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North Korean propagene change It une = BBC News a vA | Home | news | spot | Weather | Shop | Reel | Travel | | 19, 9:38 PM Home | Video | World | US &Canada | UK | Business | Tech | Science | Stories | Asia China | India we — Cum é 5 North Korean propaganda changes its tune By Andreas lllmer BBC News 23 June 2018 f © wv & Share Trump Kim sum This poster cals for an easing of tension to counter “the danger of war" Tor Worl shut Unpai food t politic 3h ‘Ido to pl 6h Sude amid ah Fez Page tof 13, / “agands changes its tune - BBC News synie, 6:35 PM se past few months, it seems, North Korea's propaganda has been aging its tune. janners and posters displayed across the capital and other towns have typically featured the US as a brutal imperialist aggressor and South Korea or Japan as Washington's willing allies. But visitors to the country say they've seen those posters replaced by propaganda pushing economic progress and the inter-Korean rapprochement. Leading newspapers in the tightly controlled country have also seen a shift in tone, a sign the country is starting to reflect its recent diplomatic thaw to the people. US no longer an enemy? The vast majority of North Koreans have very little access to information, so state media and propaganda have a far greater impact than elsewhere in the world. With the US traditionally depicted as the main enemy, propaganda has not held back on showing how Pyongyang would respond, depicting missiles destroying the US or troops crushing invaders. The posters are meant to inspire patriotism, build confidence in the leadership and give a sense that the struggles of life are for the greater glory of the nation. uy a Aaitlane PETER WARD DRC hupsyprww.dbe com/news/word-2ea-44SS7618 Page 20113 synrte, 9:36 PM ‘44 posters call for "merciless revenge" and US destruction / he harsh posters go up usually only when things are bad internationally," Andray ‘Abrahamian of Griffith University told the BBC. "They signal tough times and a tougher line on the US to the citizens of North Korea. They come down when tensions abate." Wha cupt So when times are more positive, the propaganda will be too. P MBE] BAHOM BTS! BNE [ef Aa7! 3) SSS Pinte WIE 2A SN! Sw Ay SERIE eT ‘These posters following the inter-Korean summit call for peace and unification Chin mark After months of belligerent war threats, North Korea this year held historic summits | with both South Korea and the US, pledging - albeit in vague terms - to give up its cherished nuclear arsenal and work towards peace. Foreign guides who take tour groups into the closed country say that in recent months, the propaganda narrative has taken a distinctive turn. htps:/ Page 3of 13

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