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1) Full Name of CATIA?

Computer Aided Three Dimensional Interactive Application.

2) Which company developed Catia?

Dassault Systems

3) When we open Catia, As a default which window is opened?

Part Modeling Window

4) What are the extension file Names?


5) Which module is opened when we open through START, MECHANICAL

Part Model

6) What is the difference between open a Part Body through Mechanical + Part
Design? Mechanical Design + Sketch?
In open through Part Body through Mechanical + Part Design, Sketch Icon
is not activated directly.
In Mechanical Design + Sketch, even though this process opens part
model workbench the sketch icon is activated.

7) What is the starting version of Catia?

As per my knowledge it is Catia V2

8) Write down the procedure of display the grid? In which window can we display
The grid is active in 2-windows one is Sketcher and other is drafting.
In sketcher the option is available in

In sketcher the option is available in


9) How to switch of the cursor Co-Ordinates?

Switch of the grid

10) What is Adv. Of using profile in profiles Tool Bar?

Can draw any profile
11) What is the difference between profile and double click on line?
Both line and curves can be drawn

12) What is the difference between profile and double click on line?
Profile is combined commands of line and arcs, where as double click is to edit.

13) What is the difference between circle and circle using co-ordinates?
Circle associated with dims, and circle using co-ordinates is positioning at reqd. co-

14) What is the main Adv. Of creating equi. Distance points in curves?
Equal intervals can be obtained in single shot.

15) What is complement option?

Present I relimation tool bar , to give the other portion of the curve
16) List out the options available in Offset in sketch?
No propagation, tangent propagation, point propagation, and bothsides

17) List out the functions of mouse button keys?

Select, pan, zoom, rotate

18) What is functional key for specification tree ON/OFF?


19) Why is the use of 3D - Geometry?

To give reference for the working sketch from previous solids

20) What is corner? What are the options available?

It will be used as fillet in sketch, options are trim all elements, first element trim ,
No trim, Standard lines trim, construction line trim.

21) What is a constraint? How many types are there?

Which arrests some degress of freedom. 2 types

22) What is Animate constraints?

Effects of constrains on the whole sketch

23) What is Adv. Of making Iso-Constrains?

Arrest all degress of freedom

24) What is the default colure of visualization if diagnosis?

25) Is it possible to make Iso-constraints of a profile by using dimensional constraints

26) What is the difference between the Up to plane and Up to surface?
Plane flate surface , surface any be of any profile

27) What are the limitations if Merged ends in Pad?

28) What is the use of Normal to profile?

To pad the profile wrt curve, but it is not as rib

29) Is it possible to Pad a single profile among a more than one profile which are
intersected to each other? Why or How?
Yes, use goto profile.

30) Can we Pad a open Profile in Part Design?


31) List out the difference between Pocket and Hole?

Pocket can be any cross section, only circular

32) List out the differences between Pocket and Slot?

Pocket follows path of options (upto next, distance, etc…) where as slot follows
guide line.

33) What is solid combine? What are the limitations of it?

To get solid from front and side views, profiles must intersect

34) Define Loft? Explain It?

Loft is multi section solid, which sweeps the different profiles through guide lines
(optional) with 4 mode couplings and with two limitations (at start and at end)

35) What are the options in Edge fillet? Explain it?

Propagate, edges to keep, limiting element

36) What are the limitations of creating Variable fillet?

Cannot use edges to keep option

37) What is Blend Corner? Give limitations?

To control the fillets at corners

38) What is Wire Frame?

3d sketch
39) What is the difference between Loft and Blend?
Loft has no tension, and blend has tension.
40) What is the application of Connect Curve?
Connecting two curves with tangency, point and curvature continuities

41) How to open a dialog box of spiral through command prompt?


42) What is the use of profile in Helix?

Control the path of helix
43) Define Sweep? How many profile types are there?
Types are explict, line, curve, circle, conic.

44) What is the application of Relimit 1 and Relimit 2

45) Is it possible to create Profile and Guide curve on same sketch plane?

46) What is the creation and selection procedure of a option four guide curve in conic
On selecting right MB in conic option menu or by creating 2d lines or wireframe lines

47) What is application if un trim?

Trim element …….

48) What is the difference between extract and Disassemble?

Extract is getting the shaped surface and disassemble is to dividing feature by cells or

49) What is the use of Affinity?

To extract in particular direction.
50) What is the application of axis to axis?
Its good option to change the part from part co-ordinate system to assembly co-
ordinate system or vise versa.
51) What is the difference between Split and Trim?
Split make it 2 parts, trim remove unwanted parts.
52) What is the advantage of Surface Module in CATIA?

53) What we assemble with different parts, Let us assume that we have assemble
with a wrong part. Now is it possible to replace it? How?
Yes, by right click on part in specification tree, we can get replace with option.
54) What are the reasons for failure of perfect Loft?
1. twisting of guide curve, 2. open profile

55) What is the use of f(x) Icon?

To create formulae or functional relation b/w dims.
56) Purpose of Quick constraint?
Auto constrain

57) What is the use of simplified representation of Pattern?

Representing more instances in preview.

58) How can we change units?

Tool – parameters and measurement-
59) What is default units?
60) What is the use of Explode in Assembly?
Disassemble all the parts.
61) Which constraints we are using for basic components for arresting all the degrees
of Freedom?
62) What is the use of options of existing component?

63) How to create part design window in assembly window?

64) Can we retrieve more than one part at a time in bottom up assembly?

65) List out the procedure for creation of frame and Title block?

66) How to create user frame and title block?

67) How many types of Drawings and Define?

68) Which view we are prefer to create first after creating empty sheet?

69) What is the difference between Tri-metric and Isometric?

70) Which option we prefer to create projection view?

71) What is the default projection angle it takes in Drafting?

72) Difference between detailing and clipping view?

73) How to modify a view?

74) What is the advantage of Brake View?

75) How to crate a Generative dimension? What is advantage of it?

Generates dimension as it is in 3D sketcher
76) Why we are using symbols?

77) List out some dimensioning methods?

78) Is it possible to draft more than one face at a time?

Yes, Neutral plane must be same
79) What is the use of draft reflect line?

80) What is the advantage of thickness option?

Can add material.

81) Is it possible to remove more than one face at a time in shell?

82) What is the difference between creating a cosmetic thread hole and Thread/Tap

83) How to convert a surface in solid?

84) What is the difference between thickness and thicksurface?

85) What is the difference between Symmetry and Mirror?

86) Is it possible to translate a cylinder by using translation option which is created

on one face of a Rectangular Block?

87) What is first and second direction Rectangular patter?

88) Define keep specification in Rectangular Pattern?

89) Define user pattern?

90) Is it possible to rectangle pattern with an angle 30° with reference to give

91) What is Body, what is the application of it?

92) What is the difference between Assembly and Assemble?

93) In which view will take the planes default after the part design?

94) Define power copy creation?

95) How to show the hidden element by using options only?

96) How to create Icon for command by using Tool Bar only?
97) How to create tool bar with new Icon of the command?

98) Is it possible to crate keyboard function of command?

99) How to lock Tool bar in window?

100) What are the options of Rendering styles?

101) Is it possible to create a functional key for common or not? How?

102) Write down the procedure to recall the missing tool bar?

103) How many types of assembly? Define?

104) What are the options of constraints in Assembly?

105) What is the use of mani plate in Move tool bar?

106) How many degrees of freedom are available for part of a Assembly?
Explain it?

107) Can we save the different parts with different files names which are
created in Assembly?

108) If we make any change in parts is it possible to change in Assembly?

109) What is the advantage of creating generate numbering option?

110) What is bill of material? What is the advantage?

111) What is the use of update?

112) Define Reuse pattern in Assembly?

113) Is it possible to arrest all degrees of freedom in all instances using pattern?

114) What are the ways available for checking a ISO-Constraints of a

Geometry in Sketcher?

115) Is it possible to check all degrees of freedom of a part in Assembly?

116) How to apply a different material of a part? Write procedure?

117) What are the option of rendering styles?

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