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92 Heart 2001;85:92–93

platelet medication. Platelet aggregation in 9% (p < 0.05), respectively, in the group

response to ADP (5 or 20 µmol/l) and to treated with 300 mg clopidogrel. In patients
SCIENTIFIC TRAP (25 µmol/l) was evaluated by optical receiving ticlopidine, TRAP induced aggre-
aggregometry in citrated blood samples,3 and gation tended to be slightly decreased by 5%
LETTERS ATP release as marker for dense granule after 2 hours or 48 hours; however, this did
secretion was determined by luminometry.3 not reach a significant level (data not shown).
Surface expression of P-selectin (CD 62P A substantial decrease of ADP (20 µM)
binding) was analysed by flow cytometry induced á-degranulation, as evaluated by the
EVect of a high loading dose of according to published methods and served surface expression of P-selectin (CD62P),
clopidogrel on platelet function in patients as index of degranulation of á-granules.3 was exclusively found in patients treated with
undergoing coronary stent placement Compared to baseline values ADP 600 mg clopidogrel loading dose. The median
(20 µmol/l) induced platelet aggregation was (25% and 75% quartile) of the mean intensity
Following coronary stent placement, platelet inhibited significantly by approximately 55– of immunofluorescence (MIF) of CD62P was
activation is a major determinant of the risk 59% (p < 0.01) within the first 4 hours after 244 (231, 261) before and 207 (183, 223) 48
of subacute stent thrombosis.1 Combined drug administration in patients receiving the hours after administration (p < 0.05) (data
antiplatelet treatment with ticlopidine and 600 mg loading dose (fig 1). Substantially less not shown). In the group treated with 300 mg
aspirin reduced platelet activation after cor- inhibition of ADP (20 µmol/l) induced aggre- clopidogrel or with ticlopidine no substan-
onary stenting1. Although combined anti- gation (38–40%) was found in patients tially inhibitory eVect on á-degranulation was
platelet treatment consisting of aspirin and receiving an initial loading dose of clopidogrel seen throughout the observation time (data
ticlopidine has significantly reduced early of 300 mg compared to the patient group not shown). Furthermore, in none of the
ischaemic events following coronary stenting, treated initially with 600 mg (p < 0.01) (fig treatment groups was TRAP (25 µM) in-
stent thrombosis still occurs in up to 1% of 1). No substantial platelet inhibition within duced á-degranulation substantially inhibited
treated patients, especially in the early days the early hours after drug administration was (not shown). In none of the groups of patients
after the intervention, probably because of observed in patients treated with ticlopidine was substantial inhibition of ADP (5 and
delayed onset of action of ticlopidine. Clopi- (fig 1). Inhibition of ADP (20 µmol/l) induced 20 µM) or TRAP (25µM) induced ATP
dogrel is a ticlopidine-like novel thienopyrid- platelet aggregation further decreased after 48 release found (data not shown).
ine inhibitor of ADP induced platelet activa- hours in patients receiving 300 mg clopidog- The present study shows that a combined
tion.2 Clopidogrel diVers from ticlopidine in rel (up to 52%), whereas in patients treated antiplatelet treatment with aspirin and clopi-
that it has a favourable safety profile com- with 600 mg clopidogrel platelet aggregation dogrel in a high loading dose of 600 mg and
pared to ticlopidine and reveals an acceler- remained on the level of inhibition found dur- a continuous dose of 150 mg per day is supe-
ated antiplatelet activity after first administra- ing the first few hours after drug administra- rior to the combination of aspirin and stand-
tion. The present study sought to investigate tion (fig 1). In patients treated with ticlopi- ard clopidogrel (300 mg loading dose plus
the antiplatelet eVect of various doses of dine, ADP (20 µmol/l) induced platelet 75 mg per day)4 or ticlopidine (2 × 500 mg
clopidogrel in patients undergoing coronary aggregation started to be substantially inhib- loading dose plus 2 × 250 mg per day) treat-
stent placement; comparison was made with ited by approximately 38% at 48 hours ment1 in suppressing platelet aggregation
standard ticlopidine treatment. (p < 0.01) (fig 1). Similar results were ob- after coronary stenting. Administration of
Thirty patients were randomised into three tained for all three groups of patients when a 600 mg clopidogrel accelerates inhibition of
treatment arms: group I (n = 10), ticlopidine weaker stimulus of platelet aggregation was ADP induced platelet aggregation during the
2 × 500 g as loading dose and 2 × 250 mg applied (ADP 5 µM) (data not shown). first few hours to a level that cannot be
daily thereafter; group II (n = 10), clopidog- When the thrombin related activating pep- accomplished by the conventional dosing
rel 1 × 300 mg loading dose and 1 × 75 mg tide (TRAP), a strong agonist of platelet regimen of 300 mg clopidogrel4 5 before 48
per day; or group III (n = 10), clopidogrel aggregation, was used to stimulate platelets, hours after first drug administration. The
1 × 600 mg plus 2 × 75 mg daily thereafter. only weak inhibition of platelet aggregation accelerated eVect of 600 mg clopidogrel nar-
All patients received aspirin 2 × 100 mg per was observed in all three patient groups rows the therapeutic gap of ticlopidine and
day concomitantly. Peripheral venous blood throughout the observation time. Inhibition might be beneficial, especially for high risk
samples were taken with a loose tourniquet of TRAP (25 µM) induced platelet aggrega- patients treated with coronary stenting. The
through a short venous catheter inserted into tion at 2 hours and 48 hours was 11% and study shows furthermore that clopidogrel in a
a forearm vein before and then 2, 4, 24, and 8%, respectively, (p < 0.05) in the group high loading dose of 600 mg is able to reduce
48 hours after first administration of anti- treated with 600 mg clopidogrel, and 5% and the degranulation of á-granules. Since plate-
let release products derived from á-granules
100 are mitogenic, it is possible that the combina-
Ticlopidine 2 × 500 mg + 2 × 250 mg tion of aspirin and clopidogrel in a high
dosage might modulate platelet dependent
Clopidogrel 300 mg + 1 × 75 mg
ADP 20 µmol/l-induced aggregation (%)

restenotic processes following coronary

Clopidogrel 600 mg + 2 × 75 mg angioplasty. On the other hand, the lack of
inhibition of aggregation and degranulation
of TRAP stimulated platelets in all three
treatment groups indicates that even com-
bined antiplatelet treatment with aspirin and
clopidogrel cannot substantially reduce plate-
let activation in an environment of high
thrombin activity. This might be of
importance in patients with acute coronary
40 syndromes or who are being treated by fibri-
nolysis for acute myocardial infarction. It is
tempting to speculate that in these patients
the addition of further antithrombotic com-
20 pounds including glycoprotein IIb/IIIa block-
ers and antithrombins to aspirin and clopi-
dogrel might favour a better clinical outcome.
Time after administration (hours) BEATE WOLF
Figure 1 EVect of high loading dose of clopidogrel on ADP induced platelet aggregation. Patients ALBERT SCHÖMIG
were randomised into three treatment arms: ticlopidine 2 × 500 mg plus 2 × 250 mg daily thereafter MEINRAD GAWAZ
(n = 10); clopidogrel 300 mg loading dose plus 1 × 75 mg daily (n = 10); and clopidogrel 600 mg Medizinische Klinik,
loading dose plus 2 × 75 mg daily thereafter (n = 10). All patients received aspirin 2 × 100 mg/day Klinikum rechts der Isar und Deutsches Herzzentrum,
concomitantly. Platelet aggregation was studied after stimulation with ADP (20 µmol/l) by light Technische Universität München,
transmittance aggregometry in citrated platelet rich plasma. *Significant diVerence (p < 0.05) München, Germany
compared to starting concentrations. gawaz@dhm.mhn.de

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Scientific letters 93

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Downloaded from http://heart.bmj.com/ on January 18, 2015 - Published by group.bmj.com

Effect of a high loading dose of clopidogrel on

platelet function in patients undergoing
coronary stent placement

Heart 2001 85: 92-93

doi: 10.1136/heart.85.1.92

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