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With due respect, it is stated that I am facing a UMC against me.

I have been in
COMSATS for last two years (four semesters). My track record does not depict any
cheating or use of any unfair means in examination. I have never intended to
cheat in exams but no one can evade misfortune. The incident of which I fell prey
of, was a tragic and unfortunate thing. I was taking Transport Phenomena exam
on 29th May, 2018. While taking exam, I did not either intend to cheat or had any
helping material. In the last few minutes (10-15 minutes) I began to examine the
answers of numerical problems. I took a calculator from the lot of calculators
placed on an empty chair placed alongside me. I opened the lid of calculator
which was identical to mine and a paper fell down from it. Then, I came to know
that it was not mine.(Neither that calculator, nor the slip belonged to me) While I
was gathering my thoughts and trying to get out of the situation, the invigilator
came and snatched my paper and asked me to leave the examination hall
immediately. At that moment I tried to convince her and prove my innocence in
front of her. She forcefully expelled me out. At the spot, no UMC was made and
my signatures were not taken on the UMC form. I thought she forgave me and did
not establish a UMC against me.
 But when I inquired my status from my instructor DR. MUHAMMAD
ASLAM, I came to know that he was not having my answer sheet
and I had a UMC against me. I was dumbstruck and it was a shocking
and heartrending news for me. I had 43 marks out of 50 in internal
grading. As I had outstanding performance in the subject, my
expectations were that I was going to clear the subject comfortably.
As I required only 7 marks to pass the subject and for that, I did not
have to take such a big risk and put my future on stake. Apart from
that, I am a well-reputed student and all the instructors who have
been teaching me can be inquired about my integrity and honesty. I
hope that nothing fraudulent and mischievous will be found against
me. I also have a good academic standing with a CGPA of 2.83.
I hope that, I will be granted favor in this case as this whole incident was
involuntary, unintentional and accidental. I also beseech you to pardon me and
grant me special favor in this case. I will be really grateful to you.
Dated: 10-7-18

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