Olimpiada de Limba Engleza - Docx. A7a

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1. In the following text there are 10 words that should not be there. Find them and cross them
out: 10 points

Mozart was born in 1756. He was the son of the composer and violinist Leopold Mozart. He was an
extraordinary child who had been learned to play the violin and compose at the age of four. In 1762
his father took him on a tour of the Europe and he was warmly received at its principal courts. People
everywhere were enchanted. In Rome he was challenged for to prove himself; he heard a
complicated piece of music twice but was then able to write it down perfectly. Mozart continued to
tour and to perform but could not to find a permanent position. Eventually he found one in Salzburg
but it was an unhappy period in his life because of he argued with his patron. Afterwards, he went to
Vienna like as a freelance composer where he wrote much of his work. Despite of being known at the
imperial court this did not help him financially and a lot of his work was poorly received. Much is made
of the hatred and a jealousy felt by Salieri, another one court composer. Much of Mozart’s musical
genius rests on his ability to achieve a fusion of German and Italian styles. He wrote 49 symphonies,
four famous operas and was composed about seven hundred pieces in all.

2. Read the passage ab

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