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What is control system? What is digital control?

Process parameters and variables sampled at discrete time

Set-point Discrete sample systems

Controller sees output responses only at discrete sample points

However, the process being controlled may still be in continuous


Controller pump patient sensor Control law computed discretely by digital computer

Distributed computer control network used in a plant

Digital Computer Control Diagram Pros/Cons of Digital Computer Control

Easy data acquisition
High speed computation
Data storage and retrieval
Flexible calculation of control law

Potential failure of control systems due to computer malfunction
Inability for handle unexpected operation event
Security issue on process control computer network may cause
plant operation upset or even serious incident
Software cost for control systems
What you are expected to learn? Major Steps of Control System Design

How to discretize continuous-time control law?

How to analyze closed-loop control systems?

What is the effect of sampling time on closed-loop stability?

How to design discrete-time control law?

Regulatory control
Model predictive control

How to run discrete control law on continuous systems?

How to achieve desirable closed-loop behavior?

Remarks on Digital Control Design

Identification of discrete-time dynamic models from plant data

Digital signal processing and analysis

Control design strategy specifically for discrete-time system

Simulation of digital control system


Performance analysis of digital control system

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