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Les Cahiers N.

125 - December 2008

Vitreoretinal surgery

Fluorinated expansive gases: indispensable tools

Jean-Paul Berrod

luorinated expansive gases were first used in 1973 by Norton, Machemer and
F Vygantas, but due to Lincoff there were numerous publications on this type of
tamponade during the eighties.
Today, internal tamponade by a mixture of non-expansive air and sulphur hexafluoride
SF6 remains the premier type of tamponade after vitrectomy for detached retina or
macular hole.

Characteristics of fluorinated
expansive gases
Injected pure into the vitreous cavity, the fluorinated
gases initial volume is increased by absorption of the
blood nitrogen. This gives them two essential proper-
ties compared to air: the possibility of gaining a larger
intraocular volume and greater internal tamponade
surface for the same amount injected and prolonged
tamponade, the resorption of gas being slower than
that of air. The rate of expansion and the length of action
vary according to the gas used.

Physical properties of sulphur hexafluoride,

perfluoroethane and perfluoropropane Figure 1.Presentation of three ophthalmic gases kits.
The three main fluorinated gases used currently
in France are: sulphur hexafluoride (SF6), perfluoroe-
thane (C2F6) and perfluoropropane (C3F8). The volume Severe myopia reduces the speed of resorption of the
of pure SF6 doubles in 48 hours after injection, total gas, total disappearance of the bubble can take up to
resorption takes 15 to 17 days. three months, while the inflammation and the hemato-
The volume of C2F6 multiplies by 3, total resorption retinal barrier breakdown accelerate resorption.
takes a month, while that of C3F8 quadruples and is re-
sorbed in two months (figure 1). The gas bubble, its volume and positioning
To induce an effective tamponade, the gas bubble
Ophthalmology Hospital Division A, must have a volume sufficient to cover all the retinal
Central Hospital, Nancy, France tears. After injection, the bubble is positioned at the
highest part of the vitreous cavity. The arc of contact ning the sub-retinal fluid can be avoi-
of the bubble with the retina will be even shorter if ded, by draining the anterior cham-
the globe is myopic. For an eye of normal axial length ber repeatedly until 0.5 ml of the
(23 mm), a bubble of 0.4 ml has an arc of contact of 90° total volume has been extracted.
whereas a bubble of 1 ml has an arc of contact of 110°
and a bubble of 2.5 ml an arc of 180°. An intravitreous
bubble which covers the whole area of dehiscence
isolates the tears in the vitreous cavity and stops the
passage of vitreous under the retina. In this way, the Figure 2.Using an expansive
gas bubble blocks off the tears during healing of the ophthalmic gas kit.
retinopexy. The gas bubble acts also in the manner of
a blunt endocular instrument that reacts to the move-
ments of the patient’s head, which justifies the pres-
cription of strict post-operative positioning.

Which gas to choose?

The choice of gas must be adapted to each patient,
according to the type of detachment and the type of Indication of expansive gas
The gases of short duration (air, SF6) are recom-
in RD surgery without vitrectomy
mended in non-vitrectomised eyes. In retinal detach-
ment surgery (RD) by cryo-indentation external Subsequent to an indentation
procedure, the role of the gas bubble is to block or The injection of a bubble of SF6 at the end of indenta-
avoid «fishmouth» of the tear on the indentation. Air is tion counteracts the «fishmouth» phenomenon which
preferable in the majority of cases when the volume of is the formation, after putting in place the indentation,
gas injected is sufficient to block the tear; however a of a radial fold from the posterior lip of the tear. This
bubble less than 0.4 ml has little chance to be effective. radial fold is like a tunnel allowing vitreous fluid to pass
SF6 can be used without creating a hypertony when the under the retina, preventing its good reattachment. The
injected volume is too weak to block off the dehiscences risk factors of «fishmouth» are the bulbous character
(< 0.4 ml). It will be beneficial when the expansion effect of the RD, the preoperative existence of a radial fold, a
of the bubble reaches an effective size (0.4 to 0.8 ml) in tear greater than the papillary diameter, a very protru-
24 to 48 hours. ding indentation parallel to the limbus. In all cases, the
injection of a gas bubble avoids the failure of reattach-
SF6, C2F6, C3F8: utilisation principles ment by the «fishmouth» phenomenon.
The principles of use are the same as for air: the gas Internal tamponade of the tear far from the indenta-
is taken under sterile conditions into a syringe through tion is the most frequent indication of the injection of
a Millipore filter linked by a tubing to a bottle fitted with a gas bubble. This can even be used alone without
a regulator and a flowmeter. After flushing the tubing indentation in pneumatic retinopexy.
between the syringe and the bottle, the gas is gathered,
then injected into the pars plana in the vitreal cavity, Injection of gas alone: pneumatic retinopexy
while digitallly controlling the ocular tonus. There are is less practised in France
also kits dedicated to intraocular injection of gas com- Pneumatic retinopexy is a non-invasive treatment of
prising a can of pressurised gas (SF6, C2F6, C3F8), a retinal detachment attainable by ambulatory method,
filter and a 60 ml syringe. proposed by GF Hilton in 1987. It consists of conducting
The syringe fitted with a filter will puncture the can a cryoattachment of the detachment under topical
and is filled with the pressurized gas which is then di- anaesthetic, followed by an intravitreous injection
luted with air (figure 2). of 0.3 ml of C3F8. The patient is strictly positioned
In the case of an external procedure, it is necessary for several days afterwards so that the gas bubble
to drain a volume of sub-retinal fluid equivalent to the blocks the tear until the sub-retinal fluid is completely
volume of injected gas, in order to avoid any per- and reabsorbed. The intraocular tonus is adjusted only by
post-operative hypertony. In certain cases, in particu- possibly draining the anterior chamber. The indica-
lar in strong myopia, hemorrhagic risks linked to drai- tions are single ruptures of less than papilla diameter

2 Les Cahiers
sitting above the horizontal meridians without sign retinal fluid is 2 ml for SF6, 1 ml for C2F6 and 0.5 ml
of vitreo-retinal proliferation (VRP). for C3F8. In the case of glaucoma, air should be the
This technique can be applied equally to macular favourite choice.
holes or to tears in the posterior pole. According to The bubble is injected onto the pars plana at more
studies, the rate of success during the first operation than 3 mm from the limbus, under microscopic control,
is in the order of 80 %, recurrences being linked to the with a 30 gauge needle by first directing the bevelled
appearance of a new inferior tear in 13 % of patients edge towards the centre of the eye. Then, without plun-
and a VRP in 4 % of eyes. Although simple to conduct, ging the needle up to the hilt, the retina is close enough
this technique remains seldom practised in France and is injected quickly so as to avoid the formation of
because of a high rate of recurrences and administra- fish egg micro-bubbles (figures 3 to 7). It is important
tive difficulties in conducting ambulatory vitreo-retinal to control the positioning of the extremity of the needle
surgery. under the microscope so as to be sure of not injecting
the gas under the retina (figure 8) nor to bring about a
Precautions in the use of expansive gas cataract.
on a non vitrectomised eye
It is important to watch out for the absence of any
hypertony greater than 25 mmHg after injecting the Indication of expansive gases after
gas bubble, to guarantee the absence of occlusion of vitrectomy through the pars plana
the central artery of the retina, particularly in patients
with glaucoma. The hypertony must always be avoided After vitrectomy through the pars plana, this leads
or controlled by draining the amount of sub-retinal on to conducting a filling with a mixture of air and gas in
fluid close to that of the injected bubble. The maximum detached retina or macular hole surgery. Two different
volume of pure gas that can be injected into the non- techniques are used depending on that chosen by the
vitrectomised eyeball and after draining the sub- surgeon.

Figure 3.Pure gas injection in an eye which Figure 4.Bubble injection. Figure 5.Bubble fragmentation
did not undergo vitrectomy: management of during injection.
the needle positioning.

Figures 6 and 7.Carrying on with the injection. Figure 8.Total retinal detachment 24 hours
after ectopic C2F6 injection underneath
the retina in an eye which did not undergo

Les Cahiers 3
The dart technique
At the end of vitrectomy, the eyeball is left under
water and the sclerectomies are sutured tightly
A mixture of 50 % air with 50 % filtered SF6 prepared
in a 3 ml syringe is injected onto the pars plana by hand
using a 30 gauge needle, while the other hand is used
to introduce a 25 gauge needle up to the hilt in the
second sclerotomy. This second longer needle evacua-
tes under pressure approximately half the endocular Figure 9.Cataract
fluid so that the eyeball will be half filled with a mixture resulting from
of 50 % SF6. This expansive mixture will fill the whole desiccation 24 hours
vitreous cavity of the emmetropic eye in 48 hours. after a full fluid
gas exchange.
The technique of total fluid-air exchange
At the end of vitrectomy, the infusion terminal is sation is most likely due to an error in the dilution and
connected to vacuum function set at 35 mmHg and the requires urgent puncture of the posterior segment
endocular fluid is then actively withdrawn, at the site of in order to avoid acute ischemia of the eyeball. In all
tears or of the papilla, so as to obtain a totally dry eye cases it is necessary to contra-indicate spending
and a completely reattached retina. A very weak ex- periods at high altitude or air travel which are likely to
pansive mixture of air and SF6 (27.7 %) is prepared in increase the volume of the bubble by ambient depres-
a 50 ml syringe by first taking 18 ml SF6 then by filling surisation, as well as the use of nitrogen protoxide
it with air up to the stopper, which is 65 ml. This syringe during a general anaesthetic.
is then plugged onto the terminal in place of the The passage of gas into the anterior chamber is
vacuum inlet. 4/5 of the syringe is emptied into the possible in pseudophakic patients or strong myopes.
ocular globe; a sclerotomy is kept open by a cannula. A bubble greater than 50 % of the volume of the ante-
Then the two upper sclerotomies are sutured, the rior chamber should be withdrawn in order to avoid a
endocular pressure is adjusted and the terminal is hypertonia or endothelial decompensation. In the case
then withdrawn and its sclerotomy sutured. of an aphakic patient, tamponade by total gas bubble
If a longer tamponade is required such as in the can lead to the iris leaning towards the cornea. It is ad-
case of VRP, a strong myopic patient or for macular visable to practice an inferior peripheral iridectomy
holes longer than 600 microns, a mixture of 20 % and to ask the patient to keep his head downwards fol-
air/C2F6 is used by putting 13 ml of filtered C2F6 into lowing surgery.
a 50 ml syringe and topping it up with air until the
stopper, which is 65 ml. In order to obtain a tamponade
of two months, 10 ml C3F8 is taken in the same way Indispensable tools
into the syringe and by filling up to 65 ml with air. to be well understood
Expansive gases are indispensable post-operative
Cataract, severe hypertony… tools for prolonging internal tamponade of the retina
preventing complications until complete healing of a macular hole or detached
retina retinopexy. Their rational use necessitates good
The most frequent complication is cataract by des- knowledge of their physical characteristics in order to
siccation linked to the contact with gas on the posterior manage their dilution and to adapt the type of tampo-
capsule (figure 9). This can be prevented by placing nade appropriate to the underlying retinal pathology.
the patient’s head in a downward position. It usually
disappears after resorption of the gas.
A moderate hypertony of less than 3 mmHg is fre- Bibliography
quent for several days. It is prevented by systematic ad- Bonnet M. Microsurgery of retinal detachment. Springer-Verlag 1989:
ministration of acetazolamide per os for 24 to 48 hours, 115-31.
also by the prescription of hypotonising eye drops for Brasseur G et al. Pathologie du vitré. Rapport SFO 2003. Masson:
the first half of the tamponade period. A severe hyper- 421-44.
tony the day after the operation with epithelial conden- Ryan SJ et al. Retina. Elsevier Health Sciences 1994: 2093-129.

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