Formation Damage in Oil and Natural Gas Reservoirs

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T.F.N.Kahfi, R.R.Tanod, Prayogi , D. Angelina, H. Fikri

Petroleum Engineering, STT Migas Balikpapan

This paper was prepared for Task of Reservoir Engineering STT Migas Balikpapan

ABSTRAK semi steady state, Carter-Tracy and

hurst-van everdingen modified. in
The value of remaining reserves and determining the aquifer model are
recovery factors in the oil and gas strongly influenced by the type of flow
industry is very necessary. Where to in the reservoir. Where in this aquifer
obtain the estimated remaining reserve model we assume the type of flow in
from a reservoir, a method in reservoir the reservoir is a type of radial flow
modeling is needed, namely and. In the use of the fetkovich aquifer
1).Reservoir Simulation; 2).Material model, the ultimate recovery value is
Balance; 3).Decline Curve; 4).Analytical 75.9577 and remaining reserve is
Methods. The reserve estimate will be 68.0557 after that we use the hurst-van
used to determine whether the everdingen dake aquifer model, the
reservoir is economical or not if it is ultimate recovery value is 74.9553
produced. Reserving reserve is an obtained and the remaining reserve is
estimate of the volume of commercial obtained 67.0553 and when using the
oil and gas that accumulates in the carter tracy aquifer model the
reservoir, while recovery factor is the remaining value is obtained reserve for
ratio of oil or gas that can be produced 75.271 and ultimate recovery
to the amount of oil and gas inplace amounting to 67.371 after that we use
with use primary, secondary and hurst-van everdingen modified method
tertiary recovery technologies. In obtained the ultimate recovery value of
analyzing the reservoir this time, we 75.7638 and the remaining reserve
use mbal applications to process value of 67.8638 from the above
reservoir data, and use the Dicline Curv analysis we can determine that the
method. After that we make a aquifer model cc because it has a large
correlation using the model 1) remaining reserve and ultimate
almarhoun; 2) Glaso; 3) Standing; 4) recovery value
Vase of ques-beg; 5) Petrosky. From
the modeling we use the Almarhuon
and Petrosky et al correlation models
because in this method it has a better
or more accurate correlation value. in
the petroleum world there are four
types of aquifer models that are often
used to conduct reservoir modeling to
determine the value of ultimate
recovery and remaining reserve. The
types of aquifers that we use namely
hurst-van everdingen dake, Fetkovich
INTRODUCTION information and data relating to
known aquifer characteristics. In
fact, the rate of water influx will
If the reservoir is related to an
depend on the size of the
aquifer, the reservoir will get
pressure drop, the time interval,
additional pressure because of
the volume of the aquifer, and the
the water influx from the aquifer.
physical properties of rocks and
Water influx occurs as an aquifer
fluid. In other words, the
reaction to the pressure drop in
calculation of the number of water
the reservoir because the
influx is uncertain because the
reservoir is produced. The aquifer
physical properties of the aquifer
reaction can be in the form of: 1)
(size, shape, porosity,
Water expansion; 2) Reduction of
permeability) are not measured
volume of compressed aquifer
directly; in this case no well
rock pore; 3) Artesis flow (if the
intentionally penetrated the
top of the aquifer is above the
aquifer. The methods currently
reservoir or associated with
available generally rely on data or
outcrop); 4) Expansion of
history of production assuming
hydrocarbon accumulation in
known aquifer characteristics.
unknown aquifers. The size of the
pressure support from the aquifer
depends on: 1) Size of the
aquifer; 2) Form of aquifer; 3)
Rock permeability in the aquifer
zone. Therefore, the size of the
pressure support and the number
of water influx will have different
levels (strength) for various
aquifer-reservoir systems. The
difference is expressed by a
quantity called the aquifer
constant, which in this case is
often expressed as a strength of
aquifer. Thus, if the reservoir is
related to an aquifer, then to be
able to predict the performance of
the reservoir it is necessary to
calculate the number of water
influx. However, generally this
calculation is often difficult
because in general there is little
Method Analysis

In the use of mbal application, the The use of aquifer models used
first thing to do is to fill in the fluid in the charter-tracy analysis,
properties data to become the hurst-van everdingen-dake,
initial data as the foundation, to fetkovich semi-steady state,
find out the proper use of hurst-van everdingen modified.
correlation in the process of From the data fluid properties we
working on this application. Filling can find the most appropriate
data tanks with tank parameters, correlation results are petrosky et
water influx, rock compressibility, al and al-marhoun.
relative permeability and
production history. Calculation of
history matching in the analytical
method chart is in regression to
get the value of the aquifer
permeability in order to get the
value of each drive mechanism,
then we run run simulation and
production prediction.

Carter tracy aquifer model

With the analysis of the model

adapted changes in the value of
Outer / Inner Radius ratio
4.87481 with the value of
Encroachment Angle 17.9626
degrees and Aquifer Permeability
2.60241 md (figure).
cum. Production oil 7.9 MMSTB.

From the results of the regression

analysis obtained OOIP value of
734,724 MMSTB and there is a
line Aquifer (figure).
Run Production Prediction by
constructing the 200000 STB /
day flow rate obtained by the RF
result of 60.7031% on

Determination of remaining
Judging from the energy plot
reserve and ultimate recovery
there are 3 influential drive
factor values with Run History
mechanisms, namely fluid
simulation data on 02/09/2010:
expansion, PV compressibility
and water influx where pv Ultimate Recovery Factor
compressibility that is more
dominant. UR = 70 x 1.0753 = 75.271
Recovery Factor

RR = 75.271 – 7.9 = 67.371

Determination of the remaining

reserve and ultimate recovery
factor value with Run Production
Prediction data by constraining
flow rate 200000 STB / day on
From the Run History Simulation
Ultimate Recovery Factor
data, the RF value was obtained
at the last time the production UR = 70 x 60.7031 = 4249.217
was valued at 1.0753%. And
Recovery Factor

RR = 4249.217 – 446 =
For the analysis of 3 aquifer
models the calculations listed are
far greater for the recovery factor.


In the calculation that has been

done in the mbal application we
get the best aquifer model which
is a chart of tracy aquifer momdel
because the value of the recovery
factor is quite small but with a
high cumulative oil produced

1. Ahmed, Tarek., Advanced

Reservoir Engineering, Gulf
Publishing Company, Houston,
Texas, 2005.

2. Dietz, D.N.: “Determination

of Average

Reservoir Pressure from Build-Up

Surveys,” JPT (August 1965)

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