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Heny Tri Suryani

International class 1A3

Method of bioethics

The nursing profession has a social contract with the community which means that the
community gives confidence to nursing to provide the services needed. The consequence of this
is that every decision from nursing action must be accountable and every decision is certainly not
only based on scientific consideration, but also on ethical considerations.
The advancement of science and technology, especially in the field of biology and
medicine, has led to various problems or health ethical dilemmas which have largely not been
overcome (Catalano, 1991)
Nursing personnel are highly committed to providing quality nursing care based on
ethical standards of behavior in professional care practices
Knowledge of ethical behavior begins with nurse education and continues with formal
and informal discussions with peers or friends in the neighborhood, both campus and
neighborhood. In this case nursing often uses 3 approaches: teleological approach, deontology
and intuitionism.
1. Teleological approach
Teleological approach is a doctrine that explains phenomena and their
consequences, where a person who approaches ethics is faced with ethical consequences
and decisions. In other words, this approach suggests about matters relating to the end
justifies the means (in the end, legally justifies actions or decisions taken for medical
Example: In situations and conditions where a patient must be operated
immediately, while no surgeon has experience in the field, even a surgeon who is not yet
experienced is still justified to perform surgery according to his knowledge. This is done
for the safety of these patients.
2. Deontological approach

The term deontology comes from the Greek word 'deon' which means obligation.
'Why is this action good and that action must be rejected as bad', deontology answers:
'because the first act becomes our duty and because the second act is forbidden'.
Heny Tri Suryani
International class 1A3
Deontology approach means also rules or principles. These principles include
autonomy, informed consent, allocation of resources, and euthanasia. The basis of good
and bad deeds is obligation. The deontology approach has been accepted in the context of
religion, now it is also one of the most important ethical theories.

Example: The nurse must convey the truth about the condition of the patient
regardless of whether it will result in another person being offended or even shocked. The
nurse refused to help with the abortion because of her religious beliefs that forbade

3. Intiutionism approach

This approach expresses the view or human nature in knowing the right and
wrong things. This is independent of rational or irrational thinking of a situation
(Masruroh et al, 2014).

Example : A nurse certainly knows that hurting a patient is an improper act. This
does not need to be taught to nurses anymore, because it refers to the ethics of a nurse
who is believed to be able to distinguish what is right and what is bad to do. Abandoning
patients is clearly a wrong action, so that it does not need to be taught to nurses because
they are believed to be able to distinguish between good and bad.


Bioethical issues involve nurses in the implementation of nursing practice and relate to
other professions. This appears in almost all areas of nursing practice. Nursing is one profession
that has the field of providing welfare to humans. This is done by providing assistance to both
healthy and sick individuals.


A few years ago, one of South Korea's National Heroes, Professor Woo Suk Hwang, a
pioneer and well-known expert in the field of cloning had stumbled on the case of bioethics. The
Heny Tri Suryani
International class 1A3
results of hard work with his team since 2001 have produced work that can be called
monumental, namely cloning human somatic cells to obtain stem cells, a project funded by the
Government of Korea of 4 billion won or around 40 billion rupiah. Previously, the research team
he led for the first time in the world managed to clone a dog, and one of the teaching staff of
Gadjah Mada University was also a doctoral candidate involved in it.

This extraordinary success turned out to be followed by allegations of tilt, namely the
possibility that Professor Woo Suk Hwang had made a public lie and violated bioethics signs. He
is considered to have used eggs obtained by buying from donors at the hospital or getting them
from several team members who were directly involved in the research on the cloning.

Although this accusation is greater in foreign countries than in the country, Professor
Hwang feels the need to withdraw from all strategic positions, especially the position as head of
the world's central stem cell institution. A heavy decision which means it is likely to leave all the
luxury of research facilities that have been disbursed by the Korean government.

Another example :

In the view of the late mufti Shafi, from Pakistan under ordinary conditions, blood
transfusion is something that is unlawful because, first, blood is an integral part of the human
body, second, blood is an unclean object (Wulan, 2011: 27).

The problem in the ethics of nursing practice is as follows:

Blood transfusion is a bioethical problem which is also debated especially in Europe and
other western countries. Judging from the bioethical aspect, blood transfusion causes the most
deaths in patients because the patient gets the wrong blood transfusion. The blood that is inserted
into his body does not match the recipient's blood. In addition, ethical problems that often occur
also nurse malpractice problems that intentionally cause patients to die by injecting blood
incorrectly and not in accordance with the needs of recipients. Therefore, this violates the law
and ethics of nursing (Suhaimin, 2003: 40).
Heny Tri Suryani
International class 1A3

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