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Book Project

By Brock Nelson
Title, Author, and Genre

• Title: Percy Jackson and

The Olympians: The Titan’s

• Author: Rick Riordan

• Genre: Fictional Fantasy

• Percy: 14 year old demigod, son of
Poseidon. Percy is very brave, intelligent,
kind, and caring. Percy will do anything to
save anyone he loves.

• Annabeth: 14 year old demigod, daughter

of Athena. Annabeth is strong, intelligent,
caring, and thoughtful.

• Grover: Satyr; Grover loves being with

friends and is very thoughtful. He is very
clumsy too.

• Thalia: 16 year old demigod, daughter of

Zeus. Thalia is a leader and likes to do
things her way. She is very strong and
• Zoë: 16 year old huntress. She only
seems to like other hunters and
doesn’t really care about men because
of their oath. Daughter of Atlas.

• Bianca di Angelo: 11 years old. Sister

of Nico. She is a demigod, but
becomes apart of the Hunters with

• Nico di Angelo: 9 years old. Brother of

Bianca. He is also a demigod like his
sister. Nico is powerful, but doesn’t
know it.
• Camp Half-Blood: Camp Half-Blood is
the central meeting point for half-bloods.
This is the place where they are safe
and can learn and get stronger.

• Mount Othrys: This is where the final

battle takes place. Percy, Thalia,
Annabeth, and Artemis fight against
Atlas, Luke, Dr. Thorn, and their army.

• The heroes go from Manhattan to San

Francisco in order to save Artemis,
Annabeth, and Mount Olympus. They
stop at many places throughout the way.
It is very close to the Winter’s Solstice.
• Percy, Annabeth, and Thalia are all being driven to a school by Percy’s mother. They are going
to the school to meet up with Grover who knows there are two demigods there. When the three
arrive at the school, they meet up with Grover. When they go into the school they hear some
music and are met by two grown-ups. One was an older woman and the other was an older
man. The older man went by Dr. Thorn. Dr. Thorn told them to go back into the gym where the
dance was. While in the dance, Grover told the group that Dr. Thorn was a manticore. The four
decided to split up and act normal, so Percy and Annabeth started dancing together. Percy
notices that Dr. Thorn is taking the two demigods and tells Annabeth to go get Grover and
Thalia. Percy runs after Dr. Thorn and the di Angelo twins. Percy finds the kids and then is
attacked by Dr. Thorn. Percy was it by a thorn that was poisonous. Percy was too weak to fight
and Dr. Thorn took Percy and the di Angelo twins to a cliff so they could be taken by some of his
allies. Percy sent a message to Grover to save them and finally, Grover, Annabeth, and Thalia
come to save them. Some Hunters of Artemis come and shoot arrows towards Dr. Thorn. Dr.
Thorn then grabs Percy and Thalia and Annabeth climbs Dr. Thorn’s back. The Hunters shoot
again at Dr. Thorn, which makes him fall off the cliff with Annabeth. Artemis tells the Hunters to
set up a camp. Artemis and Percy talk about what Dr. Thorn had said. Artemis then left them to
find the monster and could destroy Olympus. Artemis tells the Hunters to stay at Camp Half-
Blood where Zoë would be in charge. Bianca di Angelo decides to join the Hunters, while her
brother, Nico, decides to trust Camp Half-Blood people.
• While at Camp Half-Blood, Percy begins to have dreams about Annabeth. In his dreams, she is alive,
captured, and tortured by a strange, powerful, man and Luke. Annabeth had been tricked into holding up a
ceiling, but it was actually the sky in which was Atlas’, a powerful Titan, burden. A meeting is held in order to
see who would go on the quest. It was decided that Zoë, Thalia, Bianca, Grover, and Phoebe would go.
Percy was very mad and requested that he would go. This didn’t matter because it was already decided.
Percy had another dream, but this time about Artemis. Artemis took Annabeth’s spot because if she didn’t,
Annabeth probably would have died. Percy then wakes up and sees Blackjack who wants Percy to save an
Ophiotaurus, a marine cow-serpent. Percy does save this creature and names it Bessie. After saving Bessie,
Percy notices Nico eavesdropping on the Hunters. Percy put on Annabeth’s baseball cap that could turn him
invisible. The Hunters started talking about how Phoebe couldn’t go do to a prank. Nico was going to follow
his sister, but Percy talked him out of it. Percy then said he would go and promised to protect Bianca. Percy
and Blackjack start following the van. They stop at a museum and Percy notices that Dr. Thorn was there.
Percy hears Dr. Thorn say that Annabeth was still alive. Percy starts to follow Dr. Thorn from a distance.
Percy then sees who Dr. Thorn was walking to. It was the General and Luke. The General had created twelve
skeleton warriors to kill his friends. Dr. Thorn was about to hand the skeletons a piece of cloth from Zoë’s
clothes, but Percy grabbed the piece of cloth. The skeletons ripped off a piece of Percy’s clothes and made
Percy their target. Percy escapes and meets up with the other four. They were mad at Percy for following
them, but then the Nemean Lion attacked them. They tried everything they had in order to kill the lion, but
nothing seemed to work. Percy then got an idea. Percy went into the space shop and came back with space
food. Percy threw the food into the lion’s mouth which made the lion gag. This was enough time in order for
Zoë to shoot an arrow into it’s mouth. The lion then died. Zoë gives Percy the lion’s fur because he came up
with the idea. Percy was the fifth person for the quest. The group then escapes before the skeletons could
get them. They go on many trains to get away. On one train, Percy met with Apollo.
• Apollo tells Percy to meet with Nereus. He is the guy that could answer their questions. While traveling farther west, the group
decides to stop and eat. After they are done eating, they are surrounded by the skeletons. The skeletons attack Percy,
Grover, Thalia, Zoë, and Bianca. If a skeleton was cut in half, it would still reassemble itself. They couldn’t do anything to
actually kill the skeletons. But then Grover senses that Pan gave them an offering. That offering was a giant boar. This boar
killed the skeletons and helped carry the heroes even farther west. They finally stop at a junkyard. They were warned not to
touch anything, but Bianca grabbed a little toy figurine for her brother Nico. This then awakens a metal giant, Talos. The
heroes had nothing for this 50+ foot giant. Then Bianca noticed a hatch at the bottom of it’s foot. Bianca thought they could
control the giant from inside. She then went inside the Talos’ foot. She does a great job at destroying Talos, but then he
crashes into the ground. Bianca had died. This was another part of the prophecy. They finally get to San Francisco. Percy
then tries to catch Nereus, which he does. Nereus tells Percy about how Bessie is the monster that Artemis is trying to find.
Dr. Thorn then shows up. He tries to convince Thalia that she can have all the power in the world and could over throw Mount
Olympus. Thalia was tempted, but Percy talks her out of it. They sent an iris message to Camp Half-Blood and talk to
Dionysus. It didn’t seem like he would help them out, but Percy then begs for help. Mr. D then saves them. Now they needed
someone to take Bessie to Camp Half-Blood safely, in which Grover would. Percy then gives the lion’s fur as an offering to his
father for safe traveling for Grover and Bessie. They then travel to Annabeth’s father’s house. They then talk with Dr. Chase.
They tell him everything about what’s happening. Dr. Chase then offers Thalia, Zoë, and Percy to take his car. They then take
his car to Mount Othrys. On the drive up the mountain, they realize something isn’t right and hop out of the car. The car then
exploded because of a lightning bolt. They walk up the rest of the mountain. When they get towards the top, they meet with
some other Hunters. They didn’t really acknowledge Zoë or Percy. Zoë’s sisters tell them to not go any further. Zoë wants to
and wakes up Ladon the dragon. Percy, Thalia, and Zoë all run around the dragon, but Zoë did get poisoned by Ladon. They
continue up the mountain to the very top. When they reach the top, they see Artemis holding up the sky and Annabeth tied
up. Percy tries to fight Atlas, but realizes he is no match for him. Percy then goes over to Artemis and takes her spot because
he knows Artemis can fight Atlas. Atlas threw Zoë at some rocks, practically killing her. Artemis tricks Atlas and pushes Atlas
into where Percy is. Percy moves out of the way and Atlas now is back into his burden. At the same time, Thalia and Luke are
fighting. Luke is trying to convince her to join him. She thinks about it, but then decides to go against it. She then pushed
Luke off the cliff. Artemis rewarded Zoë by making her into a constellation and so that she is remembered. Zoë then
• Percy, Thalia, Annabeth, and Artemis all go back to
Mount Olympus. When they arrive there, the gods are
already having a meeting. Thalia is given the option of
joining the Hunters. Thalia considered it and accepted
it. The gods vote to keep Percy alive. Poseidon is going
to make an aquarium for Bessie. There then is a party
thrown for the heroes. Percy tells Nico about what had
happened with his sister. Nico hates Percy and wishes
he died. Nico runs off. Percy eventually finds Nico.
They are then surrounded by four skeletons. Nico is
super mad and uses his powers and kills the skeletons.
Conflict #1
• The main conflict of the story is that Artemis and
Annabeth have been taken and tortured by
someone powerful. Artemis and Annabeth are
held by Atlas, a powerful Titan, and Luke. Percy,
Thalia, and Zoë all come to Mount Othrys to
fight against Atlas and Luke. Percy tries to
attack Atlas, but knows he cannot beat him. So
Percy went and freed Artemis, so she could
fight against Atlas. Percy had to hold up the sky
so that it wouldn’t crush the world. Artemis
fooled Atlas and pushed him to where Percy
was. (Anyone who was holding the sky up,
couldn’t go anywhere unless someone, willingly,
took their place.) Atlas was now trapped there.
Annabeth freed herself from her chains. Thalia
was battling Luke and then pushed him off the
cliff. This is a person vs person.
Conflict #2
• Another conflict was when Percy, Thalia,
Grover, Zoë, and Bianca were all fighting
the Nemean Lion. They tried everything
they had, Riptide, Zoë and Bianca’s
arrows, Grover’s pipe, and Thalia’s
shield, but nothing worked. Finally Percy
came up with an idea. Percy went into
the space shop and came back out with
space food. He threw the space food
into the lion’s mouth. This made the lion
gag on the food which was enough time
for Zoë to shoot the lion in the mouth.
This is a person vs person conflict.
Conflict #3

• Another conflict is when Percy

and Nico were surrounded by four
skeletons. Nico used his powers
and anger to kill the skeletons.
This would be a person vs
Theme Statement
• The theme of the book is sacrifice
something for the greater good. Percy
sacrificed his body and life, almost, so
Artemis could go and fight Atlas. If Percy
doesn’t do this, Atlas gains some much
power that he could destroy Olympus.
Another time when sacrifice was shown
was when Bianca saved Grover, Thalia,
Percy, and Zoë from Talos. If it wasn’t for
her, they all could have died which could
have lead to the end of Olympus.
Everything happens for a reason even if it
doesn’t seem like it should.

• I would give this book a 5 out of 5 stars. This

book was very interesting. I could visualize
every scene and battle. It kept me wanting to
read. Rick is a very good author and has done a
great job writing this book series so far.

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