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The Old Paths Issue 23 - January 2008

A Common Yet Subtle Sin

by Samuel Logan Brengle on page 4....


Quotable Quotes...
Chip Brogden  William MacDonald Leonard Ravenhill Martyn Lloyd-Jones C.H. Spurgeon
"A defeated Christian is a "The worship meetings are "Finney preached and some- “I would say that a 'dull "Preach not calmly and qui-
contradiction: it is not your often dead. Dull, awkward times the whole congregation preacher' is a contradiction in etly as though you were
destiny. Rise up and live ac- pauses are the fruit of pro- would get up and leave! that’s terms; if he is dull he is not a asleep, but preach with fire
cording to the truth: that Vic- longed occupation with the good preaching." preacher. He may stand in a and pathos and passion."
tory is a Man, and He lives never-never land of TV." pulpit and talk, but he is cer-
inside of you, and the One tainly not a preacher.”
Who lives within you is
greater than whatever comes
against you."

From the Editor... Vision

SAINTS OF GOD, I believe these are terrible times not just “Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and
because of uncertainties economically or politically but more ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk
so spiritually. The message of the cross is being despised and therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they
hidden from pulpits all over the world. A message of ease, said, we will not walk therein.” -Jeremiah 6:16
comfort and health is being preached to pamper the flesh. This
dangerous error does not only avoid people from the cross life The Old Paths Magazine is a free monthly periodical that
and suffering but it keeps them in a false reality of security, is made available for the entire body of Christ. The main
which is not secure at all.. focus of the periodical is to propagate and promote the
message of genuine biblical revival to this generation.
The Prophet Jeremiah said in his day: “Behold, I am against This chief aim is expressed through many voices from
them that prophesy false dreams, saith the Lord, and do tell them, and cause my people to err Christian history. Copies of this periodical can be made
by their lies, and by their lightness: yet I sent them not, nor commanded them: therefore they for free distribution without permission.
shall not profit this people at all, saith the Lord.” - Jeremiah 23:32. This message that was be-
ing preached in Jeremiah’s days carried “lightness” with it or frivolity. It was a message that
could not save the hearers but tickle their ears. It was a cup of cold water on a raging fire, and
sadly we live in days that people have forgotten the great purpose of the Cross and its need Staff
for mankind. Editor - Greg Gordon
Proof Readers - Joy Courville, Joe Misko
One sad consequence of the lack of Cross preaching is the believers become lax over sin and
preaching against sin seems hard and legalistic. People become thin skinned and offend eas-
ily. There is a falling asleep on the field of harvest while it is being burnt down by the enemy.
To quote the late William MacDonald: “ We have become thoroughly worldly, living for the Contact
love of passing things. We have been enraptured victims of the idiot tube, and lovers of
pleasure rather than lovers of God. Most willingly have we been poured into the mold of the You can contact The Old Paths editorial staff by writing
world, its fashions, amusements and ideals” And the result is a Church that will not suffer! to the address below:
Will not share in the life of Christ and the death of Christ.
The Old Paths
God can and will send His prophets, His men who have been hidden in the secret place with P.O. Box 8781
God. Will they be sensational and charismatic? perhaps. Will they seem other worldly and Victoria, Canada
foreign? perhaps. Will they be men consumed with Christ and things above? perhaps. Will V8W 3S3
they be preaching the message of the Cross? Surely. May they come soon.
Email the editors at:
In Christ,

Greg Gordon Website for the magazine at:


Elisha, Tarry Here, I A Praying Ministry Why is the Church

Pray Thee Successful Powerless?
ELISHA, TARRY HERE, I pray thee. 2 Kings ii. 2, 4, THE PREACHER THAT prays indeed puts God into SPIRITUALLY WE ARE in a shocking condition.
6. the work. God does not come into the preacher's The status of many local fellowships is bad news,
work as a matter of course or on general principles, and deteriorating by the minute.
Thrice Elijah spoke thus to his friend and disciple, to but he comes by prayer and special urgency. That
test him. Perseverance, tenacity of purpose, a refusal We have become more proud of the number of suc-
God will be found of us in the day that we seek him
to be content with anything short of the best, are cessful businessmen in our churches than of the
with the whole heart is as true of the preacher as of
indispensable conditions for the attainment of the number of men of God. The dollar has become our
the penitent. A prayerful ministry is the only minis-
highest possibilities of experience and service. And master. The claims of the businessworld have been
try that brings the preacher into sympathy with the
perpetually in our life's discipline these words come given more place than the claims of Christ. The
people. Prayer as essentially unites to the human as
back on us, Tarry here! Not that God desires us to corporation counts more with us than the Church.
it does to the divine. A prayerful ministry is the only
tarry, but because He desires each onward step to be Our condemnation is found in the words of Samuel
ministry qualified for the high offices and responsi-
the choice and act of our own will. Johnson, “The lust of gold, unfeeling and remorse-
bilities of the preacher. Colleges, learning, books,
less, is the last corruption of degenerate man.”
theology, preaching cannot make a preacher, but
Tarry here in Consecration; "You have given so
praying does. The apostles' commission to preach
much; is it not time that you refrained from further We have become a status-seeking people. We sacri-
was a blank till filled up by the Pentecost which
sacrifices? Ungird your loins, sit down and rest, fice everything for prestige jobs, prestige homes and
praying brought. A prayerful minister has passed
forbear from this strenuous following after. Spare prestige cars. And we have prestige ambitions for
beyond the regions of the popular, beyond the man
thyself; this shall not come to thee." our children. Truth is that in our mad desire to see
of mere affairs, of secularities, of pulpit attractive- them successful and comfortable in the world, we
Tarry here in the Life of Prayer.; "It is waste time to ness; passed beyond the ecclesiastical organizer or are causing many of them to pass through the fire in
spend so much time at the footstool of God. You general into a sublimer and mightier region, the this life and to suffer the pains of hell in the next.
have done more than most, desist from further in- region of the spiritual. Holiness is the product of his
tercession and supplication." work; transfigured hearts and lives emblazon the Too often we are living double lives. Outwardly
reality of his work, its trueness and substantial na- there is an appearance of piety and respectability.
Tarry here in the attainment of the likeness of Christ; ture. God is with him. His ministry is not projected But in business there are bribery, shady deals, dis-
"It will cost you so much, if all that is not Christlike on worldly or surface principles. He is deeply stored honesty and numberless forms of compromise. And
is to pass away from your life." with and deeply schooled in the things of God. His in our personal lives there are coldness, bitterness,
long, deep communings with God about his people strife gossip, back-biting and impurity. We are living
Such voices are perpetually speaking to us all. And and the agony of his wrestling spirit have crowned a lie.
if we heed them, we are at once shut out of that him as a prince in the things of God. The iciness of
crossing the Jordan, that rapturous intercourse with We have become thoroughly worldly, living for the
the mere professional has long since melted under
heaven, that reception of the double portion of the love of passing things. We have been enraptured
the intensity of his praying.
Spirit, which await those who have successfully victims of the idiot tube, and lovers of pleasure
stood the test. The law of the Christian life is always The superficial results of many a ministry, the dead- rather than lovers of God. Most willingly have we
Advance; always leaving that which is behind; al- ness of others, are to be found in the lack of praying. been poured into the mold of the world, its fashions,
ways reckoning that you have not attained; always No ministry can succeed without much praying, amusements and ideals. The sin of prayerlessness
following on to know the Lord, growing in grace and this praying must be fundamental, ever- has been all too apparent. In our abounding wealth
and in the knowledge of the blessed Saviour, and abiding, ever-increasing. The text, the sermon, and self-sufficiency, we have not had any strong
saying to the Spirit of God, as Elisha to Elijah, I will should be the result of prayer. The study should be inward necessity driving us to prayer. Many of our
not leave thee. bathed in prayer, all its duties so impregnated with prayer meetings need closing down.
prayer, its whole spirit the spirit of prayer.

F.B. Meyer (1847-1929) - During his long and fruit- William MacDonald (1917-2007) - Prolific author
E.M. Bounds (1835-1913) - A Methodist ministry
ful life, he preached more than 16,000 sermons. A and teacher, was a mentor to many. William Mac-
used by God to write many book on prayer which have
distinct feature of F. B. Meyer's ministry was his Donald was involved in active service for the Lord for
become classical works. His chief work is the book
outcry against the social evils of his day. over 70 years.
“Power Through Prayer”. 3

A Common Yet Subtle Sin

“Sin so deadly that the wrath of God comes upon men because of it; a sin so
common that probably everybody has at some time been guilty of it...”

Sin So Deadly Moses, one of the ten was against this sin. When Lot a synonym of everlasting obloquy, and bringing
lost all he had in the doom of Sodom and Gomor- upon himself the death of a dog and a fool, it was
THERE IS A SIN which a Catholic priest once de- rah, it was primarily because of this sin. When Na- because of this sin. When Ananias and Sapphira
clared that no one had ever confessed to him sin so dab and Abihu were suddenly consumed by the dropped dead at Peter's feet, they suffered the dread
deadly that the wrath of God comes upon men be- fierce fires of God's wrath, at the bottom of their penalty of this sin. When the great war burst forth in
cause of it; a sin so common that probably every- transgression was this sin. When Achan and his 1914, enveloping the earth in its wrathful flame,
body has at some time been guilty of it; a sin so household were stoned, it was because of this sin. sweeping away the splendid young manhood of the
gross in the sight of God as to be classed with When Eli and his sons lost the priesthood and died world in storms of steel and rivers of blood, and
whoremongery, idolatry, murder, and such like; a miserably, it was at root because of this sin. When engulfing the accumulated wealth of ages in a bot-
sin so subtle that men most guilty of it seem to be Saul lost his kingdom, it was because this sin had tomless pit of destruction, the disaster could be
most unconscious of it; a sin that has led to the ruin subtly undermined his loyalty to God. When Ahab traced to the unrestricted and deadly workings of
of homes, to the doom of cities, the downfall of died and the dogs licked his blood, he was meeting this awful, secret, silent, pitiless sin.
kings, the overthrow of empires, the collapse of the doom of this sin. When David fell from heights
civilizations, the damnation of an apostle, of minis- of God's tender favor and fellowship, and brought Never Heard Mentioned
ters of the Gospel, and of millions of less conspicu- shame and confusion upon himself, and incurred
ous men. Men in the highest and most sacred posi- But what is the sin that the Catholic priest never
God's hot displeasure and lifelong trouble, it was
tions of trust, and enjoying the most unlimited con- heard mentioned in his confessional -- this sin that
because of this sin.
fidence of their fellow-men, have, under the spell of apostles and priests, and shepherds and servants
this sin, wrecked their good names, and have Smitten With Leprosy have committed, and upon which the swift, fierce
brought shame to their families, and misfortune, lightnings of God's wrath have fallen -- this sin of
want, and woe to their fellows. When Elisha's servant, Gehazi, went out from the which every one at some time has probably been
presence of the prophet smitten with leprosy white guilty, and yet which is so secret and subtle that
When amid the thunderings and lightnings of as snow, it was because of this sin. When Judas be- those most enthralled by it are most unconscious of
Mount Sinai, God gave the Ten Commandments to trayed the Master with a kiss, thus making his name it?


When the herdsmen of Lot and Abraham fell into denial of the fine old prophet, and he said to him- truth and good-will in whole peoples, ending in the
strife, Abraham, the uncle, to whom God had prom- self, 'As the Lord liveth, I will run after him and take collapse of civilizations.
ised all the land, said to the young man, Lot, his somewhat of him! ' And run he did, and 'somewhat '
nephew, 'Let there be no he received! Then, to hide Once its workings begin in a human heart there is
strife, I pray thee, between his sin, he lied to Elisha; no end to the ruin and woe it may bring about in
that soul, and then in the lives of others. There is no
me and thee, we be breth- “Once its workings begin but the old seer's eyes were
height of honor and Holiness from which it may not
ren.' Then he bade Lot take like seraph's eyes -- they
any portion of the land in a human heart there is saw -- and he said to the pull men down. There is no depth of pitiless selfish-
which pleased him, and he covetous, lying Gehazi, ness, lying evasion, brazen effrontery, and self-
would be content to take no end to the ruin and Went not my heart with deception into which it may not plunge men. When
what was left. Lot looked thee when the man turned proclaiming the Ten Commandments from the flam-
down upon the fat plains of
woe it may bring about in again from his chariot to ing mount, God reserved the last to hurl at this sin,
not because it was least of all the sins forbidden, but
Jordan, and without a that soul...” meet thee? Is it a time to
rather because it was a pregnant mother of them all,
thought for his old uncle, to receive money, and to re-
whom he owed all, he ceive garments, and olive- an instigator and ally of all evil.
drove his herds into the lush yards, and vineyards, and
Reaches Out For Men Of Every Age
pastures of the rich plain, near the markets of opu- sheep, and oxen, and men-servants, and maid-
lent Sodom and Gomorrah, while the rough and servants? The leprosy, therefore, of Naaman shall Covetousness is a sin that reaches out for men of
stony hill country was left to Abraham. But God cleave unto thee and unto thy seed for ever! And he every age. In some of its forms it makes its most
became, more fully than ever, the Companion and went out from his presence a leper as white as successful assaults upon men well advanced in
Portion of Abraham; while Lot, through his covet- snow.' years. A man in ardent devotion to Christ may suc-
ousness, was soon so entangled in the life of Sodom cessfully resist it in his youth, and yet fall before it
that in the doom of the city he lost all he had, barely Covetousness ruled the stony, ashen heart of Judas,
when his head is crowned with honors and white
escaping with his life, and accompanied only by two and for thirty pieces of silver he betrayed the Mas-
with the snows of many winters. The fear of want in
weak and wilful daughters. ter! Covetousness possessed the selfish hearts of
old age, the natural desire to provide for his chil-
Ananias and Sapphira; they wanted the praise and
dren and loved ones, may silently, secretly lead him
Strange Fire honor of utmost sacrifice and generosity while se-
into the deadly embrace of this serpent -- like sin;
cretly holding on to their gold. And God smote
At the bottom of Nadab and Abihu's sacrilegious may cause shipwreck of his honor, his faith, his 'first
them dead!
offering of strange fire before the Lord was their love,' his simplicity in
coveting of the priestly power and authority of Biblical Examples Christ, his unselfish devo-
Aaron, and it led to God's swift vindication of tion to the interests of the
Aaron in their awful destruction. When the children As we study the history and “How may men avoid this Lord and the souls of his
of Israel entered the Land of Promise and the walls Biblical examples of this sin fellow-men, and thus may
of Jericho fell before them, Achan saw gold and of covetousness, we see the sin? following Jesus in bring about his final rejec-
deep meaning and truth of tion in that day when the
garments which he coveted and took to himself,
Paul's words to Timothy,
daily, resolute self-denial, secrets of men's hearts
regardless of God's commandment, thereby bring-
ing defeat to Israel, death to his fellow-soldiers, and 'They that will be rich fall by watchfulness and shall be revealed and their
terrible doom of himself. into temptation and a snare, works made manifest by
and into many foolish and prayer...” fire.
Old Eli's sons, unsatisfied with the rich provision hurtful lusts which drown
made for the priesthood coveted that which God men in destruction and per- Secret, Subtle Sin?
had reserved for sacrifice, and against protest took dition. For the love of money
How may men avoid this deadly, secret, subtle sin?
what was forbidden for themselves. Besides, despite is the root of all evil.'
There is but one way; that is, by following Jesus in
God's command, they coveted the wives and maid-
This sin led to ingratitude toward his uncle, and daily, resolute self-denial, by watchfulness and
ens that came up to worship at God's altar. When
neighborly association with vile sinners in Lot; to prayer, by 'walking in the light as He is in the light,'
soft-hearted old Eli heard about their sin, he only
envy and jealousy and sacrilege in Nadab and by openness of heart, by humility of mind, by utter
feebly reproved them; consequently, God's wrath
Abihu; to disobedience in Saul; to sacrilege and surrender to the Holy Ghost. by counting all things
swiftly followed, with its doom of death and the
licentiousness in Eli's sons; to adultery and murder loss for Christ, as did Paul; by learning and not
loss of the priesthood.
in David; to brazen robbery in Ahab; to greed and forgetting that 'godliness, with contentment, is great
Coveted Bathsheba lying in Gehazi; to the betrayal of the innocent gain,' by seeking first the Kingdom of God and His
Christ with an impudent kiss in Judas; to bold lying righteousness, by joyfully trusting and obeying
David coveted Bathsheba the wife of another man, to the Holy Ghost in Ananias and Sapphira. Truly, those words of Peter, 'casting all your care upon
and to this day blasphemers sneer and God is re- from its poisonous root has sprung up the deadly Him, for He careth for you,' by keeping the heart
proached, while David only escaped the doom up a tree of all evil, and upon it in manifold ways clean.
which falls upon those who are guilty of this sin by has been outpoured the wrath of God, showing His
his humble confession, deep repentance, and bro- Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.'
holy hatred and abhorrence of it.
kenness of heart. But he could not escape endless Said Jesus, 'Take heed and beware of covetousness.'
shame, sorrow, and trouble. Gehazi cast longing Awful Ravages Of This Sin
eyes upon the gold, silver, and rare changes of gar-
ments which Naaman pressed upon Elisha, the A close study of the awful ravages of this sin in its
Samuel Logan Brengle (1860-1936) - was an
prophet, out of gratitude for his cleansing in Jordan, manifold workings would show that again and
American Methodist born in Indiana who joined the
and which Elisha refused. But, blinded by the glitter again it has undermined thrones and led to the
Salvation Army in the 1890s. He was mightily used
of gold, and steeped in covetousness, Gehazi had no downfall of empires; that it has rotted away the
of the Lord, also through his books published.
heart and no understanding for the austere self- strong foundations of chastity and honesty and 5

The Imitation of Christ

“Some resign, but with some exception, for they trust not fully to God; where-
fore they labour to provide for themselves....”

Forsake Thyself They Trust Not Fully To God undoubtingly in me and thou shalt The Help Of Prayer
have me; thou shalt be free in heart
SON, FORSAKE THYSELF and thou Some resign, but with some exception, and darkness shall not over go (over- Moses at all times had recourse to the
shalt find me. Stand without choice for they trust not fully to God; where- whelm) thee. To this enforce thyself, tabernacle for doubts and questions to
and without all manner of self and fore they labour to provide for them- this pray thou, this desire thou, that be assoiled and fled to the help of
thou shalt win ever; for anon, as thou selves. Some also first offer all but thou may be despoiled on all manner prayer for relieving of perils and for
hast resigned thyself and not taken afterwards through a little temptation of self, and thou, bare, follow bare mischiefs of men. So thou oughtest to
thyself again, then shall be thrown to they go again to their own selves and Jhesu (Jesus only) and die to thyself fly into the secret place of thine heart
thee more grace. therefore profit not in virtue. Then folk and live everlastingly to me. Then beseeching inwardly the help of God.
come not to true liberty of heart, nor shall end all vain fantasies, wicked For Joshua and the children of Israel,
Lord, how oft shall I resign myself and to the grace of my jocund familiarity as it is read, were deceived of the
conturbations and superfluous cares;
wherein shall I forsake myself? Ever except with whole resignation and Gibeonites, for they asked no counsel
then also shall go away inordinate
and in every hour, as in little, so in daily offering of themselves first being first of our Lord but giving too much
dread and inordinate love shall die.
great. I out-take (except) nothing but made, without which unity of fruition credence to sweet words were de-
in all things I will find thee made bare: (pure enjoyment) standeth not, nor Also if thou in every chance standest luded with a false pity.
else, how canst thou be mine and I shall stand. not in outward appearance nor with
thine, unless thou be deprived out- the fleshly eye turnest about to things
wardly and inwardly from all thine Resign Of Thyself seen or heard but anon in every cause
own will? The more swiftly that thou thou enterest with Moses to ask coun-
lost this the better it shall be with thee; I have said to thee full oft, and yet I
sel of our Lord, thou shalt hear oft-
and the more plainly and clearly it is say again: Forsake thyself, resign of Thomas A Kempis (1380-1471) -
times God's answer and thou shalt
done the more shalt thou please me thyself and thou shalt enjoy great Was a Roman Catholic monk in Hol-
come again instructed in things pre-
and the more thou shalt win. peace. Give all for all, seek nothing, land whose The Imitation of Christ
sent and that are to come.
ask nothing again; stand purely and became a classic in religious literature..


The Cross
“As with Christ's cross, it liberates and sets free everything in salvation, and
the things of God....”

Finding Our Cross He says, "Come, take up this cross as a knows the pattern, the situation, the and confused. He says, "Take it up:'
voluntary act." The cross is the in- episode that will perfectly crucify our For if you take up your cross; this
EVERY MAN WILL FIND his disci- strument of death, but it brings a old flesh. decision, this consideration, this sur-
pline, and every man will find his fuller revelation to our hearts and render; if you take that up into your
cross. All Christians are not disciples. lives than that of any other agency in So He says: "Will you voluntarily take life pattern and walk, you will have a
When He first introduces the cross, it His economy. it? You pick it up. You know what My crown over there. Because the sequel,
is to Christians. Jesus Christ never cross did for Me. It was the place of the answer, to a cross is a crown. And
places a cross on anybody. It is in our If we would know fellowship in the My execution; it was the place where I there is no crown without a cross,
volitional Power of will to choose. He future, we must know it now. We must died; now, you take yours. It will be because every cross, if borne, will take
doesn't lay a cross on us "so we can know the cross in its two fold teach- the place of the execution of the crea- a crown.
love Him!" No, we voluntarily take it. ing; not only sins forgiven, but, on-the ture that you are; it will slay you. I
He never imposes it; it will be the other side, joy: agony -- but joy. Em- don't lay it upon you; I want you to Be willing for the crucifixion, because
instrument on which we will be slain. brace it; hang on to it; cruel and bitter voluntarily take it up, for then your it is the author of LIFE.
Our cross will be the most liberating though it is; for joy and a sensing of identification with Me will be what I
thing in our life. As with Christ's God, as never before, will follow. want -- a voluntary love and surren- Your cross is your crown in disguise.
cross, it liberates and sets free every- der."
thing in salvation, and the things of Various Crosses
God. Always A Cross
Your cross and my cross will vary
according to the disposition, and the So, He will bring a cross to you; it may John Follette (1883-1966) - John
Sidestep This Cross
calling of our lives, so we don't have take different shapes and forms, but it Wright Follette was a man who inti-
If we sidestep this cross, we will side- the same in that sense, but everyone is always a cross. I can't interpret your mately knew God.  He was a gifted
step one of the greatest agencies in the will have one. Why? Because in God's cross; nobody but you can. So when Bible teacher and author.
economy of God to bring us into God. economy and purpose for us, He God brings it, don't be amazed, upset, 7

The Church And Suffering!

“Do we want to suffer as they did? Do we want to crown our offering with a
tortured bloody martyrdom as they did? Pentecost has a cost....”

Apostolic Power low the same path our master trod? shall we not he was stoned to death at Colchis.The apostle Paul
tread it still? Let us read their stories: The apostle was a Roman citizen being exempt from crucifixion,
OH! FOR A CALL BACK to apostolic preaching, Andrew according to traditional accounts, was cru- so he was beheaded with a sword in Rome. The
apostolic power, apostolic praying. We cry out ‘I cified by order of the Roman Governor, Aegeas at apostle Peter was crucified upside down because he
want apostolic power’ but do we really? Do we Patrae in Achaia, Greece on a X-shaped cross. The claimed he was not worthy to die in the same man-
want to suffer as they did? Do we want to crown apostle Bartholomew according to traditional ac- ner as Christ in Rome. The apostle Philip according
our offering with a tortured bloody martyrdom as counts, was flayed alive and crucified, head down- to traditional accounts, he was martyred at Hierapo-
they did? Pentecost has a cost. If we are going to ward, at Albanopolis, Armenia as punishment for lis, Phrygia. The apostle Simon was martyred, but
have apostolic success we are going to have to have having converted the King of Armenia to the Chris- the location is uncertain; some claim that he was
apostolic suffering. Leonard Ravenhill said: "We talk tian faith. The apostle James was the first apostle to crucified in Samaria. The apostle Thomas was
Apostolic doctrine but lack Apostolic deeds. We be martyred when he was put to death in Jerusalem pierced through with spears by four soldiers in
claim Apostolic faith but lack Apostolic fruit. Some by the sword at the command of Herod. The apostle India. The apostle Barnabus preaching the Gospel
trumpet Apostolic power but lack Apostolic pov- James son of alphaeus was martyred at Jerusalem by was martyred at Salamis. Are you willing to add
erty. Some claim Apostolic enduement but lack Ap- being thrown from a pinnacle of the Temple, then your name to the list of these true apostles for
ostolic accomplishment. We may have Apostolic stoned and beaten with clubs and fuller’s mallets, Christ? Perhaps turn your Bible to Hebrews 11 and
vocabularies. Do we have Apostolic victories? Many while praying for his attackers. read where it says: “others tortured, not accepting
claim Apostolic succession. Few, if any, dare claim deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrec-
Apostolic suffering!" Let us look at the life's of the John Was Burded tion. They were stoned, they were sawn asunder,
apostles and see their summation, see how well they were tempted, were slain by the sword.” ?
ran and also finished the race that was set before The apostle John was burned with alive with oil and
them. survived and became the only apostle to die of Spineless Christianity
natural causes. The apostle Judas was beaten to
Will it shock you to know that every apostle died a death with a club, then beheaded, in Persia. The The apostles were living martyr’s for Christ dying
violent marytrs death. Should we not except to fol- apostle Matthias according to traditional accounts, daily. If we could share in their sufferings but for


one day I am sure many of us would forfeit apos- Ancient: CHRIST told them, to be wise, they must Tho' this is very far from GOD'S design, This jargon
tolic power. Leonard Ravenhill: “There is a 'deeper be fools, And that not all the knowledge of the union, they attempt to join.
life.' It is as deep as a personal Gethsemane and as schools, Could ever teach one soul the way to
costly as a personal Cal- heaven, That this is only by Ancient: CHRIST oft declares, the help of man is
vary." In our beggared con- his spirit given. vain, And, that except a man be born again, And
that except we all converted be, GOD'S kingdom we
dition in the modern day “Do we have Apostolic Modern: But now, some go can never, never see.
church we cannot handle
the consequences of apos- victories? Many claim unto the schools of men,
Modern: Some hold, that there is yet some power in
tolic power. We need first to Expecting heavenly wis-
have our weak skinned, Apostolic succession. Few, dom to obtain, And that, by man, And that by creeds, and modes, and forms he
reading books, they may can, Profess, confess, and plead, and, by degrees,
self-seeking, spineless
Christianity purged from
if any, dare claim Apos- acquire The holy spirit, the The holy, angry, jealous GOD, appease.
baptismal fire.
us. May God be gracious tolic suffering!...” Ancient: CHRIST says he is the way, the truth, the
enough to do this. Then life, That, our of him, we have no strength or light.
Ancient: CHRIST charg'd
perhaps we will have We have no faith, no hope, no might, at all. He is
his followers, titles to con-
power with God and once our joy, our hope, our all in all.
temn And, often faithfully,
again become the “church militant” on earth. "Apos-
admonish'd them Not to be called RABBI, learned,
tolic preaching is not marked by its beautiful dic- Modern: Why then, among the herdsmen, is such
wise, But all ambitious selfishness despise.
tion, or literary polish, or Cleverness of expression, strife, When all of them can't bring a flea to life.
but Operates "in demonstration of the Spirit and of Modern: Now, some are call'd Archbishops and Striving, both night and day, to proselyte, And yet
power." stated Arthur Wallis who longed many Prelates, Reverend Doctors, learn'd, wise, and great, cannot make one hair black or white!
years for a true move of God. We need men of re- The reverend parson, and master of arts, Old phari-
Ancient: CHRIST'S followers, of old, were of one
nown, those who are willing to count the cost and saick pride, in all its parts.
heart, Did, with their worldly int'rest, freely part;
be amongst the few that do great exploits for God.
Ancient: CHRIST told his followers, to be meek and Neither did any say, ought was his own; It all in
Hear the heart cry from Samuel M. Zwemer to see
mild, As low and humble as a little child, That they common stock was freely thrown.
these sort of men arise in our day: "A man set on fire
is an apostle of his age. And the only one who can must not aspire to lofty seats, But must come down
Modern: Some christians now, so selfish they are
kindle the spark of light and fire on the hearth and wash each others feet.
grown, It is with trouble, we can get our own, And
where it has died down is He who has revealed
Modern: Now some, in garments long, do love to sometimes are obliged to complain, Unto the laws,
Himself as the God of fire, our Lord Jesus Christ.
stand, With college flourishes, they wave their our rights for to obtain.
'Our God is a consuming fire'...Tell me, is your min-
hands, Read their writings, and then call it preach-
istry a burning and shining light, or a smoking Ancient: Christians all took their names from
ing, Old orthodox apostolick teaching. Now money,
wick, slowly dying out to ashes? ...It is a strange CHRIST, their head, All party names, from them,
schools and books supply
custom that we should supply a minister with a entirely fled, No Parthians or
the place, Of humble love,
glass of water; if only we could supply him with a Medes with them were
and sanctifiing grace,
bonfire in the pulpit, a spiritual bonfire.  We need
the dynamic of a flaming ministry that will set the When money fails, these “It is strange that we known, No other names, but
christians, they would own.
teachers often flee, The
Church on fire."?
reason is, because, they
supply a minister with a Modern: Christians are so
Ancient And Modern hirelings be. When any glass of water; if only we divided, in our days, The
now, are call'd of GOD, to want of true religion it be-
To any careful observer of the church in our day we teach, And by his spirit, could supply him with a trays, Presbyterian, Church-
realize there is a great disparity between the modern are sent forth to preach, men, Baptist, Quaker, Meth-
day example and the apostolic original. Here is These learn'd scholars bonfire in the pulpit...” odist, Universalist, and
anonymous article written in the 1700’s depicting soon, will them degrade, Shaker. It makes me almost
some of these disparities very vividly. Oh for a re- Lest their cheap preaching sick, To see the names Iv'e
viving of the true apostolic spirit in the Church is should spoil their trade. writ, My pen I now will quit, And will not waste My
the crying need of our day, or perhaps the only an- paper.”
swer for the Church in this day: Ancient: CHRIST told his followers that they must
expect, The world would hate them treat them with
“Ancient and modern preachers. The difference neglect, That as they hated him without a cause, So
between ancient and modern preachers taken from they would hate his followers and his laws. Fools in
the Scriptures. If any think me to severe to the the eastern of the world.
Clergy, let them study the examples of Christ and
his apostles, and compare the picture. Modern: No, say some modern preachers, 'tis not
true, The world will love us and respect too, We are
Ancient: CHRIST call'd his preachers to renounce commanded for to live in peace, We will not then
their wealth, And set a glorious pattern in himself, disturb their carnal ease.
Who, tho' he did possess all things in store, Yet for
our sakes, became exceeding poor. Ancient: CHRIST told them, a distinction they must
make, That they, the sheep and goats, must separate,
Modern: Some preachers now, large salaries do fix, Greg Gordon (1979 - Present) - Founder of
That, as the sheep were separate from wolves. They
So that, by preaching, they may now grow rich, So ministry. His desire is to pray for
must not be by worldly maxims rul'd.
far departing from their blessed Lord, They worship and see society changing revival in North America.
mammon and a golden god. Modern: No, say some teachers, this is a mistake; Currently living in Victoria, Canada.
Therfore, we now will join the church and state. 9

Phoney Repentance
“Multitudes have walked down the aisle, mouthed the right words, and joined
the church only to become what is delicately called ‘inactive members’...”

“SO IT WAS WHEN Ahab heard these words, that he ply tell people to accept Jesus as Saviour and we fail standing with God (Matt. 7:21-23); in his parable of
tore his clothes and put on sackcloth on his body, and to tell them they must also accept him as Lord. the sower, he spoke about the ‘stony ground’ hearer
fasted and lay in sackcloth, and went about mourning. Many, therefore, have settled down in something of who receives the word with joy but in whom the
And the word of the LORD came to Elijah the Tishbite, a halfway house. They are not lost, but neither are word does not take root (Matt. 13:20-21). In addi-
saying, ‘See how Ahab has humbled himself before Me? 1 they living for the Lord. They are, the argument tion, we have clear warnings from Paul (2 Cor. 13:5),
will not bring the calamity in his days; but in the days of goes, ‘carnal Christians’ — saved, but living as un- Peter (2 Pet. 1:10-11), John (1 John 2:18-19; 5:13), and
his son I will bring the calamity on his house.’ 1 Kings believers live. the author of the Epistle to the Hebrews (6:4-6;
21:27-29 10:26-39) on the danger of being deceived about
Common Assumption being converted.
A Major Problem
The common assumption in both of these explana- Notable Examples
One of the major problems of the church today is tions is that those who have made a profession of
‘phoney repentance’. Multitudes have walked down faith are genuinely saved. Very few seem willing to We also have several notable examples of spurious
the aisle, mouthed the right words, and joined the allow the possibility that many of our ‘inactive conversions. The names of Esau (Heb. 12:16-17),
church only to become what is delicately called members’ have simply never truly come to know Judas Iscariot (Acts 1:16-20), Simon Magus (Acts
‘inactive members’. All kinds of explanations have God at all; that their repentance was superficial and 8:9-24), and Demas (2 Tim. 4:10) are all inextricably
been offered for this sad state of affairs. Some at- incomplete; and that, therefore, they remain in their linked to ‘phoney repentance’. And here in the Old
tribute the problem to ineptness in ‘follow up’. They sins. Testament we have the case of Ahab. As hard as it
argue that these inactive members came to church may be to believe, this passage says Ahab, upon
really wanting to serve the Lord, but no one told The reluctance to talk about phoney conversions is hearing Elijah’s message of judgement, tore his
them how to go about it and they became discour- surprising, because Scripture has so much to say on clothes, put on sackcloth, fasted, and went about
aged and dropped out. Others say the problem is the subject. There are, for instance, the teachings of mourning. It also tells us that because of this self-
due to failing to teach new converts about a second Jesus: in the Sermon on the Mount, he explicitly humiliation, God delayed sending the promised
level of Christian living. Often, we are told, we sim- warned about the danger of being deceived on our judgement.


Many would have no doubt that these verses tell us 9:27), and it even warns us to fear him who has the from judgement. His judgement is always a last
that Ahab, the arch-enemy of God and godliness, power ‘to cast into hell’ (Luke 12:5). So at first sight resort.
had a true and genuine conversion experience and it seems somewhat unfair to criticize Ahab for being
lived for the Lord for the rest of his life. Certainly, motivated by the fear of Delaying
every child of God would like to believe this. We judgement.
By delaying Ahab’s judge-
would all like to see Ahab and Elijah strolling to-
gether on heaven’s golden streets. Yet even though Judgement “Often, we simply tell ment, God was also giving
comfort to all those who read
some of the greatest sinners in history have been
Yet the point we must people to accept Jesus as these pages. If God was good
plucked out of hell at the very last moment, the
keep in mind is that the enough to spare for a while
evidence is overwhelming that Ahab was not one of
Bible tells us about
Saviour and we fail to tell someone who had, at best,
judgement so we will hate them they must also ac- only partially repented, what
Ahab’s Repentance our sin and turn from it. will he do for the one who
Sin is what leads to cept him as Lord....” sincerely repents? Matthew
Ahab’s demonstration of repentance was very strik- judgement. Ahab feared Henry puts it like this: ‘If a
ing and impressive, but consider for a moment what judgement but he did not pretending partial penitent
he did not do. First, he did nothing to repudiate hate his sin. He believed the shall go to his house re-
Jezebel or to reduce her evil influence in the king- Word of God but, as we have noted, would not and prieved, doubtless a sincere penitent shall go to his
dom. Second, he took no action to restore Naboth’s did not forsake the sin. He wanted to escape judge- house justified.’1 But as much as God delights in
vineyard to his heirs or next of kin. Third, he did not ment while hanging on to his sin — and that cannot showing mercy, he will never compromise his word
break with his idols — when he and Jehoshaphat, be done. in order to show mercy. The temporary reprieve
king of Judah, decided to go to war against the Syri- given to Ahab did not change one iota God’s prom-
ans, Ahab consulted with four hundred false proph- Because Ahab did not truly hate his sin, he resorted ise to judge Ahab and his family. The judgement
ets (1 Kings 22:6) If Ahab had been truly converted, to mere outward rituals to stave off the judgement finally came just as God promised.
it is safe to say that he would have addressed each while clinging to sin within his heart. The Lord says
of these situations, but he did not. it is all right to fast and weep and mourn, as long as Mercy And Judgement
these things are done with the whole heart. But if
False Prophet Assurance the heart is not broken there is absolutely no point Jesus’ parable of the fig tree perfectly pictures the
in someone rending their garments (Joel 2:12-13). blend of God’s mercy and judgement. In the par-
We should also consider what Ahab said after the Ahab tore his garments, but his heart was the same able, God is the owner of the fruitless fig tree. Be-
four hundred false prophets assured him of success as ever. cause he is merciful he agrees to give the fig tree
in the battle another year to bear fruit, but at the end of that year
against Syria but Not Doing The Word of God of mercy the fig tree is to be cut down. The message
Jehoshaphat is clear. God’s mercy is great, but there is an end to it
asked to hear “The Bible tells us about Many today are in exactly the same (Luke 13:6-9). Ours is a time in which people seem
position. They believe the Word of
from ‘a prophet judgement so we will hate God, but they will not do what it
to come lightly and easily to Christ. Deep knowl-
of the Lord’. edge of sin, and sincere sorrow over it are increas-
There was such a our sin and turn from prescribes. They believe there is a ingly rare. Churches and preachers are so anxious to
prophet, Ahab God, and they believe they must gain a following that they willingly accept all pro-
conceded, but ‘I it....” some day stand before him, but they fessions of faith at face value. How we need to be
hate him because try to prepare for that day by going reminded of Ahab and his phoney repentance! Ahab
he never prophe- through the external motions of relig- teaches us two very serious and powerful lessons:
sies anything ion, and not by making a complete
good about me, break with their sins. How many sit Powerful Lessons
but always bad’ (22:7-8). The fact that this prophet, in church each Sunday with the hope
that their religious observances will somehow ap- It is possible to go a long way in religion and not be
Micaiah, had nothing good to say about Ahab indi-
pease God, and all the while they stubbornly refuse truly converted.
cates that the king of Israel had not truly repented of
his sin; and Ahab’s confession of his hatred for a to turn from their sins?
True repentance will always evidence itself in a
servant of God ought to remove all question about change of attitude toward sin and in changed be-
But this leaves us with a tricky question. If Ahab’s
his spiritual condition. haviour.
repentance was ‘phoney’, why did God take note of
But if Ahab’s repentance was not genu- it and decide to
May God help each of us who has made a profes-
ine, how are we to explain his tearing withhold his
sion of faith to bring these lessons home to our
his clothes, putting on sackcloth, fasting “Many today are in ex- judgement for
hearts and to make sure that our profession is the
and mourning? The answer is that these a time?
genuine article.
actions were all induced by fear of actly the same position. God was sim-
judgement, not by true sorrow for sin.
Ahab knew Elijah extremely well by this
They believe the Word of ply demon-
strating again
time. He knew whatever Elijah said God, but they will not do the greatness
would most certainly come true, and he
of his mercy.
was distraught because God’s judge- what it prescribes....” The prophet
ment was hanging over him and he Roger Ellsworth (1882-1969) - Roger Ellsworth is
Isaiah tells us
could not escape it. What could possibly Pastor of Immanuel Baptist Church, Benton, Illinois.
judgement is
be wrong with Ahab fearing judgement? His Come Down, Lord! book is a powerful exposition
God’s ‘strange’ or ‘unusual’ act (Isa. 28:21), which
The Bible says we must all eventually stand before of Isaiah showing the great need for revival..
shows us that God receives no pleasure or delight
God to give account of ourselves (Rom. 14:12; Heb. 11

F.B.Meyer A.W. Tozer Bill Bright C.H. Spurgeon William MacDonald

”God incarnate is the end of "If there's anything necessary ”Revival is a sovereign act of "It will be an ill day for the ”We are suffering a famine of
fear; and the heart that real- to your eternal happiness but God. The Holy Spirit is the church and the world when the Word of God. The minis-
izes that He is in the midst... God, you're not the kind of one who orchestrates and the proposed amalgamation try lacks unction. Too often it
will be quiet in the middle of Christian that you ought to enables even our love for shall be complete, and the is a rehash of the obvious.
Christ. We cannot understand Sons of God and the daugh- How seldom in meetings are
God's Word apart from the ters of men shall be as one: we conscious that the Spirit of
Holy Spirit who inspired the then shall another deluge of God has spoken to us in
"We need some prophet, some man writing. ” wrath be ushered in.” power? We live on a diet of
pablum. And don’t put all the
of God to lead us to repentance! “Revival is a time of personal “There are some, in these blame on the preachers!”
humiliation, forgiveness, and apostate days, who think that
That is the need of the hour - TO restoration in the Holy Spirit. the church cannot do better “We need some prophet, some
REPENT - to break at the foot of It is a time when the Spirit than to come down to the man of God to lead us to re-
calls on a person to repent of world to learn her ways, fol- pentance! That is the need of
the Cross." -William MacDonald obvious sins, and reveals low her maxims, and acquire the hour -TO REPENT – to
those which are not so her ‘culture.’ In fact, the no- break at the foot of the Cross
obvious-coldness of heart, tion is that the world is to be and sob out the confession so
alarm.” be. For only God is the true loss of first love.” conquered by our conformity hard to come by, “We have
rest.” to it. This is as contrary to sinned.”
“When we want to know “I believe God wants to spare Scripture as the light is to the
God's will, there are three “Looking at what John wrote, our nation and am confident darkness.” “We need to repent in our
things which always concur: I wonder how so many pre- that He is going to send a individual lives to confess and
the inward impulse, the Word sent – day Christians can great spiritual awakening to “Someone was asking, the forsake the sins that have
of God and the trend of cir- consider an hour of worship America and the world.”
cumstances. Never act until Sunday morning as adequate
“We have sinned against You,
these three things agree.” adoration of the holy God
O Lord. We have disobeyed "In the majority of our meetings
who created them and then
“We should read the Bible as redeemed them back to Him- Your clear commands, We there is scarcely a trace of reverent
those who listen to the very self.” have not loved You with all of
speech of God.  Well may it be our heart, soul, mind, and thought..." -A.W. Tozer
called the Word of God.” “It is always true that an en- strength. We have not loved
counter with God brings our neighbors as we love
“Why, then, should we hesi- wonderment and awe!” ourselves.“
tate to speak of the blood of other day, how it was that the brought us into this place of
Christ?  It was royal blood. “In the majority of our meet- “The Early Church recognized church, nowadays, was not so spiritual barrenness.”
'His own'; and he was a King ings there is scarcely a trace of fasting as a means of obtain- separate from the world as it
used to be; and one who “We have been a proud peo-
indeed.  It was voluntarily reverent thought, no recogni- ing spiritual power. God’s
heard the question suggested ple, boasting in our heritage
shed: 'He offered himself'.  It tion of the unity of the body, Word declares fasting and
that, possibly, the world had of renowned evangelists and
was pure 'innocent blood', little sense of the divine Pres- prayer as a powerful means
grown better; but another Bible teachers.”
'without spot'.  It was ence.” for causing the fire of God to
sacrificial.  He died not as a fall again in a person's life.” more truly said that, probably,
martyr, but as a Saviour.” the church had grown worse.”

"YOU DON’T HAVE TO understand all about the Bible in order to accept it.  You don't have to understand the digestive processes before you eat a meal.  You don't have to
understand everything about electricity before you switch on your lights or send a telegram.  Must you know all about a trolley car in order to pay a nickel and take a ride?  Can
you explain how a black cow eats green grass and gives white milk to make yellow butter?  No!" - Billy Sunday

"MAN’S OWN CONSCIENCE, more than a thousand witnesses, cannot help but dictate the reality of God to him." - John Bunyan

“THUS MANY ARE KEPT from doing their duty by the fear of trouble, the love of ease, and an inordinate affection to their worldly business and advantage.  Narrow selfish
spirits care not what becomes of the interests of God’s church, so they can get, keep, and save money.” – Matthew Henry


Oswald Chambers Charles E. Cowman Jonathan Edwards Charles S. Price Roger Ellsworth

"Faith is deliberate confidence "Our character is determined “How many sorts of wicked- "The greatness of a man's ”Waiting on God involves the
in the character of God whose by what we do if every re- ness have you not been guilty power is the measure of his attitudes of expectation, sin-
ways you may not under- straint were removed.” of! How manifold have been surrender. ” gleness, and patience. We can
stand at the time.” the abominations of your life! expect God to come down
“Strong minds suffer without What profaneness and con- “‘Not called!' did you say? because “He has come down
“The dearest friend on earth is complaining; weak minds tempt of God has been exer- 'Not heard the call,' I think before. Study the history of
a mere shadow compared to complain without suffering.” cised by you! How little re- you should say. Put your ear the church and you will find it
Jesus Christ.” gard have you had to the down to the Bible, and hear to be true.”
“There is a spiritual law of him bid you go and pull sin-
Scriptures, to the word
"We have to pray with our choosing, believing, abiding, ners out of the fire of sin. Put “God has visited his people
preached, to sabbaths, and
eyes on God, not on the diffi- and holding steady in our your ear down to the bur- time and again in remarkable
sacraments! How profanely
culties" walk with God, which is es- dened, agonized heart of hu- periods of revival. If we are
have you talked, many of you,
sential to the working of the manity, and listen to its pitiful patient in seeking God, surely
“The entrance into the King- about those things that are
Holy Ghost either in our sanc- wail for help. Go stand by the He will answer. But meeting
gates of hell, and hear the God when He comes (chapter
“Yea, you have not only spent damned entreat you to go to four) requires both rejoicing in
"How little regard have you had to the time in worldly, vain, and their father's house and bid and working righteousness
unprofitable thoughts, but in their brothers and sisters, and and remembering the ways of
the Scriptures, to the word immoral thoughts; pleasing servants and masters not to God (Isa. 64:5). Living the
Christian life requires effort,
preached." -Jonathan Edwards yourself with the reflection on come there. And then look
but “far too many of us want
past acts of wickedness, and Christ in the face, whose
in contriving new acts. Have mercy you have professed to to slip quietly into heaven
not you spent much holy time
in gratifying your lusts in
your imaginations; yea, not "The dearest friend on earth is a
dom is through the panging tification or healing.” only holy time, but the very
pains of repentance crashing time of God's public worship, mere shadow compared to Jesus
into a man’s respectable “The devil is not put to flight when you have appeared in
goodness; then the Holy by a courteous request. He God's more immediate pres-
Christ." -Oswald Chambers
Ghost, Who produces these meets us at every turn, con- ence?”
agonies, begins the formation tends for every inch, and our
progress has to be registered “You have destroyed yourself;
of the Son of God in the life. obey, and tell him whether wearing silver slippers in-
in heart's blood and tears.” but yet in God has been your
The new life will manifest you will join heart and soul stead of combat boots!”
help. God has magnified his
itself in conscious repentance and body and circumstances
“There lies before us the new free grace towards you.” “By being persistent in prayer
and unconscious holiness, in the march to publish his
year and we are going forth to we show how highly we prize
never the other way about.” mercy to the world.”
possess it. Who can tell what “A truly humble man is sensi- God’s blessings, and God is
we shall find? What new ex- ble of his natural distance
“The bedrock of Christianity “We must wake ourselves up!  more inclined to grant His
periences, what changes will from God; of his dependence
is repentance. Strictly speak- Or somebody else will take blessings to those who prize
come, what new needs shall on Him.”
ing, a man cannot repent our place, and bear our cross, them.”
when he chooses; repentance arise? All our supply is to and thereby rob us of our
is a gift of God.” come from the Lord.” crown.”

"CHRISTIANITY IF FALSE, is of no importance, and, if true, of infinite importance.  The one thing it cannot be is moderately important." - C.S. Lewis

"NOBODY EVER OUTGROWS Scripture; the book widens and deepens with our years." - Charles H. Spurgeon

“MEN ARE COMMONLY more zealous to support their own authority than God’s.”  - Matthew Henry

"SO WHEN WE SEE the ever blessed God, our heavenly Father, send infirmities and crosses to rescue those He loves from sin's dominion, we safely conclude that He thinks
affliction is a far less evil than the guilt of sin.  He is too wise and too indulgent a physician to cure with such a remedy as would be worse than the disease." - John Bunyan 13

Robert M'Cheyne Alexander Stuart William Booth

"IT IS NOT HOW LONG you live, but how you live WHAT ADAM LOST IN the garden, through, Christ ONE OF THE MOST effective weapons in General
that counts." Robert Murray M'Cheyne was a living can be found on our knees! Clearly Alexander Booth's arsenal was fervent prayer. It was not un-
example of this often neglected truth. At twenty- Moody Stuart was no stranger to this blessed truth. usual for Booth to hold "an all night of prayer" when
three years old he was ordained and inducted into Day and night he enjoyed the paradise of fellowship he came to preach the Word of God. People would
the church of St. Peters at Dundee. At thirty years with the Father through prayer. Agonizing, fervent flood the altars every where he went. "The power of
old he finished his course, dying in the spring of prayer was his constant habit. "He often seemed to God was wonderfully manifest in the meetings . . .
1843. Like John the Baptist and the Savior Himself, wrestle in prayer like Jacob at Peniel saying, "I will people were frequently, struck down, overwhelmed
M'Cheyne ushered in Christ's kingdom in just a few not let Thee go except Thou bless me."' As a result, with a sense of the presence and power of God."
short years. It was during his brief public ministry his congregation was often more deeply affected by
that Scotland experienced one of its greatest reviv- his public praying than by his preaching. The Salvation Army's success at freeing the captives
als. From 1839-1842 much of Scotland was turned was uncanny, especially when one considers those
upside down through the Spirit-filled labors of W. Mr. Moody Stuart always considered the weekly who it strived to reach. General Booth's battle cry
C. Burns and Robert Murray M'Cheyne. prayer meeting as the most vital and effectual serv- was "Go for souls and go for the worst." The worst
ice held in the church. "He prayed much both in of sinners were saved, saloons were closed and
Perhaps more powerful than M'Cheyne's preaching public and in the family for seasons of revival, and entire cities were shaken. Booth's success attracted
was his praying. To him the prayer closet was a constantly stirred up others to pray and labor for not only supporters but also enemies. Those who
refuge of fellowship, holiness and intercession. this, being fully aware of the general apathy in re- served in the Army were pelted with hot coals,
M'Cheyne's diary and letters are replete with exam- gard to it." He ministered with anointed men of God sprayed with tar and burning sulphur, beat, stoned
ples of his prayerful life. He wrote, "I rose early to like W. C. Burns and Andrew Bonar during the Scot- and even kicked to death in the streets. The Salva-
seek God, and found Him whom my soul loveth. tish Revival of 1839. He also prayerfully supported tion Army resisted their enemies with a cheerful
Who would not rise early to meet such company?" Brownlow North in the Ulster Revival of 1859. It is "God bless you", and a prayer. General Booth, him-
"King Jesus is a Good Master. I have had some sweet said of Alexander Moody Stuart that when he self was often in the thick of it. When spit on during
seasons of communion with the unseen God which I preached he brought men face to face with God the Midlands tour, Booth encouraged his fellow
would not give up for thousands worth of gold and Almighty. Like M'Cheyne, he directed men to look soldiers, "Don't rub it off - it's a medal!"
silver." Only a few months before his death at Christ ten times for every time they looked at
M'Cheyne drew up some considerations concerning themselves. He tenderly pleaded with men to em- At another time, two Salvation Army officers set out
"Reformation in Secret Prayer". "I ought", said brace Jesus Christ as one who could be known, to found a new work, only to meet with failure and
M'Cheyne, "to spend the best hours of the day in loved and trusted. All of this flowed out of his own opposition. Frustrated and tired they appealed to
communion with God. It is my noblest and most intimate relationship with the Savior. Mr. Moody the General to close the rescue mission. General
fruitful employment." It is said that Robert Murray Stuart's Christianity was nothing less than a fervent Booth sent back a telegram with two words on it,
M'Cheyne had a special place in his church where and longing passion for Jesus. "TRY TEARS." They followed his advice and they
he would pour over the names on the church role witnessed a mighty revival.
and weep with groans of intercession. Though only Mr. Moody Stuart considered a life spent in sacrifice
and prayer as the natural response to Christ's unfail- During the course of William Booths ministry he
a young man, M'Cheyne possessed that rarest of
ing love. He mourned the fact that "many are will- traveled 5,000,000 miles and preached 60,000 ser-
jewels; a TRUE shepherd's heart. M'Cheyne fer-
ing that Christ should be something, but few will mons. God help us in this desperate and distracted
vently labored among the people of Dundee, as if he
consent that Christ should be everything." His day in which we live to heed the General's advice.
somehow knew he would soon die. He was a man
whole ministry was shaped by long hours spent in "Work as if everything depended upon your work,
motivated by eternity. He wrote, "As I was walking
prayer. He was a faithful pastor to his church be- and pray as if everything depended upon your
in the fields, the thought came over me with almost
cause he had beheld the Good Shepherd in times of prayer."
overwhelming power, that every one of my flock
must soon be in heaven or hell. Oh how I wished prayer. Is it not true that our weakness and failure
that I had a tongue like thunder, that I might make often come from our desperate lack of knowing
all hear; or that I had a frame like iron, that I might Christ in prayer? Oh that we would be a people
visit every one and say, 'Escape for thy life! Ah sin- driven by a consuming love and devotion for Jesus,
ner! You little know how I fear that you will lay the ever longing for His Holy presence. God help us to David Smithers - A Church historian that has a pas-
blame of your damnation at my door.'" be a people given to constant prayer. sion to see revival that will send out missionaries in this
generation. Founded a ministry where
you can access more of his writings.


The Speaking Voice The Great Change - Branded by Devotion

Conversion to a Task
THE BIBLE IS THE written word of God, and be- CAN YOU NOT remember, dearly-beloved, that THE MARK OF PAUL’S inward crucifixion were
cause it is written it is confined and limited by the day of days, that best and brightest of hours, when plainly evident. First of all, Paul was branded by
necessities of ink and paper and leather. The Voice first you saw the Lord, lost your burden, received devotion to a task. If, as tradition says, Paul was
of God, however, is alive and free as the sovereign the roll of promise, rejoiced in full salvation, and only four feet six inches in height, then he was the
God is free. `The words that I speak unto you, they went on your way in peace? greatest dwarf that ever lived. He out-paced, out-
are spirit, and they are life.' The life is in the speak- prayed, and out-passioned all his contemporaries.
ing words. God's word in the Bible can have power When I was in the hand of the Holy Spirit, under On his escutcheon was blazed: "One thing I do." He
only because it corresponds to God's word in the conviction of sin, I had a clear and sharp sense of was blind to all that other men gloried in.
universe. It is the present Voice which makes the the justice of God. Sin, whatever it might be to other
written Word all- powerful. Otherwise it would lie people, became to me an intolerable burden. It was Pascal was bitterly criticized because apart from the
locked in slumber within the covers of a book. not so much that I feared hell, as that I feared sin; immortal soul of man, he could see no scenery any-
and all the while, I had upon my mind a deep con- where worth looking at. By the same token, the
Whoever will listen will hear the speaking Heaven. cern for the honour of God's name, and the integrity Apostle Paul might be castigated for saying not a
This is definitely not the hour when men take kindly of His moral government. I felt that it would not word about Grecian art or the splendor of the Pan-
to an exhortation to listen, for listening is not today satisfy my conscience if I could be forgiven unjustly. theon. His was a separation to spirituality. After the
a part of popular religion. We are at the opposite But then there came the question,—"How could Athenian clash on Mars’ Hill, Paul poured contempt
end of the pole from there. Religion has accepted the God be just, and yet justify me who had been so on the wisdom of this world, dying daily to the
monstrous heresy that noise, size, activity and blus- guilty?" I was worried and wearied with this ques- temptation to outwit and out-think the wise. His
ter make a man dear to God. But we may take heart. tion; neither could I see any answer to it. Certainly, I task was not that of getting over a viewpoint, but of
To a people caught in the tempest of the last great could never have invented an answer which would overcoming the legions of hell!
conflict God says, `Be still, and know that I am God,' have satisfied my conscience. The doctrine of the
(Ps 46:10) and still He says it, as if He means to tell atonement is to my mind one of the surest proofs of Somewhere, most likely in Arabia, Paul’s personal-
us that our strength and safety lie not in noise but in the Divine inspiration of Holy Scripture. Who ity had been transfigured. Never after that was he
silence. would or could have thought of the just Ruler dying listed as a backslider. He was too occupied with
for the unjust rebel? This method of expiation is going on. It would have vexed his righteous soul to
It is important that we get still to wait on God. And only known among men because it is a fact: fiction hear a congregation sing, "Prone to wander, Lord, I
it is best that we get alone, preferably with our Bible could not have devised it. God Himself ordained it; feel it!" Unsponsored, unwelcomed, unloved -- these
outspread before us. Then if we will we may draw it is not a matter which could have been imagined. made little difference to Paul. On he went, blind to
near to God and begin to hear Him speak to us in every jewel of earthly honor, deaf to every siren-
our hearts. I think for the average person the pro- When I was anxious about the possibility of a just voice of ease, and insensitive to the mesmerism of
gression will be something like this: First a sound as God pardoning me, I understood and saw by faith worldly success.
of a Presence walking in the garden. Then a voice, that He who is the Son of God became man, and in
more intelligible, but still far from clear. Then the His own blessed person bore my sin in His own Without any of their choosing, millions will be
happy moment when the Spirit begins to illuminate body on the tree. I saw that the chastisement of my branded for the Antichrist one day. Shall we shrink
the Scriptures, and that which had been only a peace was laid on Him, and that with His stripes I to bear in our spirits, our souls, and our bodies our
sound, or at best a voice, now becomes an intelligi- was healed. It was because the Son of God, su- Owner’s marks -- the marks of Jesus? Branded
ble word, warm and intimate and clear as the word premely glorious in His matchless person, under- means pain. Do we want that? Branded means car-
of a dear friend. Then will come life and light, and took to vindicate the law by bearing the sentence rying the slur of the servant. Will we choose to be
best of all, ability to see and rest in and embrace due to me, that therefore God was able to pass by branded -- for Christ?
Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord and All. my sin.

A.W. Tozer (1897-1963) - Known as the “20th cen- C.H. Spurgeon (1834-1892) - British Baptist Leonard Ravenhill (1907-1994) - Preached in
tury prophet” his writings and preaching have stirred preacher known as the “prince of preachers.” He America for revival until his death. One of the fore-
and brought many to a deeper walk with God. Pas- wrote volumes of works that are still reprinted in our most authorities on revival in the 20th century,
tored in the Alliance church movement. day. Used to bring many souls to Christ in England. namely with the book “Why Revival Tarries.” 15

The Impotent Church

“Most Christians in American have lost their sense of a holy God. They do not
understand His divine attributes of love, power, wisdom, sovereignty....”

America Under Siege were nourished in our faith as young believers. Erosion of Spiritual Values
But if the Holy Spirit is the author of revival, how
MOST CHRISTIANS IN American have lost their A Growing Concern did so much of Christ's Church become so impo-
sense of a holy God. They do not understand His tent? The answer is simple: We are not listening to
divine attributes of love, power, wisdom, sover- Our Lord looks upon His Church, His body of be-
God. We are not obeying Him.
eignty and grace. Vast numbers of church members lievers, as the “salt of the earth” (Matthew 5:13). Salt
do not know that He is present, active, available, is a necessary supplement in the human diet. It adds During the last thirty years, America’s slow slide
and knowable to them. The reality of God seems far flavor to the food, and as a preservative, it prolongs into moral decadence has happened in full view of
removed from everyday life. As a result, it has be- the life of perishable items. But most Christians the Body of Christ. A look at conditions in the
come all too easy to be influenced by the incessant today have lost their savor. And as many of the Church-and surrounding it-will help to understand
onslaught of secular attitudes in movies, television, values that Americans hold dear slowly slip away, why. First, Christians have left their first love. Ac-
advertising and daily peer pressure. the Church often seems powerless to preserve them. cording to many polls, the majority of believers
have lost their original spiritual fervor and are
Importance of the Local Church The Role of the Holy Spirit
caught up in the things of the world. Like the
During revival, the Holy Spirit persuades believers Church of Ephesus (Revelation 2:1-7) they do not
The most important and influential institution for
of their true condition and their need to repent and love the Lord as they once did. Second, Christians,
the good of mankind in any community is the
return to their first love. He inspires His servants to for the most part, are sorely divided. With far too
church of our Lord Jesus Christ. But many have
speak His fresh messages to the Church. And He many denominations, each with its own distinctive
fallen away from her.
uses those whom He inspires to help convince other beliefs, the Church seems embattled over doctrinal
In my almost fifty years of walking with the Lord, I believers of their need to drop their worldly pur- issues, the ordination of women, abortion, and other
have been committed to the local church. My wife suits and seek after God with all their hearts. moral principles.
and I became Christians through the influence of the
Third, Christians often reflect a poor image. When I
First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood, where we
was a young man, many unbelievers like myself


thought the local church was a place for sissies, Most of the Church in America finds itself in this turn for help.
women and children. Hollywood and the media present state of spiritual impotence because it does
have furthered that image by portraying “parsons” not truly love God, nor trust His promises and obey Our Task
as weak, effeminate individuals whom “real men” His commands.
In America today, we need
find disgusting. From the pulpit, some Christian
I am often reminded of not wait for a sovereign act
leaders condemn sin, but privately are themselves
guilty. Add to that the divorce rate among Chris- something I have tried to “It is asleep. Polluted of God to bring revival. We
teach our Campus Cru- do not have to wait for a
tians, and you confirm the perception that believers
sade staff and others: All
with the desires and mate- general out-pouring of the
are little different from nonbelievers.
Holy Spirit on the church
we really have to do as rialism of the world, she and the nation. Our task is to
Fourth, Christians have lost their influence on soci- believers, from the time
ety. Some years ago, a major secular poll reported we get up in the morning knows little about spiri- surrender to the lordship of
that there were sixty million born-again Christians until we go to bed at Christ and the control of the
in America. But publications such as the Wall Street night, is love God with all tual discipline...” Holy Spirit, fast and pray,
Journal took issue with the finding. The Journal our heart and soul and and obey God's Word. Meet-
wanted to know: If this is true, why is America rav- mind and strength, obey ing these conditions, we can
aged by crime and violence? The answer lies partly His commands, and trust His promises. That is all. expect the Holy Spirit to trans-
in the fact that millions who call themselves Chris- Everything else flows from that. form our lives.
tians are really not Christians at all; although relig-
The Church is Asleep God’s Word promises us that if we humble our-
ious, they have never experienced a personal rela-
selves, reverence and worship God, He will bless us.
tionship with Jesus Christ. And many of those who
And where is the Church? For the most part, it is But for the slothful person, the disobedient person,
are Christians are living worldly (carnal) lives.
asleep. Polluted with the desires and materialism of there is no blessing-only discipline, or worse.
Fifth, Christians are searching for easy solutions and the world, she knows little about spiritual discipline
and living the Spirit-filled life. She is The Holy Spirit of God is sovereign. He works when
quick success.
complacent and at ease, thinking she and where He chooses. But we should always pray
Most of God's
has everything and is in need of noth- and plan for His sovereign work in the affairs of
ministers shun
fiery sermons
“Seventh, the world has ing. people and nations. But personal revival begins
with an inner call to the heart by the Holy Spirit
on holiness and so crept into the Church This picture is a mirror image of the (Philippians 2:13). The conscience finds itself stirred
churches at Ephesus and Laodicea por- by that call. The will makes the decision to obey or
Instead, they that it has become cultur- trayed in Revelation 2:1-7; 3:14-20, to ignore it.
pander to the
desires of their ally conditioned....” whom the Lord spoke these sobering
Today, our decision is crucial as individuals, as a
words: “ You have forsaken your first
flocks, preach- church and as a nation. God is asking us to seek
love. Remember the height from which
ing “feel-good” Him with all of our being. The revival which He
you have fallen! Repent and do the
messages on promises begins when we humble ourselves, repent,
things you did at first. If you do not
health, wealth fast, pray, and seek His face and turn from our evil
repent, I will come to you and remove
and success in life . ways. God has promised to respond with revival
your lamp stand from its place” (Revelation 2:4,5).
fire for any person who will hear, love, trust and
Sixth, the Church is weakened by a “what's-the-
I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor obey Him.
use?” mentality. Many Christians, when confronted
hot. I wish you were either one or the other! so,
with world conditions and the call to Christian ac- Nothing Short Of The Supernatural
because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I
tion, reply with a shrug, “Jesus said it was going to
am about to spit you out of my
happen, so why worry about it?” It will take nothing
mouth. “You say, I am rich; I
short of the supernatu-
Seventh, the world has so crept into the Church that have acquired wealth and do
ral to stem the tides of
it has become culturally conditioned. To some ex- not need a thing But you do not “Today, our decision is judgment devastating
tent, the Church is aware of this, but has difficulty realize that you are wretched,
separating itself from the immoral influences of our pitiful, poor, blind and naked” crucial as individuals, as our land. I believe that
nothing else can com-
(Revelation 3:15-17).
culture. This is easy to see in the dress and behavior a church and as a nation. pare with the super-
of many church-goers and in the worldly entertain- natural power released
These pictures of America and
ment they seek. It is apparent that the Church is
the Church are but a few of the
God is asking us to seek when we fast and pray.
“fiddling” while believers are “burning” with spiri- We know for certain
tual indifference, and the souls of nonbelievers are
alarming snapshots of our na- Him....” from Hebrews 11:6 and
tion. As I thumb through the
of little concern. from personal experi-
pages of our national album, I
cannot help but feel a sting of ence that God rewards
Our Alternative
shame. Our great and God-blessed nation has for- those who diligently seek Him.
We do not have to be like the Ephesian Christians- saken its once-solid foundation of biblical princi-
having left our first love (Revelation 2:4). Each one ples. And much of the Church is spiritually impo-
of us has the Word of God. We can read and under- tent–void of a vital, personal and intimate walk with
stand and obey it. We can turn to God. We can seek God. Having fallen into the cult of the comfortable,
Bill Bright (1921-2007) -Was an American evangel-
Him. We do not have to wait on others to lead the the Church, for the most part, is no longer a power
ist. The founder of Campus Crusade for Christ, he
way. to be reckoned with. It has largely lost the respect of
wrote The Four Spiritual Laws in 1965 and produced
the masses; it is often the object of ridicule; tragi-
the Jesus Film in 1979.
cally, it has become the last place our nation would 17

Free Through Suffering

“‘Thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress.’ He declares the sorrows of life
to have been themselves the source of life's enlargement....”

One Of The Greatest Testimonies hardens the heart. not entered into thee. It is thy limit In such a universe thine every thought
that is thine enlargement. It is the would be "God and I! God and I!" And
"THOU HAST ENLARGED me when Real Sorrow shadows of thy life that are the real yet He is as near to thee as that--as
I was in distress"   Psalm 4:1. fulfillment of thy dreams of glory. near as if in the boundless spaces there
He who sheds tears over a romance
Murmur not at the shadows; they are throbbed no heart but His and thine.
This is one of the grandest testimonies will not be most apt to help reality;
better revelations than thy dreams. Practice that solitude, O my soul!
ever given by man to the moral gov- real sorrow will be too unpoetic for
Say not that the shades of the prison- Practice the expulsion of the crowd!
ernment of God. It is not a man's him. We need the iron to enlarge our
house have fettered thee; thy fetters Practice the stillness of thine own
thanksgiving that he has been set free nature. The gold is but a vision; the
are wings--wings of flight into the heart! Practice the solemn refrain "God
from suffering. It is a thanksgiving iron is an experience. The chain which
bosom of humanity. The door of thy and I! God and I!" Let none interpose
that he has been set free through suf- unites me to humanity must be an
prison-house is a door into the heart between thee and thy wrestling angel!
fering: "Thou hast enlarged me when I iron chain. That touch of nature which
of the universe. God has enlarged thee Thou shalt be both condemned and
was in distress." He declares the sor- makes the world akin is not joy, but
by the binding of sorrow's chain. — pardoned when thou shalt meet Jesus
rows of life to have been themselves sorrow; gold is partial, but iron is
George Matheson alone! --George Matheson
the source of life's enlargement. universal.
The Golden Chain
And have not you and I a thousand Joseph’s Throne
times felt this to be true? It is written If Joseph had not been Egypt's pris-
My soul, if thou wouldst be enlarged Mrs. Charles E. Cowman (1870-
of Joseph in the dungeon that "the iron oner, he had never been Egypt's gov-
into human sympathy, thou must be 1960) - worked as a pioneer missionary
entered into his soul." We all feel that ernor. The iron chain about his feet
narrowed into limits of human suffer- with her husband in Japan and China
what Joseph needed for his soul was ushered in the golden chain about his
ing. Joseph's dungeon is the road to from 1901 to 1917. Authored a famous
just the iron. He had seen only the neck. — Selected
Joseph's throne. Thou canst not lift the devotional: streams in the Desert.
glitter of the gold. He had been rejoic-
ing in youthful dreams; and dreaming iron load of thy brother if the iron hath A Meditation 18

A Promise For Every Day

“It is the promise, in essence, which God makes to His friends, times without
number, here in this Holy Book, by direct statement, and by implication....”

Search Ourselves stand before envy?" It is as rottenness beholdest thou the tiny little splinter times without number, here in this
in one's bones. Envy is incipient in thy brother's eye, and considerest Holy Book, by direct statement, and
"AS THY DAYS, so shall thy strength murder.  Envy eats up every noble not the beam" - that is, the big log - by implication.  That is the unending
be" (Deuteronomy 33:25). thing.  If a man finds envy anywhere "considerest not the big log that is in promise of God all through this Book. 
in his life, he should pluck it out and thine own eye?  Thou hypocrite," said Now, since, that is God's promise, His
Whenever we turn the glasses within,
fling it away, as he would fling away Jesus, "first cast out the beam" - the big pledge, that pledge is well grounded. 
and search ourselves thoroughly, how
the deadl cobra, seeking to coil about log - "out of thine own eye; and then There are promises human.  They are
pained we always are at the meager
his heart. shalt thou see clearly to cast out the often frail, they often come short; they
progress that we are making in the
mote" - the splinter - "out of thy often break. But this is God's promise,
better life.  We look around us and see Uncharitableness brother's eye." Oh, if you have the and when we know it is God's prom-
certain personalities who are growing
tendency to harshness, to censorious- ise we can rest upon it with all the
and expanding and triumphing in a Another man's handicap is the temp-
ness, to uncharitableness, put it utterly tranquility and peace with which a
remarkable way in the Christian life, tation to uncharitableness.  What a
away, it is so disastrous in its blinding child lies back upon its mother's
as it seems to us, and then we look at serious handicap that is!  In His fun-
and blighting effect on life! heart.  Yes, it is God's promise.
ourselves and behold how little the damentally revolutionary Sermon on
progress, how meager the growth, the Mount, Jesus uses the searching This Gracious Promise .
how few the attainments that we have words "Judge not, that ye be not
made and are making in the Christian judged.  For with what judgment ye Let me ask you to look a little more
life. judge, ye shall be judged; and with closely at this gracious promise, with
what measure ye mete, it shall be which I would fain fortify your heart George W. Truett (1867-1944) - The
And then here is another whose cul- measured to you again." And then He and mine this day.  "As thy days, so First Baptist Church grew into the
pable weakness, it may be, is envy.  asks a biting question: "Why beholdest shall be thy strength." Whose is the largest church in the world at the time.
Oh, what a terrible besetment that is!  thou the mote that is in thy brother's promise?  It is the promise, in essence, Dr. Truett served as president of the
The Bible asks the question: "Who can eye" - a mote is a tiny splinter - "Why which God makes to His friends, Southern Baptist Convention. 19

The Meaning Of Faith

“Faith is a persuasion of the mind resting upon evidence. God never asks us to
believe anything unless He furnishes a basis for that belief....”

The Collapse Of Faith The influence of that Church was felt throughout ful exploits in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Christendom. As a matter of fact, the dynamics It was, in short, an era of faith. God called it
WITHIN THE MEMORY OF most of us is the of its preaching exerted an influence in every “Philadelphia.”
time when both the Church and the world country under the sun. In the chronology of God
seemed to possess certain of the elements of it was undoubtedly the era of Philadelphia. Then came the deluge. Like the breaking down
faith. With the dying of the Victorian era the Without question it was the Philadelphian of the walls of a mammoth dam, the floodwaters
Church seemed to be impregnated with the spirit Church. It was the age that contributed more to of unbelief, of doubt, and of fear surged, and
of evangelism. The great preachers of Christen- revivals, to foreign missionary enterprise, to the raged, and roared as they flowed irresistibly on,
dom thundered forth the truths of God; and in opening of city missions, to street meetings--and carrying everybody and everything in their cata-
stately cathedral, as well as village chapel, wor- to other channels of aggressive service--than any clysmic flow. Nobody escaped, in world or in
shipers listened to sermons that were vitalized preceding age since the days of the apostles. church, except those who climbed to the spiritual
with faith in God. high places and beheld with consternation, and
Illustrious Men Of Faith with broken hearts, the raging, swelling waters
Even though they had long since passed away, that were at their feet.
the preachers who followed the great Reforma- Scintillating like stars in the heavens are the
tion continued to live and to exert their influence names of illustrious men of faith--firebrands of They saw the things that they had built through
in the lives of the men who had followed them. God's truth who crossed the burning sands of the service of the past years collapse like a house
They might have differed on questions of church India, surmounted the great wall of China, pene- of cardboard before the fury of the storm. Ideals,
government, and in some instances on doctrinal trated the dark jungles of Africa, and raised the moral standards--the faith of the fathers--were all
interpretation, but every one of them could sing standard of the cross in every continent and on relentlessly carried away on the shoulders of the
lustily, “Faith of Our Fathers,” and on the great every isle of the sea. It was a day of aggressive tempest to be deposited on the plains of
fundamentals they stood together as one man. Christianity. It was the time when the Holy Laodicea, or in the dark valleys of atheism and
Spirit, with miracles of confirmation, inspired unbelief.
thousands of soldiers of the cross to do wonder-


Previous to that time even the world had some yet every one of them had stood upon the same tionship of piston displacement to drive shaft
degree of faith. Men who never entered church shelves while their open ears could listen to the and gear. Many a man will ride in the car of the
believed in it. There were some Voltaires and a thundering of the artillery and the tramp, tramp, creed of another's manufacture, without know-
few Thomas Paynes, but tramp of marching feet. ing anything about the machine in which he
the average man on the The press and the pulpit rides.
street, even though he was “They are standing on the had joined hands and
When the preachers mounted the pulpit steps of
unsaved, believed in God both declared that war
and acknowledged the brink of hell, but they was an outlaw and would what was once a church but had now deterio-
power of salvation. The never be tolerated in a rated into a social club or an academy of science,
churches were well at- tremble not; the anger of civilized world, but that the people started assimilating their teaching
tended; the hymns that the so-called civilized because they had been used to allowing the
were sung vibrated with
God is burning against world was forgetting preachers to do their thinking for them. This
condition, as I have before stated, was not
gospel truth; the prayers them...” God.
brought about overnight, but it was the result of
were fervent; and nearly
everybody believed that Reason was rooting up years of premeditated attack upon the Church by
God was in His Heaven the flowers of faith from the forces of infidelity and darkness.
though all was not well with the world. That, of the garden of the soul, and planting in their
places the brambles and the cacti of doubt and The Eternal Son Of God
course, was before the deluge.
unbelief. Then, I say, came the final conflagra-
The eternal Son of God Himself had looked
The Collapse Of The Church tion. A world that went to bed under the smiling
down the corridors of the years and beheld this
of the summer sun was awakened by the roaring
A great many people blame the World War very day and hour, and asked the question:
and raging of the god of war. When the fighting
[World War I--Editors] for the collapse of the “When the Son of Man cometh, shall He find
was over--when the millions of corpses had been
church, and especially for the collapse of the faith on the earth?” The inferential answer, of
buried--when the green fields of France had been
faith of the average man in the church and in course, is no. That does not mean, however, that
dyed a crimson hue--when the stately cathedrals
spiritual things. The World War was undoubt- there will be none at all, but it does mean that
of more than one ancient city had been
edly the climax, but there were many contribut- most of it will be gone. It does declare that what
demolished--when the cries of the widows and
ing factors that preceded it. There had been a the Church once had it would have lost, to a
orphans and homeless had sounded around the
battle for some time against spiritual wickedness large extent at any rate.
world--what was left of the manhood of Chris-
in high places. tendom came limping home. From that day it That statement is proved by the context as con-
was a different world. Bitterness was in the heart tained in Luke 18:1-8. The blessed Master in this
Thomas Payne, the agnostic, had called it an age
and unbelief in the soul. “If there was a God,” Scripture was telling of the widow who impor-
of reason. Huxley, with his scientific turn of
they reasoned, “how could He allow such tuned the judge over and over again until he
mind, had attacked the citadels of faith with the
things?“ avenged her of her adversary. The argument that
broadswords of his intellectual concepts. Darwin
had given us his Origin of Species, and though left the lips of the Man of Galilee was that if an
Savage Instincts Of Man
he was ridiculed and repudiated by most of the earthly judge would do that, merely because a
church and many men of science, yet he kept Underneath the exterior of culture they had be- woman kept coming again and again with her
pounding away with his theory until it began to held the savage instincts of man and they began petition to him, would not our heavenly Father
take disastrous effect. The Church for a long time to declare that Darwin was right. God was not avenge that little company who would be true to
held its ground, although there were some minor our father--we came from the apes. They had Him in those days of lack of faith and spiritual
surrenders on the battlefield of human life. seen the snarl of the gorilla on more than one declension that would precede the second com-
human face. A world that had become deluged ing of Jesus?
The universities entered into the conflict, and so- in blood and that had experienced such venom-
called professors began at first to insinuate their Some Faith Left!
ous hate could never have been created as re-
diabolic and unreasonable teaching, and by in- corded in the Book of Genesis by the will of an Thank God, there will be some faith left! Thank
nuendo attempted to corrupt the rising genera- eternal and omnipotent God. Having thrown God for the great fact that there will be a spiri-
tion of that day. Those boys were to become the that out they started whirling around in the tual ecclesia preceding the second coming of
cannon fodder on the battlefield of the greatest space of their own misconceptions. So things Jesus, just as there was a called-out company
war that the world has ever known. The seed went from bad to worse! immediately following the first physical presence
had been planted in the heart and mind, but it
of our dear Lord on the earth. Thus it was the
had not yet brought forth full fruitage. It is a It was bad enough when the young manhood
deluge came. Thus we see reason enthroned in
fundamental law of the eternal God that if there and young womanhood of the years of the war
our schools and colleges to the overthrow of
is a sowing there must be a harvest. What a terri- began to harbor its thoughts and feelings. It was
faith. Thus it is I feel led by the Spirit to charge
ble and tragic harvest it was! worse when the teachers carried it into the public
the modernistic preacher of our day with high
schools. But it was tragic and blasphemous when
The Church had been preaching peace and treason to the King of glory and with spiritual
it climbed the pulpit steps and started to speak
safety. The philosophers of the world had de- assassination of tens of thousands of our people.
through human lips to congregations who had
clared that we were too highly civilized to slay supposedly come to worship God. One of the Thus it is that the devil laughs at a world that
each other upon the battlefield. I have been in the troubles with humanity is that it is of times too has lost its faith in the Church--and jeers at a
Peace Palace at the Hague; and as I walked along lazy to do its own thinking. We ride in the auto- Church that has lost its faith in the living God--
its corridors and beheld the contributions that mobile somebody else has made for us. Many a and beckons them both to his fiery and eternal
the nations of the world made to its furnishings, young man will tear along the country road at 75 domain. Thus it is that the Sunday theaters are
the pictures on the wall seemed to laugh at me; miles an hour, knowing nothing whatever about crowded and the preachers wring their hands
the books held me in scorn (thousands of them the principle of internal combustion or the rela- and cry, “What shall we do?” as they gaze at
were on the subject of international peace); and 21

their empty pews. Thus it is that the automobile hoped for” and “the evidence of things not     Approaching me as I was reclining on the
siren has drowned out the pealing of the church seen.” These were the definitions of a man who beach he said, with a sarcastic sneer in his voice,
bell and the highways are full and the house of had been closeted with God for three years “Oh, you man of faith, why don't you walk out
God is practically empty. somewhere in the Ara- on the water? If you walk out on the water I will
bian wilderness, and who believe--I'll stand up tonight before your audi-
Thus it is that the angels
have hid their faces with “The majority of people for the past 30 years had ence and confess I have been wrong, and I'll give
been led by the Spirit into up my job and start preaching.”
their wings as they have are unable to drop the the deeper revelations of
beheld the church rolling Christian experience and What would have happened if I had been foolish
down the mountainside of plumb line of their think- life. enough to have taken that man at his word and
time from the peaks of attempted to have walked on the sea? To have
Philadelphia until, ing to the profound depths No wonder that the un- done so would have been presumption. You say
bruised and battered and regenerate man does not that I might have had faith in God and that He
bleeding, it has found
of these great truths...” understand these Pauline would have borne me up. I do not believe it.
itself in the dark, dismal statements. It is not at all
valley of Laodicea. strange that the majority Testing And Trusting
of people are unable to drop the plumb line of
Still Some Preachers There is a great deal of difference between test-
their thinking to the profound depths of these
ing God and trusting Him. I would sink, and
great truths. The fact of the matter is that faith
But there is another side of this story: Thank God what is more, I would deserve to sink. There was
covers such a tremendous territory and operates
for that! There are still some preachers left who no promise of God--no scriptural foundation,
in so many ways that it is almost impossible to
believe that Jesus was born of a virgin-- and I am nothing in Heaven or in earth that would author-
define it in twentieth-century language. But let
one of them. There are still some ministers left ize me to attempt so foolhardy a thing.
us pray that the Holy Spirit will illuminate our
who declare that salvation is through the shed
hearts and minds and reveal to us by His power Yet Peter walked on the sea and the waves held
blood of Jesus on Calvary's cross--and I am one
those things that could never be apprehended or him up. He based his faith on the call of Jesus. In
of that number. There are still some people left
understood because of our human limitations. other words, he was persuaded in his mind--he
who are willing to be called fools and imbeciles
and nitwits, because they believe that Daniel was believed--because the Lord told him to do it. The
Basis For That Belief
put into a lion's den and that Jonah was swal- statement of Jesus-- the invitation of the Christ--
lowed by a great fish. I am one of that number. First of all, faith is a persuasion of the mind rest- was the foundation upon which Peter's faith was
There are still some heralds of gospel truth that ing upon evidence. built. The difference between Peter and myself
have beheld the light through the darkest night God never asks us to regarding the challenge of the
and are bold enough to proclaim the breaking of believe anything man to my walking on the sea
millennial day. I belong to that holy company. unless He furnishes a “What God has said, He and Peter's actual doing the
basis for that belief. same, was that he had some
That is why I am writing this book. That is why I God never would ask
means. Back of every one foundation for his faith and I
pray that it will fall into the hands of boys and had absolutely none.
girls, of high school students, of young men and
us to believe a lie. So of the promises of the Bi-
to be sure we do not
There is nothing more sure--
women, of old men and old women, who are believe a lie He gives ble is that eternal omnipo- there is nothing in Heaven or
nearing the sunset of their lives--and that it will us the truth. He tells
be a help and an inspiration for them to cling to us in what to place tence....” in earth any more reliable
the faith of their fathers. Every cloud has a silver than the multitudinous prom-
our faith. “Come let
lining and there is a garment of light hidden ises contained in the Word of
us reason together,
away behind the dark shadows of our day. the Lord.  “How firm a foun-
saith the Lord” is a truth that can be found on
dation, Ye saints of the Lord, Is laid for your faith
every page of the Bible. Faith must have a foun-
James Russell Lowell, in his poem, “The Present In His excellent Word!” 
dation upon which to rest. In the very nature of
Crisis,” declares: “Ceaseless seems the great
things there must be some cause for its operation That Eternal Omnipotence
avenger,History's pages but record, One death
and some premise upon which it can manifest
struggle in the darkness. Truth forever on the
itself. A great many people have never under- What God has said, He means. Back of every one
scaffold, Wrong forever on the throne, Yet that
stood the difference between presumption and of the promises of the Bible is that eternal om-
scaffold sways the future, and, behind the dim
faith. Presumption is belief without evidence and nipotence that created every material thing that
unknown, Standeth God within the shadow,
faith is belief in action with it. exists in all the universe. The God who made the
Keeping watch above his own.”
things that are out of nothing, and who brought
Let me illustrate what I mean. Some years ago cosmos out of chaos, is the author of His prom-
Defining Faith
when I was in a certain Canadian city a scoffer ises and the omnipotence behind every one of
For centuries men have been trying to define approached me when I was spending a quiet day them.
faith. Dictionaries and encyclopedias have given at the beach. I had been preaching “faith” to
us their definitions, but in every one of them thousands of people in a great arena. In spite of The Scripture teaches us that the man who comes
there is something lacking. That something is the the fact that many miracles of healing were to God with his supplications must first believe
presence of the Holy Spirit, without whose illu- wrought by the power of God, there were num- that He is. That means that he must believe that
mative power no man can understand the mean- bers who were so blinded by the god of this there is a God--eternal--omnipotent--
ing of faith. world that they could not see the thing that was omnipresent. The man who denies Him cannot
happening before their eyes. This man was one possibly have faith in Him. The man who does
In Hebrews 11:1 the Bible defines it in a two-fold of them. not believe in Him cannot possibly have the
way. It declares that it is “the substance of things superstructure of faith in his life, for God alone is


the author of faith. You cannot rest upon noth- upon His children to go forward and to trust was to be taken. There could be no doubt about
ing. Only God Himself would have the power of Him. Reason listened to the growling and sneer- that. The city must be taken. Of that thing he was
accomplishing that. Jesus, we know, is the author ing of the sons of Anak while the fogs of unbelief certain and sure. Suddenly, perhaps from be-
and finisher of our faith. The Bible rings with the hid their vision of God. Faith remembered the neath the shadows of a nearby palm grove, there
clarion call, “Have faith in God--have faith in pillar of cloud and had not forgotten a pillar of appeared by his side a man who had a drawn
Christ,” thereby signifying that God Himself fire that had guarded and guided them on their sword in his hand. Quick as a flash of lightning
should be the foundation and the basis for all of pilgrim way. But reason had seen the fire in the the challenge fell from Joshua's lips. Marvelous
our faith. There can be no faith in God without eyes of the giants of the walled cities and had and wonderful indeed is it to know that obedi-
God Himself. Without God Himself faith would forgotten the fire that came from the throne of ence will bring courage, and walking in the light
be presumption. Faith always proves itself. It is a Heaven. Faith had discerned the form of God as will banish fear.
leap into the dark, but it lands you in the light. It He wrapped the cloud around Him for a gar-
is a journey into the unseen, but it leads to the ment, but reason had looked so long at the walls Beautiful and yet firm were the words of the
heavenly vision. It may be sometimes mysterious of the fortified cities; in its mind the cloud was so enigmatic stranger, “Nay, but as captain of the
in its processes, but it always proves itself in its big it blotted out all vision of Heaven. Lord's host am I come.” The heart of Joshua
ultimates. It cannot operate without accom- bounded within him. Here indeed was the angel
plishment. To continue to exercise faith without Faith Is The Only Victory of the covenant. Here was the positive proof that
some degree of manifestation of its operation God had not forsaken his people. Faith was the
So the years had come and gone. I wonder how victory that was to storm the walls of Jericho,
means there is something wrong somewhere,
many times Moses had told them, as they wan- and unfurl the flag of Israel from the topmost
and we must find out both how and why.  
dered through the wilderness, that faith was the peaks of the citadel. Then the two had a confer-
The Walls of Jericho only victory. I wonder on how many different ence. The captain of the host of the Lord outlined
occasions he had de- the plans for the taking of the
Long and hard had been the years that had clared that only in city. The battle was to be the
elapsed since the Children of Israel halted at the strength of a God Lord's, and the children of
Kadesh-Barnea. Forty summers had come and who could deliver “Faith opened its ear to Israel were to walk in the light
gone and forty winters had they endured since could they ever con-
last they were at the portals of the Promised quer. Perhaps this
the voice of an eternal Fa- of faith and leave the results
with God. What strange mili-
Land. Out on the vast Arabian desert the bones generation that had ther as He called upon tary tactics these two planned
of thousands of them bleached beneath the burn- been born during the together! The like of that plan
ing sun, for only the small boys of 40 years ago pilgrimage would His children to go for- had never been known in hu-
were men now at the doorway to the land of believe more than man history, and the method
promise. had their fathers in ward....” of taking the city was one that
the integrity of the every general in the world
They were about to engage in a battle. They had divine word and the except Joshua would have
lost one 40 years before. They had fought no omnipotent power that was behind it. The Bible laughed to scorn. There was to be no fighting--
army--there had been no attack of infantry; there account does not tell us, but if it is true that man just walking in obedience.
had been no battalion of soldiers arrayed against is but a composite of his yesterdays, then some-
them on the hillside-- but they had been defeated thing must have happened to the new soldiers Walking In Obedience
just the same. Disorganized, whipped, and dis- who found themselves at the doorway of the
couraged, they had turned their backs upon the Promised Land, or was it, perhaps, that man's There could have been no walking in obedience
land that they might have possessed and had lost extremity was at last to prove God's opportu- if there had been no God in whom Joshua could
themselves in the barren vastnesses of the wil- nity? have placed his faith. What a test it must have
derness. Only two men who were grown at the been for Joshua in this particular case. “Faith is
time of that defeat were now standing before the Exhausted Every Other Resource the victory,” rang the bells in Joshua's heart.
gates of Jericho. Those two men--Joshua and “Faith is the victory,” sang the choirs of Heaven,
Caleb--had been warriors of faith. They were Was it that having exhausted every other re- and the strains must have floated down to the
here now because God had not forgotten the source and having found nothing but blind ends ears of the lonely man who stood gazing at the
hoisting of the banner of faith as it fluttered in to every trail, they had turned back to the God of distant walls on that moonlit night.
the breeze of unbelief, waving defiance against their emancipation? Forty years wandering in
all the forces of darkness. the wilderness must have incapacitated them as The walls were actually up around old Jericho,
soldiers. Men do not walk over the burning but they were down in the spiritual vision of
The Battlefield Of Their Hearts sands without feeling the burning in their feet. Joshua. Faith was even then the substance of
things hoped for. Back he went to camp. “We
What was the battle that they had lost? It was not Late one night Joshua, the general, left the camp. have won the victory,” declared Joshua. “Are the
fought upon the battlefield of Kadesh-Barnea. It Two miles away he could see in the pale moon- walls down?” answered the soldier. “Have the
was not waged in the vales of Eshcol. The battle light the grim citadel of Jericho, with its walls inhabitants of the city fled?” “No, they are still
that they lost was fought on the battlefield of standing like sentinels, crying, “They shall not there, but nevertheless the Lord has delivered
their hearts. Reason had overthrown faith, and pass.” His heart must have been filled with anxi- the city into our hands.” 
had defeated the purpose of God. If they had ety and with bewilderment.
only known it faith would have been the victory.
Faith is the victory now, even as it was then. During the past 40 years the problem had not
changed one bit. The traveling through the wil- Charles Price (1887-1947) - Dr. Price was known
Faith cried, “Those men are as grasshoppers derness had not removed the difficulty. If any- for his simple preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom.
before us”; but reason shouted, “They are giants thing, it might have increased it. Of what was he He was used mightily in revival in Western Canada
and they will overwhelm us.” Faith opened its thinking when in the loneliness of that hour he and other parts of the world.
ear to the voice of an eternal Father as He called surveyed the distant walls of Jericho? The city 23


Quotable Quotes...
R.C. Sproul A.W. Tozer William Booth John Gertsner John Bunyan
"The great misconception in "The Bible was written in "Work as if everything de- "All we need is need.” "The best prayers have often
our day is this: that God isn’t tears, and to tears it yields its pended upon your work, and more groans than words."
concerned to protect His own best treasures." pray as if everything de-
integrity. He’s a kind of wishy- pended upon your prayer."
washy deity, who just waves a
wand of forgiveness over
everybody. No. For God to
forgive you is a very costly

The Old Paths

P.O. Box 8781
Victoria, Canada
V8W 3S3


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