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Admir Veljovic

Contact Serbia E-mail:

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MDG Canada October 2016 — Present (1 year 9 months)
Sales Representative

Freelancer 2013 — October 2016 (3 years)

Youth Worker
As I started as temporary youth activist who will run programs in youth club and end as a public offical that coordinates youth policy process in
municipality, I never give up from youth work call so I am constantly comited to processes and education involvement regarding youth programs

Office for youth of municipality Prijepolje 2008 — October 2016 (8 years)

Policy manager
I started as a youth worker during lack of interest of doing with subject of youth and started to organise programs designed and adapted towards
needs of youngsters. After 2 years since I started working with municipality my job was not program oriented but started be cross-managament of
process which gave me exclusive opportunity for boosting skills in coordinating community youth policy involving institutions and organisation from
local community,national level,Balkan and states from European Union making contacts which help me to exchange experience in education,
management of policy process, mobility, youth communication and information, marketing, project development, social and creative entrepreneurship

Works in Youth office of municipality Prijepolje in Serbia as a coordinator for implementation of local youth policy , bridging possibilities of institutions
and organizations with local needs and problems. Started as a youth activist in local ngo’s and after that as a youth worker creates and implement
youth exchanges, workshop and actions in his local community since 2004. Work in Youth office started in 2008 . Participated in youth policy
development processes on local and national level. My second role is to motivate and animate youth to empower themselves and to use opportunities
through different innovative methods. Winner of a national prize MLADGRAD2011 for individual achievement on the level of improvement of position
of youth .

Center for Equitable Regional Developmen November 2014 — December 2014 (2 months)
Presentations about Good practice in creating and implementig local strategic documents for population 15 to 30 for 3 x 25 NGO representatives in 3
regions of Serbia

DIVAC HOD DOO April 2014 — April 2014 (1 month)

Trainer for managing small grants for Divac Youth Fund
4 days training for project cycle management,decision making and for managing boards for 4 municipalities (Obrenovac, Blace, Lazarevac,
Aranđelovac ) in Serbia

DIVAC HOD DOO December 2013 — December 2013 (1 month)

Trainer for managing small grants for Divac Youth Fund
4 days training for project cycle management,decision making and for managing boards for 5 municipalities (Prijepolje, Vršac, Vladičin Han, Kanjiža,
Vlasotince ) in Serbia

National Democratic Institute (NDI) September 2013 — November 2013 (3 months)

Intership in setting up the sustainable and high quality services for youth at the local level
Developing community outreach, creating methodology, preparing,identifying, testing and implementing activities for 3 week action plan and building
capacities for info centres in municipality Kraljevo

UNDP March 2013 — March 2013 (1 month)

Trainer for establishing youth info center's
Sharing experience and methodology with Youth office of municipality Obrenovac

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UNICEF January 2013 — February 2013 (2 months)
Intership in setting up the sustainable and high quality services for youth at the local level
Developing community outreach, creating methodology, preparing,identifying, testing and implementing activities for 3 week action plan and building
capacities for youth clubs and info centres in municipality Presevo, Vladicin Han and Leskovac

Uzice center for rights of children March 2012 — June 2012 (4 months)
Youth leader and trainer in forming advocasy group
Initiating and building capcity for action planning, team work, advocating and human rights in manner of demanding new structures for decision
making process for youth and organised by youth in time of republic and local elections.

British Council Serbia - Active Citizens February 2012 — March 2012 (2 months)
Trainer for action planning projects
Forming group of young activists and enhacing their competences on community analysis of needs and cultural differences, action planning, project
circle and management of resources, lobby and advocacy for community projects

Active Citizens is a global programme of British Council in the field of intercultural dialogue and education for active citizenship.

The programme aims at creating a network of active citizens who acknowledge their potential and responsibly engage themselves in the development
of their communities, both locally and internationally. Through this program we seek to bring to Romania the experience of the United Kingdom and of
other states in the field of active citizenship.

Young Serbia October 2011 — March 2012 (6 months)

Monitoring consultant of projects implementation for Ministry of youth and sport of Serbia
My task was to monitor activities of funded NGOs by several Public calls by Ministry of youth and sport on a field where activities was taken place,
regarding different topics ( education, activism, ecology, prevention of drug abuse, violence , entrepreneurship , projects management )

UG Nova vizija 2003 — 2006 (3 years)

Activist and youth leader

Jönköping University 2010 — 2011
Licentiate degree, Youth Services/Administration

Activities and Societies: • Project management cycle • Advanced level from field of youth work including theories, tipology of youth work, principles of
social education• Work of group and team development• Work with individuals• Fields of adolescence development and early youth/development
psychology • Knowing local community in which activities are present and different social groups• Knowing procedures about protection and safety of
children and youngsters• Community development• Management of human resources

Volunteering Experience & Causes

Focus group May 2014
National Association of Youth Workers (NAPOR)

Part of focus group for creating mechanism for recognition of competences from unformal education through youth work in terms for better
employability of youngsters and how to present to bussines community concurent worforce where experience is tranferred to competences (
skills,ability,values, attitudes ) . Also was initated idea of local linkedin matches where employees can select needed competences on profiles of
youngsters with their level of progress in different areas which could be implemented in local like Prijepolje is.

Part of European Portfolio for Youth Leaders and Youth Workers April 2014
Council of Europe
focus testing group
Testing Personal learning and development plan, self - assesment tables for each 8 functions of key competences . Short description: The Portfolio is
a tool developed for intercultural youth work, based on the values and principles of the Council of Europe. It is a tool through which youth workers,
volunteers or professionals, can identify, assess and describe their competencies based on European quality standards and set learning and
professional development goals.

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Type of the tool/practice:
Self‐assessment tool, Publication/Handbook, Portfolio, Website/Platform/Blog


The Portfolio can be used as a tool for three interlinked purposes:

‐ the self‐assessment, personal and professional development of individuals, teams and
organisations conducting youth work
‐ the validation and recognition of the competence of youth workers and youth leaders, and by
extension of youth work
‐ quality development of the youth work conducted in a specific context by organisations and
institutions active in the field

Description of the tool:

The European Youth Work Portfolio is a tool for the assessment and development of youth work competence.It is aimed at individuals, teams and
organisations doing youth work around Europe and is intended to help them to better understand their competence and the aspects of their youth
work they would like to develop.

Importing books in electronic base February 2008 - May 2008 (4 months)

Prijepolje Public library

TED translator 2011 - Present (7 years)

TED Conferences

Contributor 2006 - Present (12 years)


Updating articles with known or self-gathered information

Member of Program Council in forming National association of March 2012

Ministry of youth and sport Serbia
Youth offices
Regarding my enthusiasm to create national body of youth offices in communcation with Aliance of municipalities in Serbia with 4 youth offices, i
exchange my experience with my coleagues in order to form another type of that body, less functional but still necessary.

Activists July 2012

Member of unformal network for using public spaces | Ministry of public space

Following unformal group called Ministry of space i was involved in making contacts for bridging initiatives from community with different or similar
inittiatives across Serbia related in using public spaces in order to create perpetuum in forming platform for which main cause is protection and aliving
one of main resources for development

Coordinating of volunteers July 2013

50th Youth sport games Prijepolje

Bringing solidarity into new generation style was aim to make after 50 years of games, which was in the begining inter municipal games and now inter
- state sport games for youth. My role was to create significant and organised volunteers for the first time,making unique brand where community was
given back feeling of importance of youth and they ability to build and carry anything. Mission was initated voluntary and carried away with the same
passion. And yes, we bring solidarity on the stage with enthusiastic and rare 120 individuals from Prijepolje and also municipalities across Serbia, and
we did it, we carried out on our back organisation of games for 2200 participants from 33 municipalities and 3 states. Flag of volunteers was one of 3
flag ponted in 10 significant places in town, next to flag of games and flag of state.

Involved in creating 2010

Ministry of youth and sport of Serbia

National law for youth , 2010, 1 of 7 consultant youth office group

Involved in creating 2010

Municipality Prijepolje
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Member of municipal commision for Strategy of local development 2011 - 2015

Involved in creating 2010

Municipality of Prijepolje

Local ecology plan of action of municipality Prijepolje 2010 – 2014

Involved in creating 2011

Regional initiative for mobility

Declaration for regional mobility , Zagreb , 28-30 . october

Co - editor 2006 - Present (12 years)


Co-editor of e-zine about subversive local culture

Boy scout 2002 - Present (16 years)

Prijepolian Scouts

Involved in creating June 2014

Municipality of Prijepolje

Strategic plan for development tourism of municipality Prijepolje 2014 – 2024

Co - admin July 2014

Starting to co-administrate biggest portal of information for development of youngsters in Serbia

Member of jury November 2014

Junior Achievement Serbia

Member of jury participated in selecting best business ideas among high schools virtual companies on event Business challenge

Designer June 2014

Flood hack

designer in team for creating app that bridge needs with available resource providers

Alumni representative from Serbia at Open World Young June 2015

Open World Leadership Center
professionals summit in Omaha, Nebraska
Omaha summit gathers YPAC (Young professionals advisory committee) members and members of Board of trustees of Open World Program with
aim to define best strategy for recruiting new individuals from Ukraine, Russia and Serbia as well to define possibility of establishing Alumni network
in Serbia consisting of 178 participants which is total number of users of this program.

Proposed topic for recruiting professionals dealing with “transition from university to career” should be focused on young professionals which deliver
supportive service, program or project related to new opportunity or outcome related to experience towards better employability or self-employability.

Evidence of our activity could be seen on official hashtag of conference on

Featured Skills

Project Planning
Community Outreach
Community Development
Youth Work
Youth Development
Capacity Building
Civil Society
Youth Participation
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Event Management
Program Management
Youth Programs
Project Management
Leadership Development
Policy Analysis
Program Development
Workshop Facilitation
Intercultural Communication
Social Entrepreneurship
Media Relations
Program Evaluation
International Development
Public Relations
Grant Writing
Human Rights
Organizational Development
International Relations
Public Speaking
Event Planning
Volunteer Management
Corporate Social Responsibility
Youth Leadership
People Skills

Youth pass : Training and Networking in the youth field for trainers in working with human rights . License ZAF8-5UXG-USPM-U8F1 issued
by Loesje (Finland)

- SUPERMEN - Training Course for SUPERvisors and MENtors of EVS Volunteers, Hajde da...; Serbia (January 2012)
Networking training G.P.S based on organising projects related to gender balance in Thessaloniki (Greece) by U.S.B (2010)
Organisation of Living libraries , Council of Europe (2012)
Study visit to Estonia , ACTIVE CITIZENS program of British Council (2011)
Study visit to Latvia , ACTIVE CITIZENS program of British Council (2011)
Study visit to United Kingdom , ACTIVE CITIZENS program of British Council (2011)
Study visit to coworking spaces and entreprenual startups through Open world program of USA Embassy (2013)
The OSCE mission in Serbia, Ministry of Youth and Sports and Belgrade center for human rights organized and certified the seminar – work
with vulnerable groups of young and principles of non-discrimination. (2012)
ToT for international youth programs in context of Erasmus+ : Youth in action (Sremski Karlovci, Serbia) (March 2014)
Training for coordinators of Office for youth from Serbia based on developing youth entreupenship (2009)
Training for participant involved in creating local action plan for youth 2010 / 2015 (2008)
Training for writing project based on standards of European Union with focus on EIDHR (European instrument for democrasy and human
rights) form (2010)
Youth exchange Balkan Train based on organising activities based on intercultural learning , Zadar (Croatia) by CYHA (2009)
Youth in action training Values 2 visions based on developing and setting strong base of strategies i community , Metsäkartano (Finland)
1000 young leaders of Serbia , Belgrade fund for political excelence (2005)
Creative workshops , HobbyArt (2004)
Drama in education , CEDEUM (2004)
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Right to know – drama workshops, performances , Bitef Polifony (2005)
Training and Networking in the youth field for trainers in working with human rights : Loesje Suomi (Dilijan, Armenia) (April 2014)


Coworking from USA to Serbia Starting January 2013
Developing model proposals for incubation of young creatives and entrepreneur with link with school curriculum and key competence evaluation .
More at :

Savet za mlade kao institucionalizacija egalitarne lokalne October 2015
Dom Kulture Prijepolje, 27. simpozijum Dani Sretena Vukosavljevića
politike prema mladima u funkciji decentralizacije nacionalne
javne politike, u kontekstu Vukosavljevićeve borbe sa
nasleđenom zaostalošću pred novim izazovima mladih

The Council of Europe Youth Work Portfolio 2015

Council of Europe

Part of testing group of Youth portfolio based on tanslating experience into competences with 13 youthworkers across Europe .Testing Personal
learning and development plan, self - assesment tables for each 8 functions of key competences with quality feedback on developing and improving

Seeking for sustainable model of youth clubs in communities September 2014

Vanja Udovičić, Ministry of youth and sport of Serbia

Guide for any initiative, municipality or organisation for starting youth clubs ,structure,services and programs from scratch

Sandzak i evropska perspektiva | Helsinške sveske br. 29 2010

Helsinški odbor za ljudska prava


Kancelarija za mlade u Prijepolju je – kako samo ime kaže – kancelarija koja zapravo obavlja određenu servisnu funkciju za mlade ljude.
Dakle, ona odgovara na njihove potrebe i kreira programe i instrumente
delovanja ka njima. Ključni aspekt delovanja svake omladinske politike je lokalni akcioni plan u kome se defi nišu mere prema mladima u odnosu na
samu lokalnu sredinu; dakle, ono što je jako bitno i što predstavlja kancelarija za mlade je zapravo decentralizacija moći i iskorak ka decentralizaciji
samih opština što je, ja mislim, od presedunog značaja za neki napredak cele ove regije i opština koje se u njoj nalaze...

Honor & Awards


This award is given by chief of mission of USAID in Serbia among 130 of youth offices , Susan Fritz and Michael Pitsburry, director of PPES program
on the clossure of PPES program.

First place on contest for making design of TedXYouth@ISB November 2012


For personal contribution to the improvement of youth position August 2011

Civic Initiatives, Ministry of youth and sport, Ministry of local authority and
in local communities - MLADGRAD 2011

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In partnership with Ministry of Youth and Sports and Ministry of Human and Minority Rights, Public Administration and Local Self-Government, Civic
Initiatives are awarding MLADGRAD 2011 within the celebration of International Youth Day and official ending of Year of Youth according to the UN

Third place on regional contest for idempendent artists October 2010

Regional commision of Arilje


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