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    

Assalamu’alaikum warohmatullahi wabarakaatuh

To the honorable chief of foundation of Al Irsyad Al- Islamiyyah Pekalongan regency, the chairman of
Al Irsyad Junior High School Pekalongan, parents, and all of teachers, and also to my beloved
In the name of Allah the beneficent and the merciful. Praise is to Allah, the lord of the world,
and the sequel is for those who keep their duty unto him. Further, there will be no hostility except
against wrongdoers. Blessing and salutation upon the most honorable prophet and messenger, his
families, all his disciplens, and those who follow them in goodness till the any of judgment. In this
good chance, I would like to deliver my speech by title "The Glory of Qur’an and An Advice To
Memorize It”

The Noble Quran is the eternal miracle of the Prophet Muhammad because all the miracles
of the Prophets, May Allah Exalt their mention, ended with their death, except our Prophet whose
miracle is still preserved. This everlasting miracle is The Book of Allah and His Revealed Speech that
      
      
{Falsehood cannot approach it from before it or from behind it} [Quran Al Fusilat: verse forty two]
Allah, The Almighty, Confirms this fact, when He says (what means):
• {And if any one of the polytheists seeks your protection, then grant him protection so that he may
hear the Words of Allah.} [Quran 9:6]
Those two verses prove that the Quran is the Words and Speech of Allah, The Almighty.
Becoming something urgent we back to Al Qur’an, exactly learn it and to know by heart. Allah says:
     
       
    
 
They say, ‘Why has not a sign been sent down to him from his Lord?’ Say, ‘Allah is indeed able to
.send down a sign,’ but most of them do not know
When one reads the Book of Allah, he goes into a state of peace and tranquility unlike the
human speeches or writings. Allah, The Exalted, Says (what means): {Those who have believed and
whose hearts are assured by the remembrance of Allah. Unquestionably, by the remembrance of
Allah hearts are assured."} [Quran Ar’ad: twenty eight]
Of course, it is almost impossible to list all the evidences that prove that the Quran is the Speech of
Brothers and sisters…
“Hafidz” or simply memorization of the Quran is a dream for every Muslim. However, most
brothers and sisters complain that due to their daily hectic schedules, they don’t have the time to
devote to the memorization of the Quran.
We spoke to several Islamic scholars, many of whom had committed the Quran to memory and
asked them for effective tips on how to master Quran memorization in spite of being busy with both
work and household duties.
The tips they gave (specifically targeted at busy individuals) include the following:
1- Rise Up Early In the Morning
Be the first to wake up and if possible first offer Fajr prayers in the mosque. When you are
done with the early morning prayers, instead of dedicating your time to frivolous activities like
watching TV or surfing the internet, spend a several minutes memorizing the Quran.
2- Set Realistic Goals and Memorize Less Than You Think You Can
You may be tempted to memorize one or two pages per day as this seems to be a realistic goal.
However, you may soon give up due to lack of time. Instead, lower down your expectations and start
by memorizing three to five lines daily.
Dedicating at least 20 minutes to this kind of memorization technique will work for even the busiest
3- Use the Familiarity Technique
Initially, as you are starting out to memorize the Quran, you will naturally come across
unfamiliar verses. Therefore, in order to commit them to memory, you can write five verses onto a
piece of paper and learn them by heart.
Read those verses over and over again over the course of the next few weeks in order to retain them to
memory fully.
4- Keep Daily Verses Close at Hand
Use every spare moment throughout the day to read and memorize the lines of the Quran that
you are committing to memory. For example, you may have several free minutes during the time you
are waiting for a pick up, a break, or an appointment at a doctor’s clinic etc.
You can keep the list of the verses of the day in your handbag or pocket for easy access and refer to
them whenever you are struggling to remember what you’re learning.
5- Recite What You Memorize In Every Salah
To further cement what you are learning into memory, you can recite everyday verses in the
five daily prayers. In each raka’at, you can alternate between the five verses you learnt the same day or
the previous days.
6- Track Your Goals
If one page of the Quran contains at last 15 lines, by the end of the week you would have
memorized two pages of the Quran and the pattern would continue until you have fully committed the
Quran to memory.
Additionally, you can learn verse by verse with translation and ponder over the meanings of the same.
7- Distraction Free Environment
It is best to memorize the Quran in a secluded place with little or no distraction at all. By
ensuring that the environment is quiet, you will be able to increase focus and thus be able to retain
what you memorize.
For example, as we have earlier mentioned, early morning memorization sessions are very effective
because of the minimum distractions at that time.
Additionally, you can turn off your cell phone and laptop and focus solely on the Quran so as to
increase attention.
Moreover, in our beloved school, Al—Irsyad Junior High School, we are facilitated to
memorize Al-Quran with all friends, with the teachers who always give us such a guidance. With this
great environment, we are all in fortune, I can say.

So brothers and sisters, also ladies and gentleman…

For the conclusion, We all know and believe that Qur’an is the Book, the words, and the speech of
Allah. And Prophet Muhammad is the chosen one receiving this as the miracle. No one can resist this.
As Muslim, this is a must to learn, share, follow and do what Allah says in Qur’an. But to memorize
Qur’an is the option for everyone. You can do or you can’t do. But, when you choose and decide to
memorize Qur’an eventhough it’s just small bits of Qur’an, I can say, you are also the chosen one, the
greatest among people in the world. The blessings of doing so are immense, not only your imaan and
taqwa will increase, but so will your self-esteem and confidence. One thing important that you have to
remember, the key to memorize the Quran is consistency, dedication, and also hard work. Then, I
hope, we all can being istiqomah by finding your own ways, or following the ways that I said and
mention before.
That’s all that I can share for you today. I hope that it will be so useful for you all. My opologize is to
you for my mistakes my fault. And hopefully Allah may forgive our all sins too. Aamiin

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