CTE Legislation Timeline

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CTE Legislation

1850 1900 1950 2000 2050

Morill Land Grant Act

Smith-Hughes Act

George-Reed Act

George-Ellzey Act

George-Deen Act

George-Barden Act

Health Amendments Act

National Defense Education Act

Manpower Development Training Act

The Vocational Education Act of 1963

The Vocational Education Act of 1968

The Vocational Education Act of 1972

The Vocational Education Act of 1976

Carl D. Perkins Vocational Education Act

The Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act (Perkins II)

The School-to-Work Opportunities Act

Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act (Perkins III)

Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act (Perkins IV)

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Morill Land Grant Act Provided grants of land to states to finance the establishment of colleges
July 2, 1862 specializing in “agriculture and the mechanic arts.”

Smith-Hughes Act Authorized federal funds for the establishment and support of secondary
1917 and postsecondary vocational training in agriculture, home economics,
and trades and industry

George-Reed Act The George-Reed Act focused only on agriculture and home economics.
1929 It removed home economics from the trade and industrial sections of the
Smith Hughes Act. It allotted no funding, and had a five year term limit. It
did however authorize annual appropriations.

George-Ellzey Act Replaced the George-Reed Act. It brought the total federal supplement
1935 for vocational agriculture and home economics to $3 million each. The
law also made available—for the first time—federal funds to train
teachers, and to supplement teachers’ salaries for distributive education.

George-Deen Act Authorized funds for the vocational areas of distributive occupations and
1936 teacher education

George-Barden Act The George Barden Act amended the George-Deen Act, and allotted $34
1946 million towards the programs specified in the George-Deen Act. It was
even more flexible than the George Deen act, and could be distributed
by the state boards of vocational education in four specific fields. It
allowed for funds to be used for state director salary and expenses;
vocational counselor salary and expenses; training and work experience
programs. It could also be used for out of school youth programs, and to
support travel associated with the FFA, and the NFA. and the New.
Money could also be used to purchase or rent any equipment necessary
for vocational instruction, teacher training, guidance, and research.

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Health Amendments Act The health Amendments Act of 1956 added Title II to the Vocational
1956 Education Act of 1946. It authorized an appropriation not to exceed
$5,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1957, and for each of the
next four fiscal years, for the purpose of extending and improving
practical nurse training. P.L. 87-22 extended this appropriation
authorization an additional four years, to June 30, 1965, and deleted the
phrase requiring extension and improvement.

National Defense Education Act Provided federal support to state and local school systems for
1958 strengthening instruction in science, mathematics, and foreign languages
and provided funds to support technical programs, vocational guidance,
training programs, and training institutes

Manpower Development Training Act An expansion of the Area Redevelopment Act of 1961. Provided
1962 advanced technical training to the unemployed and those considered the
victims of automation.

The Vocational Education Act of 1963 Authorized federal funds to support residential vocational schools,
1963 vocational work-study programs, research, training, and demonstrations
in vocational education as well as business education

The Vocational Education Act of 1968 (Amended) emphasized vocational programs at the postsecondary level
1968 and added cooperative education

The Vocational Education Act of 1972 (Amended) introduced special programs to the disadvantaged and
1972 included support for industrial art programs

The Vocational Education Act of 1976 (Amended) established the community schools concept and the basic
1976 skills program. It aimed at improving student achievement in reading,
mathematics, and written and oral communication

Carl D. Perkins Vocational Education Act Aimed at expanding, improving, modernizing, and developing quality
1984 vocational education programs to meet the needs of the workforce and
promote economic growth as well as meet the needs of specific
populations, including handicapped and disadvantaged individuals

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The Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Aimed at providing greater vocational opportunities to disadvantaged
Technology Education Act (Perkins II) individuals and assisting states and local school systems in teaching the
1990 skills and competencies necessary to work in a technologically advanced
society to all students. The act provided funds for the integration of
academic and vocational education and Tech Prep programs

The School-to-Work Opportunities Act Enacted within the context of educational reform. American youth not
1994 being adequately prepared to meet technological an global industry

Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Gave states and local school agencies greater flexibility to develop CTE
Education Act (Perkins III) programs while making them more accountable for student performance.
1998 The act also focused on funding formulas, Tech Prep, school-to-work,
gender equity, and students with disabilities

Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Aimed at focusing on the academic achievement of career and technical
Improvement Act (Perkins IV) education students, strengthening the connections between secondary
2006 and postsecondary education, and improving state and local

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