of the numbers of
manufacturing enterprises look impressive until one recalls the
very small establishments that were often included. Such
statistics are a poor indication of the rise of modern industry in
Russia. The average number of workers in Russia's officially
recorded 'factories and plants' was low and showed a tendency
to decline towards the end of the period. This may indicate a
wider coverage in the collection of statistics, or it may indicate
simply the buoyancy of small-scale industry. Certainly, a glance at
Table 4 (p. 33 above) will show how very many tiny establish-
ments were included in the data, particularly in the production
of commodities such as leather, tallow, soap, candles and wax.
The total number of industrial enterprises rose from about 2,400
in 1804 to over 15,000 in 1860; yet a Soviet historian has esti-
mated that the number of these plants employing sixteen or
more workers rose only from about 1,200 to 2,818 during the
Gerschenkron, looking for a sharp discontinuity in industrial
development, argues that the significant phase did not occur until
the end of the nineteenth century. Blackwell, however, has
recently emphasised the importance of the pre-Refonn period as
providing a base for Russia's subsequent industrialisation.ll
Certainly, in a number of sectors such a base was laid. Yet, as
we shall see, the main characteristics of Russia's later industrial-
isation - the growth of capital-goods industries and the extension
of mining and metallurgy to southern districts - remained largely
unheralded before the Emancipation. To repeat what was said
in the Introduction: the difference between the Western and
Soviet historians considered here is primarily one of emphasis.
11 See Blackwell [5], and the review of Blackwell's book by
Gerschenkron [42].
A study of quantitative changes leads to the conclusion that
Russia in 1860 was industrially extremely backward, with serf-
dom providing a major obstacle to further development; that few
sectors showed any modem growth; and that despite an obvious
increase in economic activity, the main period of industrialisation
came considerably later. Qualitatively, however, there were funda-
mental changes. Mechanised factories made their appearance, and
privately-owned factories employing hired labour became a signi-
ficant element in Russia's industrial structure.

5 Outline of Industrial Development, 1861-19 13

THE Emancipation of the Serfs in 1861 removed a consider-

able barrier to industrial growth. Baykov, however, has suggested
that serfdom should not be regarded as the principal obstacle to
Russian economic development. He stresses that enough peasants
were free of servile status even before the Emancipation to pro-
vide a substantial industrial labour force. The presence of serf
entrepreneurs and the development of freely hired obrok serfs
may also warn us against exaggerating the restrictive elements of
serfdom. Baykov emphasises rather the 'real' hindrances to Russian
industrialisation: the vast distances and harsh climate, and the
inaccessibility of much of Russia's mineral wealth prior to the
railway age.
On the other hand, serfdom was clearly incompatible with the
requirements of an industrialising country. The basis of such a
society was agriculture, and serfdom ensured a restricted home
market and a low level of agricultural technology. This in turn
meant a low level of per capita incomes, which further per-
petuated economic backwardness. Serfdom meant too a largely
immobile population in which the level of education of the
masses was abysmal. The simple pyramid structure of this
stratified society, with its huge peasant base and small elite
of landed gentry, left little room for the development of a
prosperous middle class. As in other backward countries, religious
minorities played a part in industrial development out of all pro-
portion to their numbers, with the Old Believers and Jews being
particularly important in Russia. Above all, perhaps, serfdom
bred values and attitudes inimical to modernisation, and such
values were not easily overcome in the post-Emancipation period.
Industrialisation, with the prospect of social upheaval that it
entailed, was hardly likely to hold much appeal for the landed
classes. The greatly unequal distribution of the national income
did not lead to the accumulation of savings by the wealthy for
industrial development; rather, investment in land and in the
acquisition of serfs was preferred. At the same time a high level
of consumption of luxury goods (mostly imported) and large ex-
penditures on foreign travel were indulged in by many of the
Russian aristocracy. The strong ties of the peasant to the land,
too, were an enduring feature of Russian society throughout the
nineteenth century. Gerschenkron is surely right to stress the im-
portance of Alexander II's (1855-81) great measure as a stimulus
to Russian economic development, and indeed the year 1861 can
in many respects be taken as marking the beginning of Russia's
With this said, the economic basis built prior to the
Emancipation must not be overlooked. We have noticed that,
despite the stagnation of heavy industries, there was significant
progress in the decades before 1861 in a number of consumer
industries. There was, in this respect, continuity across the gulf
of the Emancipation. It was in the expansion of heavy industry
that the Emancipation can be seen as a decisive turning-point.
Between the Emancipation and the outbreak of the First
World War, Russia's industrial structure was transformed. The
main feature of this transformation was the growth of heavy
industry. Coal and iron mining, metallurgical enterprises, oil
production and refining, and several other industries developed
rapidly. Consumer-goods industries continued to grow too, al-
though their progress was relatively less marked. Factory pro-
duction based on the use of steam power steadily eroded the
position of handicraft workers, although the workshop industries
which did not compete directly with the factories continued to
With the rise of new industries came the rise of new centres
of production. There was rapid development of coal and iron
mining and metallurgy in the Ukraine from the 1880s, and
the relative importance of the Urals declined. Another new
industrial centre emerged in the Caucasus, where the oil
industry expanded very rapidly during the 1880s and 1890s.
Goldsmith and Gerschenkron have produced quantitative
studies of the overall performance of Tsarist industry after
Emancipation. 12 Goldsmith estimated that total industrial pro-
12 Goldsmith [8] provides aggregate series of agricultural and
industrial production; Gerschenkron [30] is concerned with analys-
ing the industrial growth rate.
duction grew by about 5 per cent a year during the period 1860-
1913; growth accelerated markedly after the mid-1880s, based
primarily on the expansion of heavy industry. Since population
growth averaged roughly 1'5 per cent per annum, the annual
industrial growth rate was in the region of 3'5 per cent - quite
high by comparison with other countries at the time, although it
must be remembered that the industrial base from which Russia
grew was slender. Agricultural output, however, grew only a
little faster than the rate of population increase; since the weight
of agriculture in the economy remained high, total real output
per head grew slowly, at perhaps 1 per cent annually between 1860
and 1913.
Gerschenkron, basing his study on the index of industrial pro-
duction compiled by the Russian economist Kondratiev, for the
period 1885-1913, has analysed the discontinuous pattern of
Russian growth. He calls attention to two periods of very rapid
growth in Russian industrialisation. In the 1890s the rate of
industrial production exceeded 8 per cent annually, a figure un-
equalled by any other advanced nation at that period. A further,
though quantitatively less spectacular, boom followed after 1907,
while the intervening period, between 1900 and 1906, was
marked by general stagnation in Russia's industries (see Table 9).
Tears Annual rate (%)
1885-9 6·10
1890-9 8·03
1900-6 1-43
1907-13 6·25
(1910-13 7·50)

1895-1913 5·72
SOURCE: [30] 146.

6 The Emancipation of the Serfs and Economic
RUSSIA'S peasant population amounted to some 40 million
on the eve of the Emancipation. Of these, a little over half were
in personal bondage to the Russian gentry, while the remainder
consisted principally of various categories of 'state' and 'crown'
peasants. The 1861 Act, together with several other measures
affecting Russia's administrative and judicial system, could not
fail to influence Russia's economic life, and the year 1861 forms
an important landmark in Russian economic history.
Yet while the retarding elements of serfdom on economic
development are obvious, Gerschenkron has emphasised also the
retarding features of the Reform He points out that
under the terms of the Emancipation a prosperous peasant class
was not created. In other words, the spur to industrialisation
that might have come from the internal demand of a mass
market remained lacking. Also, despite the poverty of the
peasants, the Emancipation did not stimulate a flow of cheap
labour to industrial occupations, and, allied to these points,
agricultural productivity failed to show any significant increase,
so that the rural sector continued backward and impoverished
after 1861.
Under the terms of the Emancipation the peasantry as a whole
received insufficient land, less than they had been using on their
own account as serfs. Peasant allotments were particularly small
in the fertile areas of the black-earth belt and southern steppes.
Here the landowners retained as much land for their own use as
they could, whereas in the less fertile regions of the centre and
north peasant holdings were larger. In all, it appears that the
peasantry lost some 4'1 per cent of the land they had used for-
merly. But this low figure conceals a loss as great as 23'3 per
13 Gerschenkron [31] is a study of major importance on this
cent in the sixteen black-earth and steppe provinces, and 30·8
per cent in the Ukraine alone.
The peasants were not given their land, but had to pay
compensation to the former landowners. For most peasants this
meant paying a fixed annual sum to the state, the state in tum
compensating the landowners with state bonds. Peasant repay-
ments were to be spread over a period of forty-nine years. These
redemption payments were calculated on the value of the land
received, and since this valuation was considerably in excess
of the true market value, they'represented a severe tax burden
on the peasantry. Redemption payments, together with numerous
other direct and indirect taxes, did much to depress the pur-
chasing power of the peasant subsequent to the Emancipation.
Most peasants did not own their land individually. Over a
large part of the country, ownership was vested·in the peasant
commune (the obshchina, or mir), an institution which had an
ancient tradition in Russia and which was strengthened under
the terms of the 1861 Reform. The mir, whatever its role in
Russian rural society, had a deleterious effect on economic life.
The absence of private ownership, and the fact that peasant
lands were subject to periodic redistributions among the mem-
bers of the commune, reduced the incentive for peasants to
make long-term improvements in their land and invest capital
in their holdings, even if they could afford to do so. At the
same time the inefficiencies associated with strip farming, such
as the difficulty of introducing new crop rotations, the un-
economic size of strips, and the lengthy journeys a peasant
was obliged to make to his scattered holdings, all depressed
agricultural productivity. In general, therefore, according to Ger-
schenkron, poverty in Russia's agricultural sector was built into
the terms of the Emancipation, and hindered the development
of the internal market in the second half of the nineteenth
It should be pointed out, however, that, onerous as the
Emancipation terms undoubtedly were, they did not necessarily
mean an overall diminution of peasant purchasing power. As
the economy developed, especially with the building of the rail-
ways and growing urbanisation, it was possible for peasants to
market their crops where previously these had sometimes remained
unharvested because of the lack of a market. Moreover, the
redemption payments were often no higher than the rents paid
by former serfs.
Contemporaries became increasingly aware of the 'agricultural
problem' as the century progressed, for the problem itself be-
came more severe. If the peasants 'had received inadequate
land at the time of the Emancipation, the rapid expansion of
population thereafter, allied to the continued low level of
productivity, ensured that the insufficiency would become worse.
Lyashchenko estimated that about one-quarter of the peasants
received land allotments inadequate to support themselves at
the time of the Emancipation. By 1910 the proportion had risen
to over a half. Rural overpopulation was naturally most severe
in those regions where the 1861 settlement had been most in-
adequate, and where opportunities for alternative industrial em-
ployment were small. The central agricultural regions were
especially badly hit, and acute distress followed the not infre-
quent harvest failures. 'Land hunger' manifested itself in steady
purchases of land by peasant communes from the gentry estates,
which usually entailed mounting peasant indebtedness. Despite
the low levels of agricultural productivity and the general fall in
agricultural prices, land prices rose steadily after 1861. At the
same time, the growth of the rural population meant that the
average landholding of the peasants declined throughout the
post-Emancipation period (see Table 10).
Movement off the land to the urban centres was not possible
on a large enough scale (and emigration to the empty lands of
Siberia did not become a serious possibility until the very end
1860 1880 1890
Northern Region 7·6 6·1 4·7
Central Agricultural Region 3·6 2·5 2·0
South-west 2·9 2·1 1·4
Ukraine 3·3 2·5 1·7
SOURCE: [3] 179.

* 1 dessyatin=approx. 2·7 acres (1·1 hectares).

of the century). Partly this was simply because the rate of
industrial growth in Russia was too low to absorb the surplus
rural population; partly the problem can again be traced to the
strengthening of the mir under the terms of the Emancipation.
Peasants were frequently tied to their commune. If they wished
to leave they had to purchase a passport, and none the less
often remained liable for their share of communal taxes (for
taxes were levied not on individuals but on the commune as a
whole). Thus, the flow of labour to industrial centres was
restricted, and Gerschenkron considers this a further retarding
feature of the Emancipation.
Gerschenkron rightly emphasises these retarding elements in the
Reform, but some of his arguments are open to misunderstand-
ing. ·It would be surprising indeed if an existing demand for
industrial labour was not met by supply in a backward r:ural
country like Russia, and there is little evidence that the formal
commune regulations restricted the labour supply in this manner.
Passports to enable members to work away from the commune
were issued in substantial numbers, and it is reasonable to sup-
pose that had demand existed, mobility from village to town
would have increased accordingly. Under the terms of the
Emancipation a large number of Russians had no land at all
and could in theory have supplied a factory labour force. This
number may have amounted to between 2 and 3 million - far
more than the total factory work-force in 1861, and possibly as
high as that which existed at the end of the boom of the 1890s.
There were, it is true, complaints of labour shortages by
industrialists, but such complaints came in the main from the
newly industrialising southern regions, where population was
relatively sparse, where agriculture was developing in response
to the growth of export markets and hence competed with
industry for labour, and where in any case the commune was
frequently not well established. Labour shortages occurred most
often at harvest time, when workers were often in the habit of
leaving their industrial employment. Thus, the slow growth of
an industrial labour force can be attributed only in part to an
inelastic supply; it was due also to the nature of the Russian
economy, in particular to the slow growth of opportunities for
industrial employment.
7 Industrial Growth before the 1890S
AL THOUGH Russian industry continued to exhibit many
features of a backward, agrarian-based structure in the decades
after the Emancipation, definite growth did take place. Gold-
smith's figures show that in aggregate tenns industry grew only
slowly in the 1860s and 1870s, but from the middle of the
1880s a significant upturn occurred. A few statistics will
illustrate this development. The labour force in the industries
covered by official data, including railways, approximately
doubled in the thirty years after 1860, so that by 1890 the
number of workers stood at 1,433,000. Production in numerous
industrial sectors mounted impressively. Coal output was some
18'3 million poods in 1860, and by 1890 had reached 367'2
million poods (see Table 11). Over the same period, iron and
(million poods)
1860-4 21·8 1890-4 434·3
1865-9 28·4 1895-9 673·3
1870-4 61·9 1900-4 1,057·7
1875-9 131·3 1905-9 1,444'5
1880-4 225-4 1910-13 1,840'2
1885-9 302·6
SOURCE: [13] 453-4.

steel production rose from 12'4 to 48'4 million poods, iron ore
from 45'9 to 106'3 million poods. Before the 1870s petroleum
production was negligible, but between 1883 and 1890 output
grew from 60'4 million poods to 241'9 million poods. The trans-
port network made considerable progress, especially the con-
struction of railways. In 1860 Russia possessed a mere 1,626
km. of track, but by 1890 the network had expanded to
30,596 km. Consumer-goods industries also showed development,
and the consumption of raw cotton grew from 2·8 to 8·3 million
poods between 1860 and 1890 (see Table 12).
(million poods)
1865-9 2·7 1890-4 10·1
1870-4 3·7 1895-9 14·0
1875-9 5·6 1900-4 16·7
1880-4 7·8 1905-9 19·7
1885-9 9·2 1910-13 23·8
SOURCE: [13] 453-4.

The first half of the 18608 were years of considerable

difficulty for Russian industry, and many branches showed
declining production. There were two major problems. The first
was the aftennath of the Emancipation and the needs of
Russian industries to adapt to the new conditions. Most vulner-
able were those enterprises which had relied on bonded labour-
the possessional factories of the Urals, and the votchinal enter-
prises on the great estates. Mining and metallurgy, woollen tex-
tiles, sugar and paper production were adversely affected. From
20·5 million poods in 1860, pig-iron production slumped to 15·3
million poods in 1862, and not until 1870 did output once more
exceed the 1860 level (see Table 13). In the great Demidov
enterprises in the Urals, the flight of former serfs reduced the
work-force from 25,585 to 9,147 by 1862. Output of refined

(million poods)
1860-4 18·1 1890-4 66·9
1865-9 18·9 1895-9 120·9
1870-4 22·9 1900-4 169·0
1875-9 25·9 1905-9 170·8
1880-4 29·2 1910-13 236·1
1885-9 37·6
SOURCE: [13] 453-4.
sugar fell from 3·4 million poods in 1860 to 1·9 million in 1863,
although thereafter it rose substantially. The number of woollen-
textile workers declined from 99,000 to 71,800 between 1859
and 1863, and the value of paper production fell from 49·8
million roubles in 1861 to 38·7 million roubles in 1863.
The second major problem of the 1860s, and one which makes
it difficult to estimate the impact of the Emancipation, was the
'cotton famine' which occurred during the American Civil War.
Cotton textiles, the largest industry in the country, relied
entirely on imports of raw cotton, mostly from the United
States. Cotton consumption fell from 2,840,000 poods in 1860
to only 850,000 poods in 1862, and the slump had repercussions
on the rest of the economy.
By the late 1860s, however, expansion was under way in most
branches of the economy, and by the 1880s the economy was
set for a period of rapid progress. The pace of Russian
industrialisation was by no means even, however.14 The late 1860s
and early 1870s saw a considerable boom. The value of output
of thirty-four leading industries, according to Lenin's data, rose
from 235·8 million roubles in 1867 to 352·1 million roubles in
1872, an increase of 49 per cent, while employment rose by
27 per cent. Another indication of the greater pace of
economic activity was an increase in the number of joint-stock
companies established. Between 1861 and 1865, 44 such
companies were established with a total nominal capital of 99
million roubles. In the years 1869-73, however, no fewer than
281 were established with a capital of 697 million roubles. In
the four years 1868-71, 8,603 km. of railways were opened to
traffic, whereas the entire network in 1867 was only 5,038 km.
Internal trade flourished also, sales at the Nizhni-Novgorod fair
yielding 110·2 million silver roubles in 1868 and 154·3 million
in 1872.
This rather frenzied boom gave way to a severe depression in
1873, but by the end of the 1870s revival was once more under
way, stimulated in part by war-time demands during the Turkish
conflict of 1877-8. A series of excellent harvests, which led to
record grain exports in 1878 and 1879, also stimulated pros-
14 Yakovlev [16] provides a detailed analysis of cyclical fluctua-
tions in Russia during the nineteenth century.
perity. A further sharp crisis in 1882 was succeeded by an up-
turn in the second half of the 1880s. In 1890 came a further
recession in most sectors of the economy, and this slump was
deepened by a catastrophic harvest failure and subsequent wide-
spread famine in 1891.
It will be noticed that the general course of the ebbs and
flows in Russian economic activity followed a pattern very
similar to that of the international economic cycle. There is no
doubt that by the second half of the nineteenth century the
commercial and financial links of Russia with other nations had
brought much of her economy to a position of interdependence
with them. As mentioned earlier, Strumilin's researches have
shown Russia's participation in the international trade cycle to
extend back well before the Emancipation. At the same time,
however, internal considerations also played an important part in
determining the course of activity in Russia. As Yakovlev has
shown, the state of the harvest and level of agricultural prices
were a major influence throughout, affecting as they did both
the extent of home demand and the level of government
Beyond the factors influencing the cyclical behaviour of the
Russian economy were factors making for long-term growth.
From the late 1860s railway construction was a dominant force
in Russia's industrial development, while in the 1880s the
development of tariff protection provided another powerful in-
fluence. Before the Emancipation few railway lines of economic
significance had been constructed. Following 1861, however, the
railways had a growing impact on Russian industrialisation. In
1874 the railway network stood at 18,220 km. and by 1890
a further 12,376 km. had been added (see Table 14). Dur-
ing the 1860s several important lines were built to serve the
central industrial regions, such as the Moscow-Kursk, Moscow-
Voronezh and Moscow-Nizhi-Novgorod lines. In this and the
subsequent decade railways were also constructed in the grain-
producing regions of the south, and the Kursk-Kharkov-
Odessa and Kharkov-Rostov lines linked the principal agricul-
tural regions to the Black Sea ports. Railway construction
expanded too in the Baltic regions, in the Urals and in the
Polish provinces. The 1880s saw a general slackening in con-
Tear km. Tear km.
1861-5 443 1891-5 1,292
1866-70 1,378 1896-1900 3,235
1871-5 1,660 1901-5 1,570
1876-80 767 1906-10 1,099
1881-5 632 1911-13 1,192
1886-90 914
SOURCE: [13] 462.

struction, but some lines of considerable economic importance

were built. The Ekaterine railway, opened in 1885, linked the
coal regions of the Donetz Basin with the iron ore of Krivoi Rog
in the Ukraine. In the Caucasus, the Baku-Batum railway,
opened in 1883, joined the main producing regions on the Cas-
pian to the Black Sea, and thus opened the way for a
spectacular growth of Russian oil exports.
Enough has been said about the obstacles placed in the path
of Russian economic development by factors such as distance
and climate to make the importance of the railways evident. In
addition to providing a form of freight and passenger trans-
port vastly more reliable and speedy than existing facilities, they
also directly fostered native industry by their demands for
materials and by their employment of many thousands of
workers in construction and operation. The total numbers em-
ployed by the railway companies grew from some 32,000 in
1865 to 252,000 by 1890.
Until 1880 most of Russia's railways were built and operated
by private companies, although usually these benefited from state
encouragement in the form of guarantees and subsidies. Between
1861 and 1880 more than four-fifths of the network was con-
structed privately. After 1880, however, the Government began
to playa more active role. The state directly constructed and
operated the majority of new lines, started to buyout existing
companies, and kept a strict control over the policies of such
private companies as remained. By the outbreak of the First
World War more than two-thirds of the entire network was
owned and operated by the state.
Relatively low tariffs prevailed in Russia between the 1850s
and the 1870s, and major liberal tariff measures came into
force in 1857 and 1868. During the period of low tariffs im-
ports rose substantially, and despite an expansion of agricultural
exports, Russia had a trade deficit throughout the 1860s and
1870s. Many of Russia's industries were encouraged by low
import duties. The railway companies benefited from cheap im-
ports of rails and locomotives (mostly from Britain), since
Russia's own industries could provide no more than a small frac-
tion of their requirements. Between 1866 and 1875 alone, imports
of iron rails and locomotives amounted to over 1,000 million
roubles. Most of Russia's coal was imported also. The St Peters-
burg industries, for example, found it cheaper to buy coal from
Britain than from Poland or the Ukraine. In general, low tariffs
stimulated the development of light industries, especialJy those
with easy access to the ports. The cotton-textile mills, for
example, relied on foreign supplies of raw cotton and on im-
ports of machinery. Not surprisingly, however, Russia's capital-
goods industries, which found foreign competition severe, did
not make substantial progress. The state endeavoured at times to
foster these industries. In 1876 railway companies were obliged
to purchase half their rails from Russian manufacturers, while
concessions and subsidies were given at times to domestic
and foreign industrialists. But the rapid growth of Russia's heavy
industries did not come until the middle of the 1880s.
From what has been said, it is apparent that before the 1880s
the Russian Government did not playa direct role in much of
the industrial expansion that occurred. Encouragement given by
the state to private railway companies, however, djd provide
an important expansionary force. Liberal tariffs, too, en-
couraged private investment in several industrial sectors. There
was also an undoubted increase in domestic demand. The need
for cash by the peasants in order to meet their tax obligations
stimulated the growth of commercial agriculture and the spread
of a money economy. Agricultural output grew, due mainly
to the extension of cultivation. The principal stimulus came
from export demand for wheat, and between the 1870s and the
1890s an increasing proportion of the harvest was sent to foreign
markets. Production of grains grew particularly rapidly in the
regions serving the ports on the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov.
From the 1880s, however, Russian producers suffered from the
world-wide recession in agricultural prices, and for the next two
decades the expansion of grain sales did not bring correspond-
ing gains in income.
From the 1880s the state came to playa more active role in
the economy. Increasingly, the Government became concerned
with the balance of trade and with the strength of the
rouble, and this led successive Ministers of Finance to take
budgetary measures which influenced the direction of economic
development. In these years foreign investment in Russia began
to mount, and this r·aised the problem of acquiring foreign cur-
rency to service the debt. At the same time there was a growing
uneasiness at Russia's evident backwardness compared with the
other great powers. It was partly for strategic reasons that the
state directly undertook the construction of railways after 1880.
The ending of liberal tariffs came in 1877. In that year the
duties that existed were increased by about one-third, although
the tariff structure which permitted free or nearly free im-
portation of raw material and semi-manufactured commodities
remained unchanged. In the decade following, however, the level
of protection was increased considerably. There were major
Tariff Acts in 1881 and 1882, and these were supplemented in
the succeeding years, culminating in tlle 'monster' tariff of 1891.
The growing level of tariff protection is indicated by the increase
in tariff revenue as a proportion of the total value of imports.
This rose from 12·8 per cent in the years 1869-76 to an average of
28'3 per cent in 1885-90 and to 33 per cent during the 1890s
(see Table 15).
The era of protection stimulated the rapid development of
such industries as iron and coal mining, metallurgy, oil pro-
duction and machine construction. From the 1880s, therefore,
Russia acquired the beginnings of a substantial heavy industrial
The main centres of heavy industry were developed in the
Ukraine, although in absolute terms it was not until the 1890s
that the southern regions overtook the Urals in iron production.
In 1890, of a total production of pig-iron of 56'6 million poods,
the Urals accounted for 24'0 million, the south for 13'4 million.
(gold kopeks per pood)
Commodity 1868 tariff 1891 tariff
Coal Free 2-3
Iron ore Free 10·5
Pig-iron 5 45-52·5
Cast iron 50-250 112·5-255
Steel 20-50 90-150
Rails 20 90
Industrial machinery 30 250
Steam engines 75 300
Locomotives 30 170
Agricultural machinery Free 70-140
Raw cotton Free 120-135
Cotton yarn 325 420-540
Cotton goods 28-110 32-135
SOURCE: [1] II 199.

The southern works, however, were considerably more produc-

tive, using modern technology and operating on a larger scale.
The south had 22 iron mines in operation in 1890 whereas the
Urals possessed 435; yet the total labour force in the iron mines
and metallurgical works in the south was 15,698, while in the
Urals it totalled 165,057.
The Ukrainian iron industry dates effectively from 1869, al-
though long before that time numerous unsuccessful attempts
had been made to found metallurgical enterprises there. In 1869
a British ironfounder, John Hughes, contracted with the Russian
Government to establish an ironworks near Lugansk, in the
Donetz region. Hughes received government orders for iron rails
on very favourable terms, and soon the success of his enter-
prise attracted other foreign capitalists as well as Russian
entrepreneurs. The discovery of coal in the Lugansk area in
1873, and of very rich iron deposits in the Krivoi Rog region
in 1882, opened the way for the development of heavy industry
in the Ukraine.
Simultaneously with the development of the iron industry came
the expansion of coal. Here too foreign capital played an
important InItIatmg role. As with iron, the existence of coal
had long been known in the Donetz Basin, but not until the era
of railway building did output rise significantly. The Kursk-
Kharkov-Azov railway, opened in 1869, tapped some of the
richest coal regions in the western Donetz. Coal could now be
sent by rail to the interior of Russia, while the Lozovo-
Sevastopol line (1873) and the Kharkov-Nikolaiev (1870-8)
linked the Donetz mines with the Black Sea ports. In 1870 only
2'6 million poods of bituminous coal were produced in the
Donetz region. By 1880 output was 57'1 million and, stimulated
by tariff protection in 1884, reached 146'8 million poods by
1890. Railways not only carried Donetz coal to markets; they
were also the leading- consumers of coal for most of the 1880s.
The other major markets for coal were provided by the growing
southern industries, principally metallurgy and also sugar-beet.
Thus the development of the coal industry was closely linked
with the industrialisation of southern Russia.
Russia's oil industry was centred in the Caucasus, where the
Baku region, on the Caspian Sea, accounted for more than 90
per cent of total output throughout the period. The familiar
problems of inadequate capital supplies and remoteness of
markets had long held back the development of Russia's rich oil
resources. But in the 1870s the base was laid for what became
in the 1880s Russia's fastest-growing industry. Foreign capital
was poured into refining and, to a lesser extent, production.
In 1874 the Nobel brothers began their famous enterprise, in-
corporated in 1878 as the Nobel Brothers Naphtha Company,
and during the 1880s another giant concern was started by the
French Rothschilds. The Nobels built the world's first oil-
tankers, which carried their oil on the Caspian Sea to Astrakhan
whence it was distributed via the Volga and rail to the internal
markets of Russia. At this time oil (kerosene) was used primarily
for lighting purposes and rapidly became a necessity even for
the poorest peasant. The disruption of United States supplies
during the Turkish War enabled the Russian industry to cap-
ture a mass home market in the southern provinces of the
country, and tariff protection soon secured the entire domestic
market for Russian producers (see Table 16). Imports became
negligible, and with the construction of the rail link to Batum
(acquired as a result of the Turkish War) in 1883, Russia soon
became a major competitor with the United States on world


(million poods)
1885-9 153-4 1900-4 658·9
1890-4 281·8 1905-9 512·6
1895-9 456·9 1910-13 569-4
Source: [13] 459.

We can see, therefore, that import substitution played a sig-

nificant part in Russia's industrialisation in the latter part of
the nineteenth century. This was aided by transport develop-
ments, which linked distant centres of production with internal
markets, as well as by the high level of tariff protection.
Domestic sources of capital investment, extremely scarce in such a
backward country as Russia, were supplemented by foreign
investment. Such investment was often, as in the case of the oil
industry in the Caucasus, accompanied by foreign skills and
technology, and by foreign managers and even skilled artisans.

8 The Boom of the I890S
D URI N G the decade of the 1890s Russian industry made
impressive advances. To a large extent, the Russian economy
moved in this decade further along the path already in evidence
during the 1880s, and many writers have dated Russia's 'take-
off' from the middle of the 1880s.
According to Gerschenkron, the most significant factor in
Russia's industrial upsurge in the 1890s was the role played by
the state. Government policy conditioned the industrial structure
that emerged in Russia; it dictated, for example, that capital-
goods industries rather than consumer goods should develop most
rapidly, and that foreign capital should play an increasingly im-
portant part in the development of Russian industry.
The industrial boom of the 1890s is closely linked with the
policies of the powerful and able Minister of Finance, Sergei
Witte, whose tenure at the ministry lasted from 1893 to 1903.
As von Laue and others have shown (see, for example,
[73]), Witte made the industrialisation of Russia a prime
objective, and his policies in these years are sometimes referred
to as the 'Witte system'. There are dangers, however, in using
such a phrase without qualification. While it is true that Witte
was an ardent advocate of industrialisation, and pursued his
aims with a vigour lacking in his predecessors, it is true also
that there were elements of inconsistency and expedience in his
economic policies. Fortune played its part too. The influx of
foreign capital in the 1890s, for example, was certainly encour-
aged by Witte's financial policies, but it was encouraged also by
the very low international interest rates in the period and by the
favourable publicity given to Russia's industrial prospects in
France, Russia's new-found ally.
Under Witte's guidance the Ministry of Finance became an
instrument for promoting rapid industrial development in
Russia. Budget revenues were approximately doubled in the
1890s, and the state poured funds into a wide variety of
economic projects, above all the railways, and encouraged others.
To a large extent Witte's motives were political, and this in turn
influenced the nature of Russia's industrialisation. Russia was
easily the most backward of the world's great powers. Despite
many features of modernisation since the Crimean War - the
Emancipation of the Serfs, and the construction of railways, for
example - Russia remained economically, and therefore militarily,
weak in an environment of increasingly powerful competitors.
When Russia and Germany became estranged after 1878,
Russia's precarious position was obvious. To Witte, therefore,
industrialisation was a race against time; economic strength had
to be built rapidly in order that Russia might maintain her
position as a great power.
The basis of the industrial strength desired by Witte was the
rapid development of the railway network and the expansion of
heavy industry. The means by which this end was achieved, the
so-called 'system' , incorporated tariff protection, monetary
stability and financial reform, heavy taxation, and the encourage-
ment of foreign investment. Briefly, the system sprang from
Russia's shortage of domestic capital. Taxation of the Russian
population could yield funds for government investment, while
large domestic loans were also floated. But foreign investment was
needed too. If foreigners were to invest sufficiently in Russian
securities, the inherent strength of Russia's economy must be
shown by a stable rouble and, in the circumstances of the late
nineteenth-century international economy, the adoption of the
gold standard (which was ultimately achieved in 1897). In tum,
this meant the accumulation of large gold reserves and the main-
tenance of a favourable balance of trade.
Witte preserved the favourable balance of trade secured in
the 1880s by continuing a highly protective tariff policy (see
Table 17). At the same time, import substitution was encouraged
by direct government support of Russian industry. Witte used
such methods as generous state contracts and the regulation of
railway freight charges, in addition to state investment in the
Russian economy. The success of Witte's policy in this direction
is shown, for example, by the fact that during the 1870s
Russian production of pig-iron had satisfied only two-fifths of
domestic consumption, whereas in the 1890s domestic supplies
provided some three-quarters of consumption. Yet despite the
protective tariffs and the general development of Russia's
industries, the level of imports continued to rise during the
1890s. Partly this is explained, of course, by industrialisation
(million roubles)
Tear Exports Imports Balance
1861-70 222·7 225·9 -3·2
1871-80 454·8 488·2 -33·4
1881-90 622·2 471·8 + 150·4
1891-1900 659·8 535-4 + 124·4
1901-10 1,073·1 887·4 + 185·7
SOURCE: [26] 301.

itself, which brought with it a demand for many raw materials,

machinery and other products which Russia could not produce
The state also took measures to stimulate agricultural exports
and thereby to preserve a favourable balance of trade.. The con-
struction of railways in the regions supplying the export markets
led to an expansion of foreign sales. At the same time, von Laue
suggests that heavy taxation of the peasantry - purposely levied
after the harvest when prices were lowest - forced the sale of
agricultural products. Taxation thus served a dual purpose. It
provided funds for state investment, and it also fostered exports
at a time of falling world prices of food products. Thus the
government budgetary policy 'squeezed' an agricultural surplus
from the Russian peasantry.
Gerschenkron views the predominant role of the state in the
process of industrialisation largely as a response to conditions of
economic backwardness. The state, as it were, compensated
through budgetary policies for the domestic demand and
indigenous supplies of private capital which were lacking in
Russia. Yet these budgetary policies limited still further the pos-
sibility of a mass domestic market arising in Russia. Witte him-
self was well aware of the dilemma presented by the agrarian
situation, but he hoped that successful industrialisation would
ultimately produce prosperity In Russia in which agriculture
would share.
Von Laue possibly exaggerates the extent of the 'changed
direction' of the 1890s. To some extent, most of the features of
Witte's system were present in earlier decades. Under three
powerful Ministers of. Finance, Reutern (1862-76), Bunge
(1881-6) and Vishnegradski (1887-92), numerous measures
had been undertaken to improve state finances, stabilise the
rouble and encourage the flow of foreign capital. Under Vish-
negradski the burden of indirect taxation increased, with a sub-
stantial part of government revenue coming from duties on
articles of mass consumption, such as vodka, kerosene and sugar.
Again, as we have seen, tariff protection became a significant
element in Russian industrialisation in the 1880s, and it was
Vishnegradski's tariff of 1891 which, with few modifications,
remained the basis of Russia's tariff structure throughout the
1890s and until 1914. By such measures a favourable balance
of trade had been achieved during the 1880s and, indeed, the
surplus declined somewhat in the following decade as industrial-
isation led to increased imports.
Certainly, Witte pursued industrialisation with a singleness of
purpose lacking in his predecessors. In those years state activity
had promoted industrial growth as a by-product of its railway
policy. Witte's main weapon was also railway construction, but
he used his railway policies as part of a far more vigorous
industrialisation drive than did his predecessors. However, to a
large extent Witte's policies were a continuation of earlier
policies, and their success was dependent on the groundwork
already established.
In the 1890s, then, Russian industrialisation made rapid pro-
gress. The annual industrial growth rate of slightly more than
8 per cent was certainly an impressive achievement. The basis
of this growth was the expansion of heavy industry, particularly
in the Ukraine. The industrial census of 1897 provided reason-
ably reliable figures for factory enterprises (excluding, that is,
kustar and small-scale artisan industries) for the years 1887
and 1897 (see Table 18). The census demonstrated the advances
made during the 1890s. The value of output of all industry
more than doubled in ten years, while the total industrial
labour force, including railway workers, was approaching 3
million by the end of the 1890s. Neither the value of output
nor employment can be considered entirely satisfactory measures
of development. Price changes were not uniform. Heavy tariff
duties meant that for many industrial products Russian prices
Value of production
('000 roubles) Employment
Commodity 1887 1897 1887 1897
Textiles 463,044 946,296 399,178 642,520
Food products 375,286 648,116 205,223 255,357
Animal products 79,495 132,058 38,876 64,418
Wood products 25,688 102,897 30,703 86,273
Paper 21,030 45,490 19,491 46,190
Chemicals 21,509 59,555 21,134 35,320
Ceramics 28,965 82,590 67,346 143,291
Mining and
metallurgy 156,012 393,749 390,915 544,333
Metal products 112,618 310,626 103,300 214,311
Others 50,852 117,767 41,882 66,249
Total 1,334,499 2,839,144 1,318,048. 2,098,262
SOURCE: [27] 291.

rose at a time when world prices were moving in the opposite

direction. Again, increases in productivity, especially in mining
and metallurgy, make the growth of employment a doubtful
indicator. At the same time, the spectacular increases shown by
the census in such industries as wood products, paper, ceramics
and metal-working reflect to some extent the growth of factory
enterprise in these fields at the expense of workshop production.
Railway construction dominated the industrial upsurge of the
1890s. Between 1890 and 1900 the length of track expanded
from 30,596 km. to 53,234 km. The last three years of the
decade saw an annual average of 3,883 km. opened, more than
double the average of the 1867-75 boom. The major part in
this burst of construction was taken by the Government, and
state railway investment (including guaranteed loans) amounted
T.I.O.R.-C 65
in all to some 3,500 million roubles during the decade. The
rail network in European Russia was considerably enlarged and
improved in these years, and important new lines were built
in the Urals, the Lower Volga area and the Caucasus. But the
most ambitious undertakings were state-financed projects in the
Asiatic provinces, above all the Trans-Siberian railway, begun in
1891 and completed a decade later. Moscow and St Petersburg
were linked by rail with Vladivostok on the Pacific coast, and
the economic exploitation of new territories commenced. During
the 1890s large-scale emigration to Western Siberia got under
way, and the development of cotton growing in Turkestan pro-
vided a new source of raw material for the textile industries;
by 1913 more than half of Russia's cotton consumption was
produced domestically.
In 1890 Russia had ranked fifth among nations in terms
of rail network. By 1900 she was in second place· to the
United States. Relative to her vast area, of course, Russia's net-
work remained thin and inadequate, yet in absolute terms it
represented an enormous industry. Railway construction greatly
stimulated industrialisation by its demands for capital equipment.
The Ukrainian industries especially felt the effects of this
demand. During the 1890s probably more than one-third of
Russian iron .output was taken directly by the railway industry,
while railways also stimulated the establishment of large loco-
motive works. The railways, too, continued to provide a major
market for Russian coal.
Textiles remained far and away the leading industry in the
1890s. During the decade mechanisation became dominant in all
sectors of industry, while a very considerable expansion of cotton
textiles took place in the provinces of Moscow and Vladimir. Yet
the weight of heavy industry ~n the economy increased consider-
ably. The annual rates of growth of the value of output among
the various sectors of the economy were as follows: mining, 11'2
per cent; chemicals, 10'7 per cent; lumber, 9'3 per cent; metal-
lurgy, 8'4 per cent; ceramics, 8'0 per cent; textiles, 7'8 per
cent; and food processing, 1'7 per cent.
Those factors which had stimulated the growth of heavy
industry in the 1880s - the growth of railway construction, tariff
protection, direct government investment and the influx of
foreign capital- continued on a greatly enhanced scale to foster
the development of heavy industry in the 1890s. Total coal pro-
duction grew from 367·2 million poods in 1890 to 995·2 million
poods in 1900, while iron-ore output grew over the period from
106·3 million poods to 367·2 million poods. In this decade
petroleum output grew from 241 million poods to 632 million
poods, and by 1900 Russia was the world's largest oil producer
(a situation which did not last more than a couple of years,
however). Geographical concentration of industrial production
continued along the lines already evident in the 1880s. In 1890
the Donetz Basin produced one-half of Russia's coal output, while
in 1900 the proportion had reached nearly 70 per cent. Similarly,
the southern iron-ore fields accounted for 57·1 per cent of output
in 1900 compared with 21·6 per cent at the beginning of the
decade. The southern metallurgical industries grew very rapidly.
In 1890 there were only five such enterprises in the Donetz
region with an estimated total capital of 13·7 million roubles.
In 1895 the number of firms was nine, with a total investment
of some 38 million roubles, and by 1900 twenty-one firms had
a combined investment of some 144 million roubles.
Soviet writers lay considerable emphasis on the uneven develop-
ment of Russian industry between the various sectors. Invest-
ment in the 'means of production' provides a yardstick by which
to measure the stage reached by the development of capitalism.
Such investment encouraged the adoption of new techniques and
methods of industrial organisation, while at the same time the
mobilisation of long-term capital for such enterprises brought
important institutional changes such as the development of
investment banking. The increasing significance of heavy industry
as a whole can be seen from the calculations of Yakovlev.
He showed that from an approximate ratio of 30: 70 between
the value of production in 'heavy' and 'light' industry in 1887,
the proportions had changed to 46·5 :53·5 in 1900.
Accompanying the industrial upsurge of the 1890s went a
tendency towards concentration in large units of production. The
numbers of very large enterprises grew rapidly, and they account-
ed for an increasing share of total industrial output and of the
total industrial labour force. By 1900 Russian industry was more
highly concentrated in this respect than that of either the
United States or Gennany. Large enterprises had long been a
feature of Russian industry, and concentration had increased
after the Emancipation. During the 1890s, however, the
process gathered pace. In 1880 roughly one-third of all Russia's
industrial labour force in those enterprises which employed more
than 100 workers were to be found in enterprises employing
more than 1,000. By 1890 the proportion was nearly two-fifths,
and by 1902 it had reached one-half. Concentration was
highest in the mining and metallurgical industries of the
Ukraine and in the Baku oil industry. By the end of the 1890s,
4 per cent of Russia's coal mines produced some 43 per cent
of total output, while 10 per cent of finns in the oil industry
accounted for about 70 per cent of total oil production. There
was a similar process of concentration in consumer-goods
industries, in sugar-beet and textiles for example. In 1880
roughly half the output of cotton textiles was produced in enter-
prises employing over 100 workers; by 1894 the proportion had
risen to nearly three-quarters.
These characteristic features of Russian industrialisation - the
increasing importance of capital-goods industries and the growth
of large-scale units of production - play an important part in
Marxist historical analysis. They have also been discussed by
Gerschenkron in tenns of his study of the impact of Russia's
relative backwardness on industrialisation. The backward Russian
economy required huge investment in developing the infrastruc-
ture necessary for rapid industrialisation to take place. Above
all, this meant the construction of railways. In addition, the par-
ticular objectives of the Tsarist Government in the late nineteenth
century, especially the construction of railways and the develop-
ment of an industrial base appropriate to the status of a great
power, necessitated an emphasis on capital-goods industries.
Gerschenkron also relates industrial concentration to Russian
backwardness. He argues that the relative scarcity of manage-
ment skills and capital encouraged large units of production.
Managerial talent could be used to maximum efficiency in
big concerns, while the adoption of advanced technology, given
the low level of efficiency of Russian labour, was an economic-
ally rational response on the part of Russian industrialists.
Greater plant size was certainly encouraged by mechanisation
and the growth of capital investment, and also by the rapid
growth of corporate busine$S organisation which took place dur-
ing the 1890s. Yet, while it is true that advanced technology
and bigness of scale was a feature of much of Russian industry-
for example in the St Petersburg cotton mills and in the metal-
lurgical enterprises of the Ukraine - it is also true that many
industrial processes remained primitive and highly labour-
intensive. Thus the coal mines of the Donetz Basin used little
cutting machinery, and many mines relied on manual labour
for surface transportation. Russian labour was notoriously in-
efficient, and low labour productivity often necessitated a large
work-force. Thus the bigness of plant, measured by the number
of workers, was often an indication of technological backward-
ness rather than of a modem, technically advanced, industrial
Coexisting with big enterprises were large numbers of small-
scale establishments. Many of the peasant and artisan industries
escaped the net of official statistics, which, in consequence, under-
estimate the importance of small-scale industry. Such enterprises
were not growing as rapidly as large industries, and where they
faced competition from the factories they were often in decline
by the close of the nineteenth century. Yet they displayed a
remarkable vigour, and Strumilin has estimated that between the
1880s and the end of the 1890s the value of their production
may have doubled (compared with a threefold increase in 'large-
scale' manufacturing). Russia thus possessed a dual industrial
structure, stemming in large measure from her continued econ-
omic backwardness, showing the existence of both a high level
of industrial concentration in large plants and also a sizeable
sector of very small enterprises.
The important part played by foreign capital in Russia's
industrialisation has been mentioned earlier, and the encourage-
ment of such investment formed a major element of Tsarist
economic policy. Prior to 1914 Russia was Europe's largest
debtor nation. A substantial portion of Russia's national debt
was held abroad. In 1895, of a total debt of some 5,775 million
roubles, about 30 per cent was held by foreigners; by 1914
the national debt had risen to 8,811 million roubles, and the
foreign share to 48 per cent. Poosibly one-half of this foreign
investment was accounted for by state railway loans. Foreign
capital also flowed into Russian industries, banks, commercial
undertakings and other fields of enterprise. Since a substantial
part of the state debt was contracted for industrial projects
(especially railways), it is clear that foreign capital must have
made an important contribution to Russian industrial develop-
No recent study has attempted to quantify the overall totals
of foreign capital in Russia. The estimates of 01', made fifty
years ago, still form the basis of most studies of the subject. Ac-
cording to Yatsunsky [9J, however, these estimates may exag-
gerate somewhat the importance of foreign capital investment.
Foreign capital had long participated in Russian economic
activity. Even in 1890 between one-quarter and one-third of all
investment in Russian joint-stock companies was held abroad.
But it was in the decade of the 1890s that the flow of capital
rose substantially. According to 01', foreigners had invested some
214'7 million roubles in Russian enterprises by 1890. In 1895
the total stood at 280'1 million roubles, and thereafter came a
huge increase. By 1900 the total had reached 911'0 million
roubles, representing roughly one-half of joint-stock company
investment in Russia. At this stage there were 269 foreign
companies operating in Russia, all but twelve having been
founded since 1888. Foreign capital continued to flow into
Russia after a lull following the 1900-6 crisis. Between 1906
and 1914 the volume of foreign investment doubled, and by
the outbreak of the First World War some 2,000 million roubles
of foreign capital had been invested in Russia.
Foreign investment was important not simply for its volume.
A large share of investment was concentrated in those industries
which provided the spearhead of Russia's industrialisation. Heavy
industries in particular attracted a large proportion of foreign
capital. Other sectors, such as textiles and food processing, re-
ceived much less. Roughly half of the total foreign investment
in Russian enterprises during the 1890s went into the southern
mining and metallurgical industries, and foreign capital may have
accounted for nearly 90 per cent of total capital investment in
this sector in 1900. Foreign concerns also dominated the oil
industry in the Caucasus, and foreign capital provided roughly
one-half of investment in machine production in 1900. Even in
1914 foreign capital still provided about 90 per cent of mining
investment and over 40 per cent of that in metallurgy. Foreign
interests also predominated in many of the major banking con-
cerns. Since the banks in tum played a significant role in the
finance of industry and transport, especially after 1907, the vital
part played by foreign capital in Russia's industrial expansion
cannot be doubted (see Table 19).
France and Belgium (whose industrial and financial institutions
had close links with each other) provided the bulk of foreign
investment after 1890. French and Belgian capital combined
grew from about 33 million roubles in 1880 to 91·2 million
roubles in 1890 and to 521·6 million by 1900. In 1917, of a
total foreign investment of 2,243 million roubles, according to 01',
France accounted" for about 33 per cent, Great Britain 23 per
cent, Germany 20 per cent, Belgium 14 per cent and the United
States 5 per cent. Most French and Belgian capital was con-
centrated in the mining and metallurgical industries and in bank-
ing. In 1916 nearly two-thirds of all French capital in Russian
joint-stock enterprises was in mining and metallurgy and, accord-
ing to Dr Crisp, the French held nearly 23 per cent of the
capital of Russia's ten largest commercial banks. British capital
was particularly important in the Russian oil industry and also
in cotton textiles and copper production.
What accounts for the rapid inflow of capital into Russia?
The view found in some Soviet studies, that the advanced Euro-
pean nations, having reached their imperialist stage, were cap-
turing 'colonial' Russia's industries, is not very helpful. There is
no evidence that Russian economic (or political) policies were
dominated by foreign financial interests. Moreover, there were
several circumstances unrelated to the level of economic develop-
ment attained elsewhere which made the 1890s a propitious
time for investment in Russia. There was, in the first place, the
lure of high profits. Government contracts for railway equip-
ment at inflated prices were an obvious attraction. The high
level of tariff protection provided considerable opportunities for
import substitution. In addition, tariffs themselves encouraged
direct foreign investment by firms seeking to operate inside the
tariff barriers. Favourable publicity abroad also stimulated the
(million roubles)
1890 1900 1915
Total Foreign % Total Foreign % Total Foreign %
Mining and metallurgy 85·8 55·7 65 472·2 343·8 72} 740.8}
71 1,700'0 63
Engineering and machinery 27·8 13·9 50 177·3 125.6 322·7
Cement, ceramics, glass 6·7 0·2 3 59·1 26·6 45 129·9 18·7 14
Lumber 3·3 0·2 6 17·8 7·8 44 74·4 24·3 32
Chemicals 15·6 6·4 41 93·8 29·3 31 173·2 70·8 41
Food processing 87·6 7·5 8 158·3 11·4 7 447·8 34·6 8
Leather processing 7·3 3·1 43 16·5 5·9 35 54·2 14·5 26
Paper 11·4 1-1 9 31·8 6·1 20 93·2 19·9 20
Textiles 197·6 26·0 13 373·7 71·4 20 729·2 155·0 21
-- -- -- --
Total 443·1 114·1 26 1,400'5 627·9 45 3,401'9 1,401'3 41
SOURCE: [41] 22-3.
* Figures exclude investment in banking, insurance and commercial companies.
flow of capital; particularly important in this respect was the
impact of the political alliance with France in 1894. Similarly,
the Entente with Britain in 1907 greatly improved the climate
of opinion in Britain about economic prospects in Russia, and a
marked increase in the flow of British funds followed.
The success of Russia's repeated excursions to foreign capital
markets was greatly facilitated by the Tsarist Government's
financial policies. The adoption of the gold standard was seen
by Witte and his immediate predecessors as essential to ensure
the inflow of foreign capital, and to secure Russia's financial
standing among the great powers. It must be remembered that
by the 1890s most of the major industrial nations of the world
were either already on the gold standard or about to adopt it.
Russia's accumulation of gold in the State Bank and State
Treasury, achieved through a favourable balance of trade and
imports of specie, enabled the stabilisation of the paper rouble
and ultimate convertibility. A further factor encouraging the in-
flow of foreign capital in the 1890s was, as mentioned earlier,
the exceptionally low level of world interest rates, which made
prospects in Russia seem all the more attractive.
The important role played by the state in shaping Russia's
industrialisation has been stressed. But government policies also
had adverse effects which must not be overlooked. Fundamental,
of course, was the neglect of agriculture. As long as budgetary
policies pressed hard on rural incomes, the possibilities of
Russian peasants adopting new techniques and raising their
productivity were strictly limited. Restricted, too, was the
development of domestic demand for industrial products. Criti-
cisms of this nature were frequently made by Russian economists
at the time, and by numerous writers, Russian and Western,
since. But given the state's objective of fostering rapid industrial-
isation, were government policies sound?
Kahan [45] has recently suggested that certain government
policies may well have had a negative impact on the rate of
industrial progress they were supposed to encourage. Taxation
policies, for example, were dominated more by short-term
fiscal considerations than by the needs of long-term industrial
growth. Von Laue, he argues, seriously overestimates the pro-
portion of government revenue channelled into economic develop-
ment. The major recipient of such funds as were directed to
economic development was railway construction, but even here
many state-financed railways had their origin in strategic require-
ments rather than in the needs of industrial development. Again,
government domestic loans competed with loans raised by
private industry, and government policies may therefore have
contributed to the shortage of domestic capital so often found
by Russian industrialists. Tariff policies, too, had obvious
adverse effects. The revenue-raising element in the tariffs led to
high duties on foodstuffs (tea and salt for example), thereby
further reducing the purchasing power of the mass of the
population. Duties on raw materials (such as cotton, wool and
coal) and on certain capital goods (industrial machinery) raised
manufacturing costs considerably. The decision to adopt the
gold standard also brought losses, in that the accumulation of
gold reserves reduced the availability of investment funds.
As Kahan emphasises, these government policies unquestion-
ably had a stimulating as well as a retarding effect on industrial-
isation. But to assess the net impact of state activities requires
consideration of the losses as well as the gains.

9 Stagnation and Boom, 1900-1913
THE close of the 1890s brought a sharp decline in Russia's
industrial growth, and not until. well after the revolution of 1905
did boom conditions return once more. The years between 1900
and 1903 were years of crisis in many branches of industry,
and hesitant recovery was cut short by the effects of the Russo-
Japanese War (1904-5) and the revolution. Only in 1909 was
there definite industrial prosperity once more, and between 1909
and 1913 Russia entered another phase of industrial growth
comparable with that of the 1890s.
Russian industrialisation after the mid-1880s can thus be seen
as following a definite pattern. Ignoring cyclical variations, a
long period of growth was succeeded in 1900 by a period of
stagnation, followed from about 1907 by recovery once more.
Marxist historians stress the importance of the period 1900--13,
for it marks for them 'the phase where capitalism, influenced
by the crisis, reached the final state of 'monopoly capitalism' or
'imperialism'. Among Western historians, Gerschenkron also
emphasises -the importance of discontinuity in Russian industrial-
isation. His main concern is to demonstrate the essentially
different character of the 1907-13 boom compared with that
of the 1890s. From his study of the two periods he draws the
conclusion that the Russian economy was progressing on a more
'Western' path, with consumer goods playing a greater role
in industrialisation (Table 20 gives some indication of this pro-
The industrial crisis which hit Russia at the end of the 1890s
showed itself in numerous bankruptcies, sharply falling industrial
prices, contracting output (especially in heavy industry), and
over-capacity in many industrial sectors. The immediate cause
of the recession appears to have been a tightening of the money
market from the middle of 1899. This brought the failure of
two giant Russian companies, and from this time industrial
depression spread quickly. Monetary stringency was world wide,
and was the product of several circumstances, including the out-
break of the Boer War and disturbances in the Far East. Rising
world interest rates and a slackening in the flow of international
investment inevitably had severe repercussions on Russia.

1890-1900 AND 1905-13
1890 1900 1905 1913
Pig-iron 100 314 100 169
Coal 100 269 100 193
Steel 100 586 100 213
Petroleum 100 275 100 122

Sugar 100 197 100 144

Cotton 100 193 100 155
Low-grade 100 119 100 147
SOURCE: [13] 452-3.

More fundamental was Russia's agrarian problem. Agricultural

productivity remained low and poverty widespread. There is
evidence, indeed, that, far from benefiting from the surge of
industrialisation in the 1890s, the living standards of the peasants
actually fell during this period. Thus a main source of govern-
ment revenue - itself a mainspring of industrialisation - was
based on a precarious foundation. The condition of the Russian
peasantry and the influence of agriculture on Russia's indus-
trial development is a complex problem and can only be touched
on briefly. It is possible to exaggerate, however, the extent to
which government taxation policy squeezed peasant incomes and
so destroyed the foundation of government-induced industrialisa-
tion. After all, as we have seen, the output of many articles of
mass consumption rose substantially in the 1890s. And although
indirect taxes were levied on many products, the burden fell
most heavily on the urban population rather than on the more
self-sufficient agricultural community. Certainly, falling grain
prices brought acute distress to many producers, but over much
of Russia, in the north and east especially, the peasants were
net consumers of grain, and must have gained from falling
prices. Above all, agricultural prosperity, and hence to a large
extent the prosperity of internal trade, depended on the state of
the harvest. Between 1897 and 1901 there was a run of well
below-average harvests which hit some of the chief grain-
producing areas of the country. Arrears of redemption payments
and other taxes rose, and export earnings declined. A rapid
rise in effiigration to Siberia is evidence not only of the impact
of the Trans-Siberian railway, but also of agrarian distress in
many parts of Russia at this time. It is noteworthy, however,
that cotton-textile production, which catered in the main for the
peasant market, was little affected by the crisis. When harvests
improved, as they did in 1901 and 1902, purchases of textiles
increased also.
The depression, then, affected mainly those branches of heavy
industry which had expanded most rapidly in the 1890s. Since
government demand and support had been instrumental in the
development of these industries, it is to a slackening of state
orders that we must look for an explanation of the intensity of
the crisis. There was indeed a decline in railway construction
after the very rapid upsurge of the late 1890s, and the boom
had brought with it a wave of speculation and intense stock-
market activity. But by 1900 the Trans-Siberian project was
nearing completion, while the decline in tax revenue due to
harvest failures was causing the Government to reduce expend-
iture in a number of fields of activity. In 1899 state-financed
projects had accounted for perhaps 40 per cent of Russian iron
consumption. In 1900 came a 10 per cent reduction in
government railway orders. Just as rapid railway construction
had stimulated so many sectors of the economy in the 1890s,
so a slackening of construction had adverse repercussions through-
out the economy.
The crisis in Russian industry stimulated the growth of
various monopolistic devices for regulating production and sales.
Such organisations, unlike German cartels, were rather loose
associations concerned almost solely with marketing. In the
1890s there had been a number of attempts at organisation
among producers in certain industries, but from 1902 the move-
ment spread rapidly. In 1902 several major groupings were
formed, including Prodamet in the metallurgical industry. In
the following years similar syndicates were established in a wide
variety of different industries. Produgol (1906) controlled sales
of Donetz coal, Prodvagon (1904) that of railway carriages,
Med (1907) that of copper, Krovlya (1907) that of numerous
products of the Ural metallurgical industries. By 1914 there were
over 150 such associations, and they covered not only the min-
ing and metallurgical sectors but also certain branches of light
industry such as cotton textiles.
A feature of the Russian syndicates was their extensive control
of operations within individual industries. Thus Med controlled
the marketing of virtually all of Russia's copper industry, while
Prodamet in 1913 marketed the products of ,the thirty major
metallurgical plants which accounted for some 90 per cent of
total output. Such instances could be multiplied, although not all
syndicates were as dominant as these. The growth of such
associations was facilitated by the already highly concentrated
structure of Russian industry, and the development of syndicates
fostered further concentration. The existence of large-scale
foreign and banking interests in many branches of Russian
industry appears also to have encouraged the formation of mar-
keting associations as a remedy against the losses entailed by
overproduction in the crisis of 1900-3.
It is difficult to assess the impact of syndicates on Russian
industrial growth. Soviet historians place considerable emphasis
on their development, since they are seen as a crucial phase in
the transition to 'monopoly capitalism'. On the other hand, no
study exists which attempts to quantify their impact on prices
or production. The trend of industrial prices was certainly up-
wards between the 1905 revolution and the outbreak of the First
World War, but this was a general tendency observable in both
syndicated and non-syndicated industries alike. Moreover, com-
petition did not disappear. Powerful concerns remained outside
the syndicates in most industrial sectors. Yet it is indisputable
that the formation of syndicates often had at least a short-term
influence on the price level, and during the 1909-13 boom
complaints that the syndicates were deliberately restricting output
in order to raise prices were too numerous to be ignored.
By the outbreak of the First World War, Russia's industries
had grown considerably from their 1900 level, and most sectors
participated in this development. The official statistics of factory
industry show that the industrial labour force expanded by
about one million in these years, to approximately 3 million
in 1914. According to the industrial census of 1908, the total
value of the output of 'factory' industry was nearly 5,000
million roubles, and in 1913 it stood at roughly 6,000 million
roubles compared with under 3,000 million in 1897. And the
value of small-scale industry was probably still roughly one-third
that of large industry.
The overall growth rate of industry between 1906 and 1913
was rather more than 6 per cent per annum. Heavy industries
continued to grow rapidly. Coal output grew from 986 to
2,200 million poods between 1900 and 1913, pig-iron from 179
to 283 million poods, and manufactured iron and steel from 134
to 247 million poods. (Oil production, however, failed to reach
again its 1901 peak of 706 million poods, being only 561
million poods in 1913.) Consumer-goods industries likewise
showed considerable expansion. Cotton consumption increased
from 16'0 to 25'9 million poods, while the work-force in cotton
textiles rose from 391,000 in 1901 to 556,000 by 1914. Foreign
trade also showed a marked growth, with exports rising from
716 million roubles in 1900 to 1,520 million in 1913, and imports
rising over the same period from 626 to 1,374 million roubles.
As Gerschenkron has shown, the increased pace of activity in
the years 1907-13 marked a boom of a rather different character
from that of the 1890s. Gerschenkron emphasises the diminished
role of the Government and the correspondingly greater role of
consumer demand in fostering industrial activity. The general
conditions of the peasants improved, enabling them to provide a
greater market for domestic manufactured products. At the same
time, fundamental changes in agricultural organisation reduced
the importance of the mir, and therefore stimulated the growth
of the industrial labour force. In the finance of industry the
banking system came to play an increasingly important part.
The diminished role of the Government can be seen in the
slackening growth of railway construction. Between 1907 and
1913 an average of only 933 km. of track was laid annually.
During the 1890s Russia's metallurgical industries had depended
to an overwhelming extent on government contracts for railway
development. After 1907 a larger part of demand for the out-
put of Russia's capital-goods industries came instead from the
requirements of consumer-goods industries. Per capita consump-
tion of many basic articles grew in these years, thus showing
the buoyancy of the non-governmental sector. The relative
weight of. 'heavy' industries in the economy, which had grown
so rapidly in the 1890s, ceased to grow thereafter if value of
product is taken as an indicator.
Several factors underlay the growth of domestic demand. As
Gerschenkron emphasises, the results of the 1890s boom, in-
volving massive investment in an industrial infrastructure, per-
manently raised the productive capacity of the Russian economy.
The industrial base and general level of technology in Russia
were substantially higher in 1906 than they had been in 1890. At
the same time conditions among the rural population improved in
these years. Fundamental to the improvement were better terms of
trade for agricultural producers. Grain prices, and those of other
farm products, rose relative to prices of industrial goods both
on domestic and world markets. Overall, the general price level
in Russia increased by some 29 per cent between 1900 and
1913, while the prices of agricultural products rose by 41 per
Among the results of the social unrest in the early years of
the new century was legislation to improve the lot of the
peasantry. In 1905 redemption payments were abolished, and in
1906 and 1910 came the famous Stolypin land reforms. These
reforms permitted the voluntary disbanding of the mir and the
abolition of joint land holding and joint responsibility for tax
payments. Stolypin's reforms were aimed at creating a pros-
perous class of peasants which, it was hoped, would provide a
firm basis of political support for the Tsarist Government. To
this end, the state also took other steps to improve peasant
agriculture. The Peasant Land Bank, founded in 1885, was
encouraged to buy gentry land and resell it to peasants. Between
1906 and 1915 over 4 million dessyatins of land were purchased
by peasants in this way, compared with under one million in
the previous decade. The Government also encouraged the
migration of peasants to Siberia after 1905, and by 1913
Western Siberia had become an important dairying region based
on a remarkable development of peasant marketing co-operatives.
As Tokmakoff has pointed out, however, the outbreak of the
First World War renders any final evaluation of the success of
Stolypin's land reforms impossible.
Undoubtedly, the Russian banks came to play an increasing
role in industrial investment in the years after 1907, yet the
difference in the sources of investment in the 1890s and the
1907-13 boom is not so clear-cut as is sometimes supposed. Dr
Crisp [36] has shown that joint-stock banks were active in indus-
trial development in the 1890s, and that they provided an im-
portant channel for the flow of foreign capital into certain
sectors of the economy. There existed a close connection between
the banking structure and the Russian Treasury, so that the
distinction between state finance on the one hand and 'private'
bank finance on the other cannot be too finely drawn. The
Government as a direct source of investment was by no means
dormant in the second boom period. State railway construc-
tion continued, although on a reduced level. And there was an
increasing emphasis on government investment in the agricultural
sector. There were, for example, numerous dock and harbour
improvements at the main grain ports, and the Government also
undertook the construction of grain elevators in various parts of
the country.
Elements of continuity between the boom periods also need
to be emphasised. Foreign capital continued to playa major
role, although proportionally domestic capital became more
significant. As in the 1890s, heavy industries continued to ex-
pand rapidly, and at the peak of the boom between 1909 and
1913 they once more outpaced consumer-goods industries. The
geographical concentration of production of heavy industries
in the Ukraine also continued. By 1913 the southern provinces
produced 72 per cent of Russia's iron ore, 70 per cent of her
coal and 57 per cent of her iron and steel. In the oil industry,
'however, output never regained its 1901 level, and the Baku
districts, which had been severely damaged in the numerous dis-
turbances between 1901 and 1905, lost ground to new producing
Concentration of production in large-scale units became an
even more marked feature of Russian industrialisation, and was
stimulated by the new cartel arrangements. Of an estimated
2,243,800 workers in enterprises employing more than twenty
workers throughout Russian industry in 1913, no fewer than
40 per cent were concentrated in plants employing more than
1,000. In 1901 the figure had been 32'1 per cent. And over
this period the average number of workers in each enterprise
expanded from 148 to 191. The process of concentration is
shown in Table 21, which is based on official data covering
most of large-scale industry.
1913, the last year of peace, saw boom conditions in Russia,
a boom based on more secure foundations than those of the
1890s. In three decades Russia had industrialiseCl on a more
rapid scale than any other country during that period. Her
industrialisation, from being 'forced' in the 1890s in a manner
reminiscent of Peter the Great, was becoming more spontaneous
by the outbreak of the war. Without the war, would such a
development have continued? Certainly, there were many dis-
quieting features of the Russian economy. The agrarian prob-
lem remained, and the success of Stolypin's 'wager on the
strong' must remain imponderable. Also, the growing proletariat,
ever more concentrated in the expanding urban centres, and
often living and working in deplorable conditions, was a major
potential threat to Russia's political and economic system. Ger-
schenkron suggests that Russian industrialisation might well have
continued along the lines of the 'Western' path that he has noted
as a feature of the 1907-13 boom period. But von Laue has
challenged this view, and argues that the main forces behind
the rapid post-1907 growth rate were in decline by the out-
break of war. 15
Had the Russian economy 'taken off' by 1913? Again, no
straightforward answer is possible. Even if one accepts the use-
fulness of Rostow's concept, the inadequacy of the data makes
it impossible to judge. Certainly, by 1913 the level of Russia's per
capita income marked her as the poorest of the world's great
15 See the discussion in von Laue [78].



1901 1914
Size of plant Enterprises % Workers % Enterprises % Workers %
Under 100 workers 15,168 83·9 414,785 24·4 11,117 78·4 348,876 17·8
101-500 workers 2,288 12·6 492,095 28·9 2,253 16·1 504,440 25·7
501-1,000 workers 403 2·2 269,133 15·8 432 3·1 296,347 15·1
Over 1,000 workers 243 1·3 525,637 30·9 344 2·4 811,197 41·4
Total 18,102 100 1,701,650 100 14,146 100 1,960,860 100
SOURCE: [16] 217,
powers and one of the poorest countries in Europe. It is in
industrial growth that Russia achieved most, although even here,
as we saw in the Introduction, the structure of Russia's industries
was hardly 'modern' by comparison with other advanced nations.
Yet in a few decades much had been accomplished. No explana-
tion of Russia's industrial growth under the Soviet regime after
1917 would be complete without taking into account the
industrial base inherited from Tsarist days.

THIS bibliography does not pretend to be comprehensive. Its
main purpose is to list some of the more important books and articles
published in English on the subject, and, on a far more restricted
scale, to note some of the principal general studies in Russian. A
few titles in French have also been included.
There exists no satisfactory recent textbook on Russian economic
history covering the period under review. The basic work is that by
the Marxist economic historian, P. I. LYASHCHENKO, Istoriia Narodnogo
Khozyaistva SSSR, 2 vols (Moscow, 3rd ed., 1952) [1]. The 1939
edition of this work is available in English translation, A History if
the National Economy if Russia to the 1917 Revolution (New York, 1949)
[2]. Also useful is B. GILLE, Histoire Economique et Sociale de la Russie
du Moyen Age au XXe Siecle (Paris, 1949) [3]. J. MAVOR, An Economic
History if Russia, 2 vols (London, 2nd ed., 1925) [4] is very dated in
approach and content, although still valuable on institutional
problems. A recent study by W. L. BLACKWELL, The Beginnings if
Russian Industrialisation, 1800-1860 (Princeton, 1968) [5] is a scholar-
ly work containing a mass of information and a vast bibliography.
A. BAYKOV, 'The Economic Development of Russia', Economic
History Review, VII (Dec 1954) 137-49 [6] is an important interpreta-
tive article. R. PORTAL, 'The Industrialisation of Russia' in The
Cambridge Economic History, vol. VI, part 2 (Cambridge, 1966) pp.
801-72 [7] is a useful survey of industrial growth, while an import-
ant quantitative study is provided by R. W. GOLDSMITH, 'The
Economic Growth of Tsarist Russia, 1860-1913', Economic Develop-
ment and Cultural Change, IX. (1961) 441-75 [8]. V. K. YATSUNSKY,
'Main Features of Industrialisation in Russia before 1917', in First
International Conference if Economic History (Paris, 1960) pp. 297-307
[9] is an outline survey by a well-known Marxist economic historian.
Students should also read the economic chapters in some of the
major general history textbooks, such as M. T. FLORINSKY, Russia:
A History and an Interpretation, 2 vols (New York, 1953) [10], and his
Russia: A Short History (New York, 1964) [11]; also N. V. RIAso-
NOVSKY, A History of Russia (Oxford, 2nd ed., 1969) [12].
Among Russian-language textbooks P. A. KHROMOV, Ekonomiches-
koe Razvitie Rossii v XIX-XX Vekakh (Moscow, 1950) [13] is particu-
larly useful, containing numerous statistical tables drawn largely
from official data. See also the collections of articles in Istoriya SSSR,
2 vols (Moscow, 1956-9) [14] and F. POLYANSKII et. al (eds) ,
Istoriya Narodnogo Khozyaistva SSSR (Moscow, 1960) [15]. Further
important studies are A. F. YAKOVLEV, Ekonomischeskie Krizisy v
Rossii (Moscow, 1955) [16] (a primarily statistical analysis of the
trade cycle in Russia during the nineteenth and early twentieth
centuries); P. G. LIUBIMIROV, Ocherki po Istorii Promyshlennosti
(Moscow, 1947) [17]; and the collections of some ofS. G. STRUM-
ILIN'S most important articles in Ocherki Ekonomicheskoi Istorii Rossii
(Moscow, 1960) [18] and Ocherki Ekonomicheskoe Istorii Rossii i SSSR
(Moscow, 1966) [19]. Much useful information will also be found
in V. I. LENIN, The Development of Capitalism in Russia (English
translation, Moscow, 1956) [20] and M. I. TUGAN-BARANOVSKII,
Russkaia Fabrika v Proshlom i Nastoiashchem, vol. I (St Petersburg,
1898) [21] (the 1907 edition is available in English translation,
entitled The Russian Factory in the Nineteenth Century).
Studies of particular industries include R. PORTAL, L'Oural au
XVIIIe Siecle (Paris, 1950) [22]; S. G. STRUMILIN, Istoriia Chernoi
Metallurgii v SSSR, vol. I (Moscow, 1954) [23] ; and K. A. PAZHITNOV,
Ocherki Istorii Tekstil' noi Promyshlennosti Dorevoliutsionnoi Rossii (Mos-
cow, 1958) [24]. A great deal of factual information on the develop-
ment of Russian industries and other aspects of the economy will be
found in J. CRAWFORD (ed.), The Industries of Russia, 5 vols (St
Petersburg, 1893) [25]; A. RAFFALOVICH (ed.), Russia: Its Trade and
Commerce (London, 1918) [26]; M. W. KOVALEVSKY (ed.), La Russie
ella Fin du 1ge Siecle (Paris, 1900) [27]; and L. TEGOBORSKII, Com-
mentaries on the Productive Forces of Russia, 2 vols (London, 1855-6)
Fundamental to a study of Russian economic history are the
numerous interpretative articles by A. GERSCHENKRON. Economic
Backwardness in Historical Perspective (Cambridge, Mass., 1962) [29]
contains some of his major studies. See also 'The Rate of Industrial
Growth in Russia since 1885', Journal of Economic History, supp. 7
(1947) pp. 144-74 [30]; 'Agrarian Policies and Industrialisation in
Russia, 1861-1917', in The Cambridge Economic History, vol. VI, part 2
(Cambridge, 1966) pp. 706--800 [31]; and Europe in the Russian
Mirror: Four Lectures in Economic History (Cambridge, 1970) [32].
The following select list will be found helpful on particular topics.

[33] E. AMES, 'A Century of Russian Railroad Construction,
1837-1936', American Slavic and East European Review, VI (1945)
[34] J. BLUM, Lord and Peasant in Russiafrom the Ninth to the Nine-
teenth Century (Princeton, 1961).
[35] O. CRISP, 'Russian Financial Policy and the Gold Standard
at the End of the Nineteenth Century', Economic History
Review, VI (1953) 156-72.
[36] O. CRISP, 'Russia, 1860-1914', in R. B. CAMERON (ed.),
Banking in the Early Stages oj Industrialisation (Oxford, 1967)
pp. 183-238.
[37] O. CRISP, 'Some Problems of French Investment in Russian
Joint Stock Companies, 1894-1914', Slavonic and East European
Review, xxxv (Dec 1956) 223-40.
[38] O. CRISP, 'French Investment in Russian Joint Stock Com-
panies, 1894-1914', Business History, II (June 1960) 75-90.
[39] O. CRISP, 'The State Peasants under Nicholas 1', Slavonic
Review, XVII (1959) 387-412.
[40] H.J. ELLISON, 'Economic Modernisation in Imperial Russia:
Purposes and Achievements', Journal oj Economic History, xxv
(Dec 1965) 523-40.
[41] L. EVENTov, Innostrannye Kapitaly v Russkoi Promyshlennosti
(Moscow, 1931).
[42] A. GERSCHENKRON, 'The Beginnings of Russian Industrialisa-
tion?', Soviet Studies (Apr 1970) pp. 507-15.
[43] M. GORDON, Workers Before and After Lenin (New York, 1941).
[44] A. KAHAN, 'Entrepreneurship in the Early Development of
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Cultural Change, X (July 1962) 395-422.
[45] A. KAHAN, 'Government Policies and the Industrialisation 0,
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[46] A. KAHAN, 'Continuity in Economic Activity and Policy
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History, xxv (Mar 1965) 61-85.
[47] V. KLIUCHEVSKY, Course oj Russian History, translated from
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[48] K. KONONENKO, Ukraine and Russia: A History of the Economic
Relations between Ukraine and Russia, 1654-1917 (Milwaukee,
[49] KON'YUNKTURNI INSTITUT, Mirovoe Khozyaistvo, Statisticheskii
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[50] I. M. KULISHER, 'La Grande Industrie aux XVIIe et
XVIIIe Siecles: France, Allemagne, Russie', Annates
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[51] J. P. McKAY, Pioneers for Profit: Foreign Entrepreneurship and
Russian Industrialisation, 1885-1913 (Chicago, 1970).
[52] M. S. MILLER, The Economic Development of Russia, 1905-1914
(London, 1926).
[53] P. OL' , Innostrannye Kapitali v Rossii (Moscow, 1922).
[54] L. A. OWEN, The Russian Peasant Movement, 1906-1917
(London, 1937).
[55] W. W. PINTNER, Economic Policy under Nicholas I (New York,
[56] M. N. POKROVSKY, Brief History of Russia, 2 vols (London,
[57] R. PORTAL, 'The Problem of an Industrial Revolution in
Russia in the Nineteenth Century', in S. HARCAVE (ed.),
Readings in Russian History (New York, 1962) II 22-9.
[58] A. G. RASHIN, Naselenie Rossii za 100 let (1811-1913 gg.):
Statisticheskie Ocherki (Moscow, 1956).
[59] A. G. RASHIN, Formirovanie Promyshlennogo Proletariata v Rossii
(Moscow, 1940).
[60] N. V. RIASONOVSKY, A History of Russia (Oxford, 2nd ed.,
[61] G. V. RIMLINGER, 'The Expansion of the Labour Market in
Capitalist Russia, 1861-1917', Journal of Economic History,
XXI (June 1961) 208-15.
[62] G. V. RIMLINGER, 'Autocracy and Factory Order in Early
Russian Industrialisation', Journal of Economic History, xx
(Mar 1960) 67-92.
[63] G. T. ROBINSON, Rural Russia under the Old Regime (New York,
[64] H. ROSOVSKY, 'The Serf Entrepreneur in Russia', Explorations
in Entrepreneurial History, VI (1953-4) 207-29.
[65] M. K. ROZHKOVA (ed.), Ocherki Ekonomicheskoi Istorii Rossii
Pervoi Poloviny XIX Veka (Moscow, 1959).
[66] A. A. SKERPAN, 'The Russian National Economy and
Emancipation', in A. D. FERGUSON and A. LEVIN (eds) ,
Essays in Russian History (Hamden, Conn., 1964).
[67] J. D. SONTAG, 'Tsarist Debts and Tsarist Foreign Policy',
Slavic Review, XXVII 4 (Dec 1968) 531-3.
[68] S. G. STRUMILIN, 'Industrial Crises in Russia, 1847-67', in
F. CROUZET et at. (eds), Essays in European Economic History,
1789-1914 (London, 1969) pp. 155-78.
[69] G. TOKMAKOFF, 'Stolypin's Agrarian Reform: An Appraisal',
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[70] D. W. TREADGOLD, The Great Siberian Migration (Princeton,
[71] L. VOLIN, A Century rif Russian Agriculture: From Alexander II to
Khrushchev (Cambridge, Mass., 1970).
[72] T. H. VON LAUE, 'Russian Peasants in the Factory, 1892-
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[73] T. H. VON LAUE, 'The High Cost and the Gamble of the
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[74] T. H. VON LAUE, 'A Secret Memorandum of Sergei Witte on
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[75] T. H. VON LAUE, 'The State and the Economy', in C. E.
BLACK (ed.), The Transformation rif Russian Society (Cambridge,
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[76] T. H. VON LAUE, Sergei Witte and the Industrialisation rif Russia
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[77] T. H. VON LAUE, 'Russian Labour between Field and
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[78] T. H. VON LAUE, 'Problems of Industrialisation', in T.
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[79] J. N. WESTWOOD, A History rif Russian Railways (London,
[80] J. N. WESTWOOD, 'John Hughes and Russian Metallurgy',
Economic History Review, XVII (Apr 1965) 564-9.
[81] B. YAKOVLEV, 'Vozniknovenie i Etapy Razvitiya Kapitalisti-
cheskogo Uklada v Rossii', Voprosy Istorii, no. 9 (1950) 91-
[82] G. L. YANEY, 'The Concept of the Stolypin Land Reforms',
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[83] V. K. YATSUNSKY, 'Promyshlenii Perevorot v Rossii', Voprosy
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[84] V. K. YATSUNSKY, 'Formation en Russie de la Grande
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[86] R. E. ZELNIK, 'The Peasant and the Factory', in W. VUCI-
NICH (ed.), The Peasant in Nineteenth Century Russia (Stanford,
1968) pp. 158-90.

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J. H. BATER, St Petersburg: Industrialization and Change (Londop.,
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R. GIRAULT, Emprunts Russes et 1nvestissements Franfais en Russie,
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P. R. GREGORY, 'Economic Growth and Structural Change in
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J. METZER, 'Railroad Development and Market Integration: The
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agricultural productivity, 47 ff., famine of 1891, 54
73,76 foreign investment, 19, 57 ff.,
agriculture, 11, 18,28,32,36, 67, 69 ff., 76, 81
46, 49, 54, 56, 63, 73, 76-7, foreign trade, 11, 20, 27, 32,
80-1 36 ff., 55-6, 63, }9
Alexander 11,45
Gerschenkron, A., 14, 22,42,
balance of trade, 56-7, 63-4, 45, 61, 68, 75, 79, 82
73 gold standard, 62, 73-4
banking, 41,67, 71, 78-9,81 government economic policy,
barshchina, see serf obligations 21 ff., 28, 55 ff., 61 ff., 68,
budget, 17, 37, 61 ff., 73, 76 73-4, 76 ff., 80-1; see also
Bunge, N. K., 64 Peter the Great; Witte, S.
government statistics, 15-16
canals, 32
Catherine II, 26, 29 handicraft industries, 12, 15,
Caucasus, 20, 45, 55, 59-60, 18, 21, 27, 30, 32, 40, 42,
66, 70; see also oil industry 45, 64--5, 69
climate, 18, 44, 55 Hughes, J., 58
coal industry, 13, 18, 20, 41,
45, 51, 55, 76, 78-9, 81 industrial census, 15, 64--5, 79
cotton, raw, 35, 37, 52-3, 56, industrial concentration, 38, 42,
66 58, 67-8, 78, 81-3
'cotton famine', 53 industrial growth rate, 45-6,
cotton textiles, 12-13, 15, 29, 50, 53-4, 64, 66, 75-6, 79, 82
33, 35, 37 ff., 52-3, 56, 66, 'industrial revolution', 20, 31,
68-9, 71, 76 ff. 41
Crimean War (1854--6),42, 62 industrial syndicates, 77-8, 82
iron and steel, see metallurgy
iron industry, 27, 29-30, 41, 45,
Donetz, see Ukraine 51-2, 55, 57-9,62, 67, 76,
77, 79, 81
Emancipation of the Serfs, Ivanovo, 29, 38
14--15, 20, 31, 44 ff., 50, 52-3
entrepreneurs, 23-4, 26, 38, joint-stock companies, 33, 38,
44, 58 53, 70-2
Kahan, A., 26, 73 petroleum, see oil industry
Knoop, L., 39 Poland, 16, 35, 39, 54, 56
Krivoi Rog, see Ukraine poll tax, 23, 25
kustar industries, see handicraft population, 16-17, 28, 34, 46-7,
industries 49-50
population census (1897), 15
labour, 24-5, 28-9, 31, 33, 37, possessional peasants, 25-6, 28,
39,40 ff., 44, 47, 50-1, 53, 30-1, 41, 52
55,65,68-9, 79, 82 prices, 49, 63, 65, 75, 77 ff.
labour productivity, 41, 65, 69
'land hunger', 49 railways, 18, 32, 36, 41, 48,
linen industry, 13, 27, 29, 33, 51, 53 ff., 59, 62 ff., 71, 77,
37-8 80-1
Lyashchenko, P., 41, 49 redemption payments, 48-9,
machinery, 34, 39, 41, 57, 71 remeslo industries, see handicraft
mechanisation, 38,40-1,43,45, industries
68-9 Reutern, M. K., 64
mercantilism, 21 river navigation, 18, 32, 59
metallurgy, 13, 22-3, 26-7, Rostow, W. W., 19, 82
33,35,38,40-1,43,45, Russo-Japanese War (1904-5),
68-9, 71, 76 ff. 75
mir, see peasant commune Russo-Turkish War (1877-8),
national income, 11, 16, 44
serf obligations, 29-30, 32-3,
Nicholas I, 36
Nizhni-Novgorod fair, 32, 53
serfdom, 17, 23-4, 26, 29, 32,
Nobel Brothers Naphtha
Company, 59 Siberia, 18, 49, 66, 77, 81
Stolypin reforms, 80-2
obrok, see serf obligations Strumilin, S. G., 27, 29, 31-2,
obshchina, see peasant commune 37,54,69
oil industry, 13,20,45,51,55, sugar-beet, 33, 35, 40-1, 52,
57, 59, 60, 67-8, 70-1, 76, 59,68
tariffs, 22, 28, 31-2, 37 ff., 54,
peasant commune, 48, 50, 56 ff., 66, 71, 74
79-80 taxation, 23, 25,48, 50, 62 ff.,
Peasant Land Bank, 80 73, 76, 80
Peter the Great, 14, 20 ff., 36, trade cycle, 14, 37, 53-4, 75
82 Trans-Siberian railway, 66, 77
Ukraine, 16, 18,40, 45, 48, Vishnegradski, I., 64
56 ff., 64, 66, 68-70, 81
Urals, 23-4, 27, 30, 34, 40-1, Witte, S., 36, 61 ff., 73
45, 52, 54, 57-8, 66, 78 woollen textiles, 21-3, 29, 33,
urbanisation, 11, 28, 34, 48 37,40,52-3


Some Opinions on Published Titles

R. B. Outhwaite
Dr Outhwaite has provided a valuable commentary on the
debate, for which students and teachers of the subject will be
grateful. Economica .
. . . both the specialist economic historian and the non-specialist
should find much to interest them in this admirable little book.
British Book News.


Alan S. Milward
Students will find it a convenient introduction to some of the
more interesting issues which have been the subject of debate,
and for those who are looking for a research topic there are
some helpful signposts. Economic Journal.
Professor Milward has had a harder job than most of his pre-
decessors in this excellent new series . . . [his] device has been
to weave ... tendentially disparate strands of enquiry into a
single main line of argument - that of the effects of the wars
upon income distribution. It has enabled him to give his ex-
position clarity without sacrificing scholarly caution. Times
Educational Supplement.


R. H. Hilton
... this essay is useful for its excellent regional survey of peasant
tenure and for the synthesis of much detail from theses and
monographs. English Historical Review.
M. W. Flinn
Professor Flinn's lucid and brief introduction admirably does
what the 'Studies in Economic History' series sets out to
achieve: to 'indicate the full scope of the particular problem as
it has been opened by research and distinguish what conclu-
sions can be drawn in the present state of knowledge'. Times
Literary Supplement.
This survey of the state of the debate is a model of its kind. It
discusses the quality of the statistics, the main issues in question
and the implications of the more recent work with a clarity and
precision which will illuminate even those who have been
following the debate. For students it will be an invaluable
introduction and guide to a complex literature. British Book

THE OLD POOR LAW 1795-1834

J. D. Marshall
Indexed, footnoted and up-to-date, this 50-page pamphlet
clearly portrays the workings of the poor law immediately
before the great reforms of 1834. A controversial theme, fair-
mindedly treated. New Sociery.




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