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Not enough is being done to protect endangered animals. Do you agree?

Nowadays is too easy to know which animals are being endangered. However, there aren’t
strong action to avoid increasing them. This essay will consider wich creatures. As well as
discussing why our need to protect and what must strong actions.

Elephants and tigers of Asian are losing their forest homes as trees replaced with towns. They
are in competition with people for space and when start the search for food they come into
conflict with people.

As for need to protect, in my opinion, two important reasons. The first, for the environment, if
you remove are animals it upsets the balance of nature, can change the ecosystem completely.
The second, for medicinal purposes, many of our medicines have come from by nature.

Finally. The corrective action must be more strong. I believe that all those who invade habitats
of animals can be sentenced to 64 months in prison and, in addition, will have to pay 20 salaries.
It is an idea can be used to this problem.

To sum up, I think we could treat animals better, we must set the example for the following
generations and save the lives of creatures.

Edgar Mendoza

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