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Portfolio Project

EDUC 765: Trends and Issues in Instructional Design

By: Jamie Canfield

Submitted 3/1/19

Project Proposal – Module 2



When individuals and families are empowered to make the best decisions about their
healthcare, and connected to the resources they need, good things happen: increased
engagement, higher satisfaction, better health outcomes, and lower healthcare costs.
That is the power of personalized advocacy.

Accolade is hired by corporations like Comcast, Facebook, American Airlines, and more
to support their employees navigate the healthcare system. As we continue to grow we
need to focus on delighting our clients by supporting them with legwork with regards to
calling providers to accurately resolve clients’ issues in a timely manner. This project
will focus on identifying when we should offer to do the legwork, the process of calling
over to the provider’s office, and how to ensure we keep our promises to our clients.

Increase the Net Promoter Score (NPS) and reduce client escalations from Comcast,
United Airlines, and State Farm clients by taking on the legwork (calling providers for
claims and benefit related issues, supporting with prior authorizations, appeals, provider
searches, etc.) and giving clients a timely and accurate resolve the first time.

The target audience will be the health assistants and clinical health assistants that take
front line calls on a daily basis.

The delivery of this training will be face to face in the Scottsdale office while the PA
office Zooms in to the meeting.
After the face to face instruction is complete, learners will complete a knowledge check
and practice calls to evaluate the mastery of this skill.

Front-End Analysis: Instructional Need – Module 3

The instructional need was identified at the Senior Instructional lead level as well as the
at the Sr. Steward and steward level of the CST, SF, and UAL Fleet (Comcast, State
Farm, and United Airlines)
Prior to 1/1/2018 Accolade health assistants consistently delighted their clients by taking
the legwork off the client and taking the lead on this so the client could trust that their
health assistant and/or clinical health assistant would get a timely and accurate resolve
to their questions and concerns with regards to their health benefits, claims, providers,
On 1/1/18 the company launched a new business model called Project Corina. This
project planned to increase the productivity of the health assistants with regards to the
amount of calls they could make on a daily/weekly basis.
It has been a year since Project Corina launched, and it was not received well by the
employers that we support; Comcast/NBC, State farm, United Airlines, Lowe’s, etc.
Because of this project, the overall NPS scores for each employer group consistently is
on a downward trend and the rate of client escalations have been on the rise.
The data has shown that the two main reasons for customer escalations and the lower
NPS scores are directly related to; 1.) Lack of legwork taken on by the health assistant
to support the client 2.) Health assistants not keeping their promises and following up
with clients as promised and the lack of accurate resolves.
Because of this, the instructional need is very apparent.

Expectation: The skills of the health assistants and clinical health assistants prior to
Project Corina being launched and the skills of the health assistants and clinical health
assistants that were hired after the launch or Project Corina differ. Because of this, a
large majority of the health assistants will view this as a new process roll-out, and the
more tenured health assistants will see this as a performance problem. Both of these

gaps can be reduced with this specific training that will refresh the tenures health
assistants and educate the newer population of health assistants.

Front-End Analysis: Learner Characteristics – Module 3


Primary Audience
 Health Assistants that support Fleet 1(CST, UAL, SF)
 Health Assistants that support mobile team
 Clinical Health Assistants

Secondary Audience
 Stewards for fleet teams (CST, UAL, SF)
 Sr. Stewards

General Learner Characteristics

 Ages 21-70
 Education: High school diploma-graduate degrees—Registered Nurses
 Work Experience- Newest HAs on floor- 1 month ---Tenured HAs on floor- 7
 1 hearing impaired health assistant that supports the mobile team
 Primary Language- English --- Secondary Language- Spanish

Entry Characteristics
Prerequisite and Skill Knowledge:
 Tenured health assistants hired prior to 1/1/18 will be familiar with giving our
customers the “red carpet” treatment where we take on all the legwork for our
clients to gain an accurate and timely resolve for our clients

 Heath Assistants hired after 1/1/18 will not be as familiar with the “red carpet”
service Accolade once offered. They came in during the Carina movement
that focused on increased productivity.
Attitudinal and Motivational Characteristics:
 Some frustration within the heath assistants and clinical health assistant roles
because of constant change and now having to “go back” to the old ways of
supporting our clients.
 Health assistants not wanting to attend training because of their daily metrics
they must reach
 New health assistants are hungry for education and motivated to take care of
their clients
 Many health assistants enjoy giving their clients the “red carpet” service better
than educating and empower them to resolve issues on their own
 Health assistants will be concerned about longer call times and how this will
affect their daily metrics
Prior Experience:
 Tenured health assistants hired prior to 1/1/18 will be familiar with giving our
customers the “red carpet” treatment where we take on all the legwork for our
clients to gain an accurate and timely resolve for our clients
 Health assistants hired after 1/1/18 will have had some knowledge of this type
of support in their classroom training and development center experience
when they were on boarded with the company
Common Errors with Novice Learners:
 Not able to recognize when to take on the legwork for our clients
 Not able to understand the process or how to get the resolve for our clients
 Not able to keep up on their daily commitments to clients
 Over promising to our clients


Orienting Context
 GOALS: Health assistants and clinical health assistants are required to take this
training. No personal goals
 PRECIEVED UTILITY: Learners will be able to apply these skills as soon as
training is complete and they start taking their daily calls. This training content
will align with call processes and will support the goal of having quality calls.
 PERCEPTION of ACCOUNTABILITY: Learners will take action on this raining
because their metrics will be a direct result of adding this legwork to their calls.
They will understand how this will support client relationships which will reduce
escalations and increase their personal NPS scores as well as employer NPS
 POTENTIAL MISCONCEPTIONS: Health assistants will feel this action cannot
be taken without affecting their metrics in a negative way

Instructional Context
 Scheduling- Training needs to be 1hr in length and there will be 8 sessions to
teach on one day.
 Lighting- Blinds in classroom can be closed to avoid glares on projector walls,
light switches over by projector controls,
 Noise- Some echoing can occur while Zoom meetings are in place if learners do
not have themselves muted. Side talk
 Temperature- Room is known to be cold, can adjust temperature if needed
 Seating- desks and chairs are movable- will position desks in a “U” shape for
collaboration opportunities
 Accommodations- Hearing impaired health assistant will schedule her transcriber
to transcribe live, in-person training session
 Equipment- My laptop, training PP, Zoom program uploaded to all employees’
laptops, projector, speakers in room, pointer

 Transportation- Health assistants will come to the office as normal. Those that
work from home will Zoom into meeting

Technology Inventory
 Learners will be applying this skills using their technology used to perform job;
laptop, Genesys headset, monitors, mouse, MRM platform, ATLAS platform.

Transfer Context
 Transferability: n/a
 Opportunities for Using Learned Information: Immediately and daily
 Support: On going coaching by stewards, team leads, and learning and

Instructional Impact Based Upon Learner Characteristics


 Role plays
 Partner share
 Practice calls with their stewards to showcase applied knowledge
 Visually appealing PowerPoint presentation
 Knowledge check that will include multiple choice questions
 Opportunity to listen and view training via recording the following day


Motivational will be present during this training as well as during the application stage
when health assistants and clinical health assistants apply their new skills to their calls.
In turn, the call quality and client satisfaction will increase which will lead to a higher
compensation and annual bonus come sprint time.


All health assistants and clinical health assistants are fluent in English therefore there
will not be any language barriers.
There is one known health assistant that cannot work late on Fridays due to Jewish
tradition of Shabbat. This does not create any barrier to training or applying the new
skills learned.
One health assistant is hearing impaired. She does not take live calls and will be able to
apply these skills into her daily responsibilities while supporting client digitally on the
mobile message team.

Goal and Task Analysis – Module 5
Identify the types of legwork and offer to do legwork on each call where applicable

Create a mental plan before calling provider and explain plan to client making sure they
understand the process

Keep client promises by setting task and touching base while waiting for resolve;
understand the preferred method for follow-up

Have an accurate and timely resolve by having a deep understanding of the benefits
and processes associated with the issue and how you will get that resolve

Use elevator speech to educate clients on how you can support with taking on legwork

To increase NPS scores and reduce client escalations by conducting the legwork on
each and every call to delight the client and give them the quality Accolade experience.


I completed a procedural task analysis because I felt that having step by step
instructions for understanding how and when to take of the legwork would be the best
direction to go for with the group of health assistants we will be training.

Procedural Task Analysis:
Delighting Clients- Taking on Legwork

A.) Answer inbound call

1.) Have headset with a charged battery on your head with ear piece over ear of
2.) When headset rings, answer the call by pressing on/off switch on ear piece

B.) Verify HIPAA

1.) Once you answer the call, listen for the whisper that will explain HIPAA
a.) HIPAA in Progress- Confirm HIPAA with legal first and last name
b.) HIPAA no Match- Confirm all pieces of HIPAA
1.) Legal first name
2.) Legal last name
3.) Date of birth
4.) Full address including city and zip code
c.) HIPAA no Entry- Confirm all pieces of HIPAA
1.) Legal first name
2.) Legal last name
3.) Date of birth
4.) Full address including city and zip code

C.) Ask the client the reason they care calling in

D.) Use the LEARN2 Model to support client with question, concern, or issue
a.) Listen and Engage
1.) Actively listen
2.) Relate to client- Empathy
b.) Assess
1.) Ask probing questions on
o Health red flags
o Contextual red flags
c.) Resolve
1.) Navigate ATLAS to find the corresponding information (resources, job
aids, etc.) that pertains to the question, concern, or issue
2.) Educate client on findings
a.) Use plain language to educate and close knowledge gap around
question, concern, or issue
b.) Check for understanding
3.) Identify if any legwork needs to be initiated or completed to get an
accurate and timely resolve
a.) offer to do legwork for client
o If client declines, educate and empower client to resolve by
following steps you outline for them
o If client agrees, decide if legwork will be done live on call or
 If live, conduct legwork

 If off-line, set task to complete during client assist time
E.) Conduct Legwork
1.) If calling the provider, make a mental game plan and organize your call as
a.) Introduce yourself
b.) Introduce the client on the line or who you are calling on behalf of
c.) State the reason for your call
d.) Ask you question
e.) Continue with conversation to support resolve
2.) If needing to set a claims and benefit task, set a task by filling out template in
the Q task
3.) If conducting legwork that does not include calling a provider’s office or
setting a C&B task, complete the steps necessary to complete the legwork for
the client (ordering ID card, updating COB, sending a list of primar6y care
providers, etc.)
F.) Influence
1.) If applicable provider alternatives and options for clients
2.) Remove barriers to care and make a plan
a.) Remove contextual barriers to care
3.) Set goals and discuss options
G.) Enhance
1.) If applicable see the value of speaking with a Clinical health assistant or a
behavioral health assistant
a.) If client agrees, put client on hold by pressing hold button
b.) Hit the “conference” button
c.) Type in the customer name in the allotted workspace slot
d.) Choose general enhance or behavioral enhance
e.) When CHA or BH answers, explain the reason you are enhancing client
f.) Conference the CHA or BH specialist and the client together and introduce
them to each other.
g.) Before dropping off the line, tell the client and CHA or BH specialist you
will be dropping off the line
h.) Give the client your direct extension for future calls
H.) Wrap up call by checking for understanding of next steps
I.) Give elevator speech that includes the following;
1.) Your name and direct extension
2.) That you are able to support with finding providers, support with
understanding benefits, supporting with billing questions, and taking the
legwork off their plate to get an accurate and timely resolve
3.) Educate the client on the value of speaking with a clinical health assistant
when applicable

4.) Remind them of the mobile message app and/or send them the link to sign up
for the mobile message app

Instructional Objectives – Module 5
[Goals, Terminal Objectives, and Enabling Objectives – Check Rubric & Don’t forget to
map the domains and level of Bloom’s Taxonomy with the objectives]


 After the training, health assistants will complete legwork on all calls for their
clients, unless the client declines the offer or the issue has already been resolved
without needing to do any further legwork. (psychomotor)
o The health assistant will be able to identify when legwork is needed to
resolve a question, concern, or issue.
o The health assistant will explain to the client what needs to be done to
resolve the question, concerns or issue
o The health assistant will offer to do the legwork for the client
o The health assistant will check for understanding of the plan of action to
complete the legwork.
o The health assistant will complete the necessary legwork for the client
either real time on the call or take it off-line to complete, and follow-up with
the client in a timely manner.
 The health assistant will use the LEARN2 model to listen and engage with the
client, assess the situation, resolve the issue, influence the client’s decisions
when applicable and enhance the support we offer. (cognitive and psychomotor)
o The health assistant will ask probing questions when they hear the client
give a clue about a health or contextual red flag.
o The health assistant will offer options or alternatives to clients when
o The health assistant will ensure the client is getting the right care and the
right time by enhancing to a clinical health assistant if applicable
 The health assistant will educate client on the type of legwork that they can
complete by adding this to their tailored elevator speech on each call that will

o Your name and direct extension
o That you are able to support with finding providers, support with
understanding benefits, supporting with billing questions, and taking the
legwork off their plate to get an accurate and timely resolve
o Educate the client on the value of speaking with a clinical health assistant
when applicable
o Remind them of the mobile message app and/or send them the link to sign up
for the mobile message app

Enabling Objectives Matrix & Supporting Content – Module 6

Delighting Your Clients

Target Audience: Health assistants on the Comcast, State Farm, and United Airlines Fleet Team
Terminal Objective: The health assistant will use the LEARN2 model to listen and engage with the
client, assess the situation, resolve the issue, influence the client’s decisions when applicable and
enhance the support we offer.
Pre-Instructional Strategy: This training will begin with a small overview of the objectives they will
be able to apply by the end of the training.

Enabling Objective Level on Learner Activity Delivery Method


The health assistant will Comprehension The health assistant will sue the In person training
LEARN2 model and actively (small group)
ask probing questions
listen to client as they discuss
when they hear the issue. They will show mastery of
this objective by selecting the
client give a clue about a
correct “radio button “in MRM
health or contextual red showing if there was a red flag
identified and if so, plan of
flag to identify any
barriers to care.

The health assistant will Application The health assistant will offer In person training
referral programs to clients (small group)
offer options or
when applicable to support with
alternatives to clients their health concerns or issues.
They will show mastery of this
when applicable.
objective by selecting which

Enabling Objective Level on Learner Activity Delivery Method

referral program they refereed

the client to.
The health assistant will Synthesis The health assistant will show In person training
mastery of this objective when (small group)
ensure the client is
they identify proper reason to
getting the right care enhance to a clinical health
and the right time by assistant to support with care.

enhancing to a clinical
health assistant if
applicable or creating a
plan for care


Educational Technology. (2015, December 9.)

Instructional Design Models and Theories. Retrieved from

Mind Tools.
Gagne’s Nine Levels of Learning. Retrieved from

NCBI. (2011, Summer).

How to use Gagne's model of instructional design in teaching psychomotor skills. Retrieved from

Instructional Design Central.

Instructional Design Models. Retrieved from

Sink, Darryl. American Society for Training & Development (ASTD). Retrieved from

Final Project Rubric

Please see the final project rubric and the reflection paper rubric within the course


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