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CSE 564: Software Design

Fall 2018
Integrated Design Ecosystem (Design Part II)
Total Points: 100
Due date: 11/28/2018
• This is a four-student design work.
• Each student will be automatically assigned to a group of FOUR.
• Group assignment list will be posted on the blackboard.
• Each group will be collaborating together on this design project and submitting one
design document.
• The four students will receive the same grade for their work on this deliverable
• For your design, use text, figures, screenshots, and design blueprints as deemed
suitable. Use cases and persona are recommended as well.
You have been tasked by a group of investors (Robohomes Inc.) to provide an integrated
design of a “Sociorobot” to be working as an intelligent assistant in a “Smart
Robohome” intended to be used as a senior residence. There could be one or multiple
sociorobts, depending on your design. The residence is planned to open by 2025.

Besides the sociorobot, your design will include compatible smart gadgets to help
increase the robot capabilities, hence making the residents’ life easier, safer, and health-

The home is a one-story building with a private room for each resident.
The home is planned to have the following:
1) The total number of rooms will be 25-30, serving up to 30 seniors
2) There will be 5 additional rooms for resident staff
3) There will be a management office as well as utility rooms
4) Each resident room will have a private bathroom and shower, TV, and furniture
5) The home will have one large common social hall, which is an open space
6) The home will have three common social rooms, which are closed space
7) There will be one common kitchen, restrooms and one common dining room
8) There will be an outdoor courtyard accessible to all residents and the robots.
The  building  is  intended  to  be  the  state-­‐of-­‐the  art  in  senior  housing,  providing  the  
best  service  possible.    
The  robotized  assistants  shall  provide  high  quality  physical  and  social  services  
alongside  the  human  staff.  The  investors  group  wants  to  see  how  far  the  technology  
can  go  in  providing  such  robotic  service  in  a  smart  home  environment.  They  want  to  
have  a  clear  and  detailed  idea  of  the  potential  behind  social  robot  capabilities  as  well  
as  their  limitations.    The  investors  want  to  understand  what  tasks  could  be  reliably  
given  to  the  robot,  and  what  tasks  should  be  given  to  humans.    
The  investors  have  two  main  objectives:  
1-­‐ To  build  the  smart  senior  home  to  be  compatible  with  your  design  
a. The  home  will  be  robot-­‐friendly,  and  designed  to  provide  a  good  
environment  for  the  robot  to  work  safely,  efficiently  and  effectively.  
2-­‐ To  build  the  sociorobot  assistant(s)  according  to  your  design  to  live  and  work  in  
the  smart  senior  home  
1-­‐ Requirements  statement,  describing  the  project  requirements  (1-­‐2  pages)  
2-­‐ A  description  of  all  design  principles  you  will  consider  in  your  design,  and  
how  they  apply  to  your  design  (1-­‐3  paragraph  per  principle)  
3-­‐ High-­‐level  design  of  the  smart  gadgets  and  services.  Show  how  robot-­‐
compatible  they  are.  
4-­‐ High-­‐level  design  of  both  the  robot,  and  the  robot-­‐friendly  home    
a. The  robot  design  shall  provide  a  clear  description  of  the  potential  robot  
b. The  designer  shall  provide  details  of  how  the  home  design  can  be  made  
robot-­‐friendly  (doors,  steps,  sensors…)  
5-­‐ High-­‐level  design  of  the  robot:  
a. A  sketch  of  how  the  robot  will  look  like  
b. A  sketch  of  the  robot  parts  
c. A  plan  of  how  the  robot  will  be  built  (printing,  electric  parts,  software…)  
i. Embedded  technologies  needed  for  the  robot  
ii. Intelligence  (input,  processing,  and  output  modules)  
6-­‐ Risk  and  limitations  of  your  design    
7-­‐ Besides  text,  diagrams,  and  blueprints,  use  any  design  tools  you  see  fit  
(personas,  scenarios,  use  cases,  user  stories…)  to  support  your  design.    
8-­‐ The  use  of  personas  and  detailed  use  cases  is  strongly  recommended.  
Preliminary  Grading  Criteria:  
Quality  of  the  submitted  design  document:  10%  
Quality  of  the  drawings  and  diagrams:  10%  
Feasibility  of  your  design:  30%  
Technical  depth  of  your  work:  30%  
Use  of  supporting  material  and  references:  20  %  
Good  Luck  

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