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Al-Muzzammil Islamic Integrated Elementary School

Mid Term Test of Semester 2

Academic Year 2018 - 2019

Name : ________________ Day-Date : _____________

No : ______ Subject : Science
Class : 2C Bilingual Teacher : Bayu Pirmansah

1. Write your complete name. Score Signature

(Tulislah nama lengkap pada kolom Name).
2. Pray before you start doing the test. Teacher Parent
(Berdoalah sebelum mulai mengerjakan).
3. Read carefully the question.
(Bacalah baik-baik soal ulangan sebelum
menjawab pertanyaan).
4. Recheck your answer.
(Periksa kembali jawaban mu sebelum

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) a, b or c.

(Plihlah jawaban yang benar, dengan menyilang a, b atau c).

1. Milk is an example of …
a. Solid b. Liquid c. Gas

2. Everyone likes to . . . . coffee every morning.

a. drink b. eat c. sleep

3. We usually use pencil to . . . .

a. run b. sing c. write

Science Bilingual Mid Term Test Page 1

4. Rock is kind of …
a. Solid b. Liquid c. Gas

5. The painter use paint to . . . . . the wall.

a. study b. paint c. work

6. The function of scissors is . . .

a. to cut b. to drink c. to see

7. We use the water in the bathtub to …

a. sing b. drink c. bath

8. Select a solid.

a. b. c.

9. Select the function of chair!

a. to sit b. to read c. to listen

10. Select liquid.

a. b. c.

11. These things are solid, except:

a. b. c.

12. These things are liquid, except:

Science Bilingual Mid Term Test Page 2

a. b. c.

13. The function of knife is . . .

a. to sleep b. to cook c. to cut

14. This pencil is a . . .

a. liquid b. solid c. gas

15. This glass is a . . .

a. gas b. liquid c. solid

16. This dice is made of . . .

a. Glass b. Plastic c. Metal

17. The children usually use coins to . . . some toys

a. buy b. store c. write

18. These things are made of metal, except:

a. b. c.

19. These things are made of glass, except:

a. b. c.

20. These things are made of wood, except:

a. b. c.

Science Bilingual Mid Term Test Page 3

Fill in the blanks with the correct answers.

1. Write 2 examples of solids.

1. . . . . . . . . . . .
2. . . . . . . . . . . .

2. Write 2 examples of liquid.

1. . . . . . . . . . . .
2. . . . . . . . . . . .

Match the things to its function.

3. to play

4. to drink

5. to read

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