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NPM :116060084
Project Mid Test Reseach

Implementation Discovery Learning In Narative Text

A. Introduction
according to Hamzah B. Uno (2008: 3) Learning are ways that will be used by
instructors to choose learning activities that will be used in the learning process. The selection is
done by considering the situation and conditions, learning resources, needs and characteristics of
students faced in order to achieve certain learning goals. discovery is a learning model
developed based on constructivism. Where this model emphasizes the importance of
understanding a concept in learning through active student involvement in the learning process.
Stage discovery learning 1) Stimulation (Stimulation or Giving Stimulation) this stage,
students are faced with something that causes confusion, then proceed not to give
generalizations, 2) problem statement is that the teacher gives the opportunity for students to
identify as many problems as possible that are relevant to the learning material, then one of them
is chosen and formulated in the form of a hypothesis (temporary answer to the problem question)
according to the chosen problem then it must be formulated in the form of questions, or
hypotheses, namely statements (statements) as temporary answers to the questions asked. 3)
Data Collection (Data Collection) At this stage it serves to answer questions or prove the
correctness of the hypothesis. Thus students are given the opportunity to collect (collection)
various relevant information, read e text, observe objects. 4) Data Processing information
processed, randomized, classified. 5) Verification At this stage students conduct a careful
examination to prove the correctness or failure of the hypothesis set earlier with alternative
findings, linked to the results of data processing (Shah, 2004: 244). 6)is Generalization stage or
conclusions is the process of drawing a conclusion that can be used as a general principle and
applies to all the same events or problems, taking into account the results of verification (Shah,
2004: 244).
B. Objective Discovery Learning based Bell dalam Ratumanan (1978) (2008:21-22)

Reaserch of an Objective of discovery learning Students Centre are the potential of students'
active and knowledge by conducting group discussions shared opinion from each students about
problem. the students can focus on learning. The teacher become instructure to guide the
students. Improving cognitive knowledge, students are given the opportunity to search and find
the things that relating through his own observations and experiences. how students learn to
analysis and try to solve problems themselves, Students get the results obtained with long
memory. Students will understand the basic concepts and ideas with communication , making an
outline and direct practice .The students get the new knowledge that search and can explain or
practice it according to the procedure of discovery . Create Strategy individual learning who
the students gained knowledge through this strategy is very personal because it strengthens
understanding, memory and deliver persepective base on research . ability students will the
encourage to find the solution because the teacher just given main idea instruction.

Grand Question
1. Is there

Reference :

kajian pustaka (2016,16,february) metode pembelajaran penemuan discovery-learning, acccesed at

6 november 2018. Kajian

bagus,sandawa (2014,6,agust) teaching discovery learning. Accesed 6 november

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