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Name: ___________ Grade/Section: __________ Date: __________

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is an electronic device that stores, retrieves, and processes data, and can be programmed with instructions.
a. Mobile Phone b. Calculator c. Computer d. Robot
2. Below are the things that are suitable for computer, except one:
a. Cold and Moisture b. Good ventilation c. Clean environment d. Stable, vibration free surface
3. It means you are going to produce or save another copy of your files.
a. Copying b. Back Up c. Create a restore point d. Saving
4. How will you observe Health and Safety Procedure in using the computers?
a. Make sure that cables are safely secured
b. Always be aware of (Repetitive Strain Injury) RSI
c. Bring food to the computer laboratory
d. both a and b are correct
5. A term refer to Physical Components of your computer such as the system unit, mouse, keyboard, monitor and etc.
a. Software b. Hardware c. People ware d. Desktop
6. A type of computer that is cheap and easy to use and often used as a stand-alone computers?
a. Mini Computers b. Mainframe Computers c. Personal Computers d. Super Computers
7. A type of computer that is very powerful, used by large organizations such an banks to control the entire business
operation. Very expensive!
a. Mini Computers/ Mainframe Computers b. Mobile c. Personal Computers d. Super Computers
8. It is an internal higher capacity drive which also stores the operating system
a. Floppy Drive b. Diskettes c. Hard drive d. CD-ROM
9. It is the set of instructions that makes the computer work.
a. Code b. Software c. Applications d. Syntax
10. It is a type of drives that allow you to save work on a small disks and take the data with you.
a. Diskettes (Floppy Disk) b. Hard drive c. Memory d. CD-ROM
11. A special type of program that loads automatically when you start the computer.
a. Anti-Virus b. Windows Update c. Utilities d. Operating System
12. Is the type of program that you use once the operating system has been loaded?
a. Application Software b. System Software c. Operating System d. Utilities
13. All computers work on a binary numbering system, i.e. they process data in one's or zero's. This 1 or 0 level of storage
is called as what?
a. Bin b. bit c. numeric d. strings
14. A part of computer that is labeled as the "The brain of the computer“?
a. Microprocessor b. Memory c. Storage d. cache
15. A type of network that is only applicable to small area or individual PC’s are connected together within a company or
a. Metropolitan Area Network b. Local Area Network c. Wide Area Network d. None of the above
16. A type of network allows you to connect to other computers over a wider area.
a. Metropolitan Area Network b. Local Area Network c. Wide Area Network d. None of the above
17. Why setting up networks is very important in an organization?
a. Because it allows the user to share files and other equipment like printers without using the internet
b. Because it also means you can have an easy remote access
c. Because having a centralized applications is made possible
d. All of the above
18. Ana wants to do her projects in their computer laboratory during their lunch, but at the same time she is hungry. What
would you advise to Ana to do?
a. Bring food to the laboratory c. She could bring water instead
b. Take lunch first d. Do not make her projects at all.
19. Which of the following is the most common use of the computer at home?
a. Computer games b. Stock Control Monitoring c. Designed applications d. both a and b
20. Marios was doing his reports when suddenly his computer is not responding, causing for his file to hang. What would
you advise to him?
a. immediately turn off his computer c. leave the file as it is and wait
b. always save his file from time to time d. unplug the unit
21. It is an input device that allows you to scan printed material and convert it into a file format that may be used within
the PC.
a. Mouse b. Printer c. Monitor d. Scanner
22. Why is it that the monitor is an example of output device?
a. Because it uses received data and commands
b. Because it displays the result of computer process
c. both a and b
23. Why is it that keyboard is an example of input device?
a. Because it allows the user to put the computer some information
b. Through it user can send data to the computer
c. Because it is used to provide data and control signals to an information processing system
d. All of the above
24. Is it necessary to place the computer in air conditioned or cool area? Why?
a. Yes, because it will prevent the computer from overheating
b. Yes, because it will help your unit to perform and process data faster
c. No, because computers has its own heat sinks
d. both a and b are correct
25. It pertains to "How the processor stores and uses immediate data“
a. Processor b. Hard disk c. Memory d. Cache
26. What type of program it is where it can self-duplicate and interferes with a computer’s hardware or operating system.
a. Windows OS b. Frameworks c. anti-virus d. virus
27. How will you prevent virus from infecting your computer?
a. Install an Anti-virus software
b. Download any applications from different sites
c. Do not update your windows defender
d. Copy files or download files from untrusted sites
28. A type of digital software or file but not self-replicating instead it is a chain letter phenomenon sent through email.
a. Worm or an email virus b. Trojan Virus c. Macro Virus d. File infector virus
29. What type of virus is that, where it affects data files, especially Word documents and Excel workbooks?
a. Worm or an email virus b. Trojan Virus c. Macro Virus d. File infector virus
30. What type of virus is that, where it stores itself at the start of a disk and becomes activated by reading, starting or
restarting the computer when that disk is in the boot drive?
a. Worm or an email virus b. Boot Sector Virus c. Macro Virus d. File infector virus
31. Are programs that have some hidden, generally malicious functionality that the computer doesn’t expect.
a. Worm or an email virus b. Trojan Virus c. Macro Virus d. File infector virus
32. Jona wants to secure her files, what is the best thing she would do?
a. Do back up c. Turn off the firewall
b. Reformat her computer d. Just leave the file as it is
33. Amy wants to store more files in her desktop computer, what would be the best solution to this?
a. Buy hard disk that has a large storage capacity
b. Use flashdrive
c. Buy processor that is faster than the current one
d. Store files in CDs.
34. Below are the things NOT suited in taking care of your computer unit, except one.
a. Dust b. Food and Water c. moisture d. air conditioned room
35. Why is it important to take regular backups of the information that is stored in your computer?
a. Because, Often the contents of a hard disk can represent years of work. If the hard disk stops working one day you
could lose all those years of work.
b. Because, it will keep your information safe
c. Because, it will help you to not worry about the security of your files
d. all of the above
36. Computer is also used in business or offices, primarily in
a. Accounts/Payroll b. Stock control c. Internet d. both a and b are correct
37. Does CPU speed, Hard disk capacity/speed and RAM size are some of the factors that has a big impact in computers
a. Yes, because these 3 are the main contributor on the total performance of your computer
b. No, because Hard disk capacity and speed is enough to have a good computer performance
b. No, because the most important among the three is to have a good processor
d. None of the above
38. CPU stands for
a. Central Packet Unit b. Core Processing Unit c. Central Processing Unit d. Central Product Unit
39. How will you determine that a certain virus affected your file?
a. Your computer is slowing down c. Your security solution is disabled
b. Pop-up messages d. all of the above
40. Does Back Up, creating restore points, turning on firewall and installing an anti-virus is significant when it comes to
your computer’s health?
a. Yes, because it will secure your data and files
b. Yes, because it is required
c. Yes, because it will ease other computer processes
d. All of the above

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