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608 I1I BB TU


* Exceptional performances
* Easy handling quality
* Smooth running
* Minimum breaking-in period
* Long life
and great dependability
* Sturdy construction
* Precise workmanship

t specrrrcntrons
Tvp€ eolow oluq ionition
ln.ld.ri;;- nk shall rotary valvo
Displacemant 0.606 cu. in. {9.95cc)
Bors x Stroks 0.944 x 0.865 in. 124.0 x22.O t ml
Main Boaring 2 ball b€aring6
Csrburetor ENYA G-Typo throttle valve, 7mm dia .ventury
Weight t5.o oz. (azorl @-
B.H.P. 1.O-1.3 '1.0-1.3
R.P,M. 2,50O-14,0O0 2,500-14,000
{ r-".g" jntake carbur€ioric Type,8mm dja. te.tury) is optio.a1.
* sReaKNlc rNt
Run your ENYA 60 nlB T.V. 30-60 minutes ,tr'ith a dch mixture. lt is recomemded to use a 12', x 6.,
propeller during this period. After this period, yorr rnay nrn it in fuu power. But it is important to run the
engine always witi a sliSfitly dch mixtur€. lt will take 2-3 hours for tle engine to reach its peak in power
and smoothness.

* rurl
ENYA 60 IB will operate satisfactorily on molt kinds of high quality fuel for model glow plug engines
sold on the maJket. But it is tecommended to use a luel which contains 20-24 % castor oll.
The standard mixing ratios of fuel components are as follows.

tcr-ow pr-uc
Almost all ya ..rl ttuead glow plugs are available trr LNyA ou tfrT.V. glow plug has a very delicate natule, i1 is recommenateal that you test youi €ngine with alifferent
^rhe plug to get the
kinds ofglow best performance.
ENYA glow plug No. 3, No, 4, No. 5 arc very suitable to EI.IYA 60 IIIBT.V.
rlt pnope rr eR
it" x 7" 11" x'71,i'. l1 x il". ll" x 6"

* stnRrrruc
liNYA60 IIiBstart\ qull!' L'J!rlv \rllil froprr hillrdliirg.
i. Ile proper opcnrng ol needh !rllc ior stxrting I \\460 llllJ 'l \i is 2 :l tulns
2. lnjccriori of scver.rl drop\ ol iircl rnto the.\hirust pon is qutte cffcrtive tirr starting
3. Irlold wc.rrhor. irrerease thc qu.rntitl ol the pnlrring Jiel inio the !\h:ru!1 porl
,1. Sl:rrI )ourbil lltB l.\. \\ith 1lk lhroltle vllve opcned widll).'


fhe I NyA ..C'Ilpe" throt e lrlve i\ especilll) dcsigned and produced n) Ited lhe cngrnc conslllntlv
wjth tlrc mo\t suit.rirlc (slighllv nch) nri\rurc r1 ttll \ptcds'
It hrs r precisel! nrrihined. tnpcr luet-mcrcflng groove o. thc \urfrrcc oi the throttle drtrln. And the
stzr of thc lirel prs..gc ehangts in atcordancc \|ith the t]rrottlc vrlle ntoving so rs to lced thc en$ne constrntly
with r slllrttly rich rnirturc it lt spcedr. (onscqucnlly. thc response oi the engine to the throttle urhc nloring
becornes .)cry' qur.t. And noreovcr- rs thc rultion ol fuel is rlwrys \lrong, tho enginc has no tendency
to stop
even ii any hrrd \pecd corlroling be rnadc durlng the nlancuvers


l_ tjsually, thc best jdic running posirron oJ rhc "GIype" throttlc v.rlvc is whcre ji is iust rlosed. lhc hest
possibie idting spced is .rbout 2.500r.p.m on 11,, x 7" or lt,' x 8 propcil€r. And thc latlry idling j'
.1,s00 -
2. Si:rrt your60 ltiB T.V., elld wlrrn ir up .rbout 30 seconds al high spced. Then try Hi-l-o rnd Lo-Hi operrtrons
tlrking an inlcrval ot 5 - l0 se.ond\ on cach side
3. lLr cisc thc idlin8 spJcd is proper and the engtne specd raisrs up smoothly trom Lo to lli within I or
.l scconds. it mcans all the conditions are good.
:t. lf the idting n1i\lure js too rich rnd thc Lollj re\pon\e js \lo$', opcn the idling mi\ture .rdjusting ait valvc
(30J) ,/r -,1 tunr.
5. lf the idling is roo or lean, opcn thc thiolile virlvc t).2-0.4 nrm by sercwing-tn tht idling spced idiusting
scrcw (3tlll) ! litilc bit.
(; It is recommcndcd to makc thc inll rcst bclore Ilying. S1.rr1 your enginc and u'arn it up, rnd turll your
plxne over vcrri(:rlly uprvrrds \vith yolrr both hxnds. Then rcpcat Hi I-o .rnd l.o-Hi opclrlions 2 or 3 times.
in casc all the .djustment\ !rc right, the Lo-lli response must be quick rnd tht engine will never hr!e
any tendcncy lo llrn out.

* nnntrutrruarucE oF THE "c-TYPE" THRoTTLE vALVE

I. NhIa iljre lhtf tour tuel is ctean. Ncvcr use r drr'Iy lucl. ll is recotnrrcstidi ta_id f,1ittr_+J€trel'n *lt€
fucl tank and thc engine.
L lf thc tucl pass.rge is stcpped up by \on'e dirts. reorovc the needle valvc rnd lhrottlc drurn. and ciean
ihcm with a piece ol wire ilnd a brush. washing wilh g.lsirline'
l. \hen you in;tall the spral' bilr on the lv body. scr(jw-in il 3 tur's' and ncv'i loo iar'
,1. hr case you changc tire throtlle lever tbr somc olher thiLk one madc of ntlon. usc longcr throltle lcvcr
setting scrc\r" and make surc thirt the lop ol thc screw reiiches to lhe inncr slirt_ace ul the v0llturi.


w @-


Dc\( nntion ol PJrt Qty Part No l)cscriotion of Part Q tv.
60ttl Throttle valvc assemblv I set 602 30r Loeking sprjng A I
6r-r.l30A Throtlle valve body 1 60230J ldling mi\turc adjrLsting air I
603 30rl ltrottle vrlvc 1 vdvc
60 3:to(' Throttle Levcr i ( 0230K Locking spnng Ii I
6033011 Throttlc lever setting screw I r0zll Gisket of T. V. body I
60331Il T.v. necdle valve assemy. 1 60 316 L\hirust rc\li!1or :!\senr' . I set
60331F1 T.V. needle only I 60236 A E\hiust restirl0r I
6031I F.2 l.V. spray bar 1 602368 ilxhaust re\tricting lever I
ls 220c Necdle sctting spting 1 60236C Setting scrow I
29410t4 5 mm nut I 60236 r) Spring warher I
09230r:s I 602 36 E Stop ring 1

60230G T.V. asseny. seltjng scrc$ 1 r;01:l ri l; Pull push rod I

60230H ldlinc sDeed ediuslins scrcw I

hinted in JJprn

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