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This primer comes with five bid forms for each of your Busmath/Algebra/Funmath classes.

Whom shall the bid forms be given to?

The bid forms shall be turned over to the class mayor or whoever is willing to take
charge of the forms and collection.
How should the forms be issued or distributed?
Proper issuance of bid forms must be observed. Be sure to print your name and sign
above it before giving the form to the student. Likewise, have the student write his/her
full name affixed with signature. Getting the student’s cell phone number might be
helpful in certain circumstances.
Until when can the accomplished forms and bid collection be handed over by the
student to the teacher?
Students may hand-over their class’ bid collection until 6:00PM of August 26,
What if the class would want additional bid forms?
Because the students are not allowed to reproduce the bid forms themselves, they may
get additional forms from their subject teacher or from any teacher from the Math
Department. This is on the premise that the initial five bid forms together with the
corresponding bid collection have been handed over already to the teacher. Additional
bid forms may be secured by the teacher from the undersigned.
What about the control number of each form?
For the auditing purposes, each bid form will have a control number using the following
format: <First & Last name initials>-<Section><#>
Example: IG-T1A1 – 1st bid form issued to T1A by Ms. Ivee Guce
VL-U1A6 – 6th bid form issued to U1A by Ms. Vedes Laylo

Until when and to whom will the subject teacher turn over the bid form and
The winning section for the Bid Your MATH Bag will be announced during the MATHira
MATHibay Trivia Contest which will be held on the Activity Period of August 27, Thursday.
Thus, the collection per section needs to be turned over personally until 9:30AM of that day
to the undersigned. However, for easy and quick auditing, the teacher may turn them over
as early as possible.

Prepared by:

Ivee Guce

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