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Student Teacher: Miss Carr

Mentor Teacher: Mrs. Rush

Grade: 1st
12 February 2019

Daily 5 Rotation: Leveled Readers

Oral Expression and Listening 1.2: Verbal and nonverbal language is used to express and receive
 Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade 1 topics and
texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups. (CCSS: SL.1.1)
 Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to others with care, speaking
one at a time about the topics and texts under discussion). (CCSS: SL.1.1a)

Oral Expression and Listening 1.3: Identifying and manipulating phonemes in spoken words
allow people to understand the meaning of speech
 Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes). (CCSS:

Reading for All Purposes 2.1 Comprehending and fluently reading a variety of literary texts are
the beginning traits of readers
 Ask and answer questions about key details in a text. (CCSS: RL.1.2)
 Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their central
message or lesson. (CCSS: RL.1.2)
Writing and Composition 3.2: Appropriate spelling, conventions, and grammar are applied
when writing
 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage
when writing or speaking. (CCSS: L.1.1)

Inquiry Questions:
 What does it mean to communicate courteously in conversations?
 Why is it important for students to wait their turn before speaking?
 Why are phonemes (speech sounds) important?
 Why are multisyllabic words important to understand?
 How would English sound if we used letter sounds the same in every word?
 Why is it important to learn new words?
 How does a reader explain a character’s actions?
 How do phonemes (speech sounds) map to graphemes (letters and letter clusters) to
form words?

Learning Targets:
 I can work with my classmates and have meaningful conversations about what I am
 This means that I can listen to others with care and speak one at a time.
 I can understand syllables and phonemes.
 This means I can find syllables in words and see vowel teams.
 I can answer questions about key details in a story and retell stories.
 This means I can retell a story verbally or written using a Beginning, Middle and End
 I can use appropriate grammar when writing or speaking to get my thoughts to an
 This means I can use strategies to accurately spell words and I have appropriate
techniques in holding my pencil.

Anticipatory Set:
 Before Vocab Introduction: Review group expectations that the group came up with.
This will set the tone for the rotation all week.
 Before Reading the Book: Have students color their penguins and write two facts that
they know about penguins.
o This allow students to tap into their prior knowledge before they are flooded
with more information.
o This is a relaxing activity because the week will be fast paced with reading,
retelling and participating in main idea cards and spelling test.

 Leveled Readers come out at 9:30 and 10:00 with Fable groups in between.
 This lesson will be all week due to the intensity of the lesson. February 12-15

Background of Students:
 The groups are Green B from Mrs. Rush and Mrs. Evans 1st grade class. These groups are
students who are advanced in their literacy skills, and the main focus for the rotation is
growing their comprehension skills.

 Students will come to the rotation and meet teacher at table in the red pod.
 Teacher will go over group expectations to refresh student’s memory and to start the
week off right.
o Students and teacher will review expectations together and give quick examples of
what each meant
o Expectations: Concentrate (focus), Active listening, Ready body for learning
 Teacher will introduce the new book that students are going to read for the week
 Teacher will inform students that the book is an informational nonfiction text
o Students will participate in conversation about what does informational nonfiction
text means
 Teacher will introduce the vocabulary words for this book on a show me board
o Students will participate in a discussion.
o Teacher is writing the words on the board.
o Students are telling the vowels and finding syllable chunks together.
o Teacher allows students all to talk at the same time during this to see who is
understanding phonemes and syllables.
o If it gets a little loud then the teacher will randomly choose students.
o All students participate in saying the words three times.
o Vocabulary words for this story is: also, beautiful, because, blue, danger, or, other,
 After vocab words are introduced, teacher will inform students about the
comprehension skill that they will be working on. (Retell using Beginning, Middle and
End Chart)
 The teacher informs students that they will be reading to find out “Why do penguins go
to the sea from the land?”
 The teacher will have students read the chapter titles to give them a sneak peak of what
they will be reading about.
 Before reading the book (anticipatory set), the teacher will give students a blank
penguin page. Teacher will tell students that’s they will color the penguin, write two
informational facts and share with their peers.
o Students will color the penguin and write two facts that they know about penguins.
Students will then share with group members.
 Students will take turn reading the book. The teacher randomly choses students to read.
These students are prepared and this ties into the expectation of active listening.
 After the book is read, teacher will do a comprehension check. Teacher will do a model
of we-do then you-do.
o As a group with teachers help, students will retell story to the teacher and teacher
will provide a visual on the show me board.
o With direct instruction teacher will explain what the beginning of a story means,
then middle of a story, then ending of a story.
o Beginning- who are the main characters, Middle-What happens in the middle of
the story, End- how does the story end
o Students will get their own paper and write their own re-tell with a chart that is
provided by teacher.
o Students will share their work with their peers.
 To close this quick unit, teacher will show a quick video on penguins!

 Students participating in discussion on phonemes and syllables
 Students verbally saying vocabulary word
 Penguin facts to see prior knowledge
 Sharing information that they know to their peers
 Comprehension Skill Check: Retell Charts (Beginning, Middle, End)

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