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13. Aggregates for use in filter media

13.1. Introduction Filter aggregates generally consist of sand, gravel

or crushed rock. Manufactured aggregates are also
Although the total volume of aggregate used for filters is occasionally used and these often include blastfurnace
relatively small, filters nevertheless play important and slags.
diverse roles in many projects. Table 13.1 shows some Although filter materials for water and effluent treat-
of the main uses of filter aggregates and the first four ment works are often used in relatively small quantities,
parts of this chapter discuss some of the requirements the high quality of aggregate normally required is
and properties of these materials. The final three parts not always readily available from commercial produc-
of the chapter describe the functions and specification tion processing, which may be designed to yield a
of filter aggregates in their three main applications, satisfactory general purpose aggregate at least cost.
namely water filtration, effluent treatment and as drain- On the other hand, drainage layers in major civil
age filters for earthworks and other civil engineering engineering works, such as embankment dams,
structures. These will normally be subject to different are usually designed to make the best use of the
design criteria and may also call for filter materials available natural materials with the minimum of
with distinct sets of physical and mechanical properties. processing.

TABLE13. I. Uses of filter aggregates

Principal function
Category of works Filter application
Drainage Pressure Filtration
" relief
Land drainage Surface blanket drainage
Ditch/trench fill
Drain/soakaway fill
Pipe filters
Pipe envelopes
Structure drainage Foundation drainage
Roadbed drainage
Runway drainage
Retaining structure drainage
Embankment dam drains
Slope drainage
Remedial and Uplift pressure relief
stabilization Seepage force prevention
works Saturation control
Piping prevention
Water supply Well filters
Well envelopes
Filtration and Fine & coarse filter beds
purification works Gravel underdrain envelope
Marine works Bedding layers
Transition layers
Pressure relief
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13.2. Key properties of filter aggregates gravels, and particularly the finer gravels, are com-
posed mainly of the hard and stable mineral quartz.
However, aggregate particles coarser than fine
13.2.1. General
gravel are not usually monomineralic but are com-
Particle size, grading, strength and durability are the posed of rock fragments in which the strength is
key properties, as these determine permeability, ease derived from the interlocking or cementation of indi-
of construction, stability and longevity. vidual mineral grains. Serious consideration must
Particle sizes in filter aggregates can range from fine then be given to the assessment of the strength and
sands to boulder-sized material. The aggregates are abrasion resistance of these aggregates.
usually placed and compacted in an unbound condition.
The completed filter layer or bed will usually need 13.2.4. Particle durability
to have the following properties: structural stability
(especially if placed in an unconfined situation); dur- Durability can be defined as the resistance of the
ability; high permeability combined with resistance aggregate under its working conditions to cyclic varia-
to internal erosion of fines; low frost susceptibility; tions in temperature, load, moisture content, freezing
low susceptibility to salt aggression, chemical attack and thawing, and chemical environment. It is essential
and solution loss. Physical and chemical breakdown that filter aggregates are durable in the long term and
in service may seriously impair the design grading of this is particularly important where high strength is
a filter, adversely affecting its performance. not a characteristic of the aggregate. Any breakdown
The strength, shape, surface texture and composi- of the constituent particles would increase the fines
tion of the individual particles will have an important content of the filter and alter its design grading and
influence on the above properties as will the abrasion efficiency.
resistance and crushing strength of the aggregate
since, if these are deficient, it may degrade during 13.2.5. Particle shape
placing and compaction.
This property is, after grading, as important as
strength in a filter aggregate and can be discussed
13.2.2. Grading under two main headings. The first relates to
whether a particular particle is basically equidimen-
This is fundamental to the design of a filter, detailed sional in shape or whether it is flaky or elongated.
consideration of which is beyond the scope of this In general, it is desirable for filter aggregates to be
report. Filters in contact with natural soils or con- essentially equidimensional as this aids the flow distri-
trolled fill material may be designed in accordance bution through the medium and also facilitates packing
with criteria originally given by Terzaghi & Peck of the coarser and fine constituents and improves the
(1964), but current practice favours the design criteria effectiveness of the filter. The second important shape
developed by Sherard & Dunnigan (1985, 1989) and characteristic is roundness and again it is better for
issued as guidelines by the U.S. Department of the filter aggregate to have rounded, as opposed to
Agriculture (1986). angular, edges to most particles.
Multi-layered construction will tend to be used for However, rather different considerations apply to
the thicker filter layers. A very wide range of particle biological percolating filters, where the aggregate
sizes, from fine sand up to boulders, might, therefore, acts mainly as a supporting medium to a microbial
be used in different parts of a filter zone. An important film and its specific surface is, therefore, important.
requirement is freedom from silt and clay and it is This is discussed in w
commonly specified that any material passing the
425 ~tm BS sieve shall be non-plastic when tested in 13.2.6. Particle texture
accordance with BS 1377. It would also normally
have a fines content below 10%. Surface texture affects to a lesser extent both the flow
of liquid through the filter and the filtration character-
13.2.3. Aggregate strength istics of the material. A smooth glassy surface is useful
from a drainage aspect but not so efficient from a
Since in the absence of a cementitious binder, the sta- filtration or fines ingress viewpoint, where a rougher
bility and load-bearing properties of a filter depend on surface texture is considered more advantageous.
the aggregate particles alone, these must be strong
enough to prevent breakdown during construction 13.2.7. Surface coatings
and when in use. Fine-grained materials normally
used for filters are generally those which nature has Some aggregates have a coating that may, or may not,
selected as the most durable. Thus, many sands and be easily removed during initial processing. Coatings
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are commonly composed of clay, silt, calcium 13.3. Testing of aggregates

carbonate, iron oxides, silica or gypsum, but other
coatings can occur. Such coatings may vary in thick- Tests relevant to filter aggregates are essentially those
ness and hardness and are, on the whole, undesirable used for general aggregate testing and are listed in
in filter aggregates. They should either be removed by Table 13.2 which also proposes some guideline
scrubbing or be as strong and durable as the particle acceptance criteria.
itself. Additional criteria applicable to some special
purposes are considered in the following sections
13.2.8. Particle porosity which describe the main engineering applications of
The functions of drainage and filtration are not signif-
icantly affected by particle porosity which can,
however, be expected to have a negative correlation 13.4. Water treatment:
with strength and durability. Therefore, the aggregate
porosity, or a related property such as water absorp-
filtration through sand
tion, should be measured in order to assess its possible
effects on, for example, durability, chemical reaction, 13.4.1. General
freeze/thaw or other breakdown mechanisms.
There are basically two types of sand filter:
13.2.9. Chemical reactivity (i) filters characterized by slow filtration rates, using
a fine sand and requiring infrequent cleaning;
There are generally no specified requirements for (ii) rapid filters, which are coarser, operating at
chemical inertness or solubility but these should higher filtration rates and requiring frequent
nevertheless be taken into account in relation to the cleaning.
use of the filter media. It is important that the
aggregate is not affected by the chemical properties The action of a filter bed in removing fine suspended
of the liquid to be treated and also that constituents matter is complex and not yet fully understood, being a
are not leached from the filter medium into the filtrate. combination of (i) straining, (ii) physical forces, which
The latter is more likely to occur with artificial determine the conveyance of particles towards and on
aggregates, such as slag, than with naturally occurring to the sand grains, and (iii) surface forces which hold
aggregates. Slag may also be aggressive to concrete the suspended particles to the grains. In slow sand
and, if used, is generally required to comply with filters the bed usually comprises from 0.6 m to 1.2m
the stability and sulphur content requirements of of fine sand supported by layers of graded gravel
BS 1047. 0.2m to 0.3m thick, see Figs 13.1(a) and 13.1(b).

TABLE13.2. Suggested tests for evaluation of aggregates for general filter applications

Category of test Test Proposed guideline

acceptance criteria*

Physical Grading Design test only

properties Shape [ flakiness index Not more than 30
/ elongation index
Relative density No less than 2.5
(oven dried)
Water absorption Not more than 3% by weight

Mechanical 10% fines value Not less than 100 kN

properties Aggregate crushing value Not more than 30
Aggregate impact value Not more than 30
Aggregate abrasion value Not more than 20
Los Angeles abrasion value Not more than 40

Durability Soundness (MgSO4) Not more than 12% losst

properties Deleterious substances To be assessed after
Petrographic analysis } examination

*Dependent on conditions of use and to be evaluated collectively, not in isolation.

tSee special requirement for biological filters in w
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FIG. 13.1. (a) Gravel filter media for water treatment (courtesy Thames Water plc). (b) Sand filter (courtesy Thames Water plc).

Rapid filters usually comprise from 0.6m to 0.8 m of from contaminants. It should not lose more than
coarse sand supported on several layers of fine to 2% by weight after immersion for 24 hours in 20%
coarse gravel to give a total bed thickness of 1.0 m to hydrochloric acid at 20~ Both rounded and
1.3m. angular grains may be used, but they should not be
flaky. Filter sand is normally obtained from natural
13.4.2. Filter bed sand sand deposits by sieving, although crushed fines pro-
duced from rocks composed predominantly of
The sand should be hard, abrasion resistant and free quartz are sometimes used.
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A G G R E G A T E S F O R USE IN F I L T E R M E D I A 295

13.4.3. Filter gravel liquid is exposed and it, therefore, follows that the
surface area per unit volume of the media should be
The gravel or coarse layer in a filter system has several as large as possible, consistent with adequate aeration
functions. It supports the sand, permits the filtered and permeability.
water to move freely towards the underdrain and, This is best achieved with single-sized filter media.
in the case of a rapid filter, facilitates a uniform flow Percolating filters of optimum surface area and void
distribution. The coarse material should be clean, ratio can either be manufactured, usually of plastic,
hard, durable, and free from flat, flaky or elongated or alternatively, filter beds may be constructed from
particles. natural aggregates which may not possess optimum
characteristics but have the advantage of low unit
13.5. Aggregates for biological Biological percolating filters formed with natural
percolating filters aggregates typically consist of between 1.5m and
3.0m thickness of single-sized coarse aggregate over
The term 'filter' is a misnomer as the process involved which the liquid to be treated is distributed. BS 1438
is not truly filtering but a biological contact process. recommends that the aggregate should be selected
The filter medium is primarily required to support from the range 14mm to 63mm, the actual size
colonies of organisms, including bacteria and fungi, specified depending on the operating conditions of a
which exist in microbial layers on the surface of the system. Undersized material should not exceed 2% if
media and over which sewage or other pollutant the filter is to operate efficiently. A layer of 100mm
liquids are trickled so that the colonies may feed, in size aggregate is often used to support the filter.
an aerobic environment, upon the organic matter The aggregates may be naturally occurring or
present, see Fig. 13.2. crushed and should preferably be angular and of
The degree of treatment attained is largely depen- rough surface texture so as to maximize the surface
dent upon the area of microbial film to which the area. For example, a 25mm single-size slag 2was
found to have a specific surface area of 206 m / m 3
whereas the corresponding figure for crushed gravel
was 176m2/m 3 (Bruce 1968).
The aggregates must be strong enough to sustain
their own weight and, in particular, must be durable
and resistant to cyclic wetting over periods of many
years. It is found in practice that most strong rocks
are suitable for filter media, as are certain artificial
materials such as clinker and slag. Softer or potentially
soluble aggregates, such as some types of limestone,
have to be selected with care and are frequently
found to give unacceptable results in the sodium
sulphate soundness test.
BS 1438 sets out the particular requirements for
aggregates for biological percolating media in respect
of size, shape, flakiness, cleanness and durability. Dur-
ability is tested according to this standard by 20 cycles
of the sodium (not magnesium) sulphate sotmdness
test, samples showing more than 3% loss by this
method being considered unsound.

13.6. Filtersfor civil engineering structures

13.6.1. General
Protective or pressure relief filters for civil engineering
structures usually consist of one or more layers of
free-draining sand and/or gravel material placed on
or within a less pervious soil to remove seepage
FIG. 13.2. Biological percolating filter (courtesy Thames Water water and prevent erosion of the soil or damage to
plc). the overlying structures from uplift pressure. The
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FIG. 13.3. Filter media placed behind sea-wall.

FIG. 13.4. Filter media in dam construction (courtesy P. G. Fookes).

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soil which is to be protected by the filter is commonly handling and placement. However, this identifies a
referred to as the base or the base material. A given potential contractual difficulty because specifications,
base material can be protected by a filter layer unfortunately, are rarely explicit as to the stage at
having a grading related to that of the base material, which the compliance criteria are deemed to apply.
according to the Terzaghi criteria for filter design In the absence of any requirement to the contrary, it
(Lambe & Whitman 1969). is more normal practice for compliance to be assessed
Sherard & Dunnigan (1985, 1989) have modified on samples prior to placement in the works, post
these design criteria using field and laboratory placement sampling and testing being for engineering
studies and design guidelines based on their findings rather than contractual purposes.
have been issued by the U.S. Department of Agricul- With regard to the acceptance criteria which can be
ture (1986). Current practice favours the use of the applied to a potential filter aggregate, very little is pub-
Sherard and Dunnigan criteria. lished. However, the following guidelines might prove
Filters may consist either of a single layer, or of useful. The aggregates should be hard, durable, clean
several layers each with a different grading, in which and should not contain deleterious materials of such
case they are known as zoned filters. The filter or a form or in sufficient quantity to affect adversely the
filter layers may be classed as uniform (i.e. having a efficient operation or longevity of the filter. Durability
narrow range of major particle sizes), or well graded should include resistance to frost, corrosion and dis-
(i.e. having a broad range of particle sizes). In large solution. Examples of deleterious materials are: clay,
structures, such as embankment dams, it is more flaky and/or elongate particles, excessively porous
usual to design the filter layers to make the best use and/or laminated materials, and chemically unsound
of locally available natural materials, rather than to or readily soluble materials.
process large quantities of material to suit a precon- A typical specification might thus combine some or
ceived design. Deficiencies in grading may be compen- all of the following particular requirements:
sated by varying the thickness of the filter.
(i) oven dried relative density not less than 2.5;
A full account of the criteria and methods used in
(ii) water absorption not greater than 3 % by weight;
the design of civil engineering filters is outside the
(iii) aggregate impact value not more than 30
scope of this work but selected references are given.
Uses of filter media are illustrated in Figs 13.3 and
aggregate crushing value not more than 30
10% fines value not less than 100 kN;
13.6.2. Specification of aggregates (iv) maximum flakiness and elongation indices not
greater than 30;
The specification of filters, drains, etc. and their
(v) aggregate abrasion value not greater than 20
related aggregates is often rather loose and occasion-
ally gives rise to serious contractual or technical diffi-
Los Angeles abrasion value not greater than 40;
culties. The following suggestions may prove useful to
(vi) magnesium sulphate soundness value not more
those formulating specifications.
than 12% loss.
The specifications of aggregates for filters and
drains should avoid the use of general terms such as These requirements should be regarded as the
pervious and free-draining, unless used in conjunction minimum acceptable. In some situations, where the
with specific quantitative requirements for grading, proper functioning of the filter is critical to the safety
soundness and permeability that assure the necessary of a structure, more stringent acceptance criteria may
physical properties. When grading requirements are be required and a specification applicable to high-
part of a specification, the time and place of the sam- quality concrete aggregate may be more appropriate
piing during project construction should be clearly (see Chapter 8).
stated, otherwise confusion arises, and enforcement
of the designers' requirements is difficult. Aggregates
which break down and develop a greater proportion 13.7. Concluding remarks
of fines during handling, placement, and compaction
may meet a grading specification at the plant or It is hoped that this short account will have made it clear
when they arrive at the works but could fail when that the properties required of filter aggregates are
tested after compaction. The important criteria are dominated by the highly diverse purposes for which
the grading and permeability of the material as it they may be intended. Indeed in some cases, such as
will be in the finished work. Hence, additional sewage treatment, their main role is not truly filtration
samples for testing should be taken after the filter at all, but to support microbial colonies active in a bio-
materials have been placed and compacted to deter- logical process. In other cases, the shape and size of the
mine whether there has been any degradation during filter, its operating conditions (including the chemical
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e n v i r o n m e n t ) , a n d b o t h the c h a r a c t e r a n d q u a n t i t y o f General references

available n a t u r a l m a t e r i a l s c a n e a c h affect design,
m a k i n g a general specification impossible. T h e over- AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION 1971. Water quality
riding needs are for d u r a b i l i t y a n d d i m e n s i o n a l and treatment. 3rd edn. New York, McGraw-Hill.
stability, w h i c h will u s u a l l y h a v e to be assessed f r o m a BRUCE,A. M. 1968. The significance of particle shape in relation
w i d e r a n g e o f physical a n d c h e m i c a l properties. This to percolating filter media. Journal of British Granite and
m a y call for a c o n s i d e r a b l e degree o f j u d g e m e n t a n d Whinstone Federation 8 (2), 1--15.
experience o n the p a r t o f the designer. DEGREMONT COMPANY (eds). 1973. Water Treatment Hand-
book. New York, Taylor-Carlisle.
DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT. 1986. Specification of highway
works' 6th edn. HMSO, London.
References FAIR, G. M. et al. 1968. Water and wastewater engineering.
Vol. 2: Water purification and wastewater treatment and
BRITISH STANDARDSINSTITUTION 1971. Specification for Media disposal. New York, Wiley.
for Biological Percolating Filters: BS 1438 (amended Aug. HOLDEN, W. S. (ed.) 1970. Water treatment and examination.
1972, Dec 1980). Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh.
-- 1983. Specification for air-cooled blast furnace slag coarse HUISMAN, L. & WOOD, W. E. 1974. Slow Sand Filtration.
aggregate for concrete: BS 1047. Geneva, World Health Organisation.
LAMBE, T. W. & WHITMAN, R. V. 1969. Soil Mechanics (see esp. IVES, K. J. 1975. Specifications for granular filter media. Effluent
pp 292-4). Wiley, New York. and Water Treatment Journal, 15 (6), 296, 298-299, 301-
SHERARD, J. L. & DUNNIGAN, L. P. 1985. Filters and leakage 305.
control in embankment dams. Seepage and leakage from TWORT, A. C., HOATHER, R. C. & LAW, F. M. 1974. Water
dams and impoundments. ASCE, New York, NY, 1-29. Supply. 2nd edn. Edward Arnold, London.
- - & -- 1989. Critical filters for impervious soils. ASCE US CORPS OF ENGINEERS1952. Seepage Control, Soil Mechanics"
Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 115, 7, 927-947. Design. Department of Army, Washington DC.
TERZAGHI, K. & PECK, R. B. 1964. Soil Mechanics in Engin- US DEPARTMENTOF THE INTERIOR.Earth Manual 2nd edn. 1974
eering Practice. Wiley, New York. (see esp. pp 305-9).
US DEPARTMENTOF"AGRICULTURE, Soil Conservation Service, US DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY. 1971. Design Manual, NAV-
1986. Soil Mechanics Note No. 1. Guide for determining FAC DM-7. Alexandria, USA.
the gradation of sand and gravel filters. Lincoln, NE, USA.

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