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Rotl No.

t ,z S Total No ol Pages: @
f- 7E.70L7
B. Tech. VII Sem. (Main/Back) Exam., Nov.-De c.-2016
Mechanical Engineering
f- 7ls'4E,6.2A Robotics

Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80

Min. Passing Marks Main: 26
Min. Passing Marks Backz 24
Instructions to C andidate s :

Attempt any ftle questi.ons, selecting one questi.on from each unit. All questions
carry equal marks. Sc:hematic diagrams must be shown wherever necessary. Any
datayoufeel missing suitably be assumed and stated clearly.
Units of quantities used"/calculated must be stated clearly. ,

Use of following supporting material is permitted during examination.

(Mentioned inform No. 205)
1. NIL 2. NIL

Q.l (a) "Robotics is an integral part of Modem Manufacturing Process". Justify this
I statement. t8l
(b) Describe in detail the anatomy of an industrial robot. t8l
p.1 (a) Explain the origin and history of Robotics in detail. t6l
(b) Describe the specification of an industrial robot with its configuration. t6l
(c) Describe the industrial applications of robots. t4l

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Q.2 (a) Explain how robots with double grippers increase the utilization of machine
tools. t6l
(b) What do you understand by the word 'compliance' in relation to a robot gripper?
Give an example of the method used to achieve this. t6l
(c) Describe the type of power sources used in the manipulation of grippers for
robots. t4l
Q.2 (a) What do you mean by transforms? Explain the inverting homogenous
transform. t8l
(b) Define term end effectors. What factor should be embodied in the desigr of end
effectors for use in industrial t8]

Q.3 (a) With a neat sketch explain the three degrees of freedom associated with the robot
wrist. t8l
(b) Derive inverse kinematic equations of manipulator for a particular position. t8l
Q.3 Discuss various difficulties associated with the inverse kinematic solution and explain
'geometric approach' used in inverse kinematic problem l16l

Q.4 What are sensors? How sensors help in robot control? Explain the proximity and touch
sensors. t16l
Q.4 (a) What do you understand by architecture of Robotic Vision System? t8l
(b) Write a short note on "Image Acquisition" and "Image Processing" in robot. t8l

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Q.5 (a) Write a short note on the application of robots in welding (spot welding and are
welding). tSl
(b) Write the functions of robot langudge and also non-industrial applications of
robots. tgl
Q.s (a) Discuss the various material handing applications for which the robots are
(b) Write a VAL II program for a robot to palletize a rectangular part that is
250mmx 150mm. It has to arrange the part in 3 uniform rows of 4 parts each.
The pallet size is lm x 0.65m. The minimum clearance between the parts and
edges should be at least 50 mm.

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