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Introduction to Aerospace Engineering

AE17B022 Arni Vijay , AE17B022 AJAIY , AE17B026 GAURANGI


To determine the Center of Pressure of a Quadrant immersed in water when
the surface is partially submerged or fully submerged.


F1-10 Hydraulics Bench

F1-12 Hydrostatic Pressure Apparatus

Figure 1


Center of pressure (C.O.P):

The center of pressure is the point where the total sum of hydrostatic thrust
acts on a body

When the quadrant is immersed in water,the hydrostatic force at any

point on the curved surface is normal to the surface and therefore resolves
through the pivot point because this is located at the origin of the radii.
Hydrostatic forces on the upper and lower curved surfaces therefore have no
net effect â no torque to affect the equilibrium of the assembly because all of
these forces pass through the pivot. The forces on the sides of the quadrant
are horizontal and cancel out (equal and opposite). The hydrostatic force on
the vertical submerged face is counteracted by the balanced weight W. The
resultant hydrostatic force on the face can therefore be calculated from the
value of the balance weight and the depth of the water as follows:
When the system is in equilibrium, the moments about the pivot point
are equal:

mgL = Fh”
m is the mass on the weight hang,
g is the acceleration due to gravity,
L is the length of the balance arm,
F is the hydrostatic thrust,
and h is the distance between the pivot and the center of pressure.

Partially Submerged body:

The hydrostatic thrust , area can be defined as:

F = ρgAh, A = Bd, h = d/2
F = ρgBd
Experimental Depth of Pressure
The moment, M, can be defined as
M = Fh”(N ewton − M eter)

A balancing moment is produced by the weight, W, applied to the hanger at
the end of the balance arm. The moment is proportional to the length of the
balance arm, L. For static equilibrium the two moments are equal, i.e.
Fh” = WL = mgL
mgL 2mL
h” = and h” =
F ρBd2

Figure 2

Theoretical Depth of Pressure

The theoretical result for depth of pressure P below the free surface is
h’ = Ix Ah
Where Ix is the 2nd moment of area of immersed section about an axis
in the free surface. By use of the parallel axes theorem:
3 3 3
Ix = Ic + Ah2 = Bd12
+ Bd4 = Bd3

The depth of the center of pressure below the pivot point is therefore
given by:-

h” = h’ +H - d

h” = H - d/3
for partially submerged vertical plane.
Fully Submerged body:

The hydrostatic thrust can be defined as:

F = ρgBD(d − )
Experimental Depth of Pressure
The moment, M, can be defined as
M = Fh” (Newton-Meter)
A balancing moment is produced by the weight, W, applied to the hanger at
the end of the balance arm. The moment is proportional to the length of the
balance arm, L. For static equilibrium the two moments are equal, i.e.
Fh” = WL = mgL
we have
mgL mL
h” = = D
F ρBD(d − 2
Theoretical Depth of Pressure
The theoretical result for depth of pressure P below the free surface is
h’ = Ix Ah
Where Ix is the 2nd moment of area of immersed section about an axis
in the free surface. By use of the parallel axes theorem:
Ix = Ic + Ah2 = BD[ + (d − D2 )2 ]
The depth of the center of pressure below the pivot point is therefore
given by:-
h” = h’ +H - d

+ (d − D2 )2
h” = +H −d
(d − )

Figure 3

for fully submerged vertical plane.

Calculations and Results:

All readings must be recorded as follows:

Constants Height of End Face: D = 0.100(m)

Width of the End Face B = 0.075(m)
Length of Arm L = 0.275(m)
Height of Pivot H = 0.200(m)

Partially submerged

Mass added Moment Depth Thrust C.O.P experimental C.O.P theoritcal measured moment error(%)
kg Nm m N m m Nm
0.0900 0.2426 0.0620 1.4127 0.1717 0.1793 0.2426 4.2587
0.1400 0.3773 0.0780 2.2359 0.1688 0.1740 0.3773 3.0180
0.1700 0.4582 0.0870 2.7816 0.1647 0.1710 0.4582 3.6802
0.2000 0.5390 0.0950 3.3167 0.1625 0.1683 0.5390 3.4585

Fully submerged

Mass added Moment Depth Thrust C.O.P experimental C.O.P theoritcal measured moment error(%)
kg Nm m N m m Nm

0.2400 0.6468 0.1050 4.0425 0.1600 0.1652 0.6468 3.1193

0.2700 0.7277 0.1120 4.5570 0.1597 0.1634 0.7277 2.3026
0.3000 0.8085 0.1200 5.1450 0.1571 0.1619 0.8085 2.9412
In this experiment we can know about the center of pressure where the net
buoyancy force acts that helps in designing a ships, aircrafts ,missiles etc
that deal with fluids

Sample Calculation

Figure 4

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