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Claus sulphur recovery options

This article examines some Claus modifications which can alleviate operational
difficulties and improve overall sulphur recovery

Gavin McIntyre and Lili Lyddon Bryan Research and Engineering Inc

ince its inception, the Claus process has reaction furnace, so some modification to the
been the standard of the sulphur recovery process is required. In addition, acid gas feeds
industry, but limitations and problems may contain undesirable components such as
relating to composition may restrict its effective- ammonia and hydrocarbons, which cause prob-
ness. Numerous modifications have been lems during processing. Again, the traditional
applied to the basic process in an effort to Claus process must be modified to handle these
develop the optimum system for a certain set of contaminants.
conditions. For the purposes of this article, acid gas is
The primary consideration in determining the classified into three different categories based on
optimum sulphur removal process is the compo- composition, and the types of Claus or modified
sition of the acid gas stream to be processed. A Claus processes that may be used to lower
typical rich feed gas stream to a Claus plant sulphur emissions to an acceptable level are
contains at least 50 per cent H2S by volume (50– discussed.
60 per cent is considered marginal). The The first type of feed gas discussed is rich acid
traditional Claus plant may be used for primary gas, or feed containing greater than 50 mole%
sulphur recovery from such a rich acid gas H2S. The second type is lean acid gas, or feed
stream. Unfortunately, the H2S content of acid containing less than 50 mole% H2S. The last type
gas is sometimes very low (5–50 per cent) with of feed to be considered is acid gas containing
CO2 making up the bulk of the feed. ammonia. A process simulator, TSWEET, illus-
This lean feed is not sufficient to sustain trates how effective various processes are for
combustion in the burner of the traditional Claus each of the three acid gas feed types.

Figure 1 Schematic of the basic Claus process PTQ Q2 1997 1

Rich acid gas inlet conditions and base case results by current industry standards. Upon examina-
tion, there are several areas where small
operational or design changes could improve
Composition (mole %)
Temperature 75°F H2S 93.40
recovery. Some of these changes were simulated
Pressure 16.5psia CO2 5.64 to show how the plant might operate if it were
H2O 0.96 optimised by today’s standards.
The outlet temperature of the waste heat boiler
Base Two-Bed Modified
was decreased from 840°F to 700°F and a
Data TSWEET TSWEET sulphur condenser was added to remove all the
Reactor furnace temperature 2230°F 2258°F 2221°F sulphur formed in the furnace. The condenser
1st sulphur condenser none none 320°F improves recovery because the presence of
Bed 1 outlet temperature 730°F 727°F 650°F
Bed 1 H2S conversion – 9% 51%
elemental sulphur in the catalyst beds reduces
Bed 2 outlet temperature 581°F 590°F 450°F the efficiency of the Claus reaction. Also, the
Bed 2 H2S conversion – 65% 77% outlet temperature of the first reheater was
H2S : SO2 ratio 1.2:1 1.2:1 2:1 controlled to maintain a bed outlet temperature
Overall recovery 91.8 90.7% 96.1%
of 650°F rather than 727°F.
This lower temperature promotes improved
Table 1 Claus conversion but still ensures destruction of
the COS and CS2 formed in the burner. Similarly,
Case study 1: Rich acid gas feed – H2S content the second reheater was controlled to maintain
above 50 per cent the outlet temperature of the second bed at 30
Several options are available for consideration degrees above the sulphur dew point. The closer
when designing the primary sulphur recovery to the sulphur dew point the bed operates, the
unit to process a rich acid gas feed. Even though higher the equilibrium conversion.
many variations of the standard Claus plant may One final item to note concerning this case is
be suitable, one may have a slight advantage the ratio control of H2S to SO2 in the tail gas.
over the others. The Claus reaction requires two moles of H2S for
Depending on the required sulphur removal, a every one mole of SO2 for optimum conversion
number of configurations could be used for according to the following reactions:
primary sulphur removal, such as a two- or
three-bed Claus plant, with or without a direct H2S + 11/2O2 →SO2 + H2O
oxidation bed or cold (sub dew point) bed. These 2H2S + SO2 ⇔ 3S + 2H2O
and other variations are compared, based on
their ability to effectively process a rich acid gas This plant originally operated at a ratio of
stream. Figure 1 is a schematic of the basic Claus 1.2:1, but in the simulation the ratio was changed
process. Some of the more common process to 2:1 to optimise the performance of the unit.
modifications to the basic Claus, discussed in the The ratio is controlled by manipulating the flow
following sections, are indicated with dashed rate of inlet air from the blower to the furnace.
lines. These seemingly minor changes to operating
A two-bed Claus plant operating in the 1960s conditions increased sulphur recovery from 91.8
with approximately 93 per cent H2S in the feed per cent to 96.1 per cent, a 4.3 per cent improve-
is used as the base case for this discussion. A ment over the original design, as shown in Table
process simulator, TSWEET, was used to obtain 1. These modifications are used as the basis for
an initial model by matching plant data. The comparisons with other process modifications.
model was then modified to show how improve-
ments could be made. Standard three-bed Claus plant
A comparison of plant data to TSWEET predic- There are numerous technical papers available
tions is listed in Table 1 to provide a basis for the on the conventional Claus process and its capa-
accuracy of the program’s predictions for further bilities. Typically, sulphur recoveries in the range
modifications. of 96–97.5 per cent can be expected for a stand-
This particular plant achieved an overall ard three-bed Claus plant with rich acid gas feed.
sulphur recovery of 91.8 per cent, which is low (Emission regulations often necessitate the inclu-

2 PTQ Q2 1997

sion of a secondary tail gas cleanup unit to boost Rich acid gas feed process comparison
recovery as high as 99.9+per cent). For this
comparison, a third Claus bed was added to the
Process description Overall sulphur
modified two-bed plant. recovery
A controller maintains a 2:1 H2S:SO2 ratio in Modified 2-Bed Claus 96.1
the tail gas by operating the burner sub-stoichio- Conventional 3-Bed Claus 98.0
metrically. The simulation model assumes a 95 2-Bed with direct oxidation bed 98.8
2-Bed with sub dew point bed 99.0
per cent approach to equilibrium in the Claus 4-Bed Claus 98.5
reactors and 4lb liquid sulphur entrained in the 3-Bed Claus with direct oxidation bed 99.0
sulphur condensers per 100 moles of gas. 3-Bed Claus with sub dew point bed 99.3
The first bed is operated at a temperature of
650°F to ensure destruction of the COS and CS2. Table 2
Subsequent beds are maintained at 30 degrees
above the sulphur dew point to achieve the high- the operation of the traditional Claus process.
est possible conversion. The overall sulphur Instead of maintaining a 2:1 H2S:SO2 ratio
recovery predicted by simulation increased to throughout, the process operates with an excess
98.0 per cent, a 1.9 per cent improvement over of H2S. All sulphur species except H2S pass over
the two-bed case, by adding the third catalyst the special catalyst unreacted. Therefore, prior
bed, as shown in Table 2. (Table 2 recoveries reduction of non-H2S species results in greater
assume the plant is operating under optimum conversion in the direct oxidation bed and
conditions and are for comparison only. Actual greater overall recovery for the plant.
recoveries may be 0.5 to 1 per cent lower than An additional requirement for this process is a
those reported). source of air upstream of the direct oxidation
reactor. The air mixes with the Claus tail gas to
Two-bed Claus with a direct oxidation catalyst bed promote oxidation of the H2S to elemental
For this case, the third reactor of the previous sulphur in the presence of the direct oxidation
three-bed case was replaced by a bed represent- catalyst. The success of this process depends on
ing a direct oxidation process such as Superclaus. the ability to operate with an excess of H2S and
Direct oxidation requires a special catalyst which consume all of the SO2 before entering the direct
converts H2S directly to sulphur. oxidation reactor.
There are two versions of the Superclaus proc- Simulation results indicate that the overall
ess – the Superclaus-99 and the 99.5. The 99 recovery of this process increased to 98.8 per
and 99.5 represent the overall sulphur recoveries cent by replacement of the third bed with a
that can be expected when the Superclaus cata- direct oxidation catalyst bed. This is an increase
lyst is used in the final bed of a Claus plant. To of 0.8 per cent over the original three-bed case
achieve 99 per cent sulphur recovery, the tail gas shown in Table 2.
from the second Claus bed is fed directly to the
reactor bed containing the direct oxidation Two-bed Claus with a cold bed
catalyst. The next option explored in the study of rich
To achieve 99.5 per cent sulphur recovery, the acid gas feed was the use of a cold bed as the
process includes a hydrogenation reactor third and final bed. Since the Claus reaction is
upstream of the direct oxidation bed to convert exothermic, the lower the reaction temperature,
all remaining sulphur species to H2S before pass- the closer the reaction proceeds to completion.
ing over the direct oxidation catalyst, thus The main difference between this process and
yielding a higher overall sulphur recovery. Direct the traditional Claus process is that the sulphur
oxidation without the hydrogenation step has formed in the bed is actually adsorbed on the
been chosen for comparative purposes in this catalyst, since the bed is operated below the
case. A conversion efficiency of 85 per cent was sulphur dew point.
assumed for the direct oxidation bed in the More than one bed is required for this process
simulations. because the beds must be regenerated periodi-
The operation of a process which includes a cally to remove the adsorbed sulphur. Sulphur is
direct oxidation bed is somewhat different from condensing on one bed while the other bed is PTQ Q2 1997 3

Lean acid gas inlet conditions and Base Case results the burner temperature, ensuring
complete combustion of all hydrocar-
bons which might be in the feed, thus
Inlet gas Furnace temp Overall sulphur recovery
Temperature 100°F Data: 1684°F Data: 96.3%
preventing carbon or soot deposition in
Pressure 20psia TSWEET: 1695°F TSWEET 96.3% the catalyst beds.

Composition (mole%) Acid gas + fuel gas WHB outlet Tail gas Case study 2: Lean acid gas feed – H2S
Argon 0 0.51 – 0.55 –-
content above 50 per cent
Hydrogen 0 1.22 0.58 1.21 Processing a lean acid gas requires that
Nitrogen 1.30 42.47 41.99 45.78 special consideration be given to the
Carbon monoxide 0 0.85 0.84 0.81 0.89
operation of the burner. A Claus
Carbon dioxide 74.41 47.74 49.32 51.20 53.67
Hydrogen sulphide 21.13 3.37 3.38 0.15
furnace feed containing a relatively low
Carbonyl sulphide 0 1.08 1.10 0.02 concentration (less than 50 per cent) of
Carbon disulphide 0 0.26 0.25 0.08 H2S may be incapable of producing a
Sulphur dioxide 0 2.50 2.54 0.20 0.14
stable flame. Also, as discussed previ-
C1+ 3.16 0 0 0 0
ously, incomplete combustion of
Total 100 100 100 100 100 hydrocarbons in the feed can lead to
deterioration of the catalyst in the reac-
tors due to soot or carbon deposition.
Table 3 There are several processes available
to treat lean streams, including some
being regenerated. The gas exiting the third which require only slight modifications to the
condenser is not reheated before entering the conventional Claus plant. The focus of this
cold bed; therefore, the sulphur condenses section is directed at how a certain process
directly onto the catalyst as it is formed. The compensates for low acid gas concentrations
H2S:SO2 ratio is controlled at 2:1 in the same rather than the ability of the process to achieve a
manner as in the conventional Claus. The overall required recovery percentage.
recovery predicted by the simulator for this A comparison of several of these methods
configuration was 99.0 per cent, as shown in follows, including: a four-bed Claus with acid gas
Table 2. If environmental regulations require preheat and fuel gas burner, the all catalytic
greater than 99 per cent recovery of sulphur Selectox process, acid gas bypass around the
species, further processing of the tail gas may be furnace, and oxygen enrichment of the combus-
required. An additional bed with or without tion air feed to the Claus plant.
hydrogenation or a SCOT type tail gas cleanup
unit may be required. Acid gas preheat
In Table 1, we have included expected recover- A four-bed Claus plant with approximately 21
ies for a three-bed Claus with a fourth direct mole% H2S in the feed (Table 3) is used as the
oxidation bed and a three-bed Claus with a base case for the lean acid gas feed discussion.
fourth cold bed. These values represent the opti- In order to achieve a stable flame in the burner,
mum recoveries expected for a plant with feed this plant uses acid gas preheat to 500°F and
conditions as stated in Table 1. For feed streams burning of fuel gas separately using a special
of different compositions, all feasible alternatives burner. TSWEET was used to match plant data,
should be investigated. A process simulator is an and Table 3 provides a comparison of plant data
excellent tool to aid in determining appropriate with TSWEET to provide a basis for the accuracy
design alternatives. of the program’s predictions.
Another option to consider for increasing plant This four-bed plant achieved a 96.3 per cent
capacity or boosting sulphur recovery is the use sulphur recovery with a burner temperature of
of oxygen in a conventional Claus plant. Oxygen 1700°F (94–96 per cent recovery can be expected
enrichment of the air to the combustion chamber for a conventional three-bed Claus unit with lean
can increase capacity of the plant by displacing acid gas feed). The inlet composition and condi-
the amount of inert compounds present in air tions listed in Table 3 are in all of the simulations
such as nitrogen. Oxygen enrichment also raises in this section.

4 PTQ Q2 1997

Selectox Lean acid gas feed process comparison
The Selectox process, licensed by UOP,
processes lean acid gas with a catalytic
Process Features Sulphur recovery %
burner which oxidises the H2S to SO2 Feed preheat Acid gas and air preheat 96.3
at a temperature of about 700°F. Two Addition of fuel gas to a
versions are available, the “Straight separate burner
Through Selectox” and the ”Recycle Burner temperature 1700°F
4 Claus beds
The straight through process is typi- Recycle Selectox Burner replaced by 700°F 96.3
cally used for acid gas streams catalyst bed
containing a maximum of 5 mole% Recycle gas controls
Selectox bed temperature
H2S. The Recycle Selectox is normally 2 Claus beds
used for acid gas streams containing
5–40 mole% H2S but can be utilised Acid gas bypass Burner temperature = 1828°F 96.2
effectively on streams of 65–70 mole% 55% Acid gas bypassed
2 Claus beds
H2S. The Recycle Selectox process is
used for this case since the feed Acid gas bypass with Burner temperature = 1865°F 96.4
contains 21 per cent H2S. oxygen enrichment 50% Acid gas bypassed
The Recycle Selectox is an all-cata- 30% O2 to the burner
2 Claus beds
lytic process meaning there are no
flames at any point in the process. A Acid gas bypass with Burner temperature = 1840°F 96.6
special catalyst bed replaces the acid oxygen enrichment 35% Acid gas bypassed
gas burner in a conventional Claus 100% O2 to the burner
2 Claus beds
plant. The Selectox catalyst occupies
the top few inches of the first bed,
where it promotes the selective oxida- Table 4
tion of H2S to SO2. The remainder of
the bed is filled with Claus catalyst where the burn the entire stream, resulting in an increased
Claus reaction occurs to about 80 per cent flame temperature. Ideally, a flame temperature
completion. The highly exothermic nature of in the range of 1850–2200°F should be
these reactions requires that the feed gas be maintained.
monitored for the concentration of H2S to avoid One consequence of bypassing gas around the
overheating. The Recycle Selectox process uses burner is that any hydrocarbons in the bypassed
a recycle blower to dilute the inlet H2S concen- gas are not combusted, which may lead to prob-
tration to less than 5 vol% by recycling a portion lems in the downstream catalyst beds. Another
of the effluent gases from the Selectox consequence is lower Claus thermal conversion
condenser (Figure 1). This recycle of mainly due to a decrease in furnace residence time and
inert gases limits the outlet temperature of the lower waste heat boiler entrance temperature. At
catalyst bed to a temperature of approximately temperatures below 1200°F, H2S and SO2 will
700°F. The Selectox bed is followed by two not react to form elemental sulphur without a
conventional Claus beds. The simulator predicts suitable catalyst. The sulphur recovery predicted
96.3 per cent sulphur recovery for the Recycle by simulation for this system was 96.2 per cent
Selectox case. (Table 4).

Acid gas bypass Oxygen enrichment

Another way of attacking the problem of insuffi- Increasing the concentration of oxygen in the
cient combustibles in a lean acid gas feed is combustion air to the burner is another option
through bypassing a portion of the feed around to aid in flame stability. The amount of bypass
the furnace. The bypassed gas is mixed with the gas may be reduced by enriching the air with
burner effluent prior to the waste heat boiler. oxygen, as shown in Table 4.
The amount of oxygen fed to the burner is the As discussed previously, other benefits of
same as the amount that would be required to oxygen-enhanced combustion air in both rich PTQ Q2 1997 5

and lean acid gas feed cases include increased Conclusion
plant capacity and sulphur recovery, increased The basic three-bed Claus process can be used
SCOT tail gas cleanup efficiency, and burner for rich acid gas feeds, but current emission
temperatures high enough to prevent carbon or regulations requiring 99+ per cent sulphur
soot formation and resultant poisoning of cata- recovery necessitate a modification to the tradi-
lyst beds. tional Claus process or the addition of a
secondary tail gas cleanup process. This could
Case study 3: Acid gas containing ammonia mean using a cold bed or a direct oxidation bed
Ammonia in the Claus plant feed can usually be as the final bed.
traced to an upstream sour water stripper. The Another type of tail gas cleanup process such
ammonia must be destroyed in the Claus burner as SCOT could be used with a basic three-bed
to avoid deposition of ammonium salts in down- Claus to achieve elevated recoveries.
stream catalyst beds. Most process modifications Lean acid gas feeds require a modification to
designed to destroy ammonia include oxygen the operation of the burner to produce tempera-
enrichment and/or the use of a specialised tures high enough to promote stable combustion.
burner. Other methods such as a catalytic “burner” may
Several examples of process modifications be used in place of the traditional burner in
involving the burner which can be used to some instances.
destroy ammonia are Cope, OxyClaus, and Processing feeds containing ammonia usually
Comprimo. These methods are discussed briefly, requires a higher burner flame temperature to
but comparative simulation results are not destroy the NH3 and avoid ammonium salt depo-
included. sition on the catalyst beds. Either oxygen
The Cope process achieves an elevated burner enrichment and/or a special burner are the usual
temperature with oxygen-enhanced feed. The choices for handling this problem. In all cases
burner temperature is limited to 2700°F and is involving ammonia, the burner is the key to solv-
moderated by a stream of recycle gas originating ing the problem, and much thought should be
as the effluent from the first sulphur condenser given to the burner design to ensure proper
(Figure 1). ammonia destruction.
Up to 100 per cent oxygen may be fed to the To achieve the optimum Claus process design
special burner, which handles acid gas, recycle for any feed composition, all suitable processes
gas, air and oxygen simultaneously. Other simi- should be fully explored with a process simulator
lar processes use SO2 or other streams as the before making design decisions.
quench instead of the recycle stream.
The OxyClaus process requires no recycle gas,
and 80–90 per cent O2 may be fed to the special Gavin D McIntyre is a senior sales engineer with Bryan Research
burner, or it may operate with air only. The & Engineering Inc, Bryan, Texas, and is responsible for promotion
burner may bypass part of the amine acid gas and expansion of the company’s business in the US and Canadian
while burning all of the sour water stripper acid markets. He holds a degree in chemical engineering from Texas
A&M University.
gas. This front/side split system is not usually
Lili G Lyddon has been senior technical support engineer for
required for streams containing less than 5 per
Bryan Research & Engineering for the past five years. She holds a
cent NH3. The Comprimo process is similar to degree in chemical engineering from Texas A&M University.
the OxyClaus in that it requires no recycle gas
to moderate burner temperature. All gas is fed
to the special burner which mixes acid gas, air Links
and oxygen, if desired, so that no front/side
split of the acid gas is required. The typical More articles from: Bryan Research & Engineering
burner temperature range is 2200–2350°F, More articles from the following categories:
which is lower than the Cope burner Design, Engineering & Construction
temperature. Desulphurisation & Sulphur Handling
It should be noted that ammonia can be fed to Process Modelling & Simulation
a conventional Claus plant if the burner temper-
ature remains at 2700°F.

6 PTQ Q2 1997

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