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Knitted slippers Irena without sewing, knitted

in one peace

Size: EU size 37-39

Materials: Acrylic Yarn StyleCraft Special DK , 1*100g ball of your colour choice

Knit with double DK yarn – use 2 strings of yarn for knitting.

Knitting needles: 3mm ( I am using circular needles, but knitting in a rows)

Gauge: 10cm*10cm=14 stitches*22rows in stockinette stitch

Other materials: 2 wooden buttons.

Abbreviations and stitches:

st(s) stitch(es)
k knit
p purl
k2tog knit 2 stitches together
k3tog knit 3 stitches together
p2tog purl 2 stitches together
p3tog purl 3 stitches together
m1 make one stitch

Difficulty level: Intermediate

We knit both slippers in the same way, there is no right or left.

Tip Advice: knit the slippers tight –that is why we use smaller needle
for relatively thicker yarn (double DK). It helps to have dense fabric of slippers.

Work sequence:

We knit slippers in one piece, no sewing required after we finish knitting, just
weave in the ends and sew in the buttons.

Slippers are started to knit from the top – where you put your feet in:

1. Top of the slippers (with increases).

2. The “nose”(with increases and some shaping).
3. The sole (gathering stitches from the sides).
4. Back of the heel (gathering stitches and some decreases at the last 2

Cast on 47 sts =22 for the side+3for middle+22for the side.

Separate 3sts in the middle with the stitch markers int the 1st row.

Row 1 (wrong side): slip edge st, *k1, p1*, repeat from * to * 10times, k1,put
the stitch marker, p3, put the stitch marker, *knit1,purl1*, repeat from * to *
10 times, k1, p1(the last edge st).
We separated 3 purl stitches with the stitch markers. These stitches are 3knit
stitches in the right side – we will call them “middle 3knit stitches”.

Row2(right side): slip edge st, * p1,k1*, repeat from* to * 10times, p1, m1
before the st marker, k3, slip st marker, m1, * p1,k1*, from* to * 10times, p1,
p1(the last edge st)

Rows 3-16: work in the same manner: work each stitch in the manner it
presents: where is knit stitch – knit, where is purl stitch – purl; m1 at the both
sides of the middle 3 knit stitches. Increases are made at the both sides – right
and wrong.

Tip All the slipper is made in *k1, p1* pattern. It allows stretchiness
and slippers cover your feet very cosy.

Stitch check: in rows 2-16 we made 15 stitches on each side. Now we have
37+3+37=77 stitches (including edge stitches).

Row 17: slip edge stitch, *k1, p1*, repeat from * to * 16 times, place different
colour stitch marker, k1,p1,k1,p1, m1, p3(centre), m1,p1,k1,p1,k1, place
matching colour stitch marker, *p1,k1*, repeat from * to * 16 times, p1(the
last edge st)

Row 18: slip edge st, * p1,k1*, repeat from* to * 15 times, knit2tog (purl and
knit sts in the previous row)-knit stitch on the top. This stitch will travel all the
time along the sole – “sole side stitch”; slip st marker to the right needle,
p1,k1,p1, k1,p1, m1, knit 3, m1,p1,k1,p1,k1,p1,slip st marker to the right
needle, k2tog. This stitch will travel all the time along the sole – “sole side
Leave the rest stitches (side stitches) on the needle – we are not knitting them
Turn around the knitting.

We have divided the stitches into 3 parts – side+middle+side.

Here is the reference photo which makes easier to understand how the
stitches are divided and how slippers will be shaped.

From now we will be working only on the “nose” of slipper. Leave the side
stitches on the needles. We are not working on them now, only at the end of
row when we k2tog (or p2tog) we take 1 stitch from ‘’nose’’ and other stitch
from the side. This way in every row the number of side stitches decreases.

Row19: slip new edge stitch (that was knit2tog in the previous row) , *k1, p1*,
repeat from * to * 3 times,m1, p3,m1, *p1,k1*, repeat from * to * 3
Leave the rest stitches (side stitches) on the needle – we are not knitting them

Turn around the knitting.

Row20: slip new edge st (that was p2tog in the previous row), * p1,k1*, repeat
from* to * 3times, p1,m1,k3,m1, *p1,k1*, repeat from* to * 3times,p1,k2tog.
Turn around the knitting.

Row 21: from this row we stop increases in the middle. Slip edge st, * k1,p1*,
repeat from* to * 4times,p3, * p1,k1*, repeat from* to * 4 times,p2tog.
Turn around the knitting.

Row22: slip edge st, * p1,k1*, repeat from* to * 4 times, remove middle stitch
marker, p1,k1,p1 (these 3 stitches preciously were middle 3knit stitches),
remove another middle marker, *k1,p1*, repeat from* to * 4 times,k2tog.

We finished making the ‘nose’ of the slipper, will start making the sole of the
slipper. We will continue to k2tog(right side of knitting) and p2tog (wrong side
of knitting) at the end of every row, picking 1 st from the side stitches. No
more increases. Decreases for the sole will be described further.

Stitch check: we have 21 sole stitches on the needles (including 2 edge


Row 23-49: slip edge stitch, work each stitch in the manner it presents: where
is knit stitch – knit, where is purl stitch – purl, when you get to the last stitch -
p2tog (on the wrong side) or knit2tog (on the right side)- taking second stitch
from side stitches, as we did in rows before.

Row 50: do the same as previous rows, only we will make two decreases: work
6stitches (including edge st), knit3tog, work next 3 stitches, knit3tog, continue
working on the rest 6 stitches.

Stitch check: after decrease we have 17 stitches sole stitches on the needles
(including edge stitches) and 15 side stitches are left on each side.

Tip How to knit3tog neatly: slip knit stitch to right needle, knit2tog
(purl and knit stitches, knit stitch on the top), pull new stitch through slip

Row 51- 57: work the same as Rows 23-49.

Row 58: we will make a decrease. Work 7stitches (including edge stitch),
p3tog, work on the rest 7 stitches.

Stitch check: we have 15 stitches sole stitches on the needles left and 11
stitches are left on each side.

Row 59-80: work the same as Rows 23-49, until no side stitches left.

Start making back of the heel.

Row 81-97 : continue working on the stitches like in the previous rows - slip
the edge stitch, work other stitches in the manner they present, slip the last
stitch purlwise on the wrong side (knitwise on the right side), pick the stitch
from the row of the back of the heel, pull it through slip stitch. Number of
stitches on the needles is not changing - 15 stitches on the needles. Continue
till no rows to pick the stitches from are left. Here is the explanation in
pictures how to pick the stitches for the back of the heel (also please take a
look at the picture above to see where from we are picking the stitches – we
are picking them from section “back of the heel”).

This is the right side

Slip the last stitch from left needle to right


Put the right needle into the loop of the

“back of the heel” row

Yarn over the needle


Pull yarn through the loop – you have new


Pull the new stitch through slip stitch, in

other words:
slip stitch and new stitch on the right needle,
take slip stitch with left needle, pull it over
the new stitch

Row 98,99: slip edge stitch, work each stitch in the manner it presents, no
increases or decreases.

Row 100: slip edge stitch, p1, knit2tog, continue working on other stitche in
the manner they present until 4 stitches left, knit2tog 9knit stitch on the top),

Row 101: slip edge stitch, k1, p1, p2tog, work other stitches in the manner
they present (p1,k1,p1) until 5 stitches left, p2tog, p1,k1,p1

Cast off.

Weave in the ends.

Sew the decorative buttons at the top of each slipper.

Enjoy wearing your slippers.

This pattern may not be redistributed or copied in any way. You can sell
finished items, I just ask that you give credit to my shop -

Asta Remeikiene

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