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Apis mellifica

Complete stupor or coma.

Used after Op., when the latter fails.

Arnica montana

Stertorous breathing.

Pulse full and strong.

Associated with Hemiplegia or Paralysis, agg. on left side, and an aching soreness all over the body.

Baryta carbonica

Followed by more or less severe Paralysis, esp. in old people.

The patient is childish and has loss of memory, trembling of limbs and well-marked Paralysis of the

Apoplexy in drunkards.


In the initial stage, before the Paralysis sets in.

Pulse usually strong.

The patient often starts from his heavy sleep, cries, out, grinds his teeth, awakens frightened.

It is usually followed by Op.


Indicated later, when after absorption of effused blood has taken place there still remains Paralysis of
the opposite side of the body.

Helleborus niger

Useful when the attack is followed by idiocy.

Hyoscyamus niger

When associated with convulsions.

Lachesis mutus

Used after Bell. when the pulse is quicker and more feeble and Paralysis is impending; head is hot, the
face red, feet cold and the surface heat is irregularly distributed.

With convulsions, followed by Paralysis.

Apoplexy in drunkards.


Deep red face.

Stertorous breathing.


Tetanic rigidity of the body.

Follows Bell.

Apoplexy in drunkards.

Rhus toxicodendron

Followed by Paralysis [Nux V.].

Strontium carbonicum

Threatening Apoplexy, with violent congestion of the head, hot and red face, everytime the patient

Mere exertion increases the circulation upwards towards the head.

A preventive remedy.

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