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MAGNETISM AND ELECTROMAGNETISM epeedey EM UTANES Magnetic Force on a moving charge: F=Bqvsine | a rere: 8 = magnetic induction webs, NA-m) 44= charge ofa moving body (get.6 x 10-180) = veoety of charged body (ms) (= angle between velocity and magnetic induction 8 be Force vanes wih respect to sn 6 from 0 to maximum Force (F's zero when charges moves parallel to 8 Force (F) Je maximum F= 0 when charges. move perpendicular to 8, MAGNETIC FORCE This s@ force on a moving charge and ona cuent conductor THEORY: ‘A magnetic fed is set-up around @ conductor when charges eve through it and kis the field wtich exerts 2 force upon a ge mowing thought A magnatio feld existe when a moving charge thru & riences a ce a charge is projected perpendicular tothe fil, traces a iar path assuming that there Is no fiction. The size of the is defined by ts reds R= mv/Bq inere: v= tangential speca = magnetic inucton haige of mowing body m= mass of moving body F quantities describing the charge moving In cicular path follows: = angular velocity (rases) so = Bg/m to 302) = frequency of etation (revses) = Perio of revolution (sec) F=Bllsne E> wines: 8 = magnetic induction webi2) Z 2 |= current in the wie (A) LL length ot wre (mn) = angle fom wre to tux or feld

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