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1. List the factors that contribute to an increase in the carbon dioxide in our atmosphere.

The main factor that has contributed to increase the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is
the high growth of fossil fuels consumption around the world. In addition the destruction
of rain forests in the world should be another important factor, first because trees help to
reduce the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and second because many forests are
burned what produces CO2.

2. List three gases considered to be greenhouse gases. Explain why they are given this name.

Three greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. The term
“greenhouse gases” by itself works as a metaphor; a greenhouse lets the sun rays go
through, but at the same time prevents air from escaping so it warms up everything inside
it. Some gases like the ones mentioned above accumulate in the atmosphere and by doing
that, they create on the globe the same effect of a glass greenhouse, it warms it up.

3. How can the effects of global warming be reduced?

There are many ways people around the world will be able to mitigate global warming
such as stopping mass deforestation around the planet, developing non fossils fuels
energy sources and improve conservation. Also people can contribute individually by
reducing the usage of heat and air conditioning, replacing light bulbs with fluorescent cells,
driving less in a week, turning off lights when not needed, using less hot water, planting a
tree and recycling.

4. What happens to carbon dioxide when released into our atmosphere?

It just concentrates all around the Earth absorbing infrared radiation and re-radiates it in
all directions, including back to the planet. By doing this it increases the global

5. In the Northern Hemisphere, the concentration of CO2 peaks twice a year. When do these
peaks occur, and what causes them?

First peak occurs in May and it’s caused as an effect of winter season ending, since tree
leaves dropped in fall are decomposed by microbes producing CO2. Second peak occurs in
October and it’s caused due to the beginning of the fall season, so as the trees drop their
leaves their respiration process consumes less CO2 and triggers a high accumulation on the

6. Over the last 100 years, by how much have global temperatures risen?

They have risen by 0.74°C over the last 100 years.

7. What’s my Carbon Footprint? Go to and use the calculator to estimate
your carbon footprint (“for me only” instead of “for my household”). Use the state of
California as reference.

My carbon footprint is 11 tons per year and it’s below USA average according to the site.

8. Compare the results with those estimated by using this other calculator

My carbon footprint is 28.84 kg according to the website.

9. Explain what the main difference between calculators is.

I think the main difference is due to the factors considered by each website. Since the first
one seems to be more complete, it less precise because it uses non-measurable data, on
the other hand the second one uses exact numbers and calculate amount of gases
produced but it asks fewer information. In my case since I do not have a car, second
website shows a smaller carbon footprint.

Beaudry, F. (s.f.). Recuperado el 3 de Noviembre de 2015, de

Easterbrook, S. (s.f.). Recuperado el 3 de Noviembre de 2015, de

Kelly, E. (s.f.). Recuperado el 3 de Noviembre de 2015, de

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